
silk cotton

  1. a plant fiber from the kapok tree; used for stuffing and insulation

How To Use silk cotton In A Sentence

  • There is also a deep fascination with texture from the fine silk cotton yarn, to the merino and the matted felt coats she constructs.
  • Historically, the silk cotton is the paramount jumbie tree, although it has come to be rivaled by the tamarind.
  • East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok.
  • They fashioned their dugout canoes from the trunks of cedar and silk cotton trees, hollowing out the trunks first by charring, then by chipping with their stone axes and chisels.
  • Don't use a washer rinse silk, a handful of silk cotton blend fabric exceptions.
  • The plant yields a silk cotton from the seeds and a rich white bass fibre from the bark, both likely to be of commercial value.
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