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How To Use Silage In A Sentence

  • Is "silage" a positive adjective when describing a beer's aroma? Madison Beer Review Presents Beer Talk Today
  • It is carefully calibrated to maximize milk production while minimizing cost and might consist of haylage or silage—chopped, preserved fodder—ground with protein boosters like soy or the malted grain left over from brewing. The Dirty Life
  • Brown midrib corn (BMR) is lower in lignin content (about half of normal corn silage), and 6 to 8 percentage units higher in total plant digestibility. “Going Up the Corn Crib” | clusterflock
  • However, Mr Barry sounded a warning note about risks to water everywhere as the silage-cutting season moves into top gear.
  • In the first three studies, cows produced somewhat less milk when fed red clover silage because they ate less of it and ingested almost 20 percent less protein.
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  • Further work proved dry cows can graze kale without requiring any fibre supplement such as silage or straw. FWi - All News
  • The addition of straw to the diets of all animals on the farm will allow silage supplies to be stretched.
  • Store cattle being wintered with a view to finishing off grass next summer will require 2-3 kg meal/day with poor quality silage.
  • In the month of September most of the turf and peat was harvested, as well as hay and silage, so most hay barns and sheds are full for the winter
  • Modern farming generates a significant amount of waste such as fertiliser bags, silage wrapping, barrels, scrap metal fencing wire drums and strings from bales.
  • The storage of silage on the pad (either in a makeshift straw clamp, or in plastic bags) is an agricultural use and not development.
  • However, a temporary constriction occurs in the fifth largest chromosome of a variety of S. bicolor cultivated for silage, in addition to the major constriction in its largest chromosome.
  • At present there is surplus silage on many farms and the advice is to use up the bales by early summer and to seal up any silage left in the clamps.
  • If a bird needs to eat the flies which thrive on uncut grass tussocks, then regular cutting of the grass for silage is going to be a problem.
  • Some of the zones had previous exposure to the idea of silage through an extension effort made ten years earlier. Chapter 10
  • Producers who are overstocked have been grazing silage ground and will be forced to buy a large percentage of the winter feed this year, unless they can move out stock this month and target for a good cut of silage early in Autumn.
  • The efforts farmers have made to control their silage liquors or cowshed washings are equally evident.
  • Greenfeed insurance covers specific annual crops grown for the purpose of being cut, baled or silaged for livestock feed.
  • That's not a manure fork, but an ensilage fork, used to pitch hay or corn silage. The mystery of the furry skull in the barn.
  • They have made it clear ‘crops’ include grass as it can be grown for silage to feed livestock.
  • Another approach is to apply less nitrogen and cut silage at the usual time of year.
  • You could have met anyone there - holders of multiple All-Ireland medals, golfers, university professors, artists, bogmen, yarn spinners, silage contractors, balladmakers, poets and rogues galore.
  • Locally available grain, millet, and weed residues are added here to re-emphasize the need to make the best use of existing wastes by supplying starter cultures for better ensilage, or by supplying better designs of biogas digesters or fermenters. Chapter 24
  • Bacterial inoculants are the principal silage additives in the United States; they ensure fast and efficient fermentation in the silo.
  • · Value of the grain and crop residues for ensilage and for direct feeding to livestock. 6 Research Needs
  • The diet was primarily finely rolled milo, with sorghum silage, soybean meal, urea, and ammonium sulfate.
  • The simple fact that villagers were so anxious to use the silage is a strong enough indication of the potential role the silage technique can plays Once again the importance of technical surveillance and contact is a key factor in getting the villagers to realize what can be achieved through their own efforts. Chapter 10
  • Proper use of slurry and fertilizer are essential to the recovery of silage aftermaths right now.
  • Gliricidia lacks the fermentable carbohydrates necessary to make high quality silage unless it is ensiled with molasses and formic acid additives (Kass and Rodriguez, 1987). Chapter 3
  • While spring seems a long way off, one must realize that once the freezing temperatures are gone, spoilage could be a risk, especially for those wet feeds and silages if they did not ensile properly. Homepage | INFORUM | Fargo, ND
  • As it is the hay and silage season, we had been going non-stop since dawn.
  • The prime culprit is organic farm waste, such as cattle slurry and silage, and even milk.
  • The pathologist said it would be fine to use this corn for silage.
  • The farm is down to clover leys for grazing and silage plus oats, wheat and beans for feeding out of parlour in a total mixed ration, with all cows receiving the same amount of feed.
  • It not only promotes appetite, but also enables the masking of unpalatable feedstuffs such as poor hay and silage.
  • The quality of alfalfa and corn silage, two primary dairy cattle forages, has increased, providing more energy for milk production.
  • While the majority of urban dwellers would not know about silage, lambing season, or anything else to do with farming or rural life, neither frankly do many who live in the country. One law for townies and one for country folk | Barbara Ellen
  • Meanwhile silage vehicles and the discharge of slurry by jet spray will require specific licences to go on and off farms.
  • This is important for first-time silage makers, particularly those who decided to ensile corn. Homepage | INFORUM | Fargo, ND
  • Some grass is grown on the farm for hay or silage, together with swede, turnip or kale for winter forage because grass growth declines drastically in the winter.
  • The treatments involved early turnout of cows to grass for 2 h per day at two residual sward heights and two silage allowances, plus a control treatment, in a randomized block design.
  • If a bird needs to eat the flies which thrive on uncut grass tussocks, then regular cutting of the grass for silage is going to be a problem.
  • Soybeans stunted by lack of rain or damaged by hail can be salvaged as hay or silage.
  • But recently developed inoculants, with more effective strains of fermentation bacteria, are producing slightly better quality silage.
  • In Trial 3, the effects of corn smut on the in vivo digestibility of high corn silage diets were determined with mature Hampshire-cross wethers.
  • It had been his intention to construct the silage clamp as a single structure.
  • When silaged the fall rye was fairly mature and dry, it was put into the bottom of the silage pit so it would mix with the other silage crops.
  • If good quality silage is fed ad-lib to dry cows, energy intakes will exceed requirements which can result in over fat cows at calving with its associated problems.
  • Corn production for grain or silage is possible in Eastern and Southeastern Ohio on land reclaimed to modern standards after being surface mined for coal.
  • Brown midrib corn (BMR) is lower in lignin content (about half of normal corn silage), and 6 to 8 percentage units higher in total plant digestibility. “Going Up the Corn Crib” | clusterflock
  • The sheep would be content in their small outdoor pen, with plenty of silage; and she awarded Kitchet the task of keeping an eye on them.
  • He feeds silage when lack of rain reduces pasture potential, ensiling sorghum-Sudangrass, soybeans or pasture clippings in trench silos.
  • Forage crops provide fiber, energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals to cows and may also be harvested as hay or silage for later feeding.
  • Their breath was warm in the half-darkness; he could smell muck, clean fresh hay, and the sweet reek of last year's silage. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Animals with more time available for finishing have the option of meals at a lower level plus silage or silage only with ad lib meals.
  • Corn silage has a positive effect due to the natural composition of corn, as well as its low buffer capacity, and the partial 'predigestion' during ensilage. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • Initial costs for this system are minimal, and storage costs are less than ensiling in concrete bunker silos or bagging silage.
  • The silage is presently enclosed by straw bales.
  • Pits can be opened 10-15 days after ensiling but the silage will be unstable, as fermentation will not be completed.
  • Fish kills provide the most dramatic form of pollution, arising from discharges of silage run-off, manure slurries and sewage and industrial waste.
  • The diet was primarily finely rolled milo, with sorghum silage, soybean meal, urea, and ammonium sulfate.
  • If there is little or no crop residue, such as when the previous crop was removed for hay or silage, it won't work well to use herbicide for weed control for the entire fallow period.
  • There was a noticeable trend towards the use of combination baler and wrapper machines among contractors and farmers making round bale silage.
  • I knew there was a barn and a shed for silage; these must be to the other side of the house, with the farm's granary and the henyard, kailyard, and disused chapel. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • If good quality silage is fed ad-lib to dry cows, energy intakes will exceed requirements which can result in over fat cows at calving with its associated problems.
  • A combined area of new and existing cattle sheds and silage yards of more than 300 square metres will also require planning permission.
  • Gathering lichens, however, is laborious and, instead, in addition to locally produced grass converted into hay or silage, several commercially available pelleted feeds have been developed [65]. Climate change and reindeer nomadism in Finnmark, Norway
  • There was a noticeable trend towards the use of combination baler and wrapper machines among contractors and farmers making round bale silage.
  • He should ensile it in a way that will produce a good palatable silage with the least loss of feed nutrients and the least wear and tear on the silo. Chapter 2
  • In fact, good silage can lose 15% to 20% of its feed value from fermentation and spoilage under normal conditions.
  • Thus the potential nutritive value of uncut silage swards is limited, and the emphasis must now be on conserving them as an edible feedstuff.
  • Corn production for grain or silage is possible in Eastern and Southeastern Ohio on land reclaimed to modern standards after being surface mined for coal.
  • Some farmers were also concerned that foot-and-mouth might be brought on to their farms by contractors making silage so did not want to use their silage clamps.
  • This research, coupled with lactation studies at the center, showed how much milk-production response could be achieved with silage inoculants.
  • From current projections it looks like it is going to be us and a fungus and some air pollinated green silage feedstock by 2250, welcome to the formicary! Biodiversity: Boundless, priceless – and threatened | Editorial
  • Grass which is to be used for silaging must be harvested at the optimum growth stage for making the best quality and quantity of silage.
  • Almost 100 bales of silage wrap, eight bales of straw and a number of tyres were destroyed as the blaze spread to his property.
  • Forage sorghum produces silage containing more digestible energy than legume and cool-season grass silage.
  • A farm here is extraordinary, a huge thing, mostly hidden from a distance bar its fine silage clamp.
  • Autumn calvers need high quality silage fed to appetite, right through the Winter.
  • I wish the silage was a little more potent but it lasts fairly well although it stays close to the skin. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Now farmers cut grass for silage, two or three cuts a year with the first cut in mid-May.
  • Corn silage is being harvested for the feedlots.
  • And though the air, redolent of smoke and tar and hemp ensilage, was filled with the sounds of poultry cackling and a baby crying during the process of being put to bed, the hubbub in no way served to dispel the illusion that everything in the valley was but part of a sketch executed by an artistic hand, and cast in soft tints which the sun had since caused, in some measure, to fade. Through Russia
  • Most of the corn was harvested and stored as silage, with the remainder custom harvested as dry grain.
  • The sweet smell of silage and manure remind him he's home, a dog howls across the valley and is answered with a bark. Polly Samson | The Man Who Fell
  • The Westcombe cheddar, for example, had a better flavour in winter from cows fed on silage and maize than the summer stock made from grass-fed milk, so the producer has supplemented the summer feed.
  • He grows oats, turnips and grass for silage and has introduced 140 Highland cattle, who remain its only occupants.
  • The striking sight of big black bales in silage stubble fields is welcome in this difficult year.
  • The ensilage harvester may complete to cut the crops, to cut to pieces, to throw into the feed trailer.
  • The average crude protein percentage of grass silage analysed this winter is 10.5.
  • The recent deluge has left most cattle farmers in a crisis situation as regards grazing management and silage cutting.
  • Some farmers are experiencing a dearth of grass and have released the dairy cows and beef cattle onto the silage fields.
  • The depletion process is accelerated, however, when cotton is grown in rotation with high K-requiring crops such as alfalfa and corn silage.
  • The mass of 'ensilage', the dried and mixed material, loses its nutritional value unless oxygen is eliminated. Orangeville
  • Some grass is grown on the farm for hay or silage, together with swede, turnip or kale for winter forage because grass growth declines drastically in the winter.
  • There will be no effluent in baled silage if the grass is wilted to above 23% dry matter.
  • Corn silage is best when conditions are good, but a combination of corn and forage sorghum isn't far behind.
  • When the attraction closes for the winter, the maize will be harvested for silage to feed Tom's Jersey cows, whose milk is used to produce the ice cream which is sold at the site.
  • Accustomed to ensilage, a full ration of alfalfa would start the cows scouring and by tomorrow morning the pasture would stink.
  • It is vital that animals are built up on ad-lib meals gradually and that feed is kept in front of them at all times and that they have access to some roughage in the form of straw or silage.
  • This is a critical problem for Irish cattle farmers who rely so much on grass silage.
  • Forage varieties can be drilled in May and just one harvest will provide three to six tons of high protein hay or silage.
  • Brown midrib corn (BMR) is lower in lignin content (about half of normal corn silage), and 6 to 8 percentage units higher in total plant digestibility. “Going Up the Corn Crib” | clusterflock
  • Their configuration altered as she walked on, and other features disclosed themselves in the moving landscape: a church tower and a silage tower in the distance, a yellow combine harvester far off at a field's edge, a shed, a sewage outfall. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • How much land must you commit to arable rotation, and how much must be laid up for hay or silage?
  • Farmers are now aware that silage effluent is highly polluting.
  • The relaxation of restrictions on the movement of farm machinery will be of particular value in the context of those who now wish to cut silage.
  • It is vital that animals are built up on ad-lib meals gradually and that feed is kept in front of them at all times and that they have access to some roughage in the form of straw or silage.
  • Accustomed to ensilage, a full ration of alfalfa would start the cows scouring and by tomorrow morning the pasture would stink.
  • Instead of him hauling silage into the barn and manure out, the cows do it now, he says.
  • Then calves are dosed and moved to clean pasture such as silage aftergrass.
  • From current projections it looks like it is going to be us and a fungus and some air pollinated green silage feedstock by 2250, welcome to the formicary! Biodiversity: Boundless, priceless – and threatened | Editorial
  • Ensilage hay and pasture cropsHarvesting silage cropsHandy silage preservative guideCharacteristics of high quality hayStorage of forageCorn or sorghum silage vs. grass silagePit silosProject ensilage - Interim reportProject ensilage - Termination reportCorn or sorghum silage vs. grass silage Chapter 7
  • The effects of different levels of additive soy phosphatide in the diet of early lactation cows with northeast hay and corn silage as roughage on their performance were studied.
  • Direct chopping and ensiling this wet corn can cause heavy seepage and a sour silage.
  • The combination of air and wet silage and heat make an ideal environment for yeasts and fungi to multiply.
  • Spring grass is cheaper and a much better feed than silage.
  • He also urged farmers to regularly inspect drains and watercourses downstream of the farmyard once silage making begins.
  • Adding silage effluent to slurry greatly increases the level of poisonous hydrogen sulphide gas produced.
  • ‘Only a carry-over of silage and hay from last winter helped to stop a feeding crisis on farms, but the problem is how are the animals to be fed this winter.
  • If silage effluent enters a stream or river, it leads to a rapid increase in bacteria and other micro-organisms who use up the available oxygen.
  • Now farmers in Sligo who want to be sure if the weather is going to be right for silage or hay or spraying can avail of a new localized weather service.
  • The grains produced are mixed with ensilage and hay and supplemented with vitamins and minerals to create the most nutrition for the cows, therefore producing the highest quality milk for use in Braum's dairy products.
  • Some farmers are experiencing a dearth of grass and have released the dairy cows and beef cattle onto the silage fields.
  • The present studies were conducted to determine the effects of common corn smut on the ensiling characteristics, palatability, and nutritive value of corn silage.
  • When pasture was not available, hay or silage harvested during periods of excess pasture growth was fed to meet forage requirements.
  • Perennial ryegrass is a bunch grass suitable for hay, silage, or pasture.
  • Calcium and phosphorous levels in maize silage are also low relative to grass silage.
  • But University of California at Davis this year found that the biggest dairy emission comes from feed, such as fermenting corn silage. Home
  • Many silage pits have been sampled, with the samples analysed to establish silage quality.
  • Farmers are reverting to clamps of silage or traditional haymaking which is very difficult in the conditions which are far from ideal.
  • Where there are heavy and lodged crops on these soils making baled silage might be a better option than using conventional harvesters with modern heavy trailers.
  • Some grass is grown on the farm for hay or silage, together with swede, turnip or kale for winter forage.
  • So many fields have changed colour, almost overnight due to the large numbers of farmers being able to harvest the silage crop in record time.
  • When this line reaches the midpoint of the kernel, 90 percent of the final kernel dry weight has been achieved and silage yields reach a maximum.
  • His rations change daily according to available feedstuffs like citrus pulp, brewers grains, sorghum silage and other by-products of the area.
  • It normally yields 300 tonnes of whole-crop silage which is placed in a clamp constructed from square bales of grass silage.
  • Sources of the toxin are spoiled foodstuffs and fodder such as mouldy silage and spoiled hay and grain, especially when they contain dead mice or other dead animal matter. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • At least 30 peer-reviewed studies from grain, silage and green chop were analyzed.
  • Tractors cannot be used on land to convey fodder to feeding sites and farmers have to carry in hay or silage on their backs.
  • Two pathways are recommended: (a) fish ensilage for animal feeding supplements, and (b) fish waste utilization to manufacture human food supplements, e.g., fish bars. Chapter 9
  • It's main traits are rapid growth, high yield and good palatability, fit for the intensified cattle farm and fishing farm. It is also fit for production of ensilage and hay.
  • Ensilage hay and pasture cropsHarvesting silage cropsHandy silage preservative guideCharacteristics of high quality hayStorage of forageCorn or sorghum silage vs. grass silagePit silosProject ensilage - Interim reportProject ensilage - Termination reportProject ensilage - Interim report Chapter 9
  • Elephant grass is commonly used in a cut-and-carry system, feeding it in stalls, or it is made into silage.
  • Grass silage and root crops such as turnips, kale and potatoes are often fed during the dry period.
  • Forage varieties can be drilled in May and just one harvest will provide three to six tons of high protein hay or silage.
  • Maize silage and whole crop cereals (eg triticale) are two such alternative forages.
  • Tractors cannot be used on land to convey fodder to feeding sites and farmers have to carry in hay or silage on their backs.
  • The Romans had introduced dry vegetable fermentation with their development of silage as cattle feed, but the process was not extended beyond this for many centuries.
  • Ewes have all had their pre-lambing clostridial vaccine and I must say they are looking well on a diet of sugar beet and silage. FWi - All News
  • As silage aftermath becomes available it provides an opportunity to turn attention towards the grazing areas.
  • Their configuration altered as she walked on, and other features disclosed themselves in the moving landscape: a church tower and a silage tower in the distance, a yellow combine harvester far off at a field's edge, a shed, a sewage outfall. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • These cows eat grass all summer, turnips and silage in the winter when they're tucked up in the shed.
  • The examples compare corn silage to alfalfa hay, ‘normal’ silage, and corn grain plus soybean meal.
  • There is unlikely to be a need to supplement major minerals when cattle are at pasture or on good silage apart from giving magnesium to lactating cows during the risk periods for grass tetany.
  • It was also pointed out that a fence was necessary to stop cattle from getting onto the boat club land and to stop dogs fouling pasture meant for silage.
  • Very low quality silage is not a suitable feed for cattle finishing where high performance levels are required as the amount of meal required makes the daily feed cost uneconomical.
  • A silage heap surrounded by the bales also caught fire and a fire break was made using a mechanical digger.
  • In the longer term, there is no feed to be made into hay or silage for winter feed for that stock.
  • Gerry favors a high forage diet, preferring baled hay and haylage over corn silage, and says that the cows require no additional protein.
  • On the former seventy tons of hay and about one hundred and twenty tons of ensilaged fodder-corn were raised last year, besides potatoes, corn, rye, oats, asparagus, and early vegetables. Black and White
  • Is the field of concern a grazing paddock, intensive silage field or reclaimed bog?
  • The production of 44,000 metric tons of ensilage represents a 34 percent increase as compared to the same period the previous year. 29TH ANNIVERSARY OF ASSAULTS ON THE MONCADA
  • Several producers have cut soybeans for hay or silage.
  • The chief drawback to small-scale silage-making is the extra physical work involved in handling the green crop with its high water content.
  • Corn harvested for silage yields one-third more feed nutrients per acre than corn harvested for grain.
  • While making forage into silage also removes nutrients from the soil, the product is more difficult than hay to transport.
  • Other house fly breeding areas include feed storage areas, the drainage area of haylage or silage piles, and any other places where spilled feed or manure accumulations are allowed to become moist.
  • The milk is produced from a diet of 90% grazed grass and grass silage.
  • Molds must have air to grow, and therefore silage which is packed air-tight and fed out rapidly will not become moldy. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Now it is admitted by general current that the value of common ensilage, which is inferior to that made from sweet corn, is, when compared with good English hay, as 3 to 1. Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them A Practical Treatise, Giving Full Details On Every Point, Including Keeping And Marketing The Crop
  • He had to remind Bess to call the silage man to finish cutting the cornfields. One Of The Family
  • It was a hardscrabble hillside farm, a few cattle lipping silage behind a single strand of high-tensile wire. The Dirty Life
  • On the farm diesel and silage wrap will rise and consequently the farmers margin of profit will be cut.
  • Chapter ten focuses more on the mechanical aspect of baling the ensilage, such as baler type, driver and baler behavior, methods of wrapping bales, storage of bales, and some economic comparisons of different baleage systems.
  • Animals with more time available for finishing have the option of meals at a lower level plus silage or silage only with ad lib meals.

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