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How To Use Signature In A Sentence

  • Her signature is totally illegible .
  • Staff are still collating signatures to find out exactly how many people took part.
  • He expanded this idea to the propose the ‘deep, hot biosphere’ which both generates methane and adds biogenic signatures to inorganic petroleum, and that part, at least, is looking more correct every year.
  • It's fun, quick and delivers an individual colour signature to each person. Times, Sunday Times
  • E-Mail etiquette requires some kind of signature at the end of a message, despite the header that appears with each incoming item.
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  • This loveable rascal is probably best known for the Jamaican ska beat that is the signature of much of his song-writing.
  • The Police range will even include a Beckham signature model.
  • The person who taps the keys here over the signature "revere" (or sometimes "Revere"; it's at most one at a time) is not Paul Revere. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Fresh basil may well be the signature herb of summer, perfuming our gardens and flavoring our foods with its delightful clovelike essence.
  • Speaker / signature verification systems will be developed.
  • He watched the heavy blue fabric shredded open with the ragged capillary signature of summer lightning. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN
  • The book with its various signatures and the exhibition title encapsulate the continuing dynamic of the oral-literate interaction over the Treaty. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
  • In the Spanish procedure a ratification of such an agreement has to be approved by both chambers of parliament before it is put to the signature of the King.
  • It doesn't get any easier as the chefs come together for their next challenge - cooking their signature dishes for the three judges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consult your accommodation office for further help with individual contracts before putting your signature to them.
  • Many queued for up to 30 minutes for a chance to add their signature.
  • Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.
  • The competitive infatuation with ‘signature’ skyscrapers may continue to get the publicity, but some of the best young talents are staking their claims and reputations on the ground.
  • The Walker A, Walker B, and ABC signatures are boxed.
  • Although I got hundreds of supportive signatures, I could not get my name printed on the ballot. A Beijinger's Fight to Run for Office
  • This is your resident DJ signing off for another week with our signature tune.
  • Old radio signature tunes and royal music are on the agenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • They gather nominating petition signatures for lawmakers, raise money for them and sometimes even run their re-election campaigns.
  • Always position the signature in a clear area free from other text and graphics.
  • Cells tugged in one direction sent biochemical signals in the opposite direction in the form of a signature pattern of fluorescent light.
  • The hoodies, oversized blazers and signature embossed collar tees would make an easy addition to any woman's wardrobe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their printed names without signatures were insufficient. Christianity Today
  • Musical literacy requires knowledge of major and minor scales, key signatures, intervals and triad spelling.
  • He has brought a piece of Village Farm's belly pork and the head chef wants him to prepare and cook a signature menu for the restaurant.
  • The eliminationist project is in many ways the signature of fascism, partly because it proceeds naturally from fascism's embrace of what Oxford Brookes scholar Roger Griffin calls palingenesis, or a Phoenix-like national rebirth, as its core myth. Crooks and Liars
  • He said the minister's stipulation that independent candidates must have the signatures of fifteen assenters in the local elections was a slur on the integrity of non-party candidates.
  • M. le Comte's guests followed closely on the triumphant bridegroom's heels: M. le préfet, fussy and nervous, secretly delighted at the idea of affixing his official signature to such an aristocratic _contrat de mariage_ as was this between M.le. de Cambray de Brestalou and M. Victor de M.rmont, own nephew to M.rshal the duc de Raguse; M.dame la préfète, resplendent in the latest fashion from Paris, the Duc and Duchesse d'Embrun, cousins of the bride, the Vicomte de Génevois and his mother, who was Abbess of Pont Haut and godmother by proxy to Crystal de The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
  • You have to ask questions and verify just what in heck is being asked of your that's so important it needs your signature. McDonnell: Not mentioning slavery was 'a mistake'
  • Redknapp was described as a "hard-headed businessman" as the jury of eight men and four women were shown a string of documents and his signature. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The appearance of naturally aged wood captures the signatures of all of nature's own artists.
  • When he came back with all three signatures on a piece of paper we would send the first load of rocket launchers.
  • Starting on C major, they ascend in pitch utilizing the key signatures that employ no more than four sharps or fiats.
  • Under Royal Thai law all documents presented to you for signature will be in Thai.
  • When people decide to undertake an initiative, they naively think that all they have to do is go out and collect the requisite number of signatures and then presto you're on the ballot-wrong.
  • Two copies of the contract will be sent to you for signature.
  • Mercury in Sagittarius in the 6th square Mars is not a signature for tact and diplomacy.
  • But the greatest controversy concerns the character of the racist cop who pursues Carter vindictively, lying, cheating and forging a signature in an effort to frame him.
  • After the tour, Manly was joined in the chase for Ofahengaue's signature by St. George.
  • The signature of a baseline molecule, called acetylene (C2H2), was seen for both types of stars, but hydrogen cyanide was seen only around stars like our sun. Image Gallery
  • His was one of two required signatures on the cheque.
  • The captain then signs the bills of lading and precedes his signature with a statement that shipment is subject to charter party conditions.
  • This show, held in cavernous, candelabra-strewn space that had a whiff of ruined empire, had plenty of strong, practical pieces: impeccably cut overcoats, running the gamut from deepest navy and ashiest gray to the purest white with black trimming; three-piece suits tailored with Browne's signature off-kilter proportions, and a pair of gray corduroy pants strewn with white snowflakes. Article Feed
  • One of the primary indications that the RNA signatures are, in fact, remnants of an evolutionary saltation is their discrete character. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • He made us laugh, he knocked us dead, and then there was the scrapbook, with its pages full of letters, pictures, signatures.
  • However, often engravers’ and enamellers ' signatures do appear.
  • The signature at the bottom, clinched it: Jane Doe - which is a synonym for The-Woman-in-the-Street.
  • Signature details included intricate criss-cross fabric weaving, long lines and flowing fringe-like ties.
  • For the final touch, I sprayed my signature scent, Moonlight Path, around the room, and walked through it.
  • The group said it had collected 3,000 signatures on a petition calling for the hunter's licence to be revoked. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is just as passionate about stylists having easy access today to top quality razor-cutting education at its professional best … education that advances their skills and immediately impacts their 'signature image', their career, and their pocketbooks. Press Releases
  • Movie bombshell Megan Fox gave new meaning to the word transformer during a recent day out in L.A., when the sexy star, who is rarely seen without her signature dark eye makeup and slash of red lipstick, dared to go bare while picking up beauty supplies. Megan Fox Without Makeup (PHOTO)
  • In this, the national theatre's centenary year, this new production of the Abbey's signature play does not suffer in comparison with Garry Hynes's Druid staging last February.
  • The only way to distinguish them is by their subtly different signature walks and facial expressions.
  • He took it a couple of steps further though, faxing all the local Cleveland media outlets on plain white paper with his signature demanding a trade.
  • While he plays his signature Gibson SG guitar, the band sit cross-legged holding plastic saxophones and keytars.
  • With the asymmetric, twisting, flailing impetus of Petronio's signature style dialled right up, they often appear to be battling the elements: they're hurled across the stage in whirling, lop-sided turns or jagged leaps. Stephen Petronio Company – review
  • The signatures are piled up in order, and a "gatherer" collects one from each pile for every book. Makers of Many Things
  • On 6 May 2002, the US government took the unprecedented step of repudiating its signature of the Rome Statute and began a worldwide campaign to weaken the Court and to obtain impunity for all US nationals from the jurisdiction of the Court. Think Progress » EU wants answers on secret prisons.
  • The design's signature is the curved wall that defines an edge of the courtyard.
  • One thing I can't do is forge his signature, largely because he's left-handed and I'm not.
  • He began playing the guitar and cuatro at 14, and later mastered the vibraphone and the harmonica, which became one of his signature sounds.
  • The fax side as many features; you can store your signature and incorporate it in faxes, for example.
  • As he progresses, he will also learn to distinguish various musical expressions such as time signature, rests, and tempo.
  • Other signature promises may be addressed in piecemeal fashion in the opening weeks of the Obama administration but then put on a long track toward more comprehensive resolutions. The Sunday Word: Closing Guantanamo Will Have To Wait - The Caucus Blog -
  • Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri's signature dishes.
  • As a result the X-ray absorption spectrum contains a precise signature of the atomic environment of a particular element.
  • Seven per cent confessed to assuming another person's identity through forging their signature on letters or cheques.
  • Meanwhile, we introduce a high-efficiency algorithm for RSA modular multiplication, especially the application, and the insecurity of digital signature schemes with message recovery.
  • The company's signature desmodromic valve operation is not only retained, it's this which facilitates the use of the huge valves with their massive potential gas flow at the high revs an engine with a stroke as short as this can achieve. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • As he wasn't a registered reader it needed Diane's signature on a xerox form.
  • Finally, in the first years of contact with Europeans, Māori chiefs would draw their moko (facial tattoo) on documents in place of a signature. Frances McInnis: Five Conversation Starters: Jesse James and Tattoos
  • And because it is an unsigned copy, they don't even have to forge a signature.
  • The signature brow beating and bleating dirges still abound, but there's an increased focus on songwriting rather than the moping first-person exposition that typified their first few records.
  • further examination it was found that the signature was not genuine.
  • There's also little evidence of wobbling in the body, which can be a signature for roofless versions of normally hard-topped coupes, which is as much a compliment to the suspension as to the stiffness of the car as a whole. - Stuff
  • The characters have sections of their texts set in Lully's signature arioso with a few aria-like pieces here and there.
  • The cheques required two signatures but she often forged the names of colleagues.
  • As with all other candidates, his nomination papers need the signatures of ten electors in the constituency.
  • Tory Burch Tory Burch resort collection 2012 Tory Burch went Southwest for her spirited resort collection, which featured, in addition to her signature tunics and ballet flats, twists such as pretty silk fringe scarves, tweed woven ponchos and basketweave jackets all inspired by the American Southwest, Santa Fe in particular. Resort Wear from the Urban Jungle to the Mellow Southwest
  • However, what the Bank put before him for signature by way of security documents was a mortgage for the ‘Sneaths’ property.
  • Despite their cultic significance, these mostly later portraits are generally valued only as documents of historical subjects, for their calligraphic inscriptions, or for an occasional artist's signature.
  • The auction contains a treasure trove of signature pieces including chokers, tiaras, earrings and a myriad of other costume jewelry once owned by Hilton.
  • Slick suits and stand out colours are becoming a cool signature style. The Sun
  • After a stealth aircraft flies, maintenance workers must recoat the skin, repairing the tiny dings and burrs that increase the craft's radar signature.
  • She went from house to house collecting signatures for her campaign.
  • Security and privacy technologies such as encryption, digital signatures, and biometric identification systems are evolving rapidly.
  • The forms needed to be signed by someone authorised by the hospital such as a doctor - but these signatures were faked, the court heard.
  • She produced the piece of paper to which the notice had been attached, and which now bore the word ‘Declined’ in bold print, with a signature below.
  • The second issue, the interpretation of time signatures and the relationship between duple and triple time, is more controversial.
  • Their signature salad chock full of fresh greens, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, avocado, eggplant portobello mushrooms and topped with pepita encrusted tofu is enough to show you that this ain't your traditional bar menu. Carolyn Scott: Miami Twice: Miami Healthy Dining Hot Spots Part 2
  • How do we know that the signature is contemporaneous with the document?
  • Frank starts out small, forging signatures and cheques and soon moves into a rather successful succession of fake identities and fraudulent cheques.
  • A signature-revocation effort by opponents made a dent in the final tally but was not enough to keep the initiative off the ballot.
  • The first character of the signature is badly engraved and hesitantly formed.
  • Without looking up, the Commish dutifully scrawled his signature on my paper as Andra snapped a photo of us.
  • Her signature was a complicated affair of practised flourishes.
  • my heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, "i love thee.
  • He was prolific - his signature is known on more than 50 vases - and inspired many pupils and imitators.
  • The officer attached his signature to the document.
  • In many instances he simply reached a settlement with the insurance company, forged his client's signature on the check, and pocketed the money.
  • Summit organisers had hoped to produce three global conventions for signature in Rio, but these were blocked.
  • Backed by an ­invigoratingly swinging big band, his singing made me feel good with his personal, signature sound, infectious jazz time and conversational phrasing. The Other Frank Sinatra
  • Other cybersecurity experts cite a growing threat from so-called "polymorphic" spyware that can change its digital signature to millions of different combinations to evade identification by anti-virus software. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • The tricorder is capable of mimicking more than 1,000 unique subaural signatures simultaneously. The Starfleet Survival Guide
  • When confronted with his forged signature on the introduction letters, he claimed it looked like his signature but could not be.
  • How do we know that the signature is contemporaneous with the document?
  • The monument's signature towering monoliths, spires, and steep canyons reflect millions of years of erosion, faulting, and tectonic plate movement.
  • Starting on C major, they ascend in pitch utilizing the key signatures that employ no more than four sharps or flats.
  • The covetable pieces are all 100 per cent silk and feature the designer's gorgeous signature prints. The Sun
  • It is difficult to reproduce a signature exactly.
  • With the invention of the credit card, unmanageable debt is as easy as a magnetic swipe and a signature. Christianity Today
  • If noise is the signature tune of the world, the silence is the music of the other world, the closest thing we know to the harmony of the spheres.
  • Established booksellers and auction houses take steps to ensure that books and signatures are what they claim to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • It'll mean that if a fraudster nicks your credit or debit card, it'll be useless practising the signature on it as he'll need to read your mind for the PIN to get anywhere with it.
  • We also went back to the 1600s to find signatures on letters written by Cassini and Christian Huygens.
  • World-class winemaker Susana Balbo says she separates the barrels in her cellar into two categories: the signature (read expensive) and the crios, or children. The Roanoke Times: Home page
  • Oaxaca's philatelic museum, meanwhile, announced that it would issue a stamp bearing Morales' image and signature.
  • Write down chords, words, fingerings, time signatures - anything that will help other musicians figure out what you're doing.
  • We were able to find several different geomorphic signatures, what the features look like, and if they have frozen beds of snow, sand and ice in them.
  • One of the songs, I suppose you would call it a signature tune, 'Wild Horses', has had a great reception and was first played on the radio by Terry Wogan!
  • This in spite of the fact, that this method will work properly with another signature int ArrSum (int* nargs) {int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {sum + = nargs [i]; return sum; Shai Raiten
  • ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE keep all three to a minimum. maintain convoy integrity, mutual support and momentum .. Cheeseburger Gothic » Gentlemen’s Club.
  • After years of backsliding, the New York City Ballet has recaptured the precision that its signature Balanchine repertory demands.
  • The signature of a declaration on relations between the two countries was seen as the first step towards a future inter-state treaty.
  • Investigators have determined that the signature was forged.
  • The receipt said the payment was verified by a signature, rather than a Pin number. Times, Sunday Times
  • Songs start and stop perfectly, sometimes several times; time signatures chop and change and not a single beat is missed.
  • The signature was smudged and impossible to decipher.
  • She faked her mother's signature on the document.
  • All transactions procedures are intermediary companies in a staff shuttle between the seller and the buyer , or even the Party of the First Part of the contract is recognized staff signatures.
  • Even if you've had to opportunity to try their signature Moules Fromage Bleu - a steaming pot of PEI mussels, bacon, shallots, spinach, and blue cheese with frites - watch as Food Network poster-boy Bobby Flay attempts to "throwdown" and pit his coconut milk, roasted green chilies and butter mussels, and roasted poblano fries against Chef Teddy Folkman's classic dish. DCist
  • Unlike many of his time Charlemagne had the skill of writing, as in his imperial signature on a document dated 775.
  • Oxford Street is so clogged with London's signature double-decker buses — 300 passing every hour — that London Mayor Boris Johnson once called the sight "a panting wall of red metal. Londoners Take Aim at Scourge of the Sidewalks
  • Indeed, a petition against the boycott idea has garnered thousands of signatures from intellectual luminaries here.
  • We need also to see all the signatures that are consistent with a high velocity impact, like glasses from melting and, of course, debris; and what are called shatter cones (shocked rocks)," he told BBC News. Signs of the Times
  • And a petition asking the Government to put more funds into pancreatic cancer research had almost 10,000 signatures last night. The Sun
  • Because the blocks themselves are so glorious the signatures are almost insignificant, until that is, one begins to look at the history or provenance of the quilt.
  • The men's furnishings line, with its signature Lilly print ties, pocket squares and beachwear (an example being swim trunks in the classic Lilly print), also caught the eyes of many of the attendees.
  • In collating books in two or more volumes double watchfulness is needed to guard against a missing signature, which may have its place filled by the same pages belonging to another volume -- a mixture sometimes made in binderies, in "gathering" the sheets, and which makes it necessary to see that the signatures are right as well as the pages. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • In fact, the word idiom comes from the Greek root idio, meaning a unique signature. 4. Idioms
  • Having two different stamps on one piece might cause one to arrive at the logical conclusion that those two signatures belong in the same family and are from two generations of toolmakers.
  • There are two sharps in the key signature of D major.
  • His signature sinker wasn't sinking, and it appeared Brown relied on an arm angle that would put less pressure on his injury.
  • I refer you to my signature at foot, also to that of Mr. G. , who will sign per procuration.
  • Protocol is also provided for formatting, blind copying, attachments, automatic signatures and tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was really expecting for something truly new from Kenzo Amour, and instead I got quotes from different perfumes: The base is powdery musk and vanilla, as in Flower, or the signature dry down of the Ormonde Jayne line The tartness of Amour reminds me of the pink pepper and dates notes in Ta’if, and the steam rice recalls the basmati rice in Champaca. Archive 2006-09-01
  • He attached his signature to this document.
  • He tried to make out the name on the signature line, but all he got was an ‘M’ followed by a squiggle, and an ‘O’ followed by a longer squiggle with a big bump near the beginning.
  • After creating the profile on the forum we then need you to fill in the pre-written "about me section" and put in a "backlink" in the signature page (if applicable). - New Projects
  • I recommend their specials, salads and soups over their signature dosas.
  • The group said it had collected 3,000 signatures on a petition calling for the hunter's licence to be revoked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather be caught cheating at cards or forging a friend's signature.
  • Fashion editors favour anything in the house's signature 'oro' mustard-gold shade of leather. Times, Sunday Times
  • He then asks them to witness the signature of his will.
  • We hope to secure the signatures of two-thirds of our registered voters, thus bypassing the need for an incorporation election.
  • His signature looks were all there; tartan ballgowns, blanket coats and double-faced cashmere sweaters and jackets. Times, Sunday Times
  • On February 19, 1993 the bank sent the deceased trust documents for signature but they were never returned.
  • There is no evolutionary continuum between the domains of life; organisms have either the bacterial, archaeal, or eukaryal character [although Woese et al. think some evidence may link the last two domains] … no exceptions are seen; no "gray area" exists between the archaeal and bacterial signatures; the ribosome is of either bacterial or archaeal nature. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • The hash output is called a digital signature and is used for data integrity.
  • Yes, they play the standard trio repertoire; in fact, the Beethoven Triple Concerto has become a signature piece for the Trio.
  • The look became dottier and dottier, until it morphed into a kind of homeless masquerade, one that was accented by subtle luxuries like a cashmere muffler, a Balenciaga lariat bag and of course her signature carryout latte from Starbucks. "Ashcan chic ... a kind of homeless masquerade."
  • Now, the pianist will either feel daunted or liberated by the fact that Prélude no. 4 bears no time signature: we are simply told largo, espressivo.
  • It may be some special legal word-ing, signature block, advertising message, or contractual term that is used repeatedly.
  • In his eighties he could still improvise his signature double talk. Times, Sunday Times
  • It only takes two or three volunteers on a busy market day or Saturday afternoon to gather several hundred signatures.
  • In orange and green spray paint that seems almost subtle next to the luminous signatures and bawdy slogans, a simple piece of graffiti is etched onto the wall of the off-license on a Hull estate.
  • Encryption and digital signatures are techniques to expand the dynamics of trust into a new territory.
  • He affixed his signature to the document.
  • From shopping receipts to hankies, napkins to the tiniest scraps of paper became handy as they literally mobbed the Hyderabadi beauty for her signature.
  • United are also pondering a £12m move for Bayern Munich midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger, with their vastly wealthier rivals Manchester City and Chelsea likely to gazump any effort Alex Ferguson makes to secure the signature of the 26-year-old German international. Football transfer rumours: Liverpool to sign Johan Elmander?
  • Would you be willing to act as a witness to my signature when I sign my will?
  • My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, "I love thee.
  • She faked her mother's signature on the document.
  • Why isn't one signature and swearing a blood oath good enough? Times, Sunday Times
  • Dozens of people in the back of a lorry is one hell of a heat signature. The Sun
  • Carlos Falchi red patent signature logo tote bag, $ 39. 99.
  • Distinct micro-Raman spectra signatures of sample from the Little Hebe crater rim in Death Valley B simultaneously showing mineralogical and microbiological spectral signatures of various minerals. SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Rosalba Bonaccorsi -- Protecting and Exploring Mars from Earth
  • Wendy noted the crabbed scrawl of her uncle's signature immediately above the notarization seal, then read the introduction.
  • As you approach, the distinctive signature brownstone style town-homes at road level are shaded by tall palm groves enhancing the affluent and intimate neighborhood ambiance.
  • I just need your signature again on this last sheet here.
  • Several subsidiary agreement were also ready for signature - on agricultural cooperation, transportation, oceanography, cultural exchanges.
  • This kind of signature has wide applications in many areas, such as call for tenders, electronic voting and electronic auction.
  • Six years later, his name appeared as the second of 25 signatures on a document requesting the incorporation of Richmond.
  • By 1929, Lawrence himself possessed a pirated edition, a "filthy-looking book...containing my [his] forged signature by the little boy of the piratical family" (Lawrence 4).
  • Li Yen is the signature restaurant of The Ritz-Carlton and has the snug atmosphere of a private Cantonese club, albeit one enlivened with the bright, cascading notes of a yang quin, or traditional hammered dulcimer, and the chatter of prosperous Chinese families spinning their lazy susans. Kuala Lumpur Update
  • The reasonably widespread if often vague notion that super-close reading results in undecidability rather than organic unity; the not uncommon, if typically undisciplined assertion that texts predict and choreograph the foibles of their interpreters — these tics of contemporary professional critical writing bear the faint but unmistakable trace of de Man's signature. Introduction
  • One thing I regret: the jettisoning of the original signature tune.
  • King County election workers were told as early as May that if an absentee ballot came in without a matching signature on file they were required to make a concerted effort to verify that the vote was valid.
  • Most AV programs use a database of known virus signatures.
  • They sent Brammall a form of guarantee in order for him to obtain his wife's signature.
  • Confusingly, logos and some design signatures - such as the three stripes on Adidas track suits or the Nike swoosh - are protected from copying under trademark statutes.
  • The troupe's signature use of satire, vaudeville, mime and spoken word dramatizes the voices of the socially invisible and the New Americans, offering a fresh examination of cultures in flux. : News
  • This could, with considerable effort, be used to forge certificates and signatures.
  • Lisa's models wear: crop-jacket pant suit; skirt suit in burlap with her signature raffia handwork, her homage to Bahamian straw basket makers.
  • The signature starter, Nine Bites, is an assortment of mini-masterpieces that might include a tuna sashimi roll with truffled ponzu (a soy-citrus sauce) or a lobster pot de creme as silky as creme caramel.

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