How To Use Sikh In A Sentence
It showed an old Sikh warrior on a pony, glaring at the camera fiercely, a huge spear in his hand.
The ban will likely include large Christian crosses, Jewish yarmulkes, Muslim hijabs and turbans worn by Sikhs.
And here the conquered men of Ind, swarthy horsemen and sword wielders, fiercely barbaric, blazing in crimson and scarlet, Sikhs, Rajputs, Burmese, province by province, and caste by caste.
She accused the Congress government of treating the whole Sikh community as extremists, and authorising untold atrocities.
Of the 10 Sikh gurus, nine visited the town, the only exception being Guru Angad Dev.

Some of those trees will reforest a site at Sikhote-Alin Reserve in the Far East that suffers from yearly wildfires.
Jews and Sikhs have been treated by the courts as belonging to racial and ethnic as well as to religious groups.
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Archive 2008-05-01
All Sikh women have the middle name Kaur pronounced “core”, which means “princess” in Sanskrit.
Fuck the squeegee men, fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis, dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. Get a fucking job !
The other commonality was that each stood before us representing a different religion, their Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic, Sikh, Tongva, Christian, Bahai and Hindu leaders forming a semi-circle around them.
Jane Crockett: 10-Year-Olds Commemorate 10 Years Since 9/11
FIGHTING WITH SIKHS BROTHER? bcs hindu want to make us minority in punjab (KHALISTAN) Leaders of Dal Khalsa have been arrested for sponsoring marches in Punjab in support of a free - Articles related to Gay travel to Lima, Peru: Easier than ever with LAN Airlines new service from SFO
He said Sikhism had become one of the five religions duly recognised by the King!
I still remember the time, when he looked at me when I came dressed up with sardar (Sikh) outfit and sherwani (Long Indian coat), and he says - Articles related to Hip Hop music mania
Some topics of spirituality which you can not find in SpiritWeb: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism , Sikhism, Taoism and many others are more or less established approaches to spirituality.
The Community Relations program area is also responsible for coalition building with likeminded organizations and gurdwaras, the Sikh houses of worship.
Meet local people from Thetford's past, from the revolutionary philosopher Thomas Paine to the Sikh hero Maharajah Duleep Singh and from rabbit warreners to railway workers.
Singh" is a more common surname among Sikhs than "Smith" is for anglos.
Archive 2009-11-01
The religious compositions of the Sikh gurus combine aspects of classical Indian music with popular Punjabi folk tunes.
The authors of the verses of the Guru Grantha Sahib are not only the Sikh gurus, but also Hindu poet-saints.
Sikhs are easily distinguishable from the population since the practicing Sikh men wear turbans and beards.
John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
Bawa's family is directly descended from the family of the third Sikh guru.
Devotees of Sikhism, the world's fifth largest organized religion, were marking the 342nd birthday of Guru Gobind Singh, a founder of the faith.
It is difficult for us to see any reason why a Jew may not wear his yarmulke in court, a Sikh his turban, a Muslim woman her chador, or a Moor his fez.
And therein lie the roots of the Sikh struggle for autonomy in India today.
This may send the message that being Sikh is the same as being Muslim, and both are bad.
John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
At first they used their political power to drive Hindus and Sikhs out of the bureaucratic, economic and educational spheres.
Most were Sikhs, Rajputs or Gurkhas, people whom the British classed as ‘martial races’ and they were much admired for their bearing, courage and steadfastness.
The turban, since ancient times, has been of significant import in the Punjab, the land of the five rivers and the birthplace of Sikhism.
According to Sikh tradition, the Guru had set up a langar (common kitchen) for the poor.
The ban will likely include large Christian crosses, Jewish yarmulkes, Muslim hijabs, and turbans worn by Sikhs.
Sikhs believe that God is inside every person, no matter how wicked they appear, and so everyone is capable of change.
The Sikh gurdwaras were the centres of free thought and the integrated religio-political Sikh activities.
Sean grew up in a middle-class Sikh family and devoted his teens to punk rap.
Kathmandu, Dec 2: He was thought to have been born a Muslim and yet his songs are part of the Guru Granth sahib, the sacred text of Sikhs.
This activity introduces students to the five Ks of Sikhism, namely kara, kangha, kirpan, kachera and kesh.
Faiths will include Baha'ism, Christianity, Daoism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism and Sikhism.
Both Sikh temples said they weren't taking travellers any more.
You pass crowded markets with halal meat shops and women in burkhas and Sikh grandmothers headed to the gurudwara and Hindu mothers pushing their children in strollers.
Formerly the seat of a Rajput dynasty, it was later captured by the Sikhs. Population, 206, 135.
They discussed the challenges of racism, such as Sikhs not being allowed to serve in the police force/armed forces of the U.S. while wearing a turban and keeping their kesh.
I mean, compared to a religion that mandates its equivalent of baptized adherents to carry a knife and iron band at all times (Sikhism) or spiritual growth through repeated readings of questionably sourced books, or even some relatively well-recognized if unusual actions (Emo!)
The Volokh Conspiracy » Herd of Individualists, Wolfman Edition
They learn about Sikh history, including the teachings of the 10 gurus, which form the foundation of the faith.
The killings were seen as an attempt by Sikh extremists to disrupt the ongoing general election campaign.
Throughout the years, this trend has consistently represented a plethora of security issues that places the United States in an unenvied predicament historically occupied by the Persians, Sikhs, Soviets, and British.
The Sikh history, in all its varied phases, unfolds the genius of the Sikhs as a dynamic community.
Then in 1708 the last Sikh guru, Gobind Singh was assassinated by a local Mughal commander.
During the eighteenth century, the Sikhs had to fight a guerilla war against huge forces.
Sikh busmen in Wolverhampton have won the right to wear turbans on duty after a long-running campaign.
All the travellers off the Sikh temple roof were going west to the Ruwenzoris.
Apart from the trip to the centre, the Queen will visit a Hindu Temple in London, a Jewish museum and a Sikh gurdwara.
CITATION On 12 December 1947, Nand Singh was employed as a jemadar with the 1st Sikh Regiment, defending Kashmir from a Pakistani attack.
The Guru had come to guide, govern and influence the lives of the Sikhs both in the temporal and the spiritual fields.
The frontier between India and Pakistan ran through the Sikh homeland of the Punjab.
Karma regulates the reincarnation and transmigration of the soul, Sikhism links Karma with the doctrine of Grace.
Sikhs are coming forward in increasing numbers to press claims against the authorities and people are beginning to have faith in the judicial process.
This does not conflict with the Sikh's aim to move beyond bodily concerns; since the body is one's vehicle for enlightenment one should care for it appropriately.
The Gallery of Religious Life explores the world's six main religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism .
Most of them, broke financially and mentally, were provided not only new sets of clothes, board and lodging by the Teheran gurdwara and Sikh sangat of Iran but also given medical aid and attention.
Guru Gobind Singh india punjab waheguru jaap sikh guru nanak golden temple - Articles related to Hughes can be Australia's Virender Sehwag: Ponting
Likewise, the Sikh devotional music of kirtan draws from similar lyrical sources and employs a similar instrumentation as Hindu bhajan music and Sufi qawwali music.
Varun Soni: India, Pakistan and the Musical Gurus of Peace
The rest of my book explains several philosophical foundations of the differences between the dharmic traditions (an umbrella term for Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism) and the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).
Rajiv Malhotra: A Different Kind Of Hindu-Christian Dialogue
So we don't, for example, put a lot of effort into finding a way to control the alcoholism of aboriginals, or trying to stop domestic violence and gangs in the Sikh community, or put a lid on fraud in the Chinese community* because we don't want to admit out loud that these problems exist.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
However, the court permitted plaintiff to move ahead on his claim that he should be permitted to wear the kara (steel bracelet) and khanda (pendant), possess a second kanga (religious comb), possess longer turbans, remain in contact with religious articles during searches, and that prison religious exercise policies should be re-written to include Sikhs.
Archive 2007-10-01
The Sikh community of the twin cities celebrated Baisakhi with religious fervour and gaiety here on Wednesday.
It was led by a stocky Sikh wearing a bright turban with a yellow patka (the band in the middle).
Those boarding the crowded bus constitute a cross section of Indian life - Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, higher and lower castes, middle class and poor.
With its golden dome, this 18th century shrine is one of the most prominent Sikh temples in Delhi and offers a moment of astonishingly tranquility, given its location, in its large inner courtyard, which features a large rectangular pool.
Delhi Mini-Guide: What to See, Eat and Buy Around Commonwealth Games Stadiums
Twenty years ago this week the India army stormed the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar, the holiest shrine in the Sikh religion.
It perfectly matched my shirt, and a tall Sikh boy with an insurmountable grin stopped to tie it on.
The Central Election Commission also registered as a presidential candidate a resident of Ivano-Frankivsk region, Vasyl Protyvsikh (whose surname translates as "Against Everybody"), who changed his surname from Humeniuk in early October 2009.
Wearing a cassock and cloak, the Bishop will take gifts to a synagogue, a mosque, a Sikh Gurdwara, a Hindu temple and a Catholic church where he will offer prayers before the welcome service.
The largest Sikh gurdwara, or temple, outside India, has opened in Southall, West London, built in less than three years at a cost of £17 million, raised from the local community.
A new generation of fervent Sikh preachers is being educated in this seminary near Amritsar.
It is difficult for us to see any reason why a Jew may not wear his yarmulke in court or a Sikh his turban.
The Collector and half a dozen Sikhs were still managing to hold the door into the drawing-room, but only just.
Although I grew up in Delhi hearing about riots in Moradabad, Aligarh, Meerut, and old Delhi, the closest I came to witnessing them was during the 1984 Sikh riots in Delhi following the assassination of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Kavita N. Ramdas: Reflections from a Colleague - Justice and Community Building
It is the cause of hundreds of millions of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Budhists, Parsees, agnostics and atheists as well.
His statement had caused outrage and anger in both the Hindu and Sikh communities.
The rise of racism concerns Sikhs because they are such a visible minority.
The Epilogue provides a synoptic survey of the growth of Sikh faith and its consolidation in one of the most turbulent periods of the Indian history.
Is it possible to have a Sikh chatline where you can talk about the religion, where you can put your ideas together and have more information on Sikhism.
We passed through Chang-kia-wan again, in a solid phalanx with the Sikh sowars around us, thrusting by main force through streets choked with jingal-men and Tiger soldiers who sneered and spat but kept their distance from those razor-sharp lance-heads.
Flashman and the Dragon
The next day, however, he spoke more naturally in the open; at the village of Chandak-Sikhrana, at the time being battered badly by magnesite mining.
The Nanakpanthis of the present day are roughly classified as Sikhs who have not adopted the term Singh, which is attached to the names of all true Sikhs; they also do not forbid smoking or insist on the adoption of the five _Kakkas_ or K's which are in theory the distinguishing marks of the Sikh; the _Kes_ or uncut hair and unshaven beard; the _Kachh_ or short drawers ending above the knee; the _Kara_ or iron bangle; the _Khanda_ or steel knife; and the _Kanga_ or comb.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India—Volume I (of IV)
In the Sikhote Alin, a forested range north of Vladivostok, I found mixed hard and softwood, rather small timber.
Just as the ancient sages can't be blamed for the ideology of the Sangh Parivar, the actions of these so-called leaders cannot be traced to the Sikh values.
To the left of SunCo's jade dragon screens, near the Sikh in the jeweled turban.
India is the birthplace of Hinduism as well as Buddhism, motherland of Sikhs and Jains, the abode of more rishis, sadhus, mahatmas, and maharishis than any place on earth.
Some topics of spirituality which you can not find in SpiritWeb: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism , Sikhism, Taoism and many others are more or less established approaches to spirituality.
[to 98 sthn katalhpsh tou polytexneiou, epaize soundtrack apo ta megafwna tou idrymatos kai reporter tou ANT-1 elege oti anarxikoi ta spane ypo thn ephrreia rave mousikhs (!?)] feed
Like the Hindu temples and the Sikh gurdwaras, the mosque as an architectural type, despite centuries of evolution, is a novelty in North America.
A Sikh labourer is headed back home to the United Kingdom after he was sent off the job site in Alberta for refusing to shave his beard.
Safety Laws Only Apply To Majorities, Silly « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
All the initiated Sikhs form Panth, whereas all the members of a Sikh congregation form a Sangat or Sikh Sangat.
Seventy-seven percent of Kashmiris were Muslim; 20% Hindu; and the rest Sikhs and Buddhists.
The rise of racism concerns Sikhs because they are such a visible minority.
Think of India and Pakistan, only with demons and putti instead of Sikhs and nukes.
The Infinite Monkey Theorem
Sikh elders have appealed to the community and asked that the death threats be withdrawn.
It is difficult for us to see any reason why a Jew may not wear his yarmulke in court, a Sikh his turban, a Muslim woman her chador, or a Moor his fez.
For about a half century of Sikh rule, the Sikhs practised their religion and looked after their sacred places with devotion and dignity.
This may also send the message that being Sikh is the same as being Muslim, and both are bad.
John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
By putting Guru Granth Sahib in Hindu mandirs, simple Sikh villagers will begin to go to pay obeisance regularly.
Is it all really just a mutual self-help society for ambitious Sikhs to get ahead?
Times, Sunday Times
If, in the face of these facts, somebody still insists that the boundaries of the Sikh religion are blurred, it is sheer pertinacity.
While in the water, fighting for his life, he heard a voice say 'its not your time yet, you have still got alot of simran to do', and then he had a big push up by Gursikh Sardaar Satvir Singh Jee and he was out of the water, a singh who could swim went in and grabbed a hold of whatever he could, the Singh who had been pushed up had long hair, and so the Singh who dived in got a hold of his hair an pulled him out by his hair, the Singh's hair saved his life!!! - Articles related to 5 held with AK-47, ammo in Amritsar
A young student in 1984, he maintains Blue Star and the massacres after Indira Gandhi's assassination created a religious revival among British Sikhs.
We have become, over some twenty years and more, so used to the Tories losing seats at by-elections and failing spectacularly to win eminently winnable seats at others, that the vibes emanating from Ealing Southall suggesting that The Tories 'charismatic candidate Tony Lit, a wealthy Sikh entrepreneur prominent in the area, might do well enough to come a very close second and even, whisper it not in Gath, to win the seat are beginning to waken the media up to a possible earthquake.
Archive 2007-07-08
And it soon became a familiar sight in the flat fields and farmland around Flanders to see Sikh regiments processing behind their holy book.
Times, Sunday Times
Sikhism preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind, social justice and denounces superstitions and blind rituals.
The Sikh Coalition would like to thank the Hate Free Zone for helping to protect the pillars of our democracy by exercising the voice of the people.
My passion is Sikhism and that is where I enjoy devoting my spare time.
The rising political temper among Sikhs, after Jarnail lobbed his shoe, was indicative of the deep-seated sense of aggrievement and made party strategists assess the fallout.
Election Digest: Protests Peak in Punjab, Tytler Defiant
The Khmer lintel over the central "prang" or tower of Sikhoraphum depicting the Dances of Shiva is considered one of the most beautiful in Thailand.
A Lonely Vigil: Two Devata at Sikhoraphum in Thailand | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
The Sikh holy book, the Adi Granth took his place as indicated by its alternate name, Guru Granth.
Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
The kirpan has deep religious significance to devout Sikhs and is not a weapon.
The kirtan was followed up by a langar - a communal meal provided by a local Sikh temple.
Sikhs in the Indian state of Punjab celebrate the tricentenary of the Sikh holy book the Guru Granth Sahib.
Sikhism is especially strong in recognizing and practicing the equality of men and women.
Maureen Fiedler: Women As Religious Leaders: Breaking Through the Stained Glass Ceiling
The author does not know the name of the last guru of the Sikhs.
Sikhism is a major world religion with more adherents worldwide than Judaism.
John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
This is evident in the trait that most Sikhs who share an ancestral village will also have the same surname.
Times, Sunday Times
The truth eventually emerges: her father died in the communalist rioting of 1984, during which mobs killed thousands of Sikhs, claiming to be revenging the death of Indira Gandhi at the hands of her Sikh bodyguards.
Even such a disaster as had overtaken them at Kup caused no despondency among the Sikhs.
A spokesman on Newsnight said the Sikh community had been demonstrating peacefully for a week and then, on Saturday night, young Sikhs who didn't wear turbans came out of the pub and decided to get lairy.
It is not to say that you have less love and devotion for Sikhism or are less religious than the majorihv who keep their kesh.
Recently, a Sikh student in Montreal was forbidden from attending his school if he wore his kirpan, a dagger Sikhs are obligated to carry as a part of their faith.
In Carlsbad, California, 22-year old Dave Bindra has filed a religious discrimination complaint after he was denied entry to two night clubs because he was wearing a patka, a tighter fitting version of the traditional Sikh turban.
Archive 2007-08-01
Because of their Kesh, Sikh men wear their hair tied up in a bun and hidden by a turban.
The Sikh protesters objected to violent scenes in the play being set in a gurdwara and to the depiction of the giani (a priest) as an out of touch buffoon.
The major sect of Udasin ascetics was originally not Shaiva - nor even Hindu - but belonged to the Sikh religion.
The Gurudwara has facilities for lodging and boarding for visitors and Sikh gurus who come from outside Bangalore, during cultural and religious meets.
Church of England, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu.
Brightly coloured saris on graceful Indian women and striking turbans on erect Sikhs are not unfamiliar sights in our metropolitan areas or small college towns.
They celebrated the 338th birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth guru of Sikhs, with a variety of functions on Sunday.
CHANDIGARH: The move by a section of Ravidass community to disintegrate from Sikh religion and set up aseparate religion 'Ravidas dharma' has created a social and caste conflict in Punjab.
PunjabNewsline News
Hence the decisive victory of Aliwal and its wonderful results and important aid in repelling the Sikh army at Sobraon and seizing the capital of his vaunted glory.
The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
Other religions followed in the UK include Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism.
The Sikh, Muhammadan and Hindu Jats, the Kashmírís and the Rájputs all belong to the tall, fair, leptorrhine
The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
KATHMANDU - He was thought to have been born a Muslim and yet his songs are part of the Guru Granth sahib, the sacred text of Sikhs.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
A Sikh teenager excluded from school for breaking a “no jewellery” rule by refusing to remove a wrist bangle which is central to her faith was a victim of unlawful discrimination, a judge ruled today.
UK: Sikh teenager wins religious bangle discrimination case
Abd al-Rahman and his officials were completely aware that large numbers of kuchis and other groups of Afghan merchants regularly evaded the monopoly's system of surveillance based on a Khaibar routing focused on Dakka and security deposit receipts countersigned by a subcontracted Sikh broker in Peshawar.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Indeed, the religion we called Sikhism started out as an interfaith movement, in which Guru Nanak primarily brought people from different religions together and taught common sense goodness, serving humanity and caring for the neighbors.
Mike Ghouse: Sikhs and Muslims Can Come Together For Guru Nanak's Birthday
Sikhs try to avoid the five vices that make people self-centred, and build barriers against God in their lives.
There are people everywhere: market touts, pilgrims, ascetics draped in beaded necklaces, Sikhs with full beards and curled moustaches, women in red and pink silk with all the grace of Bollywood stars.
We have been ruled by the Mughals, the Sikhs and the Dogras.
Brahmans serving in the army sometimes take the title Singh, which is more properly assumed by Râjpûts or Sikhs.
Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official
A requirement imposed by regulations shall not apply to any follower of the Sikh religion while he is wearing a turban.
SIKHANYISO NDLOVU, ZIMBABWE INFORMATION: We are turning the economy, the economy turnaround and you, the CNN, have the tendency of taking the old pictures from other African countries and Darfur and say this is happening in Zimbabwe and that is totally a lie which you have been perpetrating.
CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2008
Guru Nanak also taught his Sikhs the great value of earning an honest living.
They must understand that one of their functions is to ensure the sustained propagation of the Sikh religion.
Hinduism" was a name chucked on all Indian practices and thought relating the metaphysical and supernatural (except recognisable movements like Jainism, Buddhism or Sikhism and imported religions).
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Perhaps, I am one of the few South Indian Brahmins who has had a conducted tour of so many gurdwaras from a celebrated Sikh historian and possibly a Sikh theologian.
Since all Sikhs pledge to not cut their hair, Kesh reminds Sikhs of their equality, and removes reason for pride.
Though born and brought up in a conservative Sikh family in Norway, she always had a dream of acting in a Bollywood film.
The Sikh driver shook his beard doubtfully.
A Sikh temple has also been attacked, as have two Muslim prayer - rooms.
But another refugee case, involving a paralysed Sikh, is beginning to test their patience.
According to a senior officer of the Chief Minister's Office, the leaders have conveyed their tentative programmes to participate in the ceremonies associated with the extremely emotional tercentennial for the Sikh community.
Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Sikhs cremate their dead.
Posted in Av Singh, Refuses to shave beard, Sikh worker, TransAlta Corp.
Safety Laws Only Apply To Majorities, Silly « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
indian pharmacies devotees parsed Sofia bricker Sikhes!
The Volokh Conspiracy » Josh Marshall Offers His Thoughts
The rise of racism concerns Sikhs because they are such a visible minority.
After a year in the United States, Ms. Kosikhina recalls, he returned for a visit to Blagoveshchensk in 2006.
Semenko Active on Social Networking Sites
Although I grew up in Delhi hearing about riots in Moradabad, Aligarh, Meerut, and old Delhi, the closest I came to witnessing them was during the 1984 Sikh riots in Delhi following the assassination of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Kavita N. Ramdas: Reflections from a Colleague - Justice and Community Building
The gamut of India's diverse citizens, whether he be Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, or Christian, all share in the daily langer, which is freely distributed food cooked in a large, communal pot.
Wajahat Ali: Indian Muslims: Defining their Loyalty After Mumbai Attacks
But he's careful not to proselytise, to seek converts to the Sikh tradition.
Sikh soldiers and British forces were deployed when rebels and pirates attacked colonial interests.
The Christian reactionaries who attempted to get Springer banned were clearly inspired by the success of the Sikh protests.
Whether it is an Islamic mosque, a Hindu or Buddhist temple, a Sikh gurdwara or a Catholic church, places of worship are crucial in bringing together new immigrants scattered throughout the region.
India is the birthplace of Hinduism as well as Buddhism, motherland of Sikhs and Jains, the abode of more rishis, sadhus, mahatmas, and maharishis than any place on earth.
At present there are no checks of any kind on a newcomer to any part of India arriving from another part of India, even if the person is a Punjabi Sikh.
Orthodox Sikhs have been required to carry kirpans since the 17th century, and insist it is not a weapon.
The fight against social and political injustice has historically been an integral part of Sikhism.
I don't call myself a Sikh, but I misleadingly wear a kara.
Three hundred Sikh cavaliers in battle array accompanied Banda to a distance of eight kilometers to give him final send off.
Although idol worship is not indicated in Sikhism, many Sikhs attend Hindu temples.
I've already written several PP articles about Sikhism and South Asian Sufism during the past 6 months, although you should also do some research on 'bhakti' Hinduism.
Pickled Politics
Hundreds of thousands who had already arrived crowded into the temple on Tuesday behind the president to view the book, a collection of verses by Sikh gurus of the past.
The Sikhs were also deprived of many historic shrines and holy places which were left in Pakistan.
The Nanakpanthi retains the Hindu custom of shaving the whole head except the _choti_ or scalp-lock, and hence is often known as a Munda or shaven Sikh.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India—Volume I (of IV)
They visit the gurdwara (a Sikh temple), where Min seeks spiritual solace, and Balbir looks for help in finding Min a husband.
Sikhs consider the Guru's langar as sacred and its food a sacrament.
She said that her son had been beguiled into joining the Sikh bands, but was not a Sikh at heart.
If there is no clergy with binding ecclesiastical authority, then each Sikh has to cultivate and heed his own conscience.
The Sikhs emphasize the name of God, calling Him "Nama," or "the Name. Main RSS Feed
Sikhs visit gurdwaras and fairs and parades are held.
At the heart of the plan, with broad perspectives in every direction, is the India Gate — a grandiose arch honoring the Indian conscripts, mostly Sikh from the names engraved, who fell on the far-off battlefields of Flanders and Gallipoli during World War I.
City Walk: New Delhi
I still remember the time, when he looked at me when I came dressed up with sardar (Sikh) outfit and sherwani (Long Indian coat), and he says - "I want to look like my brother Akshay, I don't like what I am wearing, remove it, I want to look like him. - Articles related to Hip Hop music mania
Is it all really just a mutual self-help society for ambitious Sikhs to get ahead?
Times, Sunday Times
It is the birthplace of four world religions--Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism--and one of the early homes of Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Islam.
The Sikhs had to agitate for nearly 15 years until their demand was conceded in 1966.
The British Government of India had acknowledged this Regency, and was desirous to retain amicable relationship with the Punjaub, but in the middle of the year 1845, so unruly and clamorous for war was the Sikh army, all negotiations terminated, and a state of uncertainty ensued which made it necessary for British India, without declaring hostility, to place itself on a footing to resist it, should so mad an enterprise ensue.
The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
In attempts to adhere to the most salient aspects of their religio-historical identity, Sikhs have built a gurdwara (Sikh site of worship) wherever they have migrated.
According to the scheme of geobotanical regions of the Far East, the constituent parts of the nominated property are located within the Terney District of the Far East Province of pine-broad-leaf and oak forests of the East Asian coniferous-broad-leaf Region and also in the Sikhote-Alin District of the Amur-Sikhote-Alin Province of the South Okhotsk dark coniferous forest Sub-region.
Central Sikhote-Alin, Russian Federation
Which brings us back to the Sikhs, who before this incident in Birmingham were the model of a law-abiding minority community.
After a very dull and rainy morning, things seemed to brighten up today, allowing the yearly ceremony by the Sikhs celebrating the birth of their guru to take place.
Many religions, including Sikhism, Islam, and sects of Judaism, encourage or require their men to keep beards.
I remember clearly the red turban of the Sikh bandmaster but can't recollect anything sensible about the rest of the band.
Mr Mann insists that Punjab must be a homeland for the Sikhs, brought into being by a UN-supervised plebiscite.
Sutlej" is the legend on another of his medals, and he could recount to you the memorable story of Thackwell's cavalry operations against the Sikh field works, and how that division of seasoned horsemen reduced outpost duty to a methodical science.
Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places