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How To Use Sideways In A Sentence

  • The old, merry Whiting looked sideways at Richard, then the round face assumed an expression of diffident humility for Mr. Hanks. Morgan’s Run
  • She sipped from her glass and glanced sideways at me. Times, Sunday Times
  • She learned to scramble around and even run sideways, but not forward.
  • Several other Argus executives were also shunted sideways.
  • My head turns sideways; my eyes turned outwards towards the wall. Times, Sunday Times
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Master English with Ease
  • Lie sideways on the ball with your feet supported against the base of a wall.
  • “Heavens to Betsy,” Helga murmured, cantilevering her head out sideways over her body to survey the damage. Bootstraps
  • This proved to be true; she negotiated sideways through the door, beaming, a loaded tray in one hand, the other wrapped round Henri-Christian, who clung to her, monkeylike. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • His new job was a sideways move rather than a promotion.
  • Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache. The Younger Set
  • Then as if it might contaminate him he let it fall sideways into the bed of pine needles. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Lift the first gatefold up, the second gatefold down and the next gatefold sideways to the left.
  • But I know right from wrong, as perhaps only a scoundrel can, and I'll say that there was great virtue in the notion of Taiping - if it hadn't somehow been jarred sideways, and become a perversion, so that the farther it went, the farther it ran off the true. Flashman and the Dragon
  • If I kind of squinted and looked sideways, I could make out the white crow perphed on the battlements, looking down. Water Sleeps
  • They could see her profile with the bridge amidships and her gantries and the smoke blowing sideways. THE MAIN CAGES
  • Put the cap on and turn the jar sideways to be sure that there are no air bubbles.
  • I slide sideways from her as she sits up, grabbing at me to stop me moving away.
  • That means decent carry and maybe a touch of sideways movement. The Sun
  • Your core muscles are recruited in most of your daily body movements, whether you are bending over, turning your upper body or reaching sideways.
  • Different sweeps - sideways, front and back, or up and down - each alter different musical attributes.
  • The car slid sideways, its rear wheels spinning .
  • Even grown dogs might hurtle him backward or sideways with the impact of their heavy bodies; and backward or sideways he would go, in the air or sliding on the ground, but always with his legs under him and his feet downward to the mother earth. The Outcast
  • I squeaked in surprise, flinging my hand sideways and knocking half a dozen books off the shelf.
  • The one who had been sitting on the doorstep feigning indifference while glancing sideways at us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Black rubber streaks show the car skidded sideways down the runway before hitting the grass and rolling. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we speak we are still in the midst of a kind of folktale maelstrom, so you’ll forgive me if my initial sideways glance at “Letters from Rapunzel,” appeared to produce just more of the same. Review of the Day: Letters from Rapunzel
  • She often would face sideways or towards the rest of the band, which only added to the mystery of her performance.
  • But he refused the will and the heart, and every time, when he was unable at the beginning to leap sideways out of the inclined trough, he fell grievously from the inside of the loop, bruising and injuring himself. CHAPTER XXVI
  • She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell.
  • Ms. de Guitaut says that the third rose-cut diamond on the howdah blanket moves sideways to reveal the keyhole where it is wound up. A Palace's Small Treasures
  • Any extra load on the tail will help to increase its resistance to moving sideways and so help prevent a serious swing.
  • I returned to my room, took off my shoes and headed towards my bed, casting a sideways glance at the small pile of wrapped presents at the foot of my bed.
  • Some yarns will give a neat sideways band using full needle rib but others look very floppy so beware.
  • An eyewitness said the jet veered sideways off the right side of the runway and erupted into flames as it hit a runway fence.
  • The hypothesis favored on current evidence is that as the backwardly directed fins gradually turned into sideways-facing limbs with large areas for muscle attachments, they gained in strength.
  • Rally cars look spectacular being thrown sideways on muddy forest tracks. The Sun
  • We turned the table sideways to get it into the room.
  • Click the left mouse button twice and the design area will print out sideways.
  • The counter was brought in a sideways blow to the neck, that which Hyman just barely dodged by skipping back.
  • She sat sideways across her boyfriend's lap.
  • The wind would catch her yellow hair sometimes and wind it across her bosom like a scarf; or it streamed sideways like a long pennon; or being caught by a gust from below, sprayed out like a cloud of litten gold. Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
  • The horse reared upwards in sheer fright, throwing its rider sideways and underneath it.
  • For much of the year the index traded sideways or downwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tonino forced the end of his candlestick down between the battered cardboard edges and heaved sideways at the metal. THE MAGICIANS OF CAPRONA
  • Now, it seems increasingly likely that you will soon topple sideways off the sofa arm and into the bin.
  • Carla shrieked in fright, jumping sideways before realizing she was being confronted by two, more than likely, perfectly harmless fans.
  • Now, Percy, get yourself up on the animal's back, sitting sideways or side-saddle. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Anyone standing behind an over-arm spearman will be faced with a butt-spike going in and out at every thrust, and unpredictably sideways whenever an enemy knocks the spearhead. The Spear « Isegoria
  • I tried to escape, crabbing sideways in an effort to crawl away.
  • His body sank sideways in the same direction, the head lolling nervelessly upon his right shoulder, whilst from the great rent in his breast the blood gushed forth, embruing the water of his bath, trickling to the brick-paved floor, bespattering -- symbolically almost -- a copy of L'Ami du Peuple, the journal to which he had devoted so much of his uneasy life. The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series
  • In fact, shelf and storage units such as the "Random" bookshelves by MDF Italia £1,640 at Viaduct, were designed for the sole purpose of displaying books and objects as one sees fit, sideways or stacked or both. Knickknacks Move Off the Shelf
  • The diesel engine purrs and inches the boat forward, allowing tall waves to strike the boat sideways.
  • There in front of me a man-made object was seemingly defying the laws of physics, because it remained sideways moving at the same rate of speed with puffy white smoke billowing from the tires — the sound and smell of rubber being scrapped across pavement, in a way it was not designed to, filled the air around us. Driving story from heck
  • Any borderman who had ever seen a mountain cat fight a bear and win would have nodded in recognition as Cathan pounced on the hulking patriarch, knocking him sideways then dragging him down onto the ground. Chosen Of The Gods
  • Paul Kedrosky, in the course of a sideways voyage up my fundament, dismisses my argument here as ‘studiously awry.’
  • I was particularly pleased with myself for figuring out one move on the 5.9, which involved standing up, going big, and letting myself fall sideways onto a side-pull to get opposition on the arete. Changing guns for brooms the guards change to clean up crews
  • Continue to move and lunge sideways from one leg to the other. The Sun
  • The taxi did a little shimmy sideways and the driver spun the wheel. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • This is not a business that is moving forwards but one that is languishing and going sideways,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • As misty rain fell in patches, Clarke was quick to slide forward, back or sideways, and lofted the ball fearlessly.
  • I very much wonder, and went to check the information read This found that the original because each crab legs joint can only bend down, so it can only crawl sideways.
  • Lucian drew a sideways figure 8 in the air beside Mark.
  • The cabinet slammed full against the shape, pinning it down and jamming sideways at the bottom of the stairwell.
  • The wintry weather took on freakish proportions with torrential rain turning to sideways sleet as the blustery wind continued to create havoc.
  • It operates with a myriad of sensors that monitor steering wheel position, the forward and sideways movements of the car, whether the car is gyrating on its axis, and braking and wheel speed.
  • Ideally the rear wheel moves about a foot sideways, and you go seamlessly from moving at a mild angle on the kerb to moving straight ahead down the street.
  • Veon ran sideways, towards the pile of supplies by the ship's ramp.
  • The Other Side Of Dunkirk takes a sideways look at an event that has been considered one of the finest feats in Britain's war-time history from a different point of view.
  • They crammed, sardine-like, into the terraces of the Grandstand and the Royal Enclosure, as the umbrellas of those brave enough to bear the course were pulled sideways in the gales.
  • Roggit told me about things like that, where a spell could work just the same, but would need a different countercharm depending on whether the wizard held his left thumb up or sideways on one gesture. With a Single Spell
  • Now he could play directly to the green rather than losing a shot by going sideways. The Sun
  • Camper has always had a sort of sideways commentary on politics.
  • With that he hiccoughed again, at least a 7.5 on the hiccough scale, and keeled over sideways. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Angelique yawned and shifted sideways in the throne for comfort, lifting her legs over the right arm rest.
  • He then answers his own question with a vicious sideways slash that drops the bloody-nosed gumshoe to the ground while the entire audience winces in sympathetic pain.
  • Start as before with arms outstretched, then gently curve the body sideways.
  • It hit with a deafening roar, punching the ship sideways so violently that it rolled hard over to port.
  • Instead, though, I gave Anna a little push, and they moved sideways to the locker beside me.
  • Isaiah's eyes started to shift sideways towards Tara who was sitting next to him, but he caught himself and instead forced his gaze downward.
  • You can shake it to shuffle songs and turn it sideways to watch music and flick through album covers.
  • Everyone was soon out and with a nod, a very cool nod, the pilot banked the aircraft sideways and downwards away from the wall and roared off up the gorge.
  • One of the ponies, a skewbald, skittered suddenly sideways on tiny legs. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • If you thought the infinite variations on the ubiquitous sideways smiley faces were getting a bit difficult to decipher, you may be feeling lost in a seemingly meaningless sea of vowels and consonants.
  • Geographically the very notion of the Antipodes has long been obsolete, since of course the continents above the equator don't need a counter-weight below to keep the globe from toppling sideways into deep space.
  • Feeling the cold air, Martina tucks her hands into the pockets of her raincoat, looking sideways towards Mike's pensive face.
  • Take Two captures a sideways look at the life of a single mother as she tries to run a small PR firm in the midlands.
  • They do so with minimal effort, with an occasional wriggle of a flank and a sideways motion of a tail.
  • Rudi Uhlenhaut designed the Mercedes 300 SL with the famous gull-wing doors that opened up sideways, hinged in the centre of the roof.
  • turned sideways to show the profile
  • In his autobiography, King mentioned that when he "chivved" someone (interesting that the slang hasn't changed), he was always careful to draw the blade downwards across the face, never upwards or sideways, so as not to slash a major artery. A Night With Annie Nightingale; Mary Anne's Send Off Show; Bandits of the Blitz; Jamie Cullum
  • Put the cap on and turn the jar sideways to be sure that there are no air bubbles.
  • A JetBlue airliner unsuccessfully attempted to make an emergency landing Wednesday after its front wheels were turned sideways and unable to retract into the plane after takeoff from a nearby airport. 09/21/2005
  • This is not a business that is moving forwards but one that is languishing and going sideways,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • He moves sideways from the health department, where he is one of two junior ministers, to become Margaret Curran's deputy at social justice.
  • She slid him a sideways glance, wondering how he'd react if she announced she was leaving immediately.
  • It allowed women to control a horse at all paces: no longer did they have to sit sideways on a docile animal. Times, Sunday Times
  • If anyone speaks to them, they look sideways at one another and stifle their sniggers.
  • We turned the table sideways to get it into the room.
  • The horse softens food before swallowing by chewing the food between his molars with a sideways grinding action of the lower jaw.
  • On the next play, though, it's an option run off left tackle, with Tebow able to turn the corner and burst upfield for 15 yards, then lose about four of them as he runs sideways across the field looking for something more. Denver Broncos @ San Diego Chargers - as it happened
  • She glanced sideways at Daniel's profile.
  • Meanwhile, the acting director of rugby, Richie Dixon, will be moved sideways and made head of special projects.
  • The Prince eyed me suspiciously from a sideways glance.
  • The adjacent kitchen's appeal lies in the recycled cabinetry: panel doors turned sideways for the lower cabinets, mullioned windows for the upper ones.
  • It grows sideways rather than up. The Sun
  • The truck skidded sideways across the road.
  • She tipped herself sideways on her cushions and stretched one bare foot with an anklet around it towards Christopher. THE LIVES OF CHRISTOPHER CHANT
  • Jimmy again, scampering to the crease, turning sideways and hurling it up into the blockhole. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Hidden Springs, the smell of sage, a horse and"---he gave Holly a teasing sideways look---" a rumpled munchkin watching me with gold eyes. DESERT RAIN
  • Wrenching sideways, I feel the rope make a sudden lurch down, frightening me.
  • She tried to squeeze past them - first going forward, then sideways, finally backward.
  • The horse had whinnied and stepped sideways, away from them … or at least Keira thought so. The Year of Living Scandalously
  • By Megan Cytron The movie Sideways put the Santa Ynez Valley on the map--and not just for aging burnt-out urban dwellers... PHOTOS: Going Sideways In The Santa Ynez Valley
  • You've written a book about managing a portfolio in sideways markets. Vitaliy N. Katsenelson: Shadow Over Asia
  • I started working the sideways back handspring on beam before I saw her do it.
  • Keiko sipped her malt through her straw, and stared sideways at Otaru.
  • But I know right from wrong, as perhaps only a scoundrel can, and I'll say that there was great virtue in the notion of Taiping — if it hadn't somehow been jarred sideways, and become a perversion, so that the farther it went, the farther it ran off the true. Flashman and the Dragon
  • The doors slid open sideways, and Ves, taking just a step inside, was lucky not to get nipped on the backside as the doors closed shut, tightly behind him.
  • When he saw her out in the garden he bounded out, did the sideways approach, all huffed up and brave, and was all ready to challenge her to a bit of mayhem.
  • They can hush a student who is toying with the idea of goofing off with a sideways glance out of the corner of their eye. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The kids felt a sudden sideways jerk as a whining noise began to permeate the room.
  • I turned sideways, leaning against the side of the truck bed, and held my arms out to her.
  • She requested Oak to get the churchwardens to turn the leadwork at the mouth of the gurgoyle that hung gaping down upon them, that by this means the stream might be directed sideways, and a repetition of the accident prevented. Far from the Madding Crowd
  • I wasn't used to the heavy shoes and this became evident when my leg flew out sideways and chunked into a young lady's shin.
  • Shaped like the letter C, this innovative sculptural seat allows the occupant to sit forwards, backwards and sideways, depending on use.
  • The sofa will only go through the door sideways.
  • There's no need to nail the shelves down, as they can't move sideways because of the spacers.
  • Drivers compete by taking sharp turns on oval tracks that leave their cars skidding sideways.
  • I gritted my teeth, looking sideways towards the ceiling briefly, trying not to lose my patience.
  • Robyn smiled back, then cast a sideways glance at the officer next to her.
  • ‘And who is that?’ the Mahratta asked, glancing sideways nervously. Kim
  • Similarly both round-ball and oval-ball England teams pass the ball backwards and sideways quite a lot before hoofing a long ball downfield and straight out of play. Rugby World Cup 2011: South Africa v Australia – live! | Evan Fanning
  • But, as on most slow surfaces, spin is always a factor in the country, and never more so than on the dusty surface at Galle, which turned sideways from the first day in the recent match against Australia. 'Bad' Pitches Make for Cracking Cricket
  • Ginny had a mini-stroke, and now walks sideways to a kind of conga beat in her head. Hunters
  • The miniaturization that is constantly underway in microelectronics has been pushed so far in this case that these transistors are being built atom by atom, with incredible precision, and in such a way that electrons are trapped between two layers of atoms and are unable to move sideways. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1998 - Presentation Speech
  • The dancing was the usual hippity-hop or "lope" sideways, each holding hands with his or her neighbours. A Canyon Voyage The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition down the Green-Colorado River from Wyoming, and the Explorations on Land, in the Years 1871 and 1872
  • I glanced sideways and verified that upon the nest of limp lettuce and soggy tomato resided no meatball pattie.
  • It must be said that the sideways facing hard drive bays and trays make it significantly easier to install, adjust and remove the drives.
  • The first bouncer will provide much food for thought and sideways glances from one spectator to another. The Sun
  • She just kept walking, one canvas-clad foot in front of the other, looking sideways at the sunlit ripple of water, gleaming Lincoln memorial in front, straggle of Canada geese strewn on the grass, and then down at Suraiya's feet, clad sensibly today in only half-inch heels, in special consideration of their lunch-time walk on the Mall. For the Sake of the Boy
  • A very simple design is to weave strips of various lengths, which is particularly effective on sideways knitted garments.
  • The disastrous (former) boss of HMRC Dim Prawn 'Red' Dawn Primarolo has just been moved (sideways and downward) to a new job as Sec of State for Health in the jockish Junta. It's All Very Taxing...
  • They move soil sideways and level the land by filling low spots and knocking down ridges.
  • The pose that sleep in order to lie on one's back best, lest sideways squashs breast.
  • It allowed women to control a horse at all paces: no longer did they have to sit sideways on a docile animal. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you say “abscissa” your mouth opens sideways. Nothing better to do.
  • The mizenmast, heel upward, leaned against the side of the poop in a slanting position, showing that it had fallen forward as well as sideways; and immediately to leeward, in the water that heaved and seethed round us, rose and fell a tangle of wrecked spars, sails, and rigging. The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
  • Alfred shot him a sideways glance.
  • Congress, with selective reluctance, was skating sideways toward a qualified endorsement.
  • Sideways, blinding rain blew in sheets, toppling roadside signs for hotels and gas stations.
  • The insect envoy lifted a hand, turned his head sideways, and preened his ommatidia. A Corridor in the Asylum
  • A sideways look at the state education system shows how professionals become in a system that does not focus on individuals.
  • Although I preferred the more wide-open possibilities found in Anders 'Fast Forward anthologies (I was struck by how many of the stories in this collection touched on contemporized Aztec culture, Sherlock Holmes, and French-controlled Louisiana), Sideways in Crime proved an entertaining read in its own right. And speaking of Stargate...
  • He became known as the ‘Rhesus king’ of Manchester before moving sideways to a NHS post at St Mary's Hospital.
  • But his shot went sideways across the face of goal. The Sun
  • If it's short, you can sidestep down the slope: face across the hill and step sideways down.
  • I was unable to move between full-screen apps using the sideways four-fingered swipe.
  • Suddenly, the cyclone rose up off the ground and tilted sideways toward them, looking like a long snake.
  • Place your left hand down and then twist your body and hips so that your legs come down over your head rather than sideways. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the junior magistrate, a kind-hearted man, troubled at what seemed to him a certain sardonical disdain, lurking beneath the foundling's humble mien, and in Christian sympathy more distressed at it on his account than on his own, dimly surmising what might be the final fate of such a cynic solitaire, nor perhaps uninfluenced by the general strangeness of surrounding things, this good magistrate had glanced sadly, sideways from the speaker, and thereupon his foreboding eye had started at the expression of the unchanging face of the Hour Una. The Piazza Tales
  • Yule trains alongside his rivals, and admits that he sneaks the odd sideways glance at them.
  • Moss crossed the room and took hold of the footpost of the bed and swung the bed sideways with one hand. No Country For Old Men
  • The ship lurched forward and sideways as the men tried to take their seats on the bridge.
  • Further along the coast, we dive the only real wreck on this side of Ibiza, a well-broken steamship that was driven sideways into a rocky cove.
  • The art of edging is to literally tip your skis sideways allowing the edge to cut into the snow.
  • Kymenos shrugged and turned back to grooming Sykeen, though in fact he got in only a few strokes with the brush before Sykeen danced sideways away from him, flirting his tail.
  • We came in sideways, touched wheels to tarmac, then flew round again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ports are as high on the barrel as possible, to vent gas up rather than sideways.
  • The change of light and darkness, and the tunnels branching off sideways fascinated me.
  • She has a strange sideways glance towards the bridemaid in pink- a forlorn longing that she cant marry her perhaps.... or maybe thats just me over-interpreting. Today's Pattern Story (and Sale) - A Dress A Day
  • A strong gust of wind blew the car sideways into the ditch.
  • You have suffered a terrible double blow and it's natural to feel knocked sideways. The Sun
  • The way the siphon directs the water stream controls the animal's forward, backward, and sideways movements.
  • That flu really knocked me sideways.
  • I called to see father last night, and had supper there; and you should have seen how lovely she were — eating sparrowgrass sideways, as if she were born to it. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • I nodded, bored, taking a sideways glance towards the exit door from the building.
  • The first hour today was one part exhilaration, nine parts exhaustion, as he demonstrated how to inch sideways up a snowy knoll in skis.
  • He used to race it speedway style, going sideways in the corners on the hot asphalt. Times, Sunday Times
  • They brought the piano sideways through the front door.
  • Would it be harsher but more practical direct light from above, mellow sideways light or ambient lighting from below? Times, Sunday Times
  • Her smile stretched her lips sideways to a great extent. Somewhere East of Life
  • For Hess, planet Earth was like a caldron of boiling water bubbling at the center (the mid-ocean ridges) and then convecting sideways before cooling and falling back into the interior of the pot (the marginal trenches).
  • “I…” Sabrina edged a sideways glance at Dylan, who was scrutinizing her closely, his expression nondescript. Scent of Danger
  • When strength sufficient is acquired the exercises for anteversion will be found useful, and any other exercises which strengthen the abdominal muscles, such as bending backward and forward, and sideways. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • Slather on the Cool Whip in between and stack them lengthwise on a plate and cover the whole sideways tower with more Cool Whip and stick it in the refrigerator to chill, where the liquidness of the Whip oozes into the cookies and turns them into soft dough so when you slice crosswise through the tower you have an infinite layer cake. Cool Whip's New Aerosol Can
  • One cachalot killed, it ran at the next, tacked on the spot that it might not miss its prey, going forwards and backwards, answering to its helm, plunging when the cetacean dived into the deep waters, coming up with it when it returned to the surface, striking it front or sideways, cutting or tearing in all directions and at any pace, piercing it with its terrible spur. Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  • These steering adjustments are needed because a lateral force on a wheel makes it slip sideways over the ground as it rolls forward.
  • He threw either underarm or with a slingy, sideways delivery, and fell nervously when forced to dive. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the pectoralis major cut off, the shoulders caved inward as if in a perpetual shrug, making it impossible to move the arm forward or sideways. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • He nodded his head sideways towards the group of friends that he had been sitting with.
  • Dev lipped at Raine's hair and minced sideways, trying to see her. REMEMBER SUMMER
  • Glancing sideways at her companion, she gave a resigned shrug.
  • The article treats of the retaining piles of deep foundation pit and the ecto-concrete wall of basement absorb sideways earth pressure together with engineering examples.
  • And I saw Sideways and didn't notice the strange pronunciation of "haggle" -- it may be there, but if so it's an accident of the moment. VARIETIES OF ENGLISH.
  • I turned my head sideways and caught a glimpse at the long mirror hanging in my closet.
  • The wintry weather took on freakish proportions with torrential rain turning to sideways sleet as the blustery wind continued to create havoc.
  • After all that unpleasantry Saber had endured, how dare anyone presume to think they knew him backwards, frontwards, upside down and sideways?
  • It seems initially to be more comic relief than sport relief, as the first invention seeking investment is a bicycle the rider sits on sideways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another crump sounded, and I was nearly shaken from my seat as the ship abruptly slid sideways, either a munitions dump had just been hit, or fuel.
  • I called to see father last night, and had supper there; and you should have seen how lovely she were -- eating sparrowgrass sideways, as if she were born to it. The Hand of Ethelberta

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