How To Use Sidewise In A Sentence
scenes viewed sidewise
I feel rather… empty, she thought calmly, glancing sidewise at Jadrien.
The showing of the face from a frontal position indicates a good person, whereas an enemy is shown sidewise.
High above me, a cautious raven flew by, heavily and sharply cutting the air with his wings; then he turned his head, looked at me sidewise, and, croaking abruptly, disappeared beyond the forest; a large flock of pigeons rushed past me from a barn, and, suddenly whirling about in a column, they came down and stationed themselves bustlingly upon the field -- a sign of spring autumn!
The Rendezvous 1907
Under the hopper were the ends of two inclined chutes extending out sidewise beyond the car -- one to the right and one to the left -- and over the slab molds on each side.
Concrete Construction Methods and Costs

For two decades, his career movements were crablike, sidewise.
The man, half-slipping sidewise from the saddle, so as to fall clear if the mare toppled backward, threw his weight to the front and alongside her neck.
Jack London's Short Story - Planchette
He was one of your furtive-faced fellows, with narrow slits of eyes and an acquired habit of skellying sidewise at one out of them.
A Daughter of Raasay A Tale of the '45
For in that instant the she-wolf leaped sidewise from the trail into the clump of spruce trees and disappeared.
The She-Wolf
I was fascinated by his size and his sidewise movements.
The program doesn't identify the young Frank, but they've found themselves an Eastwood lookalike, down to the lowered head, quizzical look and sidewise wrinkled grin.
He cried silently, a long time, till, as if suddenly bethinking himself, he sat down in the snow with much creaking and crackling of his joints, and from this low vantage point toppled sidewise and fainted calmly and easily away.
Rebecca shot a sidewise look at Jadrien, who looked like he was swallowing a laugh as he directed an innocent look at her.
The Cross slipped sidewise past the Disk, its courtiers, its stellated guardians.
The Metal Monster
Mrs.C. translated, and I put in a French phrase sidewise every now and then.
Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, Volume 2
For two decades, his career movements were crablike, sidewise.
The view is angled sidewise and up towards a drop ceiling, and is partly obscured, giving the video feed a decidedly covert look.
crabs seeming to walk sidewise
Heart-high, I say, my rapier entered Pasquini's side on the right, but it did not emerge, on the left, for, well-nigh through him, it met a rib (oh, man-killing is butcher's work!) with such a will that the forcing overbalanced him, so that he fell part backward and part sidewise to the ground.
Chapter 11
He gave me a sharp sidewise look, a skeptical who-are-you kind of look, and I braced myself for the inevitable question.
Day of Honey
You sidewise reference to Behe there perpetuates a misconstrual of his testimony in Dover, by the way.
Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
She attempted to curtsy, but ended up keeling over sidewise, as she was already sitting on the ground.
Heart-high, I say, my rapier entered Pasquini's side on the right, but it did not emerge, on the left, for, well-nigh through him, it met a rib (oh, man-killing is butcher's work!) with such a will that the forcing overbalanced him, so that he fell part backward and part sidewise to the ground.
Chapter 11
a figure moving sidewise in the shadows
He cast a sidewise glance at Abasio's pocket, where the drug reposed.
Josh shot a sidewise glance at Cecilia for a hint; she just shrugged it off and kept her mega-watt smile on her face.
In winter hurricane winds, loose snow loops sidewise in a grinding haze and the whole sky rolls like the ocean, hurling birds like rocks.
Bird Cloud
In that flashing glimpse, even as he reined and spurred to make his own horse leap sidewise out from under, Harley Kennan observed the scratched skin and torn clothing, the wild-burning eyes, and the haggardness under the scraggly growth of beard, of the man-hunted man.
At times I could hardly understand their porridge-thick accents, but I recognized a familiar sense of humor: a sidewise glance that spots hypocrisy head-on.
Hush," the woman said, putting her fingers on Olly's lips and glancing sidewise, to see who might have heard.
I stumble into and around poetry, frequently knocked sidewise.
Bird Cloud
For in that instant the she-wolf leaped sidewise from the trail into the clump of spruce trees and disappeared.
The She-Wolf
He pays me a sidewise glance, incredulous brows knitting an ambiguity, finding it almost unsporting to fold and venture a smile of concession.
He turns his body sidewise and rests his legs over the left armrest, leaning his head against the cushy backing of the chair.
Casting Caleb a sidewise glance, Desmond noted that it was a lovely day.
She leaned sidewise across the footboard to blow out the lantern that had dimly lighted their way during the dark hours.
The many cases of sidewise technological competition that have occurred in the business world can also be mined for insights.
Bink stooped low and swung the flat of his sword sidewise, sweeping dozens of thumbnail-sized cats into the lake.
The Source of Magic
The optical drive is hidden behind a small, flip-down door, and is mounted sidewise if you use the case in a tower configuration.
We must understand that Western technology diffuses to the rest of the world by moving sidewise, not disruptively.
You sidewise reference to Behe there perpetuates a misconstrual of his testimony in Dover, by the way.
Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
If there isn't enough bank for the wind, insufficient lift is deflected to the right for the required ‘tugging power,’ and the plane still drifts sidewise with the wind.
Most distressfully (but, my dear, how successfully!) to wail he did, his locks of a lucan tinge, quickrich, ripely rippling, unfilleted, those lashbetasselled lids on the verge of closing time, whiles ouze of his sidewiseopen mouth the breath of him, evenso languishing as the princeliest treble treacle or lichee chewchow purse could buy.
Finnegans Wake
It was a little maddening to kneel down as he knelt down, put my hands on the ground as he did, bend down on one arm as he did, and then flop over sidewise while he executed a graceful forward somersault.
Then he pushed himself gently forward and moved out with the sidewise paddling motions of a fat turtle.
Technologies advance vertically to higher levels of performance and complexity, but they also advance horizontally or sidewise into new markets and applications.
I noticed later that he always looked at people sidewise, as a work-horse does at its yokemate.
My Antonia
She leaned sidewise across the footboard to blow out the lantern that had dimly lighted their way during the dark hours.