How To Use Sideslip In A Sentence
She sideslipped the errant missile, but others took swift flight against her.
Ship Of Destiny
While it was cycling I opened my left wing and thumbed the alula control -- I had noticed a tendency to sideslip the last time I was airborne.
The Past Through Tomorrow
He felt Kashet sideslipping and losing height quickly; his stomach lurched with the renewed sense of falling, but he knew that this "fall" would not end in blessed blackness, but in captivity, and he howled his anguish.
It prevents the boat from sideslipping by resisting the lateral force of the wind, and it gives the boat stability.
Sailing Fundamentals
The Apaches danced around the laager, sideslipping as the gunners triggered off their missiles.
The Bear and the Dragon
He also reminded me to sideslip in the narrow, icy areas.
Connie Lawn: Vail Is Splendid
You'll see them sideslipping and snowplowing, while moving at a speed so slow it's painful to watch.
This resistance to sideslipping is known as lateral resistance.
Sailing Fundamentals
Until this flight, the X-15, typical of all research aircraft up to this time, had a front-mounted boom with vanes to sense airspeed, altitude, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip in a free aerodynamic flow field.
First Man
He slowed the engine enough to sideslip over the high trees and on to the surface of the lake.
There's probably a lot of short-term sideslip in the twenty-second century, but by the time it reaches us, it all irons out in the wash.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
He slowed the engine enough to sideslip over the high trees and on to the surface of the lake.
He sideslipped and caught another thermal, one that would place him precisely where he wanted to be.
The Silver Gryphon
The sideslipping airplane gives rise to a side force on the vertical tail.
His nerves just screamed a sudden alarm at him, and he sideslipped in the air, violently and unpredictably altering his path.
The White Gryphon
Similarly, the ball nose received precise indications of angle of sideslip and dynamic pressure, which then gave airspeed.
First Man
At two hundred yards and with an airspeed approaching twenty knots, he sideslipped Black Moclips out of formation and dipped sharply toward the ground.
Ilse Witch
The nuances of hooding and unhooding the crystals, of riding and sideslipping wind currents, and of avoiding downdrafts and lightfalls that could change the mo - mentum and responsiveness of an airship in an instant were not easily mastered.
Ilse Witch
Armstrong let the X-15 nose up just a little, causing it to balloon to a high enough altitude—roughly 140,000 feet—where the airplane returned to the wings-level attitude with essentially no sideslip.
First Man
Not even for a new left hand, a keeper, would Wallingford have blinked or looked away from that sideslipping view of the dark-green trees and the suddenly tilted horizon.
The Fourth Hand
Keris shuddered, accidentally sideslipping for a moment, then instantly pushing hard, leveling himself and his rider.
Father Swarat
Startled, his involuntarymovement made Avatre go into a sideslip, and he looked down over her shoulder.
It was similar to the noise you hear when the aircraft is in a slight sideslip, or the rudder is out of trim.
Bloodwing twisted and arced away from the explosion and the remaining torpedoes, and on the other side, Ortisei, having just begun an evasive maneuver, shuddered and sideslipped as the force of the explosion hit her shields.
Rihannsu: The Bloodwing Voyages
She's a bore, Mater," he said, sideslipping the topic-or trying to.
The Gates Of Sleep
Halya said nothing, but the pteridon sideslipped and dropped off to the left, then dived in toward the ground, leveling off less than twenty yards above the snow.
Soarer's Choice
Mirror rolled again, sideslipped vertically past the lead D4.
The Final Reflection
Not those - but a couple of days ago he was doing the sideslip in interviews about Obama.
Bill Clinton: Economic Crisis Means Veep Choice Is More Important
The sideslipping airplane gives rise to a side force on the vertical tail.
You'll see them sideslipping and snowplowing, while moving at a speed so slow it's painful to watch.