How To Use Silent treatment In A Sentence
Just lately, Kyra has been giving me the silent treatment .
Just lately, Kyra has been giving me the silent treatment .
Just lately, Kyra has been giving me the silent treatment .
I know what she's doing but I act like I'm too dense to notice I'm getting the silent treatment.
Families routinely shun other family members, whether through disinheritance and outright withdrawal of any contact or support, or the deafening "silent treatment" that some spouses and parents engage in as a form of punishment for real or perceived offenses.
Janice Harper: A Reason (and Season) to Stop Shunning
Because, in this world , men will know how to calm silent treatment all.
They put their faces down and give you the ‘silent treatment,’ maybe make a few tut-tuts with their throats.
After a nightmare week in Thailand with my ex, which she spent giving me the silent treatment, I had sworn to steer clear of lovey-dovey couples' holidays for good.
He was given the silent treatment during the wagon ride home.
He gave me the silent treatment .
He gave me the silent treatment .