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How To Use Siesta In A Sentence

  • On the fifth day, having got in a small stock of provisions, when it was already mid-day and the blockaders were paying little or no attention, and some of them even were taking their siesta, the two ships sailed out of the harbour: the one directing her course towards the Hellespont, whilst her companion made for the open sea. Hellenica
  • Small enough that siesta is still honored, the million-plus inhabitants of Morelia also support two sushi bars. Mexico's Morelia - More Than Meets The Eye
  • A workday abbreviated by siestas is a Spanish cliche, yet it is not necessarily rooted in reality.
  • In hot countries, people siesta, "timepass" and drink coffee. Latest news from the public and voluntary sectors, including health, children, local government and social care, plus SocietyGuardian jobs |
  • (Soundbite of bell) (Soundbite of applause) SAGAL: This year, Spain hosted the first international siesta competition in Madrid. Limericks
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  • The long, long lunch was a rare chance to rest and take a siesta. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lots of people were taking a short siesta in the shade.
  • La Liga's titans go toe-to-toe at Camp Nou tonight in a match the Fiver's siesta-taking, castanet-clacking Spanish cousin Juan Miguel Manuel Ole! Conical bifter; and FiverLeaks
  • 'When we got home he had a siesta and got up feeling a bit headachy. The Sun
  • My cell phone chirred, waking me from my unexpected siesta in the truck. No Mercy
  • He had acquired the knack of snatching his siesta in the most unfavourable circumstance.
  • With the sun at its highest and the birds falling silent, I had a short siesta under a thorn tree.
  • Although locals say it isn't as prevalent as it once was, the tradition of an afternoon siesta still exists here.
  • So legendary are the soporific effects of the language of governments that afternoon siestas are a sine qua non in government offices and Prime Ministers have regularly dropped off to sleep while delivering their own speeches.
  • We all of us had lunch and then disposed ourselves about the house for a siesta in the full heat of the afternoon.
  • Attracted by nighttime pool lights, a disoriented female loggerhead turtle finds its way into a residential swimming pool on Siesta Key, Sarasota, Florida.
  • I kicked myself and headed down to the office, only to discover that it was closed for the siesta.
  • My late afternoon siesta was interrupted by a call from Graham.
  • Fiammetta sang, which done, they conversed of the Ladies 'Vale, waxing eloquent in praise thereof: insomuch that the king called the seneschal, and bade him have some beds made ready and carried thither on the morrow, that any that were so minded might there take their siesta. The Decameron, Volume II
  • I had hunted buffaloes with the Pawnees of the Platte, and ostriches upon the pampas of the Plata: to-day, shivering in the hut of an Esquimaux -- a month after, taking my _siesta_ in an aery couch under the gossamer frondage of the corozo palm. The Rifle Rangers
  • And half the shops stay open all night, because of a daylong siesta. THE QUEST FOR K
  • The two hours before dinner Lord Creith ordinarily devoted to what he described as a siesta, and Joan usually occupied that period in dealing with her correspondence. The Black
  • His research also showed that afternoon siestas were chock-full of slow-wave sleep, the type that appears to be most important for recharging the body.
  • I use the word siesta, but as a matter of fact it is quite inadequate to describe the peculiar function for which I have chosen it as a label. An Adventure with a Genius
  • One day, thieves broke into the house while the memsahib was enjoying her drunken siesta and stole her very valuable sapphire ring. Citizen Focus – meet the “customer”. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The main meal is eaten at midday, often followed by a siesta, or afternoon rest during the hottest time of the day, when work is difficult.
  • SARASOTA COUNTY - A pedestrian was killed when struck by a hit-and-run driver who fled the scene on Tuttle Avenue near the Siesta Drive roundabout in Sarasota on Monday night. Local News from Sarasota Herald-Tribune
  • Sometimes I used to wake from my siesta perfectly rested, ready for my late afternoon walk along Bolonia beach and my swim in the cool Atlantic.
  • Hunters may return to the lodge for lunch and siesta or make a day of it in the field.
  • Normally I do not drink at lunchtime because all I am fit for is a siesta; evening is a different matter < g >.
  • Towards evening, after we had refreshed ourselves with a long siesta, Nuflo brought out from some other hiding-place two sacks; one weighing about twenty pounds and containing smoke-dried meat, also grease and gum for lighting-purposes, and a few other small objects. Green Mansions
  • Researchers found that a midday siesta is all you need to return your brain to its early morning, wide-awake state of receptiveness.
  • I left Stone Town soon after lunch, just as the town's menfolk were heading back to their houses to take their afternoon siesta.
  • It was an idyllic setting for a siesta. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • Just as lunch had been an affair for everyone to participate in, afternoon became a community siesta.
  • Dolly and I had a grand siesta right through the oppressive heat of the afternoon, waking to find the early evening cooler and more pleasant altogether.
  • I went upstairs for my afternoon siesta.
  • Many of the rooms retain their original frescoes and stained glass windows - the diffused light is excellent for afternoon siestas.
  • A siesta is terribly important. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lots of people were taking a short siesta in the shade.
  • Sunday afternoons are not meant for siestas for these cricket lovers who play the game on a ground which is usually rented out for exhibitions.
  • The daybed was originally a Polynesian dugout canoe, brilliantly transformed into a surreal and unlikely daybed by some strategically-placed padding and throw pillows - a perfect place for a New York heiress to take an afternoon siesta.
  • Spain is to move its clocks back one hour to be in time with Britain in a change that could sound the death knell for the siesta. Times, Sunday Times
  • The poor had to just take a siesta in the heat or the public access atechamber to the local qanat. Eric Lurio: Notes on the Iran/Persia Conflict: A Travelogue -- Part Three
  • When the small human cast disappears for the afternoon siesta, all is stillness and peace.
  • Dolly and I had a grand siesta right through the oppressive heat of the afternoon, waking to find the early evening cooler and more pleasant altogether.
  • Our five days in Germany's capital city flew along quickly even though the first week of January is more like an extended siesta period for Germans.
  • Avoid the Sangria; take siesta; aftersun should be applied with care and fun in equal measures. Calling in favours
  • A Pliocene age for the Siesta palaeosol and Nothofagus fossils has been inferred from diatom and palynological biostratigraphy.
  • The post breaks down five polyphasic sleep options, the simplest of which is the “Siesta” method. Implement Advanced “Siestas” For Improved Sleep | Lifehacker Australia
  • Instead of a siesta after lunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lots of people were taking a short siesta in the shade.
  • If you were looking forward to either a double espresso or a decent siesta after lunch, think again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, with a little prodding they enjoy their afternoon siesta.
  • While taking his customary siesta one afternoon, a wild young fellow -- one of his noble poor relations, who "sponged" at the castle -- happened to pass along a corridor outside of the very hall where his Highness was snoring. Beauty and the Beast: and Tales of Home
  • It has now decided to take a permanent siesta. Times, Sunday Times
  • So we wandered in mellow mood out into the afternoon sunshine for the trip home and a belated siesta.
  • “Kaylúlah,” mid-day sleep; called siesta from the sixth canonical hour. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Villagers also enjoy a two-hour siesta each afternoon. The Sun
  • I went upstairs for my afternoon siesta.
  • When I opened my store I was determined that I would have afternoon siestas for about an hour each day.
  • I left Stone Town soon after lunch, just as the town's menfolk were heading back to their houses to take their afternoon siesta.
  • In addition, it is common for us to require afternoon siestas or cat naps of about an hour each day.
  • While the Irish are sheltering from icy sheets of rain and the Poles are freezing their tootsies off, the Italians are drinking wine and lounging on the southern beaches and the Spaniards are having siestas in the sun.
  • In some countries the great tradition of the afternoon siesta is under threat or has even been banned.
  • Spain is to move its clocks back one hour to be in time with Britain in a change that could sound the death knell for the siesta. Times, Sunday Times
  • I discovered why one afternoon when everyone else was at siesta, and I was sitting meditating in the dim, stuffy little summer-house with Cleonie astride my lap going like a drunk jockey and humming "II etait une bergere"; when she'd panted her soul out, and I'd got a cheroot going, she suddenly says: Isabelle
  • After lunch we all took a siesta while the heat of the afternoon reached its peak and then, one at a time, we filed back outside.
  • I go home to my apartment at around 11 or 12 and get about six hours of sleep and a couple of hours for an afternoon siesta.
  • Clipper-built deck chair, comfortable siesta can be in summer cannot little spouse.
  • A few men were having their afternoon siesta under the mango tree.
  • A few men were having their afternoon siesta under the mango tree.
  • They recalled the languorous siesta of hot mid-day, deep in green undergrowth, the sun striking through in tiny golden shafts and spots; the boating and bathing of the afternoon, the rambles along dusty lanes and through yellow corn-fields; and the long, cool evening at last, when so many threads were gathered up, so many friendships rounded, and so many adventures planned for the morrow. The Wind in the Willows
  • Permission to Nap: Taking Time to Restore Your Spirit "Like our French sisters, who enjoy a 35-hour work week, or in Spain, where a siesta is a must, we can come to enjoy, embrace and revel in a little lovely shut-eye." -- from the publisher Méridienne - French Word-A-Day
  • Having forgotten his baseball cap in a hasty exit from his home after siesta, he has to make do with a flimsy local newspaper to fend off the Mesopotamian sun's hot temper.
  • I found the two dogs lying down close to each other, enjoying an afternoon siesta. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • Was she maybe enjoying a siesta? Times, Sunday Times
  • For creative individuals, the siesta proffers a gift basket of ideas with which to consume an hour or so, the least spirited of which, to put it delicately, is the nap. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • That is also when the omnipresent stray dogs are more interested in their siesta than in chasing hapless wayfarers.
  • An afternoon siesta is highly recommended for anyone with sleep problems. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Still and all, I didn't get myuch sleep, so I think a siesta is not uncalled for. Breakfast in Bed
  • They recalled the languorous siesta of hot mid-day, deep in green undergrowth, the sun striking through in tiny golden shafts and spots; the boating and bathing of the afternoon, the rambles along dusty lanes and through yellow cornfields; and the long, cool evening at last, when so many threads were gathered up, so many friendships rounded, and so many adventures planned for the morrow. The Wind in the Willows
  • Greece is hot in the summer, so make like the locals: take long siestas, then stay up late, letting the kids play in the cool of the night while you linger in a taverna.
  • As noon approached, the hour when "birds their wise siesta take," although the plow did not cease its monotonous round, the birds retired in a body to the still untouched middle of the field, and settled themselves for their "nooning," dusting themselves -- their snowy plumes! A Bird-Lover in the West
  • During the mid-day heat the animals take a siesta, so much of the wildlife activity takes place around daybreak and sundown.
  • People make up for lost sleep during the afternoon siesta.
  • This was the heat of the day, the siesta time, when she liked to be alone and relax.

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