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How To Use Sill In A Sentence

  • It might as well be closed, because in many American hospitals you're simply shooed from the windowsill after you've been nursed back to health (usually in 72 hours or less), and you're expected to "fly" on your own. Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
  • Again, one file change can put a little red nose next to all of your headers, turn the text red and even make them display in a silly typeface.
  • These are all lonely, arguably damaged people, and once you get past the silliness it's all rather crushingly sad. TV highlights 10/08/201: Timothy Spall: Back At Sea | The Sopranos | Who Do You Think You Are? | 24 Hours in A&E | Forbidden Love
  • If Ratzinger wants to stay in Italy and scare school kids by telling them God is watching when they French kiss or masturbate, that is his sexual silliness. Joe Cutbirth: The Pope Can't Get Away With This
  • Perhaps they will dub it the age of unreason, petty bureaucracy and utter silliness. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The constant barrage of earnestly delivered silliness should win over even the hardest hearts.
  • Du fwhat we cud, we cud not make some av th 'silly fules kape back clear av th' danger-zone -- wimmin an 'all, bedad! The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
  • Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam? Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
  • That queasy feeling of disillusionment is a universal one says Schmidt; one that makes this particular play accessible for audiences on a very personal level.
  • Silliness in stories is more or less excusable, since they are not even supposed to be believed. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • She plays Silly, a Nova Scotian seasprite of girl who is the subject of a marine tragedy of, er, Titanic proportions.
  • They're so silly, and they tattle.
  • knocked silly by the impact
  • he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind
  • Perhaps if he hadn't looked so unwontedly silly, then he would have been able to keep it down, but instead he snorted.
  • Passion abounds in this romance set on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where the rough-hewn Seth Quinn wins over Drusilla, the town's icy beauty.
  • They went into hiding in Katlijk, but where betrayed and fusilladed by the German oppressor.
  • Almost 1,200,000 tonsillectomies and/or adenoidectomies are performed each year in India.
  • And in this self-regarding, claustrophobic atmosphere, he became disillusioned.
  • We were all bored silly by the play.
  • She was not going to be fooled by their silly voices and accents.
  • Now you could dismiss this as "silly season" rumor-mongering, because Dougherty ran as a Democrat and Brewer is a Republican. Francine Hardaway: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Too Sick to Complete a Second Term?
  • It is a silly idea and he has botched it.
  • This done with expedition, like men skilful in such mischief, as they took their cockboat to go aboard their own ship, it was overwhelmed in the sea, and certain of these men there drowned; the rest were preserved even by those silly souls whom they had before spoiled, who saved and delivered them aboard the _Swallow_. Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
  • Therefore, although it is the summation of light from several millimeters of tissue, the transilluminated signal gives the appearance of originating from a fairly restricted depth.
  • While I marvel at this book's heaviness and complexity, I too am a product of the disillusion climate, and I can't pipe down when I feel I'm being oppressed.
  • One of the silly arguments of those deafening poorly designed electronic voting machines is that there's never been any evidence that they miscount votes.
  • The BMW M6 has deeper front valance with air intakes for the engine and brakes, more contoured sills and rear valance that includes a diffuser to increase aerodynamic efficiency.
  • For the British, however, it has all turned to dust, surrendered by the pusillanimous politicians.
  • Hollywood, which once made her look hip and powerful, now makes her look craven and silly - and like a dumbo for not getting that it's so over with.
  • I don't deserve this and I am too mature to play silly emotional games.
  • No, I am not saying that these three popular role models, who were exploited by Home Trade to make suckers out of the common man, must be punished for their silly mistake.
  • But this light relief could not obliterate the all-pervading sense of crisis, disillusion and frustration in the country.
  • Rather than being victim to this silly debate, we should move forward and embrace this interesting and fun addition to sex.
  • The Los Zorros property covers the entire breadth of a regional anticlinorium in an area that is the locus of younger intrusive activity which intruded up through the fold-deformed lower Cretaceous section of volcaniclastic, siliclastic, and limestone formations and intrusive diorite sills. News Articles
  • I don't believe in all these silly diets.
  • Bacterial tonsillitis can be treated with antibiotics, but viral tonsillitis cannot.
  • The mist is sill rising in the lanes of a quiet farm as a convoy of cars and trailers appears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like me, he was a disillusioned cynic, enjoyer of beer and a great admirer of a pretty face.
  • I realize that this line of thought is, perhaps, too confusing and too disillusioning. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: American Am-ness
  • Tulliver most justly sets down as a "nincompoop" -- is almost sillier than Famous Reviews
  • An infuriatingly gooey-wooey silly-billy lovey-wovey couple. Times, Sunday Times
  • This war and occupation was founded on Bush's lies and these lies have infected everythingabout thisillegal warand occupation~ from the quasi Iraqi American-controlled government to the purposely misleading body and wounded count and why, you ask? BRING THEM HOME NOW / NOT LATER IN BODY TUBES
  • As Valentine's Day approaches each year he stoutly proclaims his disdain for this "faux holiday, this commercial invention by some ad man or company created for the sake of making a few bucks, selling silly, heart-shaped cards, bouquets and chocolates. Jamie Schler: Valentine's Day Flourless Chocolate Truffle Torte
  • Place the plants on a sunny windowsill.
  • My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this.
  • During the middle to late Tertiary Period, dikes, sills, and small irregular bodies of mafic to silicic igneous material were intruded into the bedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
  • Stop messing around, you silly twit!
  • I was happily floating around to different groups all night, talking, chit-chatting, catching up with some old faces and taking silly pictures.
  • And yet parents press children to be truthful, admonishing against wild stories and silly lies.
  • It is the most degenerous and pusillanimous temper of mind that can be. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • I'll soon put an end to her silly little games.
  • In older homes, paint regularly contains large amounts of lead that can peel off the walls in flakes and chips or fall on floors and windowsills as a toxic dust, especially in poorly maintained housing stock.
  • Their disillusionment is often due in no small part to the deception and coercion employed by local commanders and combatants.
  • Removed from the artificial atmosphere of the fashion show, high-fashion clothes often look cheap and silly.
  • The lengths ran randomly from the sill to the second floor girt or full length to the roof girt.
  • Chip Caray infuriated a lot of baseball fans this October on TBS, sparking jokes as he described seemingly every hit as "fisted," and completely botching a call in the 10th inning of the AL Central one-game playoff, when he screamed, "Line drive, base hit!" on a screamer by Nick Punto that Tigers left fielder Ryan Raburn caught before throwing home to nail Alexi Casilla at the plate and keep the game going. NY Daily News
  • Kabir is that rare thing: a skeptical, disillusioned poet who nevertheless speaks in a voice of rapture and entrancement. When Mysticism Came Down to Earth
  • She lavishes attention on those silly little dogs.
  • I know that disillusionment is part of the business, but I try not to stay disillusioned for long. Kristine Kathryn Rusch » Freelancer’s Survival Guide: Role Models
  • The silly pretext of difficulties by which my erasure, notwithstanding the reiterated solicitations of the victorious General, was so long delayed made me apprehensive of a renewal, under a weak and jealous pentarchy, of the horrible scenes of 1796. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • She took a deep breath and mentally berated herself for being so silly and childish.
  • Italian turned out to be silly, while the Welshman recalled the gloomier imaginings of the BRONTËS, and in the event came by an appropriately violent end. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, April 5, 1916
  • He was instead maundering about his room, thinking about silly things and wishing he knew what was going on.
  • Get Smart does have a sequel in 2011 so Get Smart can easilly surpass Paul Blart: Mall Cop. cartman on Mar 30, 2009 Worth Watching - June 9: Final Get Smart Trailer! «
  • I found no joy in cleaning up some little tyrant's mess and I didn't have enough emotion in me to cry over a silly dog-eared card.
  • Tak the drunkard frae his whusky, the deboshed frae his debosh, the sweirer frae his aiths, the leear frae his lees; and giena ony o 'them ower muckle o' yer siller at ance, for fear 'at they grow fat an' kick an 'defy God and you. Robert Falconer
  • Ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer. 
  • Once again we appeal to these unsavoury people to please stop this silly nonsense.
  • But want o’ siller it canna be — he pays ower the shillings as if they were sclate stanes, and that’s no the way that folk part with their siller when there’s but little on’t — I ken weel eneugh how a customer looks that’s near the grund of the purse. — Saint Ronan's Well
  • Yes, it is all a bit familiar - but, sadly, nowhere near as delightfully absurd and unrepentantly silly as the Ghostbusters movies.
  • But be wary of the calorie load of the fusilli. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ones who appear every so often with their green wellies and silly hats and think they're real country folk. TICKLED PINK
  • (Soundbite of laughter) Ms. POUNDSTONE: I don't know, you know, I have a silly peccadillo which is that I call body parts by their names. Panel Round Two
  • There was a dining chair placed in front of the sill, as if the sill was a desk. The Hard War
  • They called it silly to do so.
  • Prayer and worship and singing hymns - all silly and useless.
  • Quite common are northern bur-reed Sparganium hyperboreum, small pondweed Potamogeton pusillus ssp. groenlandicus, dwarf water-crowfoot Ranunculus confervoides and occasionally awlwort Subularia aquatica, which only blooms if the pond is totally desiccated (where the mudworm Limosella aquatica also thrives). Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • Silly and partial encroacher! not to know to what to attribute the reserve I am forced to treat him with! Clarissa Harlowe
  • Apparently, 1/3 of American men have not had a checkup in the past year, you sillies.
  • Prod the windowsills to check for signs of rot.
  • Derek Underwood bowls the last ball of the day to Bernard Julien who plays defensively to Tony Greig at silly point.
  • I loathe AND detest the game - and that's all it is, kids, just a silly game.
  • I hate that job, and luckily the manager doesn't know how I disillusion customers so much, otherwise he'd definitely fire me.
  • So, unbalancing her in one direction are forces of self-disgust and disillusion.
  • The blogger known as disillusioned and bored expresses my sentiments succinctly enough. B I A G W M T R
  • Sport is not about silly votes and the opinions of silly people. Times, Sunday Times
  • I thought that I had removed it when I became disillusioned by the whole process.
  • For the intellectuals and the urban lower middle class, the new situation was a rude awakening of disillusionment and broken promises.
  • Dhaif-Allah went on splashing out his water, sure that after we had finished with our silliness someone would yet need and buy his greenstuff. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  • Features of the Fulton include reconstructed Portland stone features and detailing such as window surrounds, lintels and sills and sliding slash windows.
  • Review: Light-hearted (skillfully borderline silly) and inventive story with strong characters and good back story about Kaz's bleb paranoia since the death of his parents at the "hands" of a bleb (a set of steak knives attached to a coat rack). REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #21 edited by Gardner Dozois
  • Isabelle arrives accompanied by her silly and pretentious mother and Romainville, a middle-aged roué and friend.
  • After six months at the front, Dan was assigned to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, as an instructor.
  • I've been trying to find a clear plastic mac without a silly price tag. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authorities must do what is necessary now to avoid the imminent chaos that is the likely derivative of a disillusioned faction of our society - disillusion aided by consistent disregard.
  • As most folks know by now, this same issue underlies the great, unresolvable, and basically silly debate about whether the new millennium starts at the beginning of 2000 or of 2001.
  • The urge to throw on something pretty and sparkly and silly? Times, Sunday Times
  • We were in Blackpool for a silly day trip, a tacky, idiotic day out to the seaside to frisk on the sands in mid-July.
  • The gasbags were going on and on about how silly it was for him to get angry about a purported message in their new puppet movie in which they tell young people not to vote.
  • Even the most silly distorted fact, tongue-in-cheek headline or top-spinned newspaper tales concerning Hibs put this awkward customer on the warpath.
  • One government aide said: 'She is feeling very silly today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't dignify his silly scratchings by calling it scholarship.
  • Of course, being the first story arc after the One More Day silliness, this arc is going to have to live up to some stringent standards, like whether this story's quality was contingent upon it being a single Spider-Man (which is questionable, as the best aspects of this comic were the old-fashioned superhero stuff and the return of the supporting cast - neither of which hinged on Peter being married) and forcing the new potential love interest to be compared instantly to Mary Jane, which is a tough comparison for a new character, although Carlie Cooper hold up pretty well, I think (she even has an alliterative name!) as the nerdy, yet attractive, police scientist roommate/best friend of Harry Osborn's new girlfriend. The Amazing Spider-Man #546-548 Review | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • We have to adapt to their right-handed implements and look silly trying to use them.
  • So I caught one of the hands that were lying limply on the coverlet, bent forward and said softly, reprovingly: "You silly young muggins, why did you go and do a daft thing like that? Fear is the Key
  • I was warned before I left not to do anything silly, like becoming an illegal immigrant, a runaway.
  • This silly thing that we are macho and we play football is very old hat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drusilla suddenly came to an abrupt stop and Miri bumped into her.
  • Haha, you silly twit, he won with 55 percent of the vote against Stefan's hero Toby Nixon, in a district that Nixon had carried twice before, a district that once elected Kathy Lambert and the never-to-be-forgotten Bill (Spanky) Backlund. Sound Politics: Urban Legends And Eric Oemig
  • Our rivalry in the old days was the silliness of youth. The Sun
  • Each tonsil has an irregular number of ingrowths of the surface epithelium known as tonsillar crypts.
  • How silly of me to expect them to help!
  • Dirty clothes lay strewn everywhere, half-full coffee cups grew mold, and the plant on the windowsill had died and wilted. AFTERMATH
  • How could the silly chit have so mistaken his intent?
  • This is a schooling system for consumer cool, soft business, free ownership and disillusioned voters.
  • Enid: I would just give them a big hug and tell them not to be silly.
  • There were three beds, one window with a little houseplant perched on the windowsill, and a set of slightly tacky drapes.
  • Usual problem: giraffe legs stiff and heavy, car door sill too high. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her stunt may be incredibly silly, but it clearly works. The Sun
  • Sport imbues the ephemeral and the silly and the transitory with great gravity, and it's a kind of consolation in a world that buckles beneath meaning and import and significance.
  • Oh, I'm so lame, but that's the truth, silly or not.
  • The silly bitch went and told the police.
  • Who wants to listen to ‘Stairway to Heaven’ for that silly hippies-in-Stonehenge twaddle about bustling hedgerows?
  • The art work is primitive but the silly little joke is what comics used to be about.
  • Enid: I would just give them a big hug and tell them not to be silly.
  • The front was covered with decorations, including mock-ups of a throne and floral crown, window-sill models of Coronation regalia and the Royal coach, coloured lights and Royal portraits.
  • The trichoid sensilla are arranged on the inner side (windward side) surface of the antennal stem and branch in each flagella segment.
  • Although windowsills are good places to germinate seeds, they do have some drawbacks.
  • Shame fa' him, say I,'at made his siller as a flesher i' the wast wyn' o' Howglen, to ettle at a gentleman o' a thoosan' year for ane o' his queans! Warlock o' Glenwarlock
  • Happiness is perched on your windowsill, invite it in.
  • Cut magnetic seal to length and insert into the slot in the drainage sill.
  • Even a staunch admirer of Turner, the redoubtable art critic Brian Sewell wrote at the time the Tate was mounting its campaign to save The Blue Rigi painting from being sold abroad: This is just bloody silly. A legacy Turner would have approved of | Charles Saatchi
  • Cricket, with its googlies, boseys, chinamen, silly legs, byes, sundries - the whole argot - was incomprehensible without deep explanation.
  • WSJ music critic Jim Fusilli introduces you to the 'Gee-Bees', the generationally biased among us who rarely attribute their affection for the music of their youth to fond memories. Music Sales, Show Tickets Rose in 2011
  • The science is in the elodea a water plant bubbling away on the windowsill when the sun hits it, the Newton's cradle clinking for the 27th time by a curious student. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The dance was silly, unplanned, and cut short when both simultaneously slipped on patches of wet grass.
  • We must linger for a moment more, for just at the top of the bank I see the little bird's foot (Ornithopus perpussillus).
  • He went back to the murder scene and found a piece of flattened lead near the front edge of the doormat under the doorsill.
  • Be silly. Be honest. Be kind. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • Indeed, it was aberrant of him to accept the job and downright silly of the government to appoint him.
  • For here is the genius of the Welsh fabulists in 21 compact episodes; where intense silliness, moral rigour, cavalier experiments and unforgettable tunes meet and make magic.
  • At the onset of tonsillitis the conditions are usually sthenic and indications prominent for veratrum.
  • My hope is that we will realize that there was a context to our friend's fall and humbly wonder what might happen to us if we ever found ourselves in a sustained slough of disillusionment, despair and spiritual darkness.
  • Place on a warm, light windowsill through the day and bring inside the curtains after dark. The Sun
  • Repetitively hollerin '' ganja 'at the crowd and asking them to respond in kind just seemed silly and by the volume of the response, one would think the crowd thought the same - wrong call Mr B. Virtual Festivals
  • Anyway, juries believe anything," said Swanson with the disillusion of a cop who had lost out too many times to the jury system. MURDER SONG
  • Mailer fetishizes bravery, which has sometimes made him seem silly.
  • For all that, very few of those same neutrals would now bet against either country in this silliest of seasons.
  • Their traditional accompaniment is salsa borracha - “drunken sauce” - made with pasilla chiles and pulque. Wrap It Up: A Guide To Mexican Street Tacos - Part I
  • A science-guy, described by colleagues as ‘a silly boob,’ confused the tub containing the live rats with the one containing the dead rats.
  • I asked quite silly and half asleep what he was doing home again when he sort of mouped that it was all closed and no one was there.
  • He was sometimes rather excitable and sometimes very silly. Times, Sunday Times
  • She'll get it dirty, get it trodden on, silly, dilly girl.
  • We have a very silly situation whereby Queenstown and Taupo are able to open for business and we are not.
  • I cannot understand how I let silly things bother me before, like a flabby stomach.
  • He said that after a series of visits to different parts of the province he was particularly struck by the extent of demotivation and disillusionment among members.
  • These letters of the romantic tone-poet to a friend and fellow - artist will probably take the reader by surprise, nay, may even disillusionise him. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • Those of us subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (don't get me started on this silliness) in the middle-class and in the upper-income class will not have to worry about it for now.
  • Ranking schools numerically is silly (is MIT four ranking spots better than CalTech, or five?) but placing schools in quality tiers would do a large amount of good without too much of the ankle-biting and ratings-grubbing that comes with the numerical ranking system. Matthew Yglesias » Demand-Side Solutions
  • From most silly novels we can at least extract a laugh; but those of the modern-antique school have a ponderous, a leaden kind of fatuity, under which we groan. The Essays of "George Eliot" Complete
  • I'm almost an Alpha Male in that respect - not wanting to show my neediness or vulnerability - but I'm learning it's completely silly to be that way.
  • Carvel, "within their limits, are works of art;" The Inside of the Cup "is no more than a compendium of paralogy, as silly and smattering as a speech by William Jennings Bryan or a shocker by Jane Addams. A Book of Prefaces
  • The great majority of cases begin as a tonsillitis or pharyngitis with occasional cases associated with mastoiditis, otitis media, parotitis, sinusitis and dental infections.
  • He first examined the window sill, then ducked down and leaned out.
  • April 9th, 2010 at 7: 13 pm muzz (brought to you by Screaming Yellow Zonkers) says: the wasilla barbie is great making points when her audience is spoon-fed to her. Think Progress » Palin blames ‘Gore-gate’ for ‘this snake oil science stuff.’
  • Silla took Sabi from the Chinese (671), and with it control over Paekche. 3. Korea, 540-918
  • We push below this mudsill the derelicts and halfmen, whom we hate and despise, and seek to build above it—Democracy! DARKWATER
  • The most common variety of Portland cement is a mixture of calcimined calcareous and argillaceous materials, forming a complex composition consisting of tri-calcium illuminate, tetra-calcium alumna ferrite, decaliun sillicate and tetra calcium ortho-silicate.
  • But again due to silly mistakes and the poorest scrummaging I've ever seen from Wales, France got the better of them.
  • Call me silly, but I just don't care whether or not a candidate lugs a spouse along while he or she is stumping for votes.
  • Their disillusionment is most likely to come soon. SeeLight:
  • During his extensive wanderings, he practiced great austerities, but apparently became disillusioned with these methods.
  • Then he batted it to and fro, chasing it up one aisle and down another and slapping it silly.
  • The Real Madrid keeper only let two goals by him in seven games, and no save was bigger than Casillas 'save on Robben's breakaway. Oliver Haydock: Team of the Tournament and Top Five Goals at the World Cup
  • However, the drop in points has not disillusioned the members of the committee.
  • The cops, used to this sort of behavior perhaps, stepped over the doorsill anyway, forcing Cara to step back or get knocked over. Choker
  • The theme of"disillusion"in the urban fiction is composed of three levels:li fe, living and being, and includes two narrative structures"linear dev elopm ent" and"transverse apposition".
  • When she turned back Dagmar was gone, a grey pigeon sat on the window sill, high above.
  • I loathe AND detest the game - and that's all it is, kids, just a silly game.
  • That way they might find silly forms of superstition and mysticism less enticing. Times, Sunday Times
  • You belong where the witty apothegms of Lords, the silly moralities of matrons, the blinding high of opium, and the beauty of visual arts mingle to form one convoluted world.
  • They served us coffee in these silly little cups.
  • You are just another silly cow with an opinion on everything
  • I'm a total sucker for inspired silliness and non-stop, groan-worthy double entendres and barmily burgeoning plots.
  • This made him look silly, because the whole shtick belongs to a different generation.
  • Wow, I haven't heard the word "pusillanimous" since the last time I watched "The Wizard of Oz"! Took a ride on the reading
  • Because they cannot ride a horse, which every clown can do, salute and court a gentlewoman, carve at table, cringe and make congees, which every common swasher can do … they are laughed to scorn and accounted silly fools by our gallants. Inside Higher Ed
  • A parent might even reply that the child is being silly, stupid, or overreacting for what they are thinking and feeling.
  • I am thoroughly disillusioned by the insipidity that is creeping into all aspects of daily life.
  • The silly prank could have all gone horribly wrong. The Sun
  • Conclusion: Tonsillectomy with electrotome is effective, safe, with minimal invasion, few bleeding, rapid recovery and little adverse effect. It is valuable in clinic application.
  • I thought it was a damn silly place to park if some one wanted to take a leak in the bushes.
  • The trichoid sensilla are arranged on the inner side (windward side) surface of the antennal stem and branch in each flagella segment.
  • It may seem silly, but absent an instruction sheet, how was he to know?
  • The crew took extra care and caution around the window dividers and sills - the European hand-blown glass costs thousands of dollars to replicate and replace.
  • It's juvenile and plain silly, and I don't like it contextually as a roleplayer.
  • But it does balance that worry that it's all a bit silly and childish. Times, Sunday Times
  • A silly thing to say given that the champions have plundered 88 goals in 37 league matches this term? Times, Sunday Times
  • While I may be sensible enough to spend my free time sitting in poncy cinema cafés drinking coffee, a very silly friend of mine is running the London Marathon this weekend.

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