How To Use Sidon In A Sentence
The one thing above all others in that room that recalled Sidonie was an 'etagere' covered with childish toys, petty, trivial knickknacks, microscopic fans, dolls 'tea-sets, gilded shoes, little shepherds and shepherdesses facing one another, exchanging cold, gleaming, porcelain glances.
Fromont and Risler — Complete
Ziprasidone may antagonize the effects of levodopa and dopamine agonists.
That 'etagere' was Sidonie's very soul, and her thoughts, always commonplace, petty, vain, and empty, resembled those gewgaws.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
It is perfectly well known in Harcourt's own district that, far from being a pioneer and settler HIMSELF he simply succeeded after a fashion to the genuine work of one Elijah Curtis, an actual pioneer and discoverer, years before, while Harcourt, we believe, was keeping a frontier doggery in Sidon, and dispensing 'tanglefoot' and salt junk to the hayfooted Pike Countians of his precinct.
A First Family of Tasajara
Star staff Friday, September 25, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The Sidon municipality launched the opening of a new dump on Thursday and declared a state of environmental emergency in the - Articles related to Tanovic's "Triage" opens Rome Film Fest
Sidonia, for the deliuerance of English captiues, who were remaining in the gallies.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Plato, Aristotle, Eratosthenes, Posidonius, and all the geometricians of Asia, of Egypt, and of Greece, having acknowledged the sphericity of our globe, how did it happen that we, for so long
A Philosophical Dictionary
This was the Prince whom, we may remember, Sidonia had whipped with her irreverent hands upon his princely _podex, _ when he was a little boy.
Sidonia, the Sorceress : the Supposed Destroyer of the Whole Reigning Ducal House of Pomerania — Volume 1
Star staff Monday, October 05, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: A cleaning campaign was launched on Sunday on the southern coast in Sidon, as students and teachers from the American Community ... - Articles related to Saudi haj tourism loss highest in 50 years
But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you.
His wives were to have included the daughter of Pharaoh, as well as women of Moabite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite origins (1 Kgs 7: 8; 11: 1).
Women of Solomon: Bible.
[406] It was only the language of the inhabitants of Leptis that had experienced a change, in consequence of their matrimonial connections with the Numidians, otherwise they had for the most part preserved their Sidonian, that is, Phoenician, laws and habits, being separated from the inhabited part of Numidia by extensive deserts, which was also the reason of the Numidian king's seldom residing at Leptis, although the town belonged to his kingdom.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Now when we reached thy docks well walled, we began to launch the fastest of Sidonian ships, with her full complement of fifty rowers, and each task in due succession followed; some set up the mast, others ranged the oars with their blades ready, and stored the white sails within the hold, and the rudder was let down astern and fastened securely.
Though a good general, Medina Sidonia had never been to sea before and when he did get on board his ship, he got seasick.
Sidonius and his circle's understanding of the acceptable Roman order was the concept of the foedus (treaty) with the Arian Goths, who as foederati were to serve as military auxiliaries to ensure order and stability in Gaul.
The End of the Roman Empire Revisited
Amos 1: 9, and withal the potency and dominion of the Sidonians, it may not be improbable but that the Israelites might be captived in Sarepta of Sidon.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
Nada Abdelsamad (second left) searches for Jewish quarter in Lebanese city of Sidon (Abou Jebrayel)
Magda Abu-Fadil: Lebanon's Jews: Loyalty to Whom? BBC Documentary Tracks Vanished Community
Posidonius writes, that Fabius was called the buckler,
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
The Posidonia Shales are represented by a succession of marls and bituminous clays with a few interbedded carbonate-rich levels, possibly diagenetic in origin.
What loiterer at the gates will call Cadmus from the house, Agenor's son, who left the city of Sidon and founded here the town of Thebes?
The Bacchantes
It has its own interior rimae that is especially prominent to the east and a smashing view of trio Posidonius O, I and B on the north crater rim.
Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast: March 19-21, 2010 | Universe Today
It is known that, among the four spontaneous phanerogams colonising the sandy and muddy loose sea-bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea, i.e. Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera noltii and Zostera marina, mainly the Posidonia and the Cymodocea are the most frequent ones.
In addition, they considered the surprising success of Mr. Marmaduke Fennel's eighteenth-century story, For Love of a Lady, as compared with the more moderate sales of Miss Elspeth Lancaster's In Scarlet Sidon, that candid romance of the brothel; deducing therefrom that the "gadzooks" and "by'r lady" type of reading-matter was ready to revive in vogue.
The Cream of the Jest: A Comedy of Evasions
Military resistance was organized by Sidonius's brother-in-law, Ecdicius, son of the emperor Avitus.
Sodomite, Samaritan, Sidonian -- it's all about the stranger, you see, the heathen, the infidel, the hated and feared Other whose morés are anathema, whose lifestyle seems debauched, whose cities seem dens of iniquity.
On Sophistry and Subjectivity
And Artaxerxes had heard something about a skirmish of ships near some island called Salamis, in which the king of Sidon had been embarrassed by certain Greek captains.
The Battle of Salamis
Be happy. It's one way of being wise.- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette.
Dio Cassius can scarcely be mistaken when he says that Tyre and Sidon were "enslaved" -- i.e. deprived of freedom -- by Augustus, [14477] who must certainly have revoked the privilege originally granted by Pompey.
History of Phoenicia
Military resistance was organized by Sidonius's brother-in-law, Ecdicius, son of the emperor Avitus.
With hundreds of others, they fled north to Sidon, where they hoped to be safe.
Sidonia, in spite of the whispered dislike of an illustrious personage, opened the campaign with all the full appanages of a giant of the highest standing.
Framley Parsonage
Yet it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you.
Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of fruit sellers have named their best dates of the year after in a sweet tribute to the American leader for his outreach to the Muslim world. - Articles related to Dubai stocks at 11-month high
Sidonie was an 'etagere' covered with childish toys, petty, trivial knickknacks, microscopic fans, dolls 'tea-sets, gilded shoes, little shepherds and shepherdesses facing one another, exchanging cold, gleaming, porcelain glances.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
The discovery that Diodorvs V contained a paraphrase of the same basic text gave an altogether different dimension to Posidonius' work.
Mark, Gospel of apocalyptic language inapostles inbaptism of Jesus inbrothers and sisters of Jesus incarpenter story inillegitimacy implied inJesus and money-changers inJohn the Baptizer inJudaism of Jesus inlast supper inpreaching campaign of Jesus inRoman soldiers inSidon trip insightings of Jesus added toSon of Man revelation intomb of Jesus intrial of Jesus inMark Antony
The Jesus Dynasty
The discovery that Diodorvs V contained a paraphrase of the same basic text gave an altogether different dimension to Posidonius' work.
Star staff Monday, October 05, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: A cleaning campaign was launched on Sunday on the southern coast in Sidon, as Forensic analysis is under way to identify the bodies of the six people on board the - Articles related to African Youngsters Make Waves in Dubai Music Scene with Hip-hop
Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports
Such amusements belong to the city, where a lady, her face a glory of powder, Sidonian lips, a tower of hair woven with pearls, earrings like stars, can shake her litter with a fit of laughter at the sight of a humpback swinging along on crutches, where mothers, barristers, doctors gasp with pleasure as two dwarves hack themselves to a butchered ruin in the Circus.
A favorite quote | clusterflock
It so impressed such an authority as Cicero that he begged Posidonius to write up his cherished consulate.
Star staff Saturday, November 14, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The training workshop for Sidon teachers organized by the - Articles related to China plans to make tourism a pillar industry
Caro Max: Fa di tutto per iscriturare la Sidonia, altrimenti io non canto ne "Don Giovanni," ne "Norma," ne altri.
Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from its earliest days down to the present time
In celebrating Abraham's smashing of Nimrod's idols, damning the fallen Babel rebuilt as Sodom, cursing the Sidonian, Byblian and Tyrean Quarters, the Temples of Judaism in New Jerusalem took on some of the features of the very homodoxy it was fighting.
Archive 2007-04-01
The northern, which was called the "Sidonian," because it looked towards
History of Phoenicia
On the other hand, the first thing the people of Sidon did when they revolted was to make for the local paradise and inflict terrible injuries on the vegetation.
The Ottomans created four jurisdictional districts, each ruled by a governor: Damascus, Aleppo, Tripoli, and Sidon.
And yet the story of the Sidonian Cadmus, which is so improbable, has been readily believed, and also innumerable other tales.
The _Medina_, or land-wind, so-called because it blows from the direction of Medina Sidonia, prevails during the winter; the moisture-laden
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Matthew, Gospel of apostles inbaptism of Jesus inbirth story inbrothers and sisters of Jesus incoming of “Son of Man” inethical teachings of Jesus ingenealogy inHebrew version ofJohn the Baptizer inlast supper inSidon trip insightings of Jesus insocial status of Jesus intomb of Jesus intrial of Jesus ihnMatthew the Apostle
The Jesus Dynasty