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silver chloride

  1. a chloride used chiefly in the manufacture of photographic emulsions

How To Use silver chloride In A Sentence

  • Indeed, the error in the latter was partly responsible for that in the former: for Stas, because of an unsuspected impurity in his silver had obtained less silver chloride from a specimen of the metal than really should have been produced by it. Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
  • The acetic acid reduces the slight solubility of the silver chloride produced during the titration, providing a sharper end-point.
  • The acetic acid reduces the slight solubility of the silver chloride produced during the titration, providing a sharper end-point.
  • In place of the special fluxes a simple mixture of silver chloride and potassium chloride or manganese chloride and potassium chloride is sufficient.
  • Other photographic emulsions may use other silver halides; for example silver chloride is used for any photography using infrared light.
  • Unlike silver nitrate, silver chloride is not soluble in water, but it seemed more promising.
  • The reference electrode consisted of a second silver-silver chloride electrode placed over an area of abraded skin on the forearm, again connected to the voltmeter.
  • The acetic acid reduces the slight solubility of the silver chloride produced during the titration, providing a sharper end-point.
  • We offer variety of solid state electronic capacitor discharge blasting unit, galvanometers, silver chloride cells, non-electric initiators and electric initiators.
  • Any silver ions present form a white precipitate (silver chloride).
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