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How To Use Silty In A Sentence

  • Archer drank deeply, then stared at the silty remains of his coffee. JADE ISLAND
  • In the loose, silty soil of a salt marsh, the stream may be made to do most of the work of making its new bed, by constructing temporary "jetties," or other obstructions to its accustomed flow, which shall cause its current to deposit silt in its old channel, and to cut a new one out of the opposite bank. Draining for Profit, and Draining for Health
  • The flashgun continued to fire, detonating surreal images of the dark, silty water and its evidence. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Soil that contains a lot of silt is called silty soil. Chapter 6
  • It's true that it all gets very silty when a few divers descend on the Port Napier, and it can be dangerous if penetrated, but there really is no need to enter this impressive minelayer, as it is beautiful viewed from a distance.
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  • The water was freezing, she could barely feel the smooth stones and silty bottom on her numb feet. So Much Pretty
  • Soils are composed of Gilpin silt loam, a moderately deep, well drained soil with a lower subsoil of silty clay loam of the subgroup Typic Hapludult.
  • The Eocene London Clay is a succession of marine silty clays, clayey and sandy silts, and subordinate sands reaching a thickness of over 165 m on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK.
  • Camp Nelson and High Bridge were dry woodlands in silty clay on steep, south-facing, gorge slopes, but Scotts Grove was a mesie woodland on level silt loam.
  • The quantity usually used is 5% and it has proved to be attractive for stabilizing sandy soils, clayey and silty sandy soils, soils rich in limonite (some laterites) in arid regions, and in general soils which lack cohesion. Chapter 11
  • Irrigation of many soils, including the commonly-occurring silty or sandy loams, is relatively straight forward and does not call for extensive knowledge of pedology on the part of the irrigation engineer. Chapter 9
  • I tossed his clothes into the silty water and gave them a quick scrubbing. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • I stayed at the Four Seasons Tented Camp Golden Triangle, an enclave of 15 luxurious guest tents situated in a tall bamboo grove along the silty Ruak River, a Mekong tributary. A Very Big Game
  • Crabro advena nests in soils ranging from coarse sand and loamy fine sand to silty loam and gravelly loam.
  • A river cuts across the tundra, meeting the fjord at a silty delta.
  • For corn, select only those sites where the mixed topsoil-upper subsoil placed over the spoil is of silt-loam or silty-clay loam texture.
  • One intact wreck is of a Firefly aircraft lost in 1956 after a mid-air collision and found recently in silty water.
  • This particular species has very long claws and is commonly found peering out of silty crevices in Scottish waters.
  • The critical starting condition of silty clay has a non-linear relationship with shear strength and water content.
  • Non-cohesive soils include silty, sandy, and gravelly soils in which there is no cohesion except that derived from any minor amount of clay matrix or from water tension between particles.
  • Il is composed of gray, greenish shales interbedded with silty mudstones and siltstones.
  • Tracks leading up into the scrubby, windswept highlands of the Slieve Aughty and down toward silty creek beds and swift rivers flowing south and west toward Lough Derg and the Shannon. Earl of Durkness
  • Near the top of the succession blue-grey silty calcareous mudstones are interbedded with subordinate graded sandstones.
  • A similar effect can be created by perched water tables formed by silty or clayey layers of low permeability within alluvial soils, or cemented layers in weathered, residual soils.
  • The soil is a silty clay loam and located in the Finger Lakes.
  • Its highly erodable Quaternary marine terraces of unconsolidated to semi-consolidated sand, silt, and clay are gently sloping, and worn down along creek beds to sandstone and siltstone overlain by loamy sand and sandy and silty loam. South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Oregon
  • Light sandy and silty soils tend to be deficient, whereas clay soils and loams are usually rich. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • On the higher plateau, the vegetation comprises different steppe types depending on edaphic factors, such as steppe of Stipa tenacissima in the sides of the Atlas and glacis with argilo-sandy soils; steppe of Artemisia "Herba alba" in the glacis and depressions that are silty; steppe of Lygeum spartum which follows sandy accumulations. Mediterranean dry woodlands and steppe
  • The preferred soil is coarse to fine, preferably hard, compact clay or silty clay loam.
  • Considering the strong currents and whirlpools, the north-east side proved surprisingly silty but the south side was completely different.
  • Saltbushes are well-adapted to grow in salty or alkaline sites where the soils are silty or gravelly and thus retain little water. ...
  • Once we kedged our way off a mud bar on the Mystic River, the silty anchor tossed again and again till our boat glided free.
  • Light sandy and silty soils tend to be deficient, whereas clay soils and loams are usually rich. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • In what would be judged to be submarginal trout habitat—warmer, silty streams with late summer flows reduced to a trickle—only the native Bear River cutthroat trout is found, another example of a distinctive biological specialization that characterizes local populations but not the subspecies as a whole. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • The mood lightened, but the word “blackmail” hung in the air, dark and silty. The Bird House
  • The middle member is dominated by gray silty shale grading upwards to bioclastic siltstone interbedded with bioclastic limestone.
  • The second frac resulted in the placement of 68 tonnes of proppant in a silty interval of the formation containing thin interbeds of sandstone at a depth between 1850 and 1900 meters. Undefined
  • These soils are moderately deep to deep, well-drained loam or silt loam surface soils with loam or silty clay loam subsoils, formed primarily in sandstone residuum.
  • The soil is a silty clay loam with 3.1% organic matter.
  • silty soil
  • These soils are moderately deep to deep, well-drained loam or silt loam surface soils with loam or silty clay loam subsoils, formed primarily in sandstone residuum.
  • In the surrounding countryside, at least a dozen cows and sheep lay dead, covered by the silty grey material that began spewing on August 4 from the crater, obscured from view by a shroud of dark clouds.
  • The fine sandy and silty loams are formed from weathered Oligocene and Miocene sandstone (Ogallala and Arikaree Formations, and upper White River Groups). Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • The soil of all stands was a readily erodible silty or sandy loam underlain by a reddish sand and clay.
  • I climbed over massive flat pavements of grey silty sandstone, making the whole cliffside seem like the world's largest amphitheatre.
  • He heard waves pounding in his ears, the soft gurgle beneath the waves, the silty sound of sand being moved within hidden currents.
  • A hatchway between leads back into the forecastle, a tight and very silty space should you feel inclined to explore.
  • The sediments comprise silts, sand, gravel and, often lenticular, silty clay, comparable with similar sediments in the Petrockstowc basin, where the bulk of the deposits are Eocene.
  • One intact wreck is of a Firefly aircraft lost in 1956 after a mid-air collision and found recently in silty water.
  • The freezing and thawing action on clay, silty clay, and silty clay loam soils tilled in the fall or winter to produce stale seedbeds usually have excellent seedbeds for early no-till spring planting.
  • Solemn straight hair, eyes like silty ocean water. The Bird House
  • This can be very important since some fish will inhabit silty area in preference to hard bottoms.
  • “Quite,” Rat said as she put her hands on the silty, stony bottom and let her legs float on the gentle current. So Much Pretty
  • A tumbling weir creates the localized conditions of an upland brook wherever it crosses a silty lowland stream.
  • The soil is a silty clay loam and located in the Finger Lakes.
  • On their lee sides some pans have clay dunes or lunettes composed of sandy, silty, clayey, and salty materials blown out from the pan floor.
  • Hearts thumping, we slipped beneath the surface, anticipating a gnarly passage through silty twists and turns, with the blood roaring in our ears and pulses hammering.
  • Some spots required engineered fill to depths of up to 3 m, but for the most part the site was composed of silty clay and fragmented rock.
  • Dutch river bottoms and lakebeds are silty muck.
  • These four layers are intercalated by thick silty to sandy sequences.
  • MOLASSES: A product of the sugar industry, this improves compressive strength and reduces capillarity, A quatity of 5% is suitable for sandy and silty soils. Chapter 11
  • These soils consist of moderately deep to deep, moderately well - to well-drained silt loam surface soils and loam, silty clay loam, or silty clay subsoils.
  • The north side has some very good silty clay loam, while the southwest corner is very sandy.
  • North of it lies a more permeable medium in the form of sand and gravel overlying silty clay with gravel.
  • Light sandy and silty soils tend to be deficient, whereas clay soils and loams are usually rich. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • Seventeen miles up-valley, a raging creek flows in clear to join the silty Soler, an unnamed peak filling the V between the two streams.
  • Liddell silt loam is classified as a coarse-silty, siliceous, subactive, acid, thermic typic endoaquept.

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