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silicon chip

  1. electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit

How To Use silicon chip In A Sentence

  • The problem is that the actual electronic components imprinted on silicon chips cannot get much smaller. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything is becoming smaller, but there is only so much that can be squeezed on to a silicon chip. Times, Sunday Times
  • The silicon chip is a classic example of the benefits of miniaturization.
  • A triac is an AC conduction device and may be thought of as two antiparallel thyristors monolithically integrated onto the same silicon chip.
  • Better still, just implant a silicon chip under the skin - it works for dogs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The silicon chip is less than a millimeter thick.
  • We all know that this is due to the microminiaturisation of silicon chips and other hardware.
  • Scotland is always a selling point, whether it's crystal ware or silicon chips.
  • The U.S. government has seldom been perfect, but it has been very helpful to its citizens, providing everything from farm-to-market roads, to interstate highways, to silicon chips yes, Fairchild conductor built them, but for the *government* first, to the internet. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Update on My Light Rail Bet: The Energy Issue
  • The planar waveguide process involves placing glass fibres on silicon chips in order to provide pathways capable of routing a light signal between fiber optic strands.
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