
How To Use Sifting In A Sentence

  • Sifting through the reports logged in the last couple of weeks, he came across a tale that had previously gone unread. EVERVILLE
  • The discovery was made by accountants sifting through the remains of the Maxwell business empire.
  • Of course the 'nester' or 'punkin roller,' as we contemptuously called the small farmer, began sifting in here and there in spite of our guns, but he was only a mosquito bite in comparison with the trouble which our cow-punchers stirred up. Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger A Romance of the Mountain West
  • Continue sifting until all of the clumps from the fragrance are worked into the powder and it is free-flowing. Anti-Talc - Day Two - Fragrance and Color
  • The few light, dry siftings that did produced little buildup on the frozen ground, except in hollows and depressions, and sometimes not even there. The Plains of Passage
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  • After sifting through a mountain of words, the author has settled on 1,500 meanings that reflect the ever-changing world of lexicography.
  • Genuine conservation means sifting through evidence, weighing options and reaching consensus. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spent the morning working on the new book of poems, selecting, sifting and sorting pieces for inclusion.
  • I'm having the most enormous fun sifting through the mound of accumulated poems and haiku, bringing order and accord where there was none.
  • Investigators are sifting through evidence teased from computer software seized at the properties. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spent most of the night rummaging through desk drawers and sifting through filing cabinets.
  • Earlier in the day, light siftings of snow had drifted down and melted in the open sunny spaces, but some had accumulated in the shady nooks, forecasting the possibility of a cold night, and heavier snows to come. The Plains of Passage
  • But we might remember too that the litter and discard which accompany decay are interesting in their heterogeneity: juxtapositions of fibula and quernstone, gold ring and ox scapula in sifting through the cultural rubbish tip.
  • After the first roll, the leaf is sifted (kutcha sifting) and the fine leaves (about 20%) are taken out. Darjeeling Tea Processing - The process of Darjeeling Tea manufacture
  • Three rivers flowed into the city, their waters sifting through the canal system before reaching the lake.
  • I'm fed up with constantly finding you in the hallway sifting through the letters.
  • Crash investigators have been sifting through the wreckage of the aircraft.
  • He was in Europe preparing for the Commonwealth Games and I was at home sifting and sorting through his personal belongings and boxing them up.
  • Having retired from the school last summer, he is now beginning the laborious process of sifting through his enormous archive and is writing a history of the period.
  • Research for the book required long days spent sifting through archives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police are sifting through the evidence in the hope of finding more clues.
  • 'We're sifting through a forest of radio transmissions,' said Rubeo, giving the latest update. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • Garbage pail can be loosely translated as the kitchen sink, or one could read the name to mean literal siftings from the garbage pail. The Rules of Recipe Attraction
  • Police are sifting through the evidence in the hope of finding more clues.
  • She looked quickly through the papers, sifting out from the pile anything that looked interesting.
  • Candy dragged me into Wet Seal, where she began sifting through a pile of flippy skirts to find her size (a size one).
  • In the rainbow, raindrops do the sifting systematically; each band is part of a progression through the visible spectrum, from red to violet.
  • There is a process of sifting and screening among MPs and frontbenchers which provides an informal shortlist of possible leaders.
  • The project would involve creating a huge artificial lake and sifting out the mineral.
  • Facing these two challenges head on, he has done a first rate job of sifting through a huge mass of material and making sense of it.
  • Sifting through such a volume of applications can become very time consuming and expensive, and employers continue to turn to automated sifting tools such as psychometric tests to whittle down numbers prior to a face to face assessment. Onrec
  • When they browse they move upwind, carefully sniffing and sifting the air for danger, their sharp-sighted eyes constantly on the alert.
  • Genuine conservation means sifting through evidence, weighing options and reaching consensus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police are sifting through the evidence in the hope of finding more clues.
  • Time could not be wasted on pedantic evidence sifting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Archie was thinking he ought to be relieved to get the job of making a retro photomap off his plate, considering he’d have his hands full tackling one problem at a time, among them sifting through mountains of electronic log-in data for Doc Ray’s inside-out Flash Ink user-tracking quest. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Skin Deep
  • Investigators are sifting through evidence teased from computer software seized at the properties. Times, Sunday Times
  • He lay on the beach, sifting the sand through his fingers.
  • It's intricate, emotional, cerebral, funny, satirical, worldly, and will have you sifting through your reference books with glee.
  • Snow was sifting down at Tiffindell ski resort near Rhodes yesterday morning, adding to over 25 cm which had fallen since Friday.
  • Ayla lay awake under the starlit sky, staring up at the patterns of constellations and listening to the night sounds: the wind sifting through the trees, the soft liquid running of the river, the chirk of crickets, the harsh harumph of a bullfrog. The Plains of Passage
  • The answer must be no, but again the impression of profound thought and relentless sifting of the ideas can only inspire respect.
  • While sifting through piles of my digital life last week, I stumbled across my installation floppies for Netscape Navigator from 1995.
  • Caleb sat down beside her and began sifting the sand through his fingers.
  • He lay on the beach, sifting the sand through his fingers.
  • And cops are sifting through 300 tons of rubbish. The Sun
  • Gemini awoke the next morning, not to her father prodding her in the side, but to a warm breeze sifting in through her window and the hot summer sun falling across her face.
  • I began sifting through the mass of evidence.
  • Giant lighting rigs have now been set up to help those sifting through the rubble, but amongst the twisted metal of the bombed carriages many are still using torchlight.
  • I watch her sifting plaster of Paris through her fingers as she sprinkles it slowly onto limp water.
  • The secret of this appears to lie in sifting out what is most idiomatic or characteristic of a man, purging and depurating this of all that is uncharacteristic, and then presenting the former unmixed and free, the man of the man. Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • Police experts are sifting all the evidence with a fine - tooth comb .
  • She sprayed a gentle mist of elegant perfume, one dash on her neck, another sifting onto her cascading hair, and another for her wrists.
  • Police experts are sifting all the evidence with a fine - tooth comb .
  • After all, the knoll was only a single point on the vast staff map -- only one of many points of a struggle whose progress was bulletined through the siftings of regimental, brigade, division, and corps headquarters in net results to the staff. The Last Shot
  • Police are sifting through the evidence in the hope of finding more clues.
  • Then, with all the grace of a dilapidated high rise that is rigged for an implosion, the book collapses in a sudden and spectacular fashion, leaving behind a huge pile of rubble that isn't worth sifting through.
  • What we end up doing, those that can be bothered, is sifting through news bulletins, conference coverage, current affairs programmes, blogs, professional political comment (yes, I thought Parris was ace), rather than just buying one newspaper and finding the news in it. A Wee Fib
  • The only sound was the almost subaudible hiss of the Vineyard breeze sifting through the trees. Third Strike
  • The question tickled something long hidden, perhaps a meadow where sifting, warm light still shone, a memory of gossamer rays wrapped round his body in all splendorous tranquility.
  • We sat on the bed together, sifting through the memoirs, and when I looked up at her, her eyes were shining with unshed tears.
  • Smaller Artemia obtained by sifting the shrimp through cheesecloth or bolting cloth are satisfactory.
  • Even sifting will not rid the soil of its presence with certainty, but by spreading thin layers of the mould evenly upon a hard, level floor, and passing a heavy roller over it east and west, then north and south, the wireworm will be disposed of. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Investigators were sifting through the wreckage to establish why the driver had lost control. The Sun
  • Instead, Mr Collins advocates old-fashioned management virtues such as determination, discipline, calmness under pressure and strategic decision-making based on careful sifting of the evidence.
  • One tray, the * - sele, was innovated at least as far back as the proto-Eastern-Savanna Bantu period when it designated a "winnowing basket," while the * - ungo "winnowing/sifting basket" may represent a PNECB innovation from a Mashariki verb that meant "to winnow. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • The sipping of aromatic and flavorful liqueurs from snifters while sifting in a cushy wing-back chair is a dying art.
  • Crash investigators have been sifting through the wreckage of the aircraft.
  • Because vast amounts of information have to be translated, sifting the seized materials will take a long time and threat information will likely come out in dribs and drabs, counterterrorism officials said, predicting it would take weeks just to do a preliminary assessment of the material. Al Qaeda Sought to Target U.S. Train Network
  • Police experts are sifting all the evidence with a fine - tooth comb .
  • This was a gutsier and more expressive design language, joyously sifting through architectural history to incorporate styles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Councils have already admitted they often have no idea what happens to the plastic and cardboard you spend your life sifting into the right bin. The Sun
  • Faced with ideas that negated their newly claimed identities, they neither argued nor capitulated, but simply left - thereby definitively sifting such ideas out of their religious beliefs.
  • Police have spent the day sifting through the debris for clues.
  • Daily rations were limited to three hundred grams of black bread and pepper-pods, egg-fruit (an egg-shaped orange-yellow sweet fruit), rice-mill siftings, or cabbage, an inadequate diet upon which to survive. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • Open any page of Kharms and off pour metal filings, siftings strew his pages and lines and words. The Man from OBERIU
  • Sea squirts spend most of their lives attached to underwater rocks, sifting tiny particles of food from the water around them.
  • Prepare the pasta by sifting the flour and a pinch of salt into a mound on a board. make a well in the centre and add the eggs.
  • She looked quickly through the papers, sifting out from the pile anything that looked interesting.
  • The rest are given a second roll and in the second kutcha sifting about 20 - 25% rolled leaf is taken out. Darjeeling Tea Processing - The process of Darjeeling Tea manufacture
  • The more I delved into sifting the reliable from the unreliable, the deeper I dropped into the well of discovery.
  • I'm fed up with constantly finding you in the hallway sifting through the letters.
  • They are savoring the complex seasonings, the voluptuous stirrings and siftings, with an enjoyment formerly reserved for novels. American Pie
  • I quickly went over to the desk and starting sifting through the papers, looking for a clue to the identity of our mystery guest.
  • Thus, persons suspected of crime go through three different stages, three siftings, before coming up for trial before the judges of the upper Court — the High Justice of the realm. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • Dry Flo is plain cornstarch that has extra processing and sifting to make it flow and disperse better. Anti-Talc Powder - Day One - Set-Up
  • He also advised sifting the seedling soil mixture because they will tend to attach to large bits of bark for the moisture and it is very easy to damage tem when transplanting.
  • Loire was kneading his dough; his wife was sifting meal; Oudart was toping in his office; the gentlemen were playing at tennis; the Lord Basche at in-and-out with my lady; the waiting-men and gentle-women at push-pin; the officers at lanterloo, and the pages at hot-cockles, giving one another smart bangs. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 4
  • Gizzard: a pouch-like structure between the crop and chylific ventricle furnished with chitinous teeth or plates, in which the food is prepared for the digestive juices by grinding or merely sifting = cardia. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Loosely translated as "siftings from the garbage pail," it has 13 ingredients that are simply put together. The Rules of Recipe Attraction
  • Let's be honest, though; the GOP geniuses are going to be sifting through the expenditures looking for $500 toilet seats or whatever, so I suppose extreme oversight is a good idea (I mean, we all know how important government oversight is to Republicans, cough, cough). Stimulus money needs to be spent faster, Dems say
  • Future historians sifting through the cinematic detritus of the last 100 years might find themselves wondering whether some dozy assistant had mislabelled the reels for the early 21st century. The Artist and the rise of retrovision
  • Art historians have spent time sifting through the evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so, Kelley knew just what to do as 128.3 tons of vaporized poisons - including sulfur dioxide, hexane, carbon monoxide, isobutane - began sifting earthward.
  • Three quarters of that was spent sifting choices down to twelve of my favourite songs and favourite songwriters.
  • The local library can have a valuable purpose in sifting that mass, in being a space for culture, ideas and learning. Times, Sunday Times
  • For this reason, post-publication review is very important to sifting good theory from bad.
  • After all, I'm a moderately successful marketing professional, used to sifting through what people say to find what they actually mean.
  • Ellen did not say that she had used up the last siftings of flour—enough for one small loaf. The Dressmaker
  • He lay on the beach, sifting the sand through his fingers.
  • In the Highlands of Scotland, among those who observed Christmas, a characteristic dish was new sowens (the husks and siftings of oatmeal), given to the family early on Christmas Day in their beds. Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan
  • Forensic experts are still sifting through debris from the Newbridge Courthouse fire, which gutted the historic building last Thursday morning.
  • Investigators were sifting through the wreckage to establish why the driver had lost control. The Sun
  • Many spend the day knee-deep in water sifting for diamonds.
  • In B & Q I gave way to my evil instincts and sneaked a shot of Graham sifting through reels of electrical cable.
  • A shovel-full of cinder-siftings is a most timely attention round the young shoots of such as are poking up their noses a little too early, and seem likely to get them frost-bitten. Mary's Meadow; and Letters From a Little Garden
  • Reading and sifting allows me to see myself as an agent in the literary culture - which I have to believe impinges at least somewhat on our common lives.
  • Police are sifting through the evidence in the hope of finding more clues.
  • Three quarters of that was spent sifting choices down to twelve of my favourite songs and favourite songwriters.
  • Crash investigators have been sifting through the wreckage of the aircraft.
  • Materials needed to assemble your terrarium include gravel for drainage; sphagnum moss to keep the soil from sifting into the drainage area; potting mix without fertilizer; and accessories like gravel, miniature animals — whatever items that add a touch of whimsy to your terrarium. Terrarium Day at Sugar Creek « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • The pretence is that the branch's top bod has spent the last month patiently sifting through hundreds of new titles, and now has alighted on a neglected gem: a book so good you have simply got to read it.
  • It is just one small example of the biggest challenge for those tasked with sifting through the wreckage. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the morning, he sat on the edge of the bed, the weight of another day upon him, light sifting dully in from under the window shade.
  • Art historians have spent time sifting through the evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was only a few hours after the general election results that the counters were again sifting through ballot papers.
  • Sifting through the collection, they separated out the bones of a theropod, or meat-eating dinosaur.
  • Police are sifting through the evidence in the hope of finding more clues.
  • Sifting through the collection, they separated out the bones of a theropod, or meat-eating dinosaur.
  • It is just one small example of the biggest challenge for those tasked with sifting through the wreckage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Firemen sifting through the ashes had heard the click of bangles.
  • Bags, wallets and clothes were also frequently picked up by customs offices sifting through the post. Times, Sunday Times
  • She'd listen to the soft sounds of the desert, and out there, it was so quiet at that time that she could hear the sand sifting across the desert.
  • Time could not be wasted on pedantic evidence sifting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The experts did a painstaking sifting of debris.
  • 'We're sifting through a forest of radio transmissions,' said Rubeo, giving the latest update. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • Loedolff is busy sifting out undesirable works in the collection, and has been selling prints and oils that don't fit the profile of the collection.
  • He lay on the beach, sifting the sand through his fingers.
  • Despite his awkward arrival, Howard smiled down at the sand a few centimeters beneath his nose, sifting a hand-full of the white granules through his fingers.
  • Oracle has denied knowledge of the detective agency's methods, which included sifting through rubbish bins.
  • Nastasha's head rose and fell with the large intakes of air with each of his burly breaths, the fumes of the lime-laced vodka sifting through his nostrils.
  • In polymer flooding, polymer molecules undergo sifting by pore throats when passing through porous media.
  • Detectives working on the hunt for the attacker are now sifting through the information from the callers and hoping it will give the inquiry an extra boost.
  • The sunlight tinged everything dully orange, its rays sifting through an ever-present layer of dust, and in it her aquiline profile was haloed in gold.
  • When sifting the morass of medical information, patients need signposts they can trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Mr Jeffs called the sifting through of so much information ‘a long, slow process’.
  • In these stories he sets himself the objective of sifting out the strongest elements that can be utilized within prose, leaving strong ideas and reflections.
  • Intelligence officials are now trying to determine who is the next target, and are sifting through chatter in search of a genuine threat.
  • We do not like to spend our time sifting through piles of unwanted and unaddressed mail.
  • Watch any good fell runner descending from a summit and it's like sand sifting through an egg timer.
  • Although I read German -- desperately, like a beachcomber sifting sand on a bad day -- even I could make out the tone. Jan Herman: The Mind Sashays

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