How To Use Silkworm In A Sentence

  • Cultivated silkworms grown in a controlled environment produce the finest silk fibers.
  • I didn't know there was more than one kind of silkworm!" exclaimed The Story of Silk
  • The silkworm, the lac insect, and the bee need no apologist; a gallnut produced by the puncture of a cynips on a Syrian oak is a necessary ingredient in the ink I am writing with, and from my windows I recognize the grain of the kermes and the cochineal in the gay habiliments of the holiday groups beneath them. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 02 (historical)
  • (silkworm) and regulation of fibroin L chain production by microRNAs in heterologous system. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They weave also very handsome and rich silk pieces, of a particular form, for that part of the body­dress which the Malays call kain-sarong; but this manufacture had much decreased at the period when my inquiries were made, owing, as the people said, to an unavoidable failure in the breed of silkworms, but more probably to the decay of industry amongst themselves, proceeding from their continual civil disturbances. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
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  • The feat silkworm room environment condition, can strengthen the silkworm son corporeity , repress the pathogeny breeding indoor, lower the outbreak rate, and raise the yield of the cocoon.
  • A silkworm spins a cocoon that can yield 800 metres of pure silk.
  • Standing in the camphorous light of the station, the glowing things of civilization all around her, a single silkworm rappels delicately from the ticket kiosk. COCOONED • by J.A. Matthews
  • The pinna is a variety of shell-fish not unlike the mussel; it fastens itself to the rocks and from between its shells gives out threads something like those of the spider or silkworm. The Story of Silk
  • As the red-faced Silkworm hurler raged at himself and the fates, the Typhoons broke through in the fourth inning, grouping two walks, a bunt single, a long fly ball to score a run, and a ringing double by Andy Sutherland that hit the BVD sign in right field on a bounce to score two more. DIAMOND RUBY
  • Silkworm die silk, wax torch party ash into tears beginning to dry.
  • I would say that I have tried almost every kind of odd Korean food: silkworm larvae (bun dae gi), stuffed intesines (soondae), these powdery block candy-like things made of pine needles or something that taste like dirt (I have no idea what they are called but my mom made me try one in a Korean department store once). Michelle Won: A Living Lesson in Korean Culinary History
  • King James offered financial rewards to persuade people to plant mulberries to feed his imported silkworms.
  • The property that silkworm raiser collaboration organizes must attend completely of one's own accord by silkworm raiser, the farmer autonomy that builds according to certain way is organized.
  • Enthused by Mysorean strands, Bangalore's Smitha Cariappa visually interpreted the local silk industry, transformed into hut-like spaces embellished by rangoli, hanks of silk, and symbolic silkworm evolution.
  • Silk is a continuous protein filament spun by the silkworm to form its cocoon.
  • Further, extending our study, we also tested the conservation of a selected number of loci in different lepidopteran insects, including B. mandarina, the nearest wild relative to silkworm, a group of saturniids, and a noctuid.
  • The eagle-shaped USA Pavilion and Russia's gilden sun-shaped structure anchor one end of the sprawling Expo grounds, Japan's lavender silkworm dome the other. - News
  • Although this order represents an extremely diverse and economically important group of insects, mapping studies have been conducted only in the silkworm, Bombyx mori.
  • silkworm" yielded no results; a broader search for "ancient China" returned 12 sites. HS Blog - Homeschool Blog
  • BLITZER: Well when he says -- the information minister, John -- that it was flying at a relatively low level, 20 to 25 meters, that would seem to suggest the kind of silkworm missile that shipped to shore, if you will, that General Shepperd was talking about earlier flying below radar. CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2003
  • Silkworm cocoons can be dried immediately (to prevent negative bioconversion) and fed directly or ensiled by the same method used for fish wastes. Chapter 24
  • In Thailand, open-air markets sell silkworms, grasshoppers, and water bugs by the pound.
  • For Bookings: www. For More Video: book. The silkworm is the larva or caterpillar of Bombyx mori (Latin: "silkworm of the mulberry tree"), the domesticated silkmoth. - Articles related to French holiday firm debuts 'Eco-Nature' resorts
  • There should be more bands who sound like Silkworm and less who sound like they think they have something original to contribute to the field of Rocking Dionysiac Abandon. Why I love John Darnielle; Reason #43
  • It was very worrying and expensive, said the former silkworm farmer, who is now without land or work and living with his large family on a government allowance of 100 yuan £100 per person per month. China water resettlement: 'Honest folk have lost out'
  • And on this basis, carried out the Ecological Risk Assessment. of chlorpyrifos on silkworm.
  • The root of the name is _bombyx_, the Latin for silkworm. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • Silkworm culture is practised in order to get silk.
  • At the beginning, the silkworm spins the outer covering, the floss of the cocoon.
  • The chrysalis is what the silkworm becomes when it finishes spinning its cocoon.
  • As is well known, the silkworm, Bombyx mori, is reared for the production of silk and its diet consists solely of mulberry leaves.
  • A silkworm spins a cocoon that can yield 800 metres of pure silk.
  • Silkworm silk, bee honey. People do not, not as objects.
  • Silkworm die silk, wax torch party ash into tears beginning to dry.
  • On the trees were to be seen -- _Attacus cynthia_ (the Ailantus silkworm), the rearing of which was, as usual, most successful; _Samia cecropia_ and _Samia gloveri_, from America; also hybrids of _Gloveri cecropia_ and _Cecropia gloveri_; _Samia promethea_ and _Telea polyphemus_; Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
  • The stubbles straggle wanly sunwards, and the falling leaves rustle to the earth, with a sound as of errant silkworms. Hunger
  • The od gene on the Z chromosome of the classical map of the silkworm is located on group 3.
  • Confusingly, the original source of the word was the Greek bombux, ‘silkworm ‘, from which we also get bombazine.’
  • The silkworm is a lepidopteran insect with a long history of significant agricultural value.
  • Useful insects include silkworms and ladybirds that predate upon aphids.
  • Silkworm die silk, wax torch party ash into tears beginning to dry.
  • Tussah silk, often called shantung, is made from the cocoons of wild tussah silkworms that eat oak and juniper leaves.
  • The domesticated silkworm is one of a few lepidopteran species that have been used for genetic analysis.
  • The silk, according to Pliny, was the produce of a large kind of silkworm not found elsewhere. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • The chrysalis is what the silkworm becomes when it finishes spinning its cocoon. Boing Boing: December 19, 2004 - December 25, 2004 Archives
  • They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.
  • Standing in the camphorous light of the station, the glowing things of civilization all around her, a single silkworm rappels delicately from the ticket kiosk. COCOONED • by J.A. Matthews
  • I was driving to the kids school Friday in a really good mood and i rounded this corner and i saw the sun shimmering down on the grass and i just thought "wow the world just glows, it is luminescent" and then i realized the sun was reflecting off of these silkworm threads that literally covered the grass, and a bagworm had completely surrounded this ginormous oak. Archive 2007-03-01
  • It is obtained from semi-domesticated multivoltine silkworm, Antheraea assamensis. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Silkworm silk, bee honey. People do not, not as objects.
  • This article outline research progress of male silkworm moth.
  • On the menu were silkworm pupae, weevil ants and mealworms. Times, Sunday Times
  • This second gene is only found in holometabolous insects, Drosophila, and silkworms but not in the more primitive hemimetabolous insects, like grasshoppers or springtails.
  • The domesticated silkworm is one of a few lepidopteran species that have been used for genetic analysis.
  • But where Swedenborg uses a vaguely deterministic vocabulary to speak of creaturely activity (stating that bees and silkworms are "impelled" to behave in certain ways), Blake's Oothoon chooses to speak of such activity in terms of multiplicitous "joys" and "loves" (3: 6, 8, 11-12), terms carrying connotations of freedom rather than coercion or enslavement. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • A major mystery of natural silk manufacture is how spiders and silkworms convert watery solutions into threads without gumming themselves up.
  • The silkworm is a lepidopteran insect with a long history of significant agricultural value.
  • A silkworm spins a cocoon that can yield 800 metres of pure silk.
  • One Ming scholar pointed out that the Dian people knew farming but not the cultivation of mulberry trees (zhi nong er buzhi sang) .176 Even in those areas where climate accommodated silkworms, the advocacy of magistrates to this end was often unsuccessful. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • He went on to scoff crickets, silkworm pupae and tarantulas alongside his usual food. The Sun
  • 1920-1964 Os vespine wasp 1843 - bombycine silkworm 1884 OW W culicine mosquito VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • The only chrysalises we eat in Korea are from silkworms.
  • Wild silk or tussah comes from a wild species of moth, usually the tussah silkworm. HOME COMFORTS
  • Silk, too, is manufactured from vegetable matter, independent of the silkworm, which is now seen only in museums. Archive 2010-04-01
  • The boiled chrysalis of a species of silkworm is exposed for sale as a great delicacy, and so are certain kinds of hairless, fleshy caterpillars. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • Silkworm die silk, wax torch party ash into tears beginning to dry.
  • 1920-1964 Os vespine wasp 1843 - bombycine silkworm 1884 OW W culicine mosquito VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • He can talk of sausages and silkworms, and forestry and agriculture and sheep-grazing, and how they catch porcupines and cure warts and manufacture manna; he knows about the evil eye and witches and the fata morgana and the tarantula spider, about figs in ancient and modern times and the fig-pecker bird -- that bird you eat bones and all, the focetola or beccafico (garden warbler). Alone
  • Since mankind discovered the wonder of the silkworm's floss, it has been used for the costliest of garments.
  • The silk produced by the bivoltine races of silkworms possesses superior neatness and cleanliness, is without lousiness and has high tensile strength and stands to the international A grade.
  • Silkworm culture is practised in order to get silk.

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