
How To Use Sids In A Sentence

  • We saw in the previous sections that packaged bacteriophage capsids are pressurized with pressures as high as 60 atm.
  • Their tympanum is not homologous with the tympanum of mammals and saurians (extant diapsids) because it developed independently in all three groups.
  • Turtles were considered to be living anapsids although there was a significant temporal gap between the last anapsid reptile fossil and the first turtle fossil. Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
  • However, the tubes may contain multiple virions, or capsids, like peas in a pod, or the linear arrangement of spores in neurospora filaments.
  • As previously discussed, protocols have been developed for determining single lifecycle responses of mysids to xenobiotic chemicals.
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  • Children of parents who smoke have increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ( SIDS ).
  • And for new parents worried about SIDS? Tiny wired pajamas.
  • This gap is all the more extreme because pelycosaurs and therapsids are each large, internally-diverse groups.
  • The term SIDS is defined as the sudden death of an infant younger than one year of age that remains unexplained despite thorough medical investigation. Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems
  • In the dry late Permian environment many types of synapsids and reptiles flourished.
  • Instead of the term SIDS, the certifiers used other terms, including "sudden infant death" and "sudden unexpected death in infancy. NPR Topics: News
  • You have already studied two such lineages, the ferns and sphenopsids.
  • Thomisids are among the favourite prey of insectivorous birds and other invertebrates.
  • The transition between pelycosaurs and therapsids has not been documented.
  • For besids ye eminente dangers of this viage, which are no less then deadly, an infirmitie of body Hath seased me, which will not in all licelyhoode leave me till death. The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete
  • Capsids suck the sap from the shoot tips of leaves and buds.
  • The conoid of apicomplexans is considered here to be the same character as the feeding apparatus of perkinsids, perhaps suctorian ciliates, and kathablepharids.
  • In eutrophic Lake Hiidenvesi, we studied the possibility that water quality indirectly affects mysids by forcing them to habitats where they are vulnerable to fish predation.
  • Biarmosuchians are a group of small-to-medium sized carnivorous therapsids known exclusively from Middle to Upper Permian strata in South Africa and Russia.
  • Both types of capsids have the same diameter; consequently the change in migration must be due to an increase in overall charge to more basic.
  • This pattern was retained in early therapsids.
  • The ratio of cortical arousal to subcortical activation was significantly smaller in the infants who died of SIDS than in the control infants during REM sleep.
  • For instance, the detection of the slow ejection kinetics may be impeded by the photobleaching effect and the possible diffusion of the probe through the permeable capsids.
  • A high level of skull kinesis seems to be the rule among most other diapsids.
  • The second major group of reptiles, the synapsids, have only a single temporal opening.
  • This is where Lenny caustically suggested that I was a YEC for not knowing that turtles had been reclassified as diapsids with a secondarily anapsid appearing skull I hope that embryologically turtle skulls start off as diapsid and then change but I dont really know. Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
  • The tall neural spines of early synapsids, which in life would have been connected to neighboring spines by equally tall interspinous ligaments, may have served to prevent hyper-rotation of the vertebral column during locomotion.
  • The results suggest that there are no gender differences in arousability that could increase the vulnerability of male infants to SIDS. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • It would not be safe to assume that the synapsid temporal fenestra is strictly homologous to the lower temporal fenestra of diapsids.
  • During the late Permian the dinocephalians suddenly disappeared (possibly due to disease or changing environmental factors), and were replaced by a further wave of more mammalian therapsids.
  • Sidsall recalled the quadrille he had led her through at Lacy's party; he had been a perfect partner, at once light and firm. Java Head
  • Conversely, if the fossil record does not accurately portray the first appearances of synapsids because preservation rates vary widely, then phylogenetic measures might yield a more reliable sequence of branching events.
  • The Dinocephalians were among the most primitive of the therapsids or ‘mammal-like reptiles’.
  • Adding to the controversy, several independent molecular analyses also regard turtles as diapsids.
  • The terminal Permian catastrophe, which killed off 95% of all types of life, cleared the world of all large therapsids and allowed the proterosuchids to take center stage as the top carnivore.
  • The suspected gasses in the SIDS deaths were; arsine from arsenic, phosphine from phosphorus, and stibine from the element antimony.
  • More than 30 instruments are listed in the liner notes, from the familiar types to the not-so-familiar, like the "xylorimba," "musser ampli-celeste," and "electron sidstation. Broward-Palm Beach New Times | Complete Issue
  • When considered in the context of other studies using chemical or heat treatment of capsids, our study indicates that penton release may be a common trend among double-stranded DNA containing viruses.
  • Finally, recent molecular work suggested an unresolved trichotomy between sooglossids, ranoids, and all other neobatrachians.
  • Are the leaves microphylls as in lycopsids or megaphylls?
  • Any hypothesis testing of head butting in pachycephalosaurids, combat in ceratopsids or similar agonistic encounters must take into account the fact that the skulls of these dinosaurs are composed largely of metaplastic tissue. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • So you can't precompute generally for passwords as with the LEAP and PPTP weakness, but you could precompute passwords against common SSIDs, like linksys. Wi-Fi Networking News
  • The skull is an example of convergent evolution with some of the ornithopods and also with the dicynodonts, an herbivorous group of early synapsids.
  • By age 2 to 3 months -- the peak period for SIDS incidence -- boys showed no difference compared with girls in any measure of arousability during polysomnography. Social Security Reports, News and Informaion
  • This development occurs at the level of the therapsids.
  • It may be intermediate in structure between the pelycosaurs and the therapsids.
  • To measure the flagrancy of this statement, imagine if the Commission had chosen to advocate against all crib use based on the occurrences of accidental strangulation, suffocation, or SIDS death associated with solitary sleep.
  • This gap is all the more extreme because pelycosaurs and therapsids are each large, internally-diverse groups.
  • The therapsids of this time belonged to several distinct (albeit related) lineages, none with clear antecedents.
  • Both ferns and sphenopsids have members in the living flora, although their modern diversities are vastly different.
  • The variance in the general build of the manus and pes is presumably due to scaling with respect to the wide range in body sizes seen among synapsids.
  • Since the ejected DNA doesn't contribute to the detected signal, the decreasing signal once FhuA is added reflects directly the progressive loss of DNA mass confined in the capsids.
  • The study included two families in which there were two CONI deaths, one triple SIDS and one triple filicide.
  • Three taxa dominated: copepods (cyclopoids and Eurytemora), mysids, and sand shrimp.
  • The Russian and South African sites contain the remains of many therapsids.
  • It's very early, but they're specifically targeting in on the lowest part of the brain stem, known as the medulla (ph), figuring that there might be an abnormality in babies who die of SIDS versus other babies. CNN Transcript Nov 1, 2006
  • In the south, therapsids like sheep-sized herbivorous traversodonts predominated; in the north, archosaurs were more common.
  • These creatures succeeded the pelycosaurian synapsids as the rulers of the land, until they in turn were supplanted by the archosaurs during the early Triassic.
  • Stremlau M, Perron M, Lee M, Li Y, Song B, et al. (2006) Specific recognition and accelerated uncoating of retroviral capsids by the TRIM5 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They feed on crustaceans, such as the small shrimp-like mysids.
  • If anything, the synapsids seem more closely related to anapsids than diapsids.
  • Latest research indicates that long - QT syndrome ( LQTS ) gene variants contribute to sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ).
  • Kinney's team found that serotonin levels were 26 percent lower in tissue from babies who died of SIDS than those who died from other causes, and they also found low levels of the enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase, which is needed to make serotonin. Reuters: Top News
  • The anapsids start out with elongate jaws and rostra, but the entire muzzle becomes progressively shorter across their phylospace.
  • Characteristics of DPT postvaccinal deaths and DPT-caused SIDS. Brain Blogger
  • Consequently, lung ventilation rates and, by extension, metabolic rates of the earliest mammals, and at least some Triassic Period therapsids, are likely to have approached or been equal to those of extant mammals.
  • Hvor mange dage har man oplevet i den sidste år uden at høre noget negativt om hospitalers fejl, sjusk og mangel på alle områder blandt vores hvide engle. Blogbot - forsiden
  • They have indeed been used to amplify mtDNA from three other ursids, nine phocids, one odobenid, two otariids, five true mustelids, a mephitid, one procyonid, three canids, and two felids.
  • Whether or not his reconstruction corresponds to an actual creature, it at least represents a good morphotype for slightly more derived, but still primitive, therapsids from the Late Permian.
  • The surviving sauropsids include turtles, lizards, crocodiles and birds, all of which are still around today.
  • Tall neural spines are also a characteristic of early synapsids.
  • This condition is no rare event; SIDS is the major cause of postneonatal mortality. The Population of the United States
  • The presence of large numbers of vanessids in August is a regular attraction.
  • In all but the role of small insectivore, omnivore, and rodent-like herbivore, the therapsids were eventually supplanted by the archosaurs.
  • BTW, Wi-Fi user configuration could also be simplified, as the syndication network provides a de-facto standard roaming config (SSIDs, etc), so the simplicity and ubiquity is maintained. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » WiFi Business Model Fu
  • The relationships of more basal anapsids are not firmly established, but millerettids apparently appeared first.
  • In Baltimore, public health officials have replaced the term "SIDS" with these ABCs: Alone. NPR Topics: News
  • Adult land-locked fish eat mostly zooplankton, especially larger varieties such as copepods, cladocerans, mysids, and ostracods.
  • Adult land-locked fish eat mostly zooplankton, especially larger varieties such as copepods, cladocerans, mysids, and ostracods.
  • These included more advanced therapsids such the cynodonts.
  • Shortly after the overthrow of the Omayyad dynasty, and the establishment of the Abbasids, the city of El-'Askar was founded (A.D. 750) by Suleiman, the general who subjugated the country, and became the capital and the residence of the successive lieutenants of the Abbasid caliphs. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Following the extinction of the Permian therapsids due to the end Permian-extinction, most of the large animals that populated Pangea were archosaurs or archosauromorphs.
  • For the next 80 million years, synapsids evolved into various wolflike and bearlike predators, as well as into an array of peculiar piglike herbivores.
  • Butterflies spotted so far include common blue, small white, small copper, brimstone, orange tip, wall brown, small skipper and various vanessids that have come out of winter hibernation.
  • Basal synapsids (things like caseids, ophiacodontids and sphenacodontids) looked superficially reptile-like, and for this reason non-mammalian synapsids have traditionally been dubbed ‘mammal-like reptiles’, and even classified within Reptilia. Archive 2006-05-01
  • The possible parallel evolution of a jaw joint that allows extensive sliding in anomodonts is not unprecedented, because other synapsids independently evolved similar features.
  • It is even seen in a group of therapsids (ancestors of mammals), the tritylodonts, which lived during the Jurassic.
  • Indeed, most workers recognized a geographical and temporal gap between Permo-Carboniferous ‘pelycosaurs’ and therapsid synapsids.
  • If you have red sedums in the garden, you'll not find white butterflies on them - they do attract the vanessids.
  • I am currently investigating the behaviour and ecology of lorisids (pottos, angwantibos) and bushbabies in Kenya.
  • Dick would be summoned to the lab: an elderly person had stopped breathing in his sleep, or a newborn had died, presumably from SIDS; a long-term sufferer of disease had finally succumbed to disease, or some genetic abnormality had stolen another life. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • Paleozoic synapsids have been the focus of many large-scale treatments over the past century and their anatomy and interrelationships are well known.
  • Two principal dynasties, the Umayyads and Abbasids, dominated the caliphate until 1258.
  • The temporal openings at the back of the skull that are shared by all synapsids were greatly enlarged, so that the remaining bone formed long arches.
  • This is where Lenny caustically suggested that I was a YEC for not knowing that turtles had been reclassified as diapsids with a secondarily anapsid appearing skull I hope that embryologically turtle skulls start off as diapsid and then change but I dont really know. Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
  • As Rowe points out, the early cynodonts were the first synapsids in which the brain filled the endocranial cavity.
  • SIDS, also called crib death or cot death, occurs when babies suffocate accidentally or stop breathing in an event called sleep apnea.
  • Land amniotes continued to diversify, and by the middle Pennsylvanian had split into several taxa, two of which would go on to dominate the Mesozoic and Cenozoic: the diapsids and the synapsids.
  • Therefore, a long hiatus exists in the fossil record of anapsids.
  • Today, only one group of anapsids remains (Chelonia - the turtles), which truly could be called an evolutionary success story.
  • But, Tackitt says, often the term SIDS comes up prematurely. NPR Topics: News
  • They feed on mysids, small shrimp-like crustaceans, and other small crustaceans, plankton, and larval fish.
  • SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) can happen to any baby, but premature babies and low birth-weight babies are more at risk.
  • Unexpectedly, even juvenile mysids, which are never planktonic, have similar optics to those of larval euphausiids and decapods, and form refracting superposition eyes in adults.
  • It will be seen that all SUDI are potential SIDS, but further investigation may show it is not a true SIDS, which are unexplained and unsuspicious natural deaths.
  • Well, diapsid reptiles .... but birds are diapsids, too. - most clicked links
  • Many years later euryapsids had vanished into the lepidosaurs sphenodon, snakes and lizards-all diapsids as a secondary change, and then there was the term “sauropsid” which I saw for the 1st time at AMNH which gathered together all non synapsids and non turtles. Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
  • It doesnt seem likely that anapsid skulls are all secondarily derved from diapsids. Report on the 2005 Creation Mega Conference, Part Four - The Panda's Thumb
  • Adult land-locked fish eat mostly zooplankton, especially larger varieties such as copepods, cladocerans, mysids, and ostracods.
  • The dicynodonts as a whole lasted some 50 million years, and the only group of therapsids to outlive them were the cynodonts, which were the direct ancestors of the mammals.
  • Birds are also clearly diapsids and if every living amniote that isnt a mammal is a diapsid then birds are diapsid reptiles too. Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
  • One group of therapsids, the dicynodonts, were herbivores with a worldwide distribution.
  • The hypothesis that disparate groups of synapsids independently acquired mammallike characteristics has a long pedigree.
  • The first fossil reptiles from the Karoo were found in the 1850s by Andrew Geddes Bain and were the first specimens of a new group of ‘reptiles’ called the therapsids, which were recognized as being the distant ancestors of mammals.
  • In reptiles and primitive synapsids, the right and left lower jaws are each made up of a number of bones, one of which is the dentary, or tooth-bearing, bone.
  • The anapsids start out with elongate jaws and rostra, but the entire muzzle becomes progressively shorter across their phylospace.
  • A misconception as to what species of cocoa pests constitute 'capsids' was settled between farmers and scientists using a cage experiment on capsid damage.
  • However, he was the first to spot the connection between the early therapsids and the mammals.
  • They believe in establishing a Jewish homeland without the coming of the messiah, in direct resistance to the Hasids.
  • Thus endothermy is very unlikely to have evolved in lineages in which the most recent species are predominantly large, such as prosauropods, sauropods, stegosaurs, nodosaurs, ankylosaurs, and ceratopsids.
  • These basal forms evolved through the primitive pelycosaur stage, to the therapsids or mammal-like reptiles, and finally the mammals themselves.
  • All members of the group called the Reptilia, except for the anapsids (turtles and their ilk), and a few extinct groups, are diapsids.
  • Among therapsids, this condition is also present in gorgonopsians and basal therocephalians, but not dinocephalians, anomodonts, or cynodonts.
  • The primitive reptiles were represented by lizard-like captorhinids and basal diapsids.
  • The present study demonstrates that sudden arrhythmic death is an important contributor to SIDS.
  • If apnea is falling asleep at the wheel and driving off the road, SIDS is falling asleep at the wheel and driving into a bridge abutment.
  • It has therefore been suggested that the mammalian class II gene clusters arose after the separation of the synapsids and the therapsids.
  • The suspected gasses in the SIDS deaths were; arsine from arsenic, phosphine from phosphorus, and stibine from the element antimony.
  • The genus Hyenia was a rhizomatous plant, much like modern ferns and sphenopsids.
  • The early tetrapods of this time were amphibian-like animals that eventually gave rise to the reptiles and synapsids by the end of the Paleozoic.
  • Fishes were fed brine shrimps, small, wild-caught crustaceans, and frozen mysids ad lib.
  • This is an example of convergent evolution; synapsids and archosaurs evolved these features independently.
  • The earliest occurring and phylogenetically most primitive synapsids are the ‘pelycosaurs’ of traditional terminology.
  • The remaining morphospecies are organs of cycads, ginkgophytes, lycopods, sphenopsids, and bryophytes.
  • The amniotes in turn have two main groups: the synapsids (including mammals) and the sauropsids (including reptiles and their fossil relatives).
  • As with many in the systematics community, I am skeptical that turtles are derived diapsids.
  • And some are questioning whether the term SIDS remains relevant at all. NPR Topics: News
  • On land amphibians and therapsids (mammal-like reptiles) were both badly affected, while vascular plant diversity dropped by 50 per cent.
  • But heres not a word of y 'breacli of former bonds & covenants, or paimente of y° ships hire; this is passt by as if no such thing had been; besids what bonds or obligments so ever they had of him, ther never came any into y* hands or sight of y "partners here. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • You may also have noticed that the birds do not have their own box in the cladogram; this is because they are one subgroup of the diapsids, a clade which includes dinosaurs, snakes, and most reptiles.
  • As distinct from Upogebia, callianassids display a high degree of behavioral plasticity.
  • Many people also fail to realise that this is a long distance migrant, and as with other vanessids such as Painted Lady and Red Admiral, occurs in varying numbers each year from southern Europe.
  • This is clearly a very small price to pay in order to avoid SIDS, but deformational plagiocephaly must be recognized when it occurs. The Beauty of Love
  • In syanapsids, a secondary jaw joint develops between the surangular and the squamosal, which becomes the unique mammalian jaw articulation.
  • SIDS sudden infant death syndrome, remains the chief killer of infants under age 1.
  • You can ` t tell the difference whether it ` s intentional smothering or positional asphyxiation, which is what SIDS is. CNN Transcript Feb 19, 2008
  • The term "synapsid" is increasingly used cladistically, including mammals -- thus, synapsids are not extinct at all. Life's Time Capsule: The Synapsid Gallery
  • Diabetic medication 'glibenclamide' may prevent nicotine-induced SIDS Diet low in fat and red meat and high in fruit and veg helps prevent prostate cancer Soap-sniffing sensors that monitor health-care workers 'hand hygiene by detecting sanitizer or soap fumes THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Pelycosaurs and therapsids are two different orders of reptiles.
  • Assuming (likely, but not certain) that turtles diverged from Eureptilia after synapsids, there remains the problem of whether turtles have turbinals.
  • Ferns and sphenopsids are rare, but often well preserved.

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