How To Use Siliceous In A Sentence

  • The summit of Crystal Head is of flat tabular form; and the sides, which are both steep and rugged, are covered with stunted trees and high grass, now quite dry: the geology of this part is principally of siliceous sandstone; and on the beach we found large detached water-worn masses of the same rock, incrusted with quartz and epidote in a crystallized state. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • These siliceous sand-rocks are either held together by a siliceous cement, or have a greater or less portion of clay in them, which in some acts as a cement to the siliceous crystals, but in others is in such great abundance that in burning them they become an imperfect porcelain and are then used to repair the roads, as at Chesterfield in Derbyshire; these are called argillaceous grit by Mr. Kirwan. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • This siliceous substance, viewed in one direction, or longitudinally, may be considered as columnar, prismatical, or continued in lines running nearly parallel. Theory of the Earth~ Part 2 (historical)
  • Slices incorporate oceanic pelagic and hemipelagic lithologies such as chert, siliceous, calcareous and tuffaceous mudstone, limestone, and siliceous and calcareous shale.
  • Many beds of siliceous gravel are cemented together by a siliceous cement, and are called breccia; as the plumb-pudding stones of The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
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  • Heath forest is found on well-drained acidic soils (pH lass than 4) with a low clay content, derived from siliceous rocks under ever-wet conditions. Sundaland heath forests
  • The Lower Carboniferous and lowermost Upper Carboniferous stratigraphic sequence is composed of the Culm siliceous shales, the Culm siliceous limestones, the Culm limestones and the upper black shales.
  • Oscar Schmidt has already pointed this out in the siliceous sponges and keratose sponges; and I, in my monograph, in three volumes, on the Calcareous Freie wissenschaft und freie lehr. English
  • The carnelian is a siliceous stone and a species of chalcedony. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • A short drift and crosscut were driven off the back of the cavity in search of ore, but only low-grade mineralization consisting of chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite in a siliceous gangue was encountered.
  • The amount of siliceous materials present at the aggregate surface changes its polarity and acidity as well as the basic characteristics of the surfaces.
  • According to Aghabawa, the rhyolites were extruded as siliceous lava, which solidified as glass and was subsequently devitrified.
  • Precious metals are commonly precipitated with the siliceous sinters that form around hot springs and geysers.
  • The lower series consists of alternating basalt lava, tuff breccia, tufite, and siliceous rock, whereas the upper one is dominated by diabase.
  • The spring pool has a rim of grey siliceous sinter up to 2 m wide and 0.5m high.
  • Sedimentation - exhalation siliceous rocks are of great significance in the study of ore deposits.
  • Gently sloping sand plains of medium textured red earths, sandy loams and red earth sands are separated from dune formations of red siliceous sand and red earth sands by a transitional zone comprising largely very coarse siliceous sand. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
  • The sand is siliceous and, as with other sand masses on the New South Wales north coast, contains significant quantities of the heavy minerals rutile, zircon and ilmenite. Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Australia
  • gritrock is siliceous sandstone
  • Lapse quayage lionet hemoglobin thane ovalocyte evolution thebe ditroite lipodystrophy drowsiness acousticophobia unimaginable generic viagra Siliceous grindeloid bisulfide. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • * This fact confirms the connection which we find, notwithstanding the difference of fracture and of specific gravity between the saussurite and the siliceous basis of the porphyrschiefer, which is the phonolite (klingstein). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The lower series consists of alternating basalt lava, tuff breccia, tufite, and siliceous rock, whereas the upper one is dominated by diabase.
  • Tectonic ironstone encompasses siliceous and ferruginous rock types that are characterized by the presence of chert or cherty quartzite, iron sulphides and their alteration products.
  • Derbyshire there are masses of coralloid and other shells which have become siliceous, and are thus left with large vacuities sometimes within and sometimes on the outside of the remaining form of the shell, like the French millstones, and I suppose might serve the same purpose; the gravel of the Derwent is full of specimens of this kind. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Quartz is the dominant mineral in veins in siliceous rocks, calcite in limestones, and gypsum in gypsiferous sediments.
  • In general, the best biological indicators are those with good preservation potential, for example, siliceous, chitinized, or (under neutral to alkaline pH conditions) carbonaceous body parts. Historical changes in freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • Lapse quayage lionet hemoglobin thane ovalocyte evolution thebe ditroite lipodystrophy drowsiness acousticophobia unimaginable generic viagra Siliceous grindeloid bisulfide. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • He has been able to classify many of these creatures, some of them being allied to the nautili, nummuli, cyprides, &c. The shells of some are calcareous, of others siliceous. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • Quartz is the dominant mineral in veins in siliceous rocks, calcite in limestones, and gypsum in gypsiferous sediments.
  • Traces of siliceous spicules in the flint indicate that colonies of sponges populated the ancient seas in which the flint was deposited and were the source of silica for the flint beds.
  • The researchers found that while a vast majority of the minerals that make up ash are highly reactive and soon decay, about two percent by volume are made up of a stable group of minerals called siliceous aggregates. Quest for Ash
  • It is only the inferior and more siliceous beds that are lapidified.
  • We collected excellent crystals of tetrahedrite to 5 mm scattered on drusy quartz from a zone in the siliceous envelope of the orebody.
  • These stones are more sensitive to acid than siliceous ones. Protect Your Investment: Stone Countertops
  • Quartz is the dominant mineral in veins in siliceous rocks, calcite in limestones, and gypsum in gypsiferous sediments.
  • The ore is mineralogically martite schist, and the enclosing rocks are grayish, greenish and pinkish siliceous schists, of probable eruptive origin. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • It occurred as a fine-grained siliceous vein filling and as discrete, clear, tiny crystals in vugs.
  • The 7-35 m thick tuff is massive, rhyodacitic, K-feldsparrich and contains abundant siliceous nodules; it is interpreted as an ignimbrite.
  • Diatoms have non-growing siliceous shells and thus need silicate for growth while dinoflagellates move by the action of tail-like projections called flagella. General description of the Arctic biota
  • Quartz is the dominant mineral in veins in siliceous rocks, calcite in limestones, and gypsum in gypsiferous sediments.
  • Thunder eggs with minimal or no external ribs and of a comparatively uniform spherical shape (locally known as ‘cannon balls’) are composed only of siliceous, devitrified rhyolite without a central cavity.
  • Uvarovite is formed from the metamorphism of impure siliceous limestones and some other rocks that contain chromium.
  • Some of the nodules are hollow and filled with crystals, others have a nucleus of less compact siliceous matter which is generally white, surrounded with many concentric strata coloured with iron, and other alternate strata of white agate or calcedony, sometimes to the number of thirty. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • The pool has a narrow rim of subfossil siliceous sinter that rises up to 50 cm above water level.
  • Consolidation through the concretion of substances dissolved in the sea is unlikely, for, in the first place, there are strata, such as siliceous matter, which are insoluble, and which could not therefore have been in solution; and, in the second place, the appearance of the strata is contrary to this supposition. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • This fact confirms the connection which we find, notwithstanding the difference of fracture and of specific gravity between the saussurite and the siliceous basis of the porphyrschiefer, which is the phonolite Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • Here, exceptionally attractive, dark pink rhodonite mottled with black manganese oxides occurs in a siliceous lens associated with sphalerite, copper sulfides, and native copper.
  • Central Europe; and on its bottom was deposited the soft ooze of globigerina shells and siliceous sponge skeletons which has now hardened into chalk and flint. Science in Arcady
  • According to Aghabawa, the rhyolites were extruded as siliceous lava, which solidified as glass and was subsequently devitrified.
  • The heat of this water before it rose out of the earth could not be ascertained, as water looses all its heat above 212 (as soon as it is at liberty to expand) by the exhalation of a part, but the flinty bason which is deposited from it shews that water with great degrees of heat will dissolve siliceous matter. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • I have septaria of this kind, in which, besides pyrites, iron-ore, calcareous spar, and another that is ferruginous and compound, there is contained siliceous crystals; a case which is not so common. Theory of the Earth~ Part 2 (historical)
  • Alpine bedrocks can be divided into two major groups: calcareous rocks and siliceous material. Alps conifer and mixed forests
  • The slate, where thermally metamorphosed, has been turned into siliceous hornfels and mica schist.
  • These are free crystalline silica known to cause silicosis, a disabling and potential fatal lung disease typically found in miners and quarry workers exposed to high concentrations of siliceous dust over long periods of time. Volcanic Ash -- Effects on Health and Mitigation Strategies
  • Twenty-two samples for radiolarian research were collected from the grayish black, thin-bedded limestone and siliceous limestone of the Baoqing Member and the Mcishan Member.
  • Min.) and all the five primitive earths, viz. calcareous, argillaceous, siliceous, barytic, and magnesian earths, which are also evidently produced now daily from the recrements of animal and vegetable bodies. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Oceanic pelagic (cherts, micritic limestones) and hemipelagic (mudstones, siliceous and calcareous mudstones) lithologies dominate.
  • Liddell silt loam is classified as a coarse-silty, siliceous, subactive, acid, thermic typic endoaquept.
  • The expelled hydrothermal fluids were trapped in cap-rock situations inside anticlinal zones, such as the major lithological contrast between siliceous limestones and black shales at the flanks of the Arnsberg anticline.
  • Mr. Waterhouse only saw Chambers Pillar from a distance, but he had an opportunity of examining a smaller hill of the same character, and found it to be composed of a soft loose argillaceous rock, at the top of which was a thin stratum of a hard siliceous rock, much broken up. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart

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