- (nautical) a room for the treatment of the sick or injured (as on a ship)
How To Use sickbay In A Sentence
- He hurried over to the sickbay to find a hospital corpsman.
- He has been transmitted to the main sickbay however he is currently unconscious.
- It captured dramatic thermal images of her being stretchered to the sickbay. The Sun
- Despite Buddy's protests Armstrong carried Bracks through the ship to the sickbay.
- I need to go down to what is laughingly called sickbay. The Search
- Neither of us remembered the way back to the sickbay and we definitely had no idea where the next exit was.
- In the sickbay, Renny's body wracked with a sudden spasm, ripping off one of the monitors.
- Jim stepped through the hatch into the ship's sickbay.
- ‘I need to get back to my ship, to the sickbay,’ she replied.
- The relief workers had found over a hundred people who had been injured when the Cardassians blew up their base; sensor scans said that they had found every single survivor, and the word from sickbay was that the workers had saved at least a score of Megarans from otherwise certain death. DEBTOR'S PLANET