How To Use Signification In A Sentence
The proper signification of hosanna is that which we find,
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
From the fourteenth century onwards, other properties were also abandoned, so that finally the important lasting properties were signification, supposition, ampliation and restriction, and the supposition of relatives.
Medieval Theories: Properties of Terms
We meet the commixture of materials and things in our excavation whose object is, among other things, to reorder, to abolish the disorder of collapse and dilapidation, to find significance and signification in the apparent chaos.
Terms that have both are called appellative terms and should be distinguished from substance terms or natural kind terms, which have signification by imposition.
Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy
In the duty of accumulation -- and I call it a _duty_, in the most strict and literal signification of that word -- all below a competence is most valuable, and its acquisition most laudable; but all above a fortune is a misfortune.
Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
I. ii.188 (19,2) [There is a prone and speechless dialect] I can scarcely tell what signification to give to the word _prone_.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
But so far has he been from stirring and taking away that which is, or contradicting that which evidently appears, that he casts not so much as one single word out of the accustomed use; but taking away all figurative fraud that might hurt or endamage things, he again restored the ordinary and useful signification to words in these verses: -
Essays and Miscellanies
The French adventurers, however, seem always to have restricted the word "boucanier" to its proper signification, that of a hunter and curer of meat; and when they developed into corsairs, by a curious contrast they adopted an English name and called themselves "filibustiers," which is merely the French sailor's way of pronouncing the English word "freebooter." [
The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
Derrida insisted that the very way in which language functions, that is, signification, necessitates an unbridgeable gap between the signifier and the signified.
The foxed corners and their yellowing hue recalled the nightmarish quality of those hours, his feverish lucubration, searching for their order, for their signification.
At Swim, Two Boys
And if reputation and reward shall attend these conquests, which depend mostly on the fineness and niceties of words, it is no wonder if the wit of man so employed, should perplex, involve, and subtilize the signification of sounds, so as never to want something to say in opposing or defending any question; the victory being adjudged not to him who had truth on his side, but the last word in the dispute.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
We can recognize a logic of the unconscious only through its representation in the symbolic order, through the effect of signification.
The term prayer (euche) used at Nicæa, has in this connection always been taken in its strict signification as meaning supplication
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
If any germinal point in germinal matter, therefore, be a bioplast, then every germinal point, to the extent of making up its entire mass, must be a bioplast; and the distinction between the two becomes merely verbal, and without generic signification.
Life: Its True Genesis
The accent placed on the penultima of [Greek: Theophoros], as the word is written in the saint's acts, denotes it of an active signification, _one that carrieth God_; but of the passive, _carried of God_, if placed on the antepenultima.
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
The technical term is "scintillation," connoting minimal signification, the minutest re-marking that makes a wink of a photon.
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
Value as a structure of signification thus radically changes the way we compare things by making commodities commensurable, despite their qualitative differences.
There's a complex structure of meaning and signification in her work, as clearly comes across in reading through several transcripts of her pieces.
Since the binding of signifier to signified is non-essential — such that a cigar may just be a cigar — and is often even idiolectic and idiosyncratic — such that what is significant to the advocate, A, may be significant only to them — the conventionality of semantic associations must be taken as a standard of approximate objectivity in order to distinguish the uncoupling of conventionally-accepted pairings (as, say, where the advocate is highlighting a well-established symbolism of anti-Semitism) from the rejection of idiosyncratically-asserted couplings (as, say, where the advocate is reading a pepper mill as a phallic symbol); the former constitutes insignification while the latter is simply a denial of significance.
Arguing With Geeks 8
The key in this definition is to note that an object's status is dependent on other significations of other affects, manifested in the brand names themselves.
_Mushtarik_, or words which have several significations, as the Arabic word "'ain," which may mean an eye, a fountain, or the sun.
The Faith of Islam
The signification of the 7th house for opponents and ‘opposite numbers’ - both in love and war - can to some extent be explained by its diametrical aspect to the ascendant.
Sontag argued against what was in effect the differentiated mode of signification implicit in the assumptions of uptown culture.
It appears to be a kind of picklock, an open sesame, Tanner -- Tawno! the one is but a modification of the other; they were originally identical, and have still much the same signification.
Lavengro The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
In any case, linguistic qualifiers militate against the signification of the terms they qualify, even as they expand or reduce the space of signification.
The imaginary is both a projection of desire and the product of a system of signification that exceeds the subject, that is determined by the exchange and economy of objects, and that is influenced by the different auratic economies of the technological and media environment.
Archive 2007-03-01
This may have arisen, not merely from their paucity, but from the unsettled signification of the term orange, as well as from improperly calling these pigments reds, yellows, &c. In these days, however, orange pigments are sufficiently numerous to merit a chapter to themselves; they indeed comprise some of the best colours on the palette.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
Yet, there is a sense that even in deconstructionism, the interpreter is somehow getting deeper even if at the same moment she is flying out on wings of ever receding signification.
So, that homework I mentioned? This is part of it . . . | Living the Liminal
Here, the white ribbon is read as a robe that mediates structure and decoration and opens the building to other forms of signification.
Nothing indeed, is more variable than the signification of the term variable itself.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
And as the harvest was last concluded with several preparations of meal, or brought to be ready for the "mell," this term became, in a translated signification, to mean the last of other things; as, when a horse comes last in the race, they often say in the North, "He has got the mell.
Eugene Aram — Volume 01
In traditional signification, the Sun represents the captain, the boss, the leader or the king.
This double signification is possible because of Las Casas's contested status in Britain as an icon for abolitionists.
London-Kingston-Caracas: The Transatlantic
The task of representation and signification (the task of culture) is to draw the group together, no matter how widespread or dispersed, to make it coherent and identifiably different from other groups.
It governs the healing principle so it has signification over herbs that are all-round curatives, such as selfheal (prunella).
If you know the word lexicographer, there’s a better-than-even chance you also know Samuel Johnson’s self-mocking definition of it: “a writer of dictionaries; a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the signification ofwords.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Guestblogging Dictionary Myths (Pt 4):
I must here remark to you, that the term aristocrate has much varied from its former signification.
A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
It is almost the contrary: signification has its incipience in transcendence; transcendence is the intersubjective quality of sensibility.
Emmanuel Levinas
The term constitution has many other significations in physics and in politics; but in jurisprudence, whenever it is applied to any act of the legislature, it invariably means a statute, law, or ordinance, which is the present case.
Notes on the State of Virginia.
The term simplicity has two significations in English.
The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
The term constitution has many other significations in physics and in politics; but in Jurisprudence, whenever it is applied to any act of the legislature, it invariably means a statute, law, or ordinance, which is the present case.
Notes on the State of Virginia
The session having met, and none compearand to signifie their dissent, or assent, they take their non compearance for their signification of satisfaction, so, after three severall byesses at the most patent door of the sd church, by the officer intimating the forsd words, none at all appeared.
The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
The name "Fenian" is of very remote antiquity, and appears to be most comprehensive in its signification, and to be peculiarly adapted to the great confraternity of patriots which now engrosses so much of the history of passing events.
Ridgeway An Historical Romance of the Fenian Invasion of Canada
Such novelistic fragments not only portray recognizable figures of lovers' thought but vividly display mechanisms of signification and their entrammelling complications.
The term constitution has many other significations in physics and politics,; but in jurisprudence,
Notes on the State of Virginia
Wartah" = precipice, quagmire, quicksand and hence sundry secondary and metaphorical significations, under which, as in the "Semitic" (Arabic) tongues generally, the prosaical and material sense of the word is clearly evident.
Arabian nights. English
The act of signifying is signification, a term that is often used synonymously with ‘meaning’ and ‘sense’, and occurs in the discussions of students of semantics and semiotics.
Mr. Howells uses the word booby in the latter signification, and it may be heard frequently in eastern
Diary of Anna Green Winslow A Boston School Girl of 1771
The term cardo means a hinge, that on which a thing turns, its principal point; and from this St. Thomas derives the various significations of the virtues as cardinal, whether in the generic sense, inasmuch as they are the common qualities of all other moral virtues, or in the specific sense, inasmuch as each has a distinct formal object determining its nature.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
Privileges are to be construed according to the letter, the interpretation being neither extensive nor restrictive but purely declaratory, that is the words are to be taken only in their full and usual signification.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
The significations of some names, such as those corresponding to natural-kind terms, are ‘abstractions’ in the sense that they include only certain features of the things to which the term refers.
The term simplicity has two significations in English. ”
The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
We thought their language more harsh than that of the islanders in the South Sea, and they were continually repeating the word _chercau_, which we imagined to be a term expressing admiration, by the manner in which it was uttered: They also cried out, when they saw any thing new, _Cher, tut, tut, tut, tut_! which probably had a similar signification.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 13
You have got to where the word homely preserves its true signification, and is no longer a term of disparagement, but expressive of a cardinal virtue.
Winter Sunshine
Il y avait aussi des questions sur le nombres de conges payés, les heures de travail hebdo obligatoires, la signification de different sigles comme SMIC (la galere pour retrouver "Interprofessionnel"), ASSEDIC, RMI etc ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
These wordes then we thought it far better to keepe in the text, and to tel their signification in the margent or in a table for that purpose, then to disgrace bothe the text and them with translating them.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete
_seal_, and the delivery of this seal was a sign of confidence; and as a ceremony in marriage, its signification is, that the wife is admitted to the husband's counsels.
Notes and Queries, Number 190, June 18, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
But I cannot distinctly connect the _hanap_ of the exhibition with _hanaper_: and I perhaps ought to look in another direction for its true signification and etymology.
Notes and Queries, Number 29, May 18, 1850
Two hundred years later, bluff King Hal would turn out the hawks to make room for his horses; but as yet the word mews had its proper signification of a place where hawks were mewed or confined.
The White Lady of Hazelwood A Tale of the Fourteenth Century
In such ‘first contact’ scenes, aliens can of course speak perfect English yet lack certain key concepts and their associated significations, which the humans can then explain.
Its signification was only in terms of himself as sanyasi and guru, the sole dispenser of divine grace in an amorphous and inchoate Christianity connected to the revelation of the Vedas, and the fifth Veda known to himself.
Maguire, "says he," valce desidhero, certiorem fieri de significatione istius verbi _eversor_ quo jam jam usus es "-- (well, surely I _am_ the boy for the Latin!)" _Eversor_, id est cyathus, "says his Riv'rence," nam apud nos
Stories of Comedy
Most of these anthropologists have tried, like those who have investigated Abelam culture, to present structural or systemic analyses of the nature of the meaning or signification of particular cultural forms.
But withal he cannot be called an honest man, unless in that sort of liberal signification by which, in these days, good words are so detorted from their original and genuine meaning as to express precisely the reverse of what was formerly intended by them.
Sir Thomas More, or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society
The article mainly narrated the signification and approach of document delivery participating in constructing literature resource, emphasized that it was essential to comply copyright law.
Which is to say, that musical flourish has lost its original affect; it has become a depthless quotation in a shifting network of signification.
Archive 2010-01-01
For fusibility being one of the simple ideas that goes to the making up the complex one the sound gold stands for, what can it be but playing with sounds, to affirm that of the name gold, which is comprehended in its received signification?
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
IFOT speculates that the source of the problem is that our general culture still valorizes a Romantic model of artistic production that equates the text (or song, etc) with the author's own feelings and is very resistant to models of aesthetic signification that complicate or pluralize the possible meanings in a text.
Literary Study
And by "prayer" they mean that which the most eminent and only proper signification of the word doth denote, namely, that which is vocal.
This is all the more difficult because many liberation theologians continue to use a great deal of the Church's classical ascetical and dogmatic language while changing its signification.
Is Fr. Thomas Reese, S.J., right or wrong...
When they place these phrases in opposition to each other, they do this, not from the meaning which I affix to them, but from their own; and, therefore, according to the signification which they give to them severally, they fabricate this calumny, which is an act of iniquity.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
In Romantic poetry, for instance, and its Victorian derivations and attenuations, anything nomadic is anticipated by the sporadic: those irregular phonemic rhythms entrained to signification in the first place — but not entirely enchained there.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Radulph says: "... figuram, cui sipos nomen est [symbol] in motum rotulae formatam nullius numeri significatione inscribi solere praediximus," and thereafter uses _rotula_.
The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
As this dependence on the mother church may be of various degrees, the term filial church may have naturally more than one signification as to minor details.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
Yet, notwithstanding all these things, no one endeavoured to vindicate me from this calumny; while great exertion was employed to frame excuses for Trelcatius, by means of a qualified interpretation of his words, though it was utterly impossible to reconcile their palliative explanations with the plain signification of his unperverted expressions.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
Insularum, quas innumeras lateque patentes spargit, clarissimam, lævo alveo Astabores dictus est, hoc est, ramus aquæ venientis è tenebris; dextero veto Astusapes, quod latentis significationem adjicit, nec ante, quam ubi rursum coit, Nilua dictus est.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
Aquarius and Scorpio, the astrologers, objecting to the signification of the latter, substituted the constellation in conjunction therewith, which is known as Aquila (Ak-we-la) or Flying Eagle.
Astral Worship
And because, as we observed before, the word pneuma is variously used, Didymus, de Spiritu Sancto, lib. iii., supposeth that the prefixing of the article to doth distinguish the signification, and confine it to the Holy Ghost in the New Testament.
Signs are only meaningful within the system of signification in which they are produced, and not as discrete units.
A further ironic implication of Farrell's, Boucher's, and Moore's use of the imagery of the odalisque is that the signification of "odalisque" as concubine is itself a projection of the European mind, since its original Turkish meaning is simply that of "'woman of the room [oda],' implying a general servant status" (Croutier 30-32).
Irish Odalisques and Other Seductive Figures: Thomas Moore
James Francis Edward, who called himself James the Third, and whom his opponents called the Pretender, by a translation which gave an injurious signification to the French word "pretendant.
A History of the Four Georges and of William IV, Volume III (of 4)
The term received an improved and more noble signification in the times of chivalry, when the desire to please manifested itself in feats of arms, and personal conflict.
A Philosophical Dictionary
But we call a locution ˜proper™ when we use it according to the signification properly and principally given to it, and we call a locution ˜improper™ when we use it otherwise, although we legitimately can use it otherwise.
John Buridan
The motion of the surface of the sea falls within that formula, and hence is a special variety of wave motion, and the term wave has acquired in popular use this signification and nothing else.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
Derrida suggests that representation or signification is based on both a distance from a signified and a difference among terms.
Beza himself confesseth, that beyond Jordan, is the proper signification of the Greek word beyond, Matthew 4: 15.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
You must know, my lady, dis precious mixture was de great secret - de arcanum mirificabile - of dat wonderful Arabian physician Hamech, which Paracelsus went mad wid cudgelling his prains to find out; and Avicenna and Galen and Trismegistus and Moderatus Columella all proke down in deir search to discover de meaning of de learned worts in which Hamech wrote de signification.
Rob of the bowl : a legend of St. Inigoe's,
The differential system that rules out voice from the byplay of linguistic signification is therefore an oscillatory mechanism through which voice itself may seem to stage its phantom evanescent renewal.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
- The patrons of the Egyptian origin of the sacred name appeal to the common Egyptian formula, Nuk pu nuk but though its literal signification is “I am I”, its real meaning is “It is I who” …
Jhvh is the enemy of god and man
For Saussure the value of words is not intrinsic, nor a function of signification, but is a property of the system.
Hence, although the meaning of dyspepsia must be restricted, as its derivations demand; the term, digestion, bears a much more extensive signification than it generally receives, and any error in its process may be properly denominated indigestion; however, Mr. Halsted regards the term dyspepsia as equivalent to indigestion, and we may, for once, adopt the same phraseology.
The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831
But synods, approaching nearer to the modern signification of a plenary council, are to be recognized in the synodical assemblies of bishops under primatial, exarchal, or patriarchal authority, recorded from the fourth and fifth centuries, and possibly earlier.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
We cannot better explain the signification of the term corpus juris canonici than by showing the successive meanings which were assigned to it in the past and which it usually bears at the present day.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
A particular mode or signification is when it is opposed to election, and designates non-election or preterition (a Latin phrase derived from forensic use) in which sense the fathers used it according to the common use of the Latins.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 3
Indeed, the word Targhee seems to have the same signification as Kabyle, that is, "tribe," or "nation," both words denoting people of the same original stock.
Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
Since names and their signification are entirely arbitrary, such propositions are not, strictly speaking, susceptible of truth or falsity, but only of conformity or disconformity to usage or convention; and all the proof they are capable of, is proof of usage; proof that the words have been employed by others in the acceptation in which the speaker or writer desires to use them.
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
Its objective goes beyond the dissemination of knowledge in recommending an active and intimate engagement within popular subjectivities and forms of signification.
As part of this larger tradition that connects performance with religious significations, nuchibana contains action signs that explicitly symbolize the worshipping of gods through performance as ‘play.’
If you know the word lexicographer, there’s a better-than-even chance you also know Samuel Johnson’s self-mocking definition of it: “a writer of dictionaries; a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the signification of words.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Guestblogging Dictionary Myths (Pt 4):
As it is possible to determine with reasonable, and in fact satisfactory, certainty its signification in a number of instances where used otherwise than as a day symbol, some of these will be noticed, as they seem to furnish strong evidence of phoneticism.
Day Symbols of the Maya Year Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894-1895, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1897, pages 199-266.
Barthes declared that ' serious recourse to the nomenclature of signification ' was the mark of structuralism and advised interested readers to ' watch who uses signifier and signified, synchrony and diachrony.'
The signification of the word assizes in this connection is derived from the French verb asseoir, whose past participle is assis.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
The sense and usage of Scripture are not adverse to this signification, but, on the contrary, are very consentaneous to it.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
On the other hand, his direct description of natural scenery shows his simple appreciation of pure beauty in nature, which unfolds the aesthetic significations in his pantheistic outlook on nature.
Mathematics in its widest signification is the development of all types of formal, necessary, deductive reasoning.
Argument by Insignification — For any given argument where an overwhelmingly sufficient number of points of evidence is advanced to justify an assertion as to theme or subtext, and where these points of evidence are undeniably manifest in the text, a rejection of significance for each notable element of a work, large or small, recurrent or isolated, may be employed to uncouple the link between evidence and interpretation on each count.
Archive 2009-03-01
Il y avait aussi des questions sur le nombres de conges payés, les heures de travail hebdo obligatoires, la signification de different sigles comme SMIC (la galere pour retrouver "Interprofessionnel"), ASSEDIC, RMI etc ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
I want to suggest that in the case of his funeral orations, Derrida writes from within a rhetorical tradition that sometimes includes meaning or signification in its persuasive aims.
He implies that there is an unconscious substrate of symbolic life which allows new meaning to be created from the multiple significations of existing symbols.
As the last chapter argued, many feminist psychologists pass over signification, in favour of simpler objects.
Yet this monarch of all things detested pedantry, either as it shows itself in the mere form of Greek and Latin, or in ostentatious book-learning, or in the affectation of words of remote signification: these are the only points of view in which I have been taught to consider the meaning of the term pedantry, which is very indefinite, and always a relative one.
Literary Character of Men of Genius Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions
˜infinite™ is used categorematically, for in that case its signification is “Things that are infinite are finite.”
But elements of a more ambivalent, productive, associative approach to signification also exist within feminist psychology.
Its objective goes beyond the dissemination of knowledge in recommending an active and intimate engagement within popular subjectivities and forms of signification.
But elements of a more ambivalent, productive, associative approach to signification also exist within feminist psychology.
“Wartah” = precipice, quagmire, quicksand and hence sundry secondary and metaphorical significations, under which, as in the “Semitic” (Arabic) tongues generally, the prosaical and material sense of the word is clearly evident.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The signification of the term arché, already used, was sufficiently comprehensive to include that of aitía, since all causes come necessarily under the head of principles.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
But elements of a more ambivalent, productive, associative approach to signification also exist within feminist psychology.
It is eminently in accordance with the signification of the English epithet -- rather a favorite, apparently, with our old writers -- the epithet jovial, which is derived from the Latin name of its head.
Mosaics of Grecian History
It seems probable that of itself it prescinds from substantia prima and substantia secunda, and is restricted to the former signification only by the word individua.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Without such an ultimate and immediate signification instantiated in the formal signification of the mental concept, there would be, as John Raulin remarks, an infinite regress (processus in infinitum) in any signification, something like a Peircean ˜infinite semeiosis™. [
Medieval Semiotics
But there is another more proper signification of the word: hamartia being put for hamartōlos, — “sin,” for a “sinner,” (that is, passively, not actively; not by inhesion, but imputation); for this the phrase of speech and force of the antithesis seem to require.
The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
Insularum, quas innumeras lateque patentes spargit, clarissimam, lævo alveo Astabores dictus est, hoc est, ramus aquæ venientis è tenebris; dextero veto Astusapes, quod latentis significationem adjicit, nec ante, quam ubi rursum coit, Nilua dictus est.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
Religion in Berger's view, it will be recalled, takes humanly constructed meanings and significations and objectifies them, giving them an aura of facticity.
Council shall be altered, revoked or disallowed as hereinafter is provided; that during the said last-mentioned period of sixty days the said election or amotion, as the case may be, shall have no force or effect; and that failing such signification within the said last-mentioned period, such election or amotion shall be and be held and taken to be by him approved and confirmed;
McGill and its Story, 1821-1921
Originally there seems to have been no appreciable difference in the signification of these two words, but after the period of Justinian the title archimandrite was jealously reserved for the superiors of the older or of the more important monasteries.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
The signification of the word assizes in this connection is derived from the French verb asseoir, whose past participle is assis.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
The capitalization reduces the top inscription to its barest signification, equating Morrison's name directly with her prize.
Postmodernism, emphasizing excesses of signification, generates a thematics and a poetics that is even more highly susceptible than modernism to paranoia, to the portrayal of reading as plot.
Therefore in my year there was a great concourse of people present at the sacrifice; and, after all the rites and ceremonies of the sacrifice were over, when we had seated ourselves again at the table, there was an inquiry made first of all into the signification of the word bulimy, then into the meaning of the words which are repeated when the servant is turned out of doors.
Essays and Miscellanies
But Bob's signification as the new indigene and the legitimate inheritor of the land is radically contradicted by the ending of the story.
As we are utterly incapable of otherwise fixing the meaning of the mysterious mode affecting this relation of origin, we apply to it the name spiration, the signification of which is principally negative and by way of contrast, in the sense that it affirms a Procession peculiar to the Holy Ghost and exclusive of filiation.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
Scientists have Been unable to determine signification of most Etruscan inscriptions.
At the same time, the claims for the poet as a stable position, as master of signification, the situationist, which might be read into such a passage, need themselves to be thrown into the same processes.
Sontag argued against what was in effect the differentiated mode of signification implicit in the assumptions of uptown culture.
Medieval metaphysics in particular Thomas Aquinas focused on the whatness or quidditas as the subject of ontology, but this is already a significant narrowing of the horizon of the original Aristotelean definition which leaves open many ways of thinking to proceed INCLUDING the possibility of not giving Whatness the priority, let alone the exclusive signification, among the various possible meanings of being.
Archive 2008-03-01
For Blake the unit of signification can be anything along a sliding analogical scale of the particulars of textual production: from the whole of a published, finished copy down to the smallest drops of ink and finest of etched marks, Blake's vision of signification is like a great chain of reading with every link forged as it is perceived by the reader.
Unlocking Language: Self-Similarity in Blake's _Jerusalem_.
I could wish, indeed, that the word scold might be changed for some more gentle term, of equal signification; because I am convinced, that the very name is as offensive to female ears, as the effects of that incurable distemper are to the ears of the men; which, to be sure, is inexpressible.
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. - Volume 07 Historical and Political Tracts-Irish
The appropriation and resignification of images and other cultural products, of course, is a common cross-cultural occurrence.
I would now communicate unto thee, on finding thee docile and assentaneous, the instruction thou needest on the signification of the words NATURAL CAUSE, if thy duty toward thy neighbour had been first instilled into thee.
Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk
And the name Jubal has the same origin and signification; for it means produced, or introduced.
Commentary on Genesis, Vol. II Luther on Sin and the Flood
Bena" in Zulu means to push out the breast and it may be that the name was a round-about allusion to the proud appearance of the dignified Savage, or possibly it had some other recondite signification.
The Ivory Child
The article demonstrates systematically the content, attribute, feasibility and signification of all kinds of organizational structure.
As _cab_ has "earth" as one of its leading significations, we not only find therein a connection with the day name, but also an indication of phoneticism.
Day Symbols of the Maya Year Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894-1895, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1897, pages 199-266.
Insularum, quas innumeras lateque patentes spargit, clarissimam, lævo alveo Astabores dictus est, hoc est, ramus aquæ venientis è tenebris; dextero veto Astusapes, quod latentis significationem adjicit, nec ante, quam ubi rursum coit, Nilua dictus est.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
“Unreasonable” is, of course informally defined and therefore arguable: as with the Argument by Insignification, conventionality may offer a standard of approximate objectivity by which significance can be deemed idiolectic and idiosyncratic, an eccentric invention, or validated as a more perceptive reading; ISMs will often lead to Import Artifices, but the subcultural semantic associations which lead to them may also legitimise significances within one community that another would consider spurious; accusations of Import Artifices should therefore be interrogated for evidence of a Subtextual Sensitivity Differential. posted by Hal Duncan | 1: 12 PM
Archive 2009-03-01
Derrida suggests that representation or signification is based on both a distance from a signified and a difference among terms.
_acatl_, reed, cornstalk, is also applied to the virile member; and it has been suggested that this is the real signification of the word when applied to the hero-god.
American Hero-Myths A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent
So by an agreement of the disputing parties, as in obligational disputes, we can impose on it a new signification, and not use it according to its common signification.
As words convert to waves, their very signification is what gets left behind.
Captivation and Liberty in Wordsworth's Poems on Music
More often, though, we participate in signification less self-consciously, more by elective affiliation, with much less formal expectations and obligations; in so doing, we float along with the significations made available by mass culture and socially-dominant institutions.
AKMA’s Random Thoughts
A reader lights for the first time on one of these obsolete English words, as ‘frampold’, or ‘garboil’, or ‘brangle’ {198}; he is at once conscious of his ignorance; he has recourse to a glossary, of if he guesses from the context at the word’s signification, still his guess is as a guess to him, and no more.
English Past and Present
I. i.33 (231,5) [be better employ'd, and be nought a while] Warburton explained [ "be nought a while" as "a mischief on you"] If _be nought a while_ has the signification here given it, the reading may certainly stand; but till I learned its meaning from this note, I read,
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
The accent placed on the penultima of [Greek: Theophoros], as the word is written in the saint's acts, denotes it of an active signification, _one that carrieth God_; but of the passive, _carried of God_, if placed on the antepenultima.
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
Thomas Usk about 1387 writes: [479] "a sypher in augrim have no might in signification of it-selve, yet he yeveth power in signification to other.
The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
This occurred time after time, and was the most dreary signification of parallel processing that Danis could imagine.
The minute end of the scale of signification is limited only by the limits of his perception, the minutest of graphic particulars that his graver could carve or his pen could write.
Unlocking Language: Self-Similarity in Blake's _Jerusalem_.
Hence the word divination has a sinister signification.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Is there any other short word so charged with a multiplicity of meanings and significations, so many disparate elements?
But this powerful stage image of breaking glass is overdetermined with other significations as well.
His idea is that the syncategoreumata must have some sort of signification, but not the same as the categorematic words.
Peter of Spain
We are lead instead to meanings and marks of signification whose selection is based on the hybridity of the Real and Symbolic, the desires assembled from the Real and socially inscribed desiring.
Wandering in the Landscape with Wordsworth and Deleuze
the signification of Chinese characters
Pillar, Plain Of The or rather "oak of the pillar" (that being the real signification of the Hebrew word elon), a tree which stood near Shechem and at which the men of Shechem and the house of Millo assembled to crown Abimelech the son of Gideon.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
To these, I doubt not, might be added a great many other significations of this particle, if it were my business to examine it in its full latitude, and consider it in all the places it is to be found: which if one should do, I doubt whether in all those manners it is made use of, it would deserve the title of discretive, which grammarians give to it.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Freud introduced free association in The Interpretation of Dreams as a method to trigger expansive clusters of signification, often polyvalent and clashing in character, in order to unravel the import of a dream.
Our futurist zeitgeist may originate in capitalist economics, but its logic also creates a context for cultural signification.