How To Use Siltstone In A Sentence
Often, the powdery azurite encloses a small grain of cuprite, forming a blue halo that disperses into the siltstone.
Permian shale, sandstone, siltstone, limestone, sands, marls, and dolostones were deposited by sea-level fluctuations.
This one billion year old formation contains calcitic or dolomitic red and green argillites, siltstones and sandstones and represents a subtidal to intertidal setting with occasional subaerial exposure.
Archive 2008-09-01
Lithologically, the most abundant carbonate rock type is an argillaceous, coarse-grained crinoidal packstone, but finer grained packstones, grainstones, calcareous siltstones, and shales are also present.
The siltstones are also finely laminated, the laminations often draped over fossil plant material that is preserved in situ in palaeosols below.
Ancient mud deposits harden over geological time to form sedimentary rock such as siltstone or solid, mudrock lutites.
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The canyon fill passes conformably upward into limestone and calcareous siltstone and sandstone of the Wonoka Formation.
The fish is preserved in a siltstone nodule, which has partially formed around the body of the fish.
As the name implies siltstone is composed mostly of silt particles and contains less clay and shale and mudstone.
The higher elevations of the Nicobars often contain serpentine and gabbro formations, whereas at lower elevations Eocene sediments (sandstones, shales, and siltstones) with ultrabasic igneous intrusions predominate.
Nicobar Islands rain forests
Although shale is common, there is a mixture and interbedding of geologic materials, including cherts, siltstone, sandstone, quartzose limestone, and in Alabama some slate, quartzite, and metasiltstone.
Ecoregions of Alabama and Georgia (EPA)
Anyway, the ground was a very light grey, almost purple in places, a weathered clay or mudstone or siltstone of some sort.
One of those WoW things.
We climbed over the craggy outcrops of Cambro-Ordovician age Fort Burnside Formation and Jamestown Formation, crazily tilted beds of phyllite and slate and siltstone and stark white veins of calcite.
"Into a light that lingers."
It is dominated at the exposure by angular quartzite clasts up to 40 cm long with subordinate, subroundcd sandy dolomite, angular micaceous siltstone and limestone clasts.
Polyphase deformation accompanied metamorphism of the original sediments, that were probably dolomite, shales and siltstones.
Brown, grey and yellow siltstone with abundant calcrete nodules and rare small gypsum crystals occurs intercalated with lenticular units of matrix-supported pebbly conglomerate.
The siltstones contain poorly sorted angular fragments of quartz, and angular clasts and cleavage fragments of plagioclase and alkali feldspar.
The matrix varies in composition from black shale to carbonate mudstone and quartzose siltstone.
Ecoregion 84d is lithologically distinct from the reddish shale, sandstone, argillite, and siltstone of the neighboring Triassic Lowlands (64a).
Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
Ghanem et al. referred to the Hammamat Group as molasse-type sediments that consist of polymictic conglomerate, arkose, greywacke, siltstone and minor mudstone.
Its highly erodable Quaternary marine terraces of unconsolidated to semi-consolidated sand, silt, and clay are gently sloping, and worn down along creek beds to sandstone and siltstone overlain by loamy sand and sandy and silty loam.
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Oregon
The conglomerate was deposited in a fluviatile environment and contains clasts of mafic to felsic volcanic rocks, green sericitic slate, siltstone, wacke, granite, jasper, perthitic feldspar, albite and quartz.
This one billion year old formation contains calcitic or dolomitic red and green argillites, siltstones and sandstones and represents a subtidal to intertidal setting with occasional subaerial exposure.
Archive 2008-09-01
The siltstones are composed of angular quartz and rare feldspar, set in a finer matrix that locally contains some calcite.
The Zhaohuajing Formation is composed of dark gray to black, argillaceous, nodular, bioclastic limestone with calcareous sandstone and siltstone in the basal part.
Rock type varies considerably in this region, from the brittle greywacke of the Alps to metamorphosed schist and granite near the Alpine Fault through to a variety of sedimentary rocks (e.g. sandstone, siltstone) along the coast.
Westland temperate forests
After a light breakfast I studied a draft of a paper that we had just submitted on the new fossil crossopterygian fishes of the Aztec Siltstone.
Il is composed of gray, greenish shales interbedded with silty mudstones and siltstones.
Here, rocks of the Cambro-Ordovician Conanicut Group, specifically interstratified beds of the Fort Burnside Formation and the older Jamestown Formation form great flat tables of phyllite and siltstone, metamorphosed to varying degrees.
"Don't let the Earth in me subside..."
This facies consists of distinctly laminated mudstone, with a minor component of siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone.
Thick Permian to Cretaceous continental rise deposits merge southward into a continuous Ordovician to Eocene shelf sedimentary succession of marine carbonate, sandstone, siltstone and shale.
The formations consist of fine - to medium-grained fluvial sandstones, siltstones and overbank mudstones with abundant caliche soil formation, fossil leaves and logs.
They are interbedded with bioturbated muddy and sandy limestones, quartz-skeletal siltstones and sandstones.
We climbed up this ridge (note people on right side of photo) to get a look at the siltstone and shale exposed in the gulley, which is mostly out of view.
Clastic Detritus
The siltstones contain poorly sorted angular fragments of quartz, and angular clasts and cleavage fragments of plagioclase and alkali feldspar.
The metasediments include greywacke, siltstones, sericitic and chlorite schist, and graphite schist.
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Eastwards, the basalt flows become thinner and interfinger with red lacustrine or sabkha siltstones deposited in the deeper parts.
The sedimentary lenses are composed of limestone, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, shale, chert and well-bedded calci-turbidite.
Thick, resistant Pennsylvanian quartzose sandstone caps the ridges and Mississippian limestone, shale, and siltstone are exposed on lower slopes and in valleys.
Ecoregions of Kentucky (EPA)
The Elgee Siltstone consists of massive red siltstone, sandstone and green mudstone.
The middle member is dominated by gray silty shale grading upwards to bioclastic siltstone interbedded with bioclastic limestone.
The clasts range from angular to subrounded and show a weak preferred orientation when elongate; they include micaceous siltstone, fine-grained sandstone, tuffaceous rock, andesite and medium-grained diorite.
To a significant extent the siltstone has been transformed into a plastic material, particularly near shear zones.
Mineralization consists of quartz-albite-calcite veining with disseminated pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite hosted in pervasively silicified, brecciated siltstone and wacke.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
The rounded conglomerate pebbles consist of siltstone, mudstone, wacke, granophyric igneous rocks, and various intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks, set in a matrix rich in quartz and feldspar grains.
The limestone grades laterally into calcareous siltstone of the canyon fill.
The formation attains a maximum thickness of 160 m and contains a variety of lithologies including dolomitic limestones, tuffs, siltstones and shales.
The fossiliferous horizons occur in greenish to greyish siltstones and brown to black fissile shales associated with mollusc shells.
More specifically, this ecoregion is composed of metamorphosed Mesozoic greywacke sandstone, siltstone, and marine volcanics overlain by Miocene intrusives, Pliocene marine and terrestrial fine-grained sediments, and Quaternary lavas and pyroclastics.
Southeastern Papuan rain forests
The plateau is capped by Pennsylvanian sandstone and shale, and lesser amounts of siltstone, conglomerate, and coal.
They are interbedded with bioturbated muddy and sandy limestones, quartz-skeletal siltstones and sandstones.
The red siltstone most likely represents deposition in shallow lacustrine and sabkha environments.
The formation is composed of red siltstones, containing discontinuous calcrete horizons, channelized sandstones and thin beds of current-rippled fine sandstone.
The canyon system cuts down through marine sandstone, siltstone and dolostone.
The fossils are found in siltstone and mudstone under limestone.
The lower (Permian) unit consists of glacio-marine sequences including tillite, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and limestone horizons.
Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
The fossiliferous horizons occur in greenish to greyish siltstones and brown to black fissile shales associated with mollusc shells.
Aaron Slate, phyllite, metasiltstone, metatuff, felsic volcanic rocks, and Virgilina Greenstone underlie Ecoregion 45c in Virginia.
Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
Angular depressions at the base of siltstone laminae represent casts of halite that was dissolved by lower-salinity waters that introduced silt.
The mountainous Mid-Coastal Sedimentary ecoregion lies outside of the coastal fog zone and is typically underlain by massive beds of sandstone and siltstone in contrast to the volcanics of Ecoregion 1d.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
The Allouez Conglomerate is composed mainly of red-colored clastic rocks with lesser amounts of sandstone and siltstone.
Some lenticular siltstone is intercalated with fine sandstone laminae.
The Liassic in Mochras consists predominantly of alternating shaly limestones, marly siltstones, and micaceous mudstones.
The siltstones are intensely rippled, with bedding planes showing original bedforms with straight crests, and symmetrical and trochoidal cross-sectional geometries; features typical of wave generated ripples.
Conglomerate clasts are principally volcanic rocks and greenish gray chert, with subordinate arkose, graywacke, siltstone, red chert, quartzite, white quartz, and limestone.
The upper Gotham Member also comprises thinly interbedded mudstone, siltstone, and fine-grained calcareous sandstone.
The soils of Ecoregion 64a were derived from Triassic sandstone, shale, siltstone, and argillite of the Brunswick, Stockton, Lockatong, Gettysburg, and New Oxford formations; lithology is distinct from the metamorphic rocks of the surrounding portions of the Piedmont.
Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
The Haluut Bulag melange is dominantly sedimentary with lenses of bedded limestone, sandstone, siltstone, and locally vesicular basalt, enclosed in a matrix of pelitic schist.
It is largely underlain by interbedded Pennsylvanian sandstone, shale, and siltstone.
Ecoregions of Arkansas (EPA)
Reddish-brown siltstone and fine-grained sandstone of the Organ Rock Tongue form the lower slopes of the hill and part of the nearly vertical wall above the lower slopes.
The tuffs are associated with subordinate sandstones and siltstones and minor lava.
Although shale is common, there is a mixture and interbedding of geologic materials, including cherts, siltstone, sandstone, quartzose limestone, and in Alabama some slate, quartzite, and metasiltstone.
Ecoregions of Alabama and Georgia (EPA)
The MDRS is a semi-arid desert with "greenish, grey or light gray mudstone, limestone, siltstone and sandstone, partially inter-bedded by white sandstone layers".
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The canyon fill passes conformably upward into limestone and calcareous siltstone and sandstone of the Wonoka Formation.
The sedimentary lenses are composed of limestone, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, shale, chert and well-bedded calci-turbidite.
Here, along the southern border of Virginia, the Blue Ridge overthrust belt forced rocks to the east up and over younger rocks to the west; the area is underlain by the Cambrian Rome Formation that is composed of shale, limestone, siltstone, and dolomite (Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, 1993).
Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
To the south and east this is replaced by Jurassic calcareous and micaceous siltstones and sandstones.
Dong Phayayan Khao-Yai Forest Complex, Thailand
The clasts range from angular to subrounded and show a weak preferred orientation when elongate; they include micaceous siltstone, fine-grained sandstone, tuffaceous rock, andesite and medium-grained diorite.
Other fossil seed, leaf, beetle, ostracod, snail and fish remains come from a carbonaceous siltstone that represents a local waterlogged habitat.