How To Use Sidle up In A Sentence

  • Did they kind of sidle up to you and go, So, you're turning 50? Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • A., 4-H, even Boy Scouts sidle up to a few doors and whisper a carol or two.
  • As you sidle up close you can hear voices swapping art world gossip, platitudes and dirt on various celebs, institutions and artists.
  • Eventually a middle-aged man and his teenage son sidle up to the bar to drink the complimentary wine included with admission.
  • I have people come up to me all the time, kind of sidle up and nudge me in the ribs and say, hey, I hear you or see you on Imus -- I hear you on Imus, you know? CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Don Imus Discusses Campaign 2000 - August 11, 2000
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  • He was inquisitive and would sidle up to my mother on her towel and carefully remove each leaf. Bird Cloud
  • People sidle up to you for advice and you tell them any old tosh and they go away happy.
  • And the juniors behind us, in looking forward to the same freedoms that we will soon be tasting, sidle up close and in a whisper ask the name of my OB. Between Expectations
  • There are three bars to sidle up to and pro circuit barmen who'll build you any cocktail fantasy from the daiquiri to the iced tea.
  • Yes, the Healey was the type of car that would sidle up suggestively to your wife's MG in the golf club car park and suggest motoring down to a discreet little hotel on the coast for the weekend.
  • The Black Caucus in the House, even Charlie Rangel, who -- you know, who can get up on his high horse literally, pretty easily, even though Mr. Rangel did sort of kind of sidle up to it, there wasn't that -- that outcry that you would normally get from the Black Caucus when they think that a black person is being dealt with unfairly. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2009
  • Elsewhere, the delightful putt-putt sounds of fishing traffic off Vancouver Island sidle up alongside the Pärt and Ligeti and early Floyd influences.
  • Actually, here in Hollywood where almost everyone in a coffee shop has a laptop rather than a book, the fact that a woman is reading a book at all probably tells Bob everything he needs to know to sidle up beside her and strike up a conversation. Allison Hill: Literary Seductions
  • There are three bars to sidle up to and pro circuit barmen who'll build you any cocktail fantasy from the daiquiri to the iced tea.
  • Although, if I were the car­ri­ers, I would be quick to sidle up to gov­ern­ments for a quid pro quo trans­ac­tion — “we’ll give you free use of our net­work for munic­i­pal pur­poses if you get behind us in mak­ing the con­tent providers pay their fairshare.” The End of the Internet « Snarkmarket

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