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How To Use Sibling In A Sentence

  • Even his friends and foster siblings were expecting him to spend a good deal of time in the hoosgow or taking an extended dirt nap due to all this foolishness he was foisting upon the community. Archive 2006-10-01
  • A man came to load it onto the bus as we ran to find Ranwen's parents and siblings.
  • Competition between siblings for resources is widespread in the broods of altricial birds.
  • The potential adopters of siblings are simply not there. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's hard to say it to an older sibling because he often thinks that he is in the right. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Charlie's condition is a fluke so the chance of any future siblings having it are just one in 50.
  • I wrote about coming out in the family and about the insidious homophobia of siblings.
  • Sibling-year observations are weighted to address the underrepresentation of high-mortality families in population-based surveys following the general methods proposed by Gakidou and King, where Bf is the original sibship size and PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • Viewing it from all angles the point is, it is discriminative criteria to reject siblings of non Jewish mothers on the logical basis that no female line could possibly hereditarily claim pure Jewish roots going back five thousand years. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • As such, video game enemies in sibling-based stories are more likely to be doppelgängers, shadows or doubles of the player-characters.
  • By staging the fish, previously scored for boldness, in dyadic contests against siblings, we also tested the prediction that bolder individuals are more likely to become dominant.
  • It is universally agreed that the siblings referred to in this verse are uterine siblings.
  • I envisioned play would be a static simulation of the boisterous on-the-floor rivalries I shared with my siblings.
  • Thirty-one percent of children said they were hit, kicked or pushed by a sibling "quite a lot" or "a lot.
  • Twenty-two percent of those in stepfamilies also cited family relations, such as problems with siblings, stepsiblings, and stepparents.
  • From the kitchen, she could hear peals of laughter sounding where Robert, the butler, was doubtless entertaining her younger siblings.
  • Children with enlarged spleens should avoid contact sports (even wrestling with friends or siblings at home).
  • Evidence of sibling spite abounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • By now the lives of all four siblings have been damaged or destroyed by their mother's legacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know plenty of people who have strong family relationships that involve their adult children, ageing parents, siblings etc.
  • We talked about the rumble only when a safe distance away from family members, especially younger siblings.
  • This response mode ensured the privacy of adolescents' responses, in the event that parents or siblings were listening to the interview on a telephone extension.
  • In addition to providing Tarbell with subjects for portraiture, Emeline and her siblings served as models for figures in genre paintings of leisured genteel life.
  • A recipe for sibling harmony. Individually wrapped laundry.
  • The story line is fast-paced from the moment the two quite different in outlook siblings cross through to Karac Tor and never slows down although the ending is overwhelmed with too many unresolved threads (setting up future books apparently). The Book of Names-D. Barkley Briggs « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Fighting, Fighting, and More Fighting:Does the word sibling have to be synonymous with the word fight? Mothering Twins
  • Your siblings would avoid capital gains tax if the property were sold. Times, Sunday Times
  • She knew little about her siblings, as it had been years since she had seen or spoken to any of them.
  • These unstable phenotypes that varied between siblings included widely variable flower morphology, stem fasciation, variation in rosette leaves, and anthocyanin variegation of the stem.
  • However, last-borns perceived themselves as more agreeable, conscientious and open to experience than their siblings perceived them.
  • By the last sibling it would be in shreds.
  • Moreover, Zonabend states that the last-born of many siblings - starting with a seventh child in the actual case she provides - are not to have ordinary godparents and, therefore, strangers are often accepted for the task.
  • P. obovata is a sibling species of Picea abies which is very widespread across northern Eurasia. Manchurian mixed forests
  • By testing salmon during winter, when juveniles shelter inactively in streambed refuges, we tested whether individuals associate with or avoid their siblings at a time when the opportunity for kin-directed behaviors is restricted.
  • In a typical gesture of sibling acceptance, Hoss leaned over and forked Adam's untouched ham onto his own plate.
  • Furthermore, the best available mating may be with a sibling or an offspring on certain occasions.
  • Try putting him in a bedside co-sleeper?bassinet, on a mattress or futon at the foot of your bed, or even sleeping in another room with a sibling.
  • On the basis of the study, the researchers said that the health of the youngest siblings could be compromised in adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Known as SoBig.F, the new variant behaves much like its older siblings, infecting Windows machines via e-mail and sending out dozens of copies of itself.
  • Slovenes maintain close relations with their parents, siblings, and extended families.
  • The parents and siblings of the summer school students will hopefully be less exacting. Times, Sunday Times
  • In many cases, relinquishing coheirs (usually siblings who move away) must be compensated for their shares in a farm by the remaining heir.
  • However, the WHO has not ruled out the possibility, because the middle brother cared for the elder sibling before he died.
  • By now the lives of all four siblings have been damaged or destroyed by their mother's legacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • While at play, toddlers and young children are usually in the care of older siblings.
  • Never pick a major just because your parent, older sibling, partner, spouse, best friend, or person you're following on Twitter thinks it'd be a bang-up idea to major in that.
  • The jeans you're wearing are hand-me-downs, they stopped making that style six and a half years ago, telling me that you either have an older sibling or some other close relative who's older than you.
  • One sibling's hard-partying, self-destructive lifestyle makes the other despair, but the pair are making too much money to cut each other off completely.
  • This sibling confection is steamed, not baked, nutty and almost as rich.
  • Her older siblings have tried talking to her but they are met with a barrage of abuse too. The Sun
  • They can discuss anything from relationships with a new step-parent, divorce, new siblings, trying to manage living in two homes to anxiety and depression.
  • Stand to Reason uses the term sibling rivalry to describe conflicting arguments used by the same party. 4Simpsons Blog - Eternity Matters
  • And most of us have probably ingested meat and dairy products from livestock cloned by natural reproduction (monozygotic siblings), mechanical embryo-splitting or even nuclear transfer from an embryonic donor cell into an enucleated oocyte. The Cloned Cow Has Left the Barn
  • You will need help at some point, ask parents, siblings, teachers and friends for support.
  • Often an earlier youngster accompanies the pair and may even play with its sibling.
  • Just because sibling rivalry is normal doesn't mean you should ignore it.
  • The most damaging combination was to be the younger sibling of older brothers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In The Magic Toyshop, fifteen year old Melanie is forced to make a rapid transition to adulthood when her parents die in an accident and she and her two siblings are forced to move in with their ogreish uncle Phillip and his cowed family. Recent Reading Roundup 3
  • Even the already infamous trip to Cuba in the movie's final third works in the sense that it's incredibly moving, tapping as it does into the mess of feelings and regret surrounding 9/11 and the perpetually denied dream of universal siblinghood. Gerry Canavan
  • Then the tantrums for not getting the right colour - or a sibling snitching the only one that was wanted - and so on.
  • Karen won a scholarship and, like all of her siblings, got a college education.
  • It is often amazing how well siblings will get along when parents are not in view.
  • The suddenly orphaned 15-year-old Melanie and her siblings are shunted off to live in south London with their mysterious Uncle Philip, a toymaker who rules his family, including his mute wife and her Irish brothers, with a rod of iron.
  • Admission: I'm a southpaw myself, but my main gauche still lags behind its more popular sibling in terms of technique, so I'm not sure how much this would help me. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Her chief excellence as a novelist was her loving depiction of life in large families, particularly sibling relationships, presented with convincing dialogue and unstinted incident.
  • Only the dowdy daughter, Martha, treats him with kindness, teaching him to read and shielding him occasionally from her siblings' harshest jibes.
  • is both daffier and more amiable than a Woody Allen film, but the sibling filmmakers Jesse Peretz directed and his sister Evgenia Peretz co-wrote the screenplay have concocted sort of a Ned and His Sisters. Top Stories
  • Finally the ‘deceased wife's sister’ law was belatedly reformed in 1906, although marriage between such affines as adoptive parents and children, and adoptive siblings, remained within the prohibited degrees.
  • Each sibling feels the need to break away - Emma to follow her new dream of being an archaeologist, Blue to track down his elusive and by now vagrant father, whom he finds squatting in an abandoned warehouse.
  • He's obviously the boofhead and the clown of the family, as his siblings are models of sensitivity and decorum.
  • Families with parents, siblings and grandparents in one house are readily accepted, as are those with single parents and families with step-parents and step-siblings.
  • The first 45 minutes are spent in the homes of the eight contenders, interviewing their parents, siblings, teachers and schoolmates.
  • Never pick a major just because your parent, older sibling, partner, spouse, best friend, or person you're following on Twitter thinks it'd be a bang-up idea to major in that.
  • I can recall blaming a sibling for all sorts of naughtiness when I was younger.
  • Only months earlier, when she was living in the Ivanovo apartment with her parents, her siblings, and her uncle, there had been a knock on the door in the middle of the night. A Mountain of Crumbs
  • As he has grown, we have argued and scrapped like siblings.
  • These include lottery systems, abolishing sibling priority for those who move away and setting up priority zones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't forget big brother or sister when a new baby arrives- California Baby?I Love You?Aromatherapy Bubble Bath, Massage Oil, Gifts Totes and Spritzer makes a thoughtful sibling gift.
  • His sibling, who's been to Copenhangen before, told us that there's not that much to see in the city for that amt of time, and suggested we might combine our trip with another city. Talk about Travel
  • The latter three species are referred to collectively as siblings, abbreviated as sib.
  • She is the youngest of five siblings. Times, Sunday Times
  • My nieces, nephew and great-nephews at early ages have in no way been harmed by knowing that I have shared my life with another man, and it has not been at all difficult for any of my siblings to explain that.
  • His older siblings dismissed him as a worrywart who didn't know how to have any fun.
  • He was morbidly thin and locked along with his sibling in a dungeon-like room.
  • These games offer an opportunity for the viewers to play them alone or with the help of an older sibling or parent.
  • She does not have a sibling there or a special educational need. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gordon: Sis, why don't we have a sibling rivalry?
  • The negative sustained component was reduced to 1/3 of that from sibling controls or the contralateral eye in gynandromorphs.
  • The parents and siblings of the summer school students will hopefully be less exacting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never falling far from his firmly planted roots - his wife, daughter, father and four siblings provide the music and backing vocals on the record.
  • Somebody you spend timewith anyway, such as a colleague, sibling etc.
  • Stemming from the Native American dish m'i sicquotach, plain old down-home succotash keeps the siblings as close as they can be.
  • The last thing the couple's relationship needs is a long weekend with their respective in-laws and siblings.
  • Not being able to stand it a moment longer, she sprang out of the reeds and dashed toward her sibling, enveloping him in a very wet embrace.
  • Eclipse writes the superclass automagically with its new methods and alters the sibling classes to use the new superclass.
  • The beetroot is important economically, for its siblings, the sugar beet and the mangel-wurzel, both played dramatic parts in recent history.
  • The psychologist Alfred Adler concluded that middle children, who had neither suffered the indignity of being "dethroned" like the eldest sibling, nor the pampered indulgence of the youngest, had the best chance of growing into successful, well-adjusted adults. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The sibling dynamic is the one we most take for granted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your siblings would avoid capital gains tax if the property were sold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although young people may initiate courtship, marriage is often arranged by the family, with older siblings or extended family members suggesting possible mates.
  • This is the first time that surgeons have tried to separate adult craniopagus twins - siblings born joined at the head.
  • Nestlings use this beak hook in lunging pecks and bites to the backs and heads of their siblings that result in scratches, bruises, and skin lesions.
  • (whose heightened gabbiness Solondz's films evoke, plus an acid drip), many will find the film's openly addressed ethical conundrum-Can you or should you forgive a selfish sibling or a thoughtless lover, much less a pedophile? In These Times
  • To account for this effect, when there was more than one unaffected sibling we selected the one furthest in age from the index case.
  • It is also to be borne in mind that the appellant's family comprise his parents and three siblings.
  • Her younger sister, Kim the only nondoctor among the siblings, she is known as the "smart one", participated in NYT > Home Page
  • Across the nation fights break out in living rooms as sulky teenagers beat their younger siblings senseless with remote controls in an effort to watch their favourite anti-heroes scream on BBC2.
  • They star as a pair of codependent siblings working as hotel maids.
  • Otherwise, unless you or your siblings need your share urgently, you could let the law take its course. Times, Sunday Times
  • "Yuck, " she groaned, and her siblings screeched with laughter.
  • Invariably, the play is enacted at home, perhaps in front of parents and siblings who might find it all very amusing.
  • Despite being in his late 50's, my sibling (who will remain nameless in case some one dobs him in) has never voted for any kind of Government, local, state or federal.
  • Families with parents, siblings and grandparents in one house are readily accepted, as are those with single parents and families with step-parents and step-siblings.
  • Contacted his ex-wife, his father, his mother, his siblings, his friends, his colleagues - anyone other than us - to borrow the money he needed to repay us.
  • I love my siblings dearly and don't begrudge them the money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several Daily Mail articles that mention the Middletons' business have also referred to what it has bought them -- noting the value of the family's home, where they have vacationed or the annual cost of the schools Kate and her siblings attended. Cashing in on royal-wedding parties?
  • Bob: She was there, and she looked as young as my sibling.
  • As ready as he is to make amends, and as ready as his siblings are to accept that, all that is needed, in dramatic terms is the symbolic enaction of atonement and acceptance. Archive 2009-01-01
  • She said that the landscape depicted in the painting resembled the area in Arizona where the siblings had once lived. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sibling growth units in equivalent positions tended to have a more slender stem for N. dombeyi than for N. pumilio.
  • Your siblings would avoid capital gains tax if the property were sold. Times, Sunday Times
  • In nine cases only one of two same-sex siblings became a breeder; in eight of these it was the heaviest of the two sibs (p =.019, binomial test, n = 9).
  • So I thought I would pick a sibling to chitty chat about – and the winner is: Brother #2. Brothers & Sisters – Brother #2 « Bored Mommy
  • They were almost as important to him as his parents and his siblings. Times, Sunday Times
  • On a less conventional level it is about the unbreakable bond between siblings, the blurring of myth and reality and the journey between life and death.
  • I love my siblings dearly and don't begrudge them the money. Times, Sunday Times
  • My three siblings and I inherited 800 undivided acres from our parents.
  • Woodson is best known today as the father of African American history; many online accounts of his life misrepresent him as the youngest child of former slaves, effacing that he had any younger siblings, including Bessie Woodson Yancey.
  • In families where favorite children grow up playing by the same rules as everyone else, it is less likely that unfavored siblings feel animosity towards the favorite. Dr. Ellen Libby: Mom and Dad: How to Solve the Favoritism Problem Once and For All
  • But the second sister made the greatest personal sacrifice for the family, for she quit her studies to make money in order that her siblings can study.
  • My siblings were Eve, Bethany, and the matricidal Daniel. Sagittarius Whorl
  • ‘These days it's sibling revelry, mate,’ Tim jokes in his soft New Zealand accent.
  • She is the youngest of five siblings. Times, Sunday Times
  • This bimonthly hits the mark with the same luxe-lifestyle positioning as its American Express siblings.
  • Grif's sensitive, intelligent and sweet-tempered demeanour sets him apart from his more mundane siblings. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Either way it is an enormous number of potential siblings. Times, Sunday Times
  • This pattern is matched by the way in which the siblings of one's parents are named.
  • Is it common for first time sexual experiences to be with a sibling or cousin around the same age?
  • The mall was so damn packed that we had to double guard my siblings and my little cousin coz they have the tendency to run off when they get too excited. Archive 2007-12-01
  • He will, for example, often employ the keyboard to request food for his mother and siblings who do not know the lexigrams.
  • Step into any boulangerie, that neighborhood bakery, for the simple snacks, the croissant, brioche and éclairs, the everyday treats, and though simpler indeed they are as elegant and fussy as their more sophisticated siblings. Jamie Schler: When Simple Banana Bread Becomes Exotic (a recipe)
  • Now, this risk is exactly what, according to Portuguese data, the custom of choosing the eldest children to act as godparents to last-born siblings seeks to avoid.
  • She said that the landscape depicted in the painting resembled the area in Arizona where the siblings had once lived. Times, Sunday Times
  • The invitation to become members of a surrogate family not based on blood ties yet expressive of the inter-personal values of sibling kinship.
  • The ginger-haired baby Elizabeth is mainly a squalling infant in the period of the narrative, which chiefly covers the years 1527 – 35, but in the figure of her sibling Mary, one is given a chilling prefiguration of the coming time when the bonfires of English heretics will really start to blaze in earnest. The Men Who Made England
  • A born storyteller, she transformed the paths and flower beds into imaginary pleasure domes for the benefit of her siblings. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Merlin, Jo and Ollie are siblings; waifs and strays with an absent father and a hopeless mother who locks them out of the house for long periods.
  • If Ryan found himself stranded on the lower deck, he would stick his feet through the metal grid and try to unseat his smug-faced sibling from the upper bunk.
  • In real life, positive and negative oedipal relations, and guilt about these relations often remain hidden behind sibling rivalry.
  • The glib expectation that all his siblings will exude similar star quality is inevitably flawed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of us hate living in the shadows of a more successful sibling.
  • You seem like two sparring siblings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sibling pair walked towards me with smiles on their faces.
  • And the death of a younger sibling is a different thing to the death of a parent.
  • Scientists have found that first-born children are apt to conform while younger siblings, as time goes by, exhibit an increase in traits such as adventurousness and rebellion. Evening Standard - Home
  • The penultimate sibling in a brood of four girls and three boys reared by Karen Dawsey, Brackins is 9 when he first puts on football pads for a peewee league team.
  • Currently, legal immigrants can sponsor parents, siblings and adult children.
  • Moreover, Virginia acted as godmother to her ninth and eleventh siblings - but not to the tenth, who had been named after a previously dead infant.
  • After the timely and sometimes untimely deaths of his five siblings, a controlling 60 per cent belonged to his niece. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sibling rivalry often causes parents anxieties.
  • She had never overcome her feelings of sibling rivalry .
  • If your child is accustomed to seeing parents or older siblings use the toilet they may prefer to use the ‘big’ toilet with a child's seat instead of a potty.
  • She took my hands away from my face and I blushed again as my siblings looked upon my tear-stained face.
  • The concordance rate for diabetes was substantially higher in monozygous twins (0.73) than in dizygous twins and siblings with CF (0.18; The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Current Issue
  • Fearing that in comparison to them he can not win his parents' love and esteem is what inflames sibling rivalry.
  • Can frequently the elder sibling is alter from his dad, that old deathless half penny soul also has no, can frequently these years of elder brothers treat you is up heart.
  • He has five siblings and his parents always put all of them before him. The Sun
  • In other words, say you have a given element and you want to find its parent element, one of its child elements, or its previous or next sibling element.
  • Among English-speakers, "godsibb" originally referred to those who had a spiritual kinship through baptism "god" as in godparent; "sibb" as in sibling. NYT > Home Page
  • She says she had to pick sadza and vegetables from bins, soaked it and ate with her siblings and in this era they would have been called street kids.
  • He depicted a version of his scarred but curiously often blissful family life: nine siblings (three of whom died in infancy), a drained and loving mother, and a tortured, violent-tempered father who died when Davies was 6; his burgeoning homosexuality and struggle with his Catholic faith; the solace and rapture that the cinema bestowed on him. Intimate History
  • The school had offered sibling discounts to entice parents with daughters at the school to enrol their sons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Registered German Shorthaired Pointer siblings whelped 3-25-08. Field & Stream
  • If you do not have children or parents then siblings or further removed relatives may benefit.
  • He was an only child, and he felt Henriette very lucky in her elder siblings.
  • I wanted siblings who, for as much as they relished teasing me, would stand by me when the going got tough.
  • There were parents, siblings, grandmas and grandpas, and even aunts and uncles; not to mention our class of 700 crammed onto the floor.
  • While it may be tempting to blame these killings on some extreme form of sibling rivalry, most cases of fratricide or sororicide defy such a simplistic explanation.
  • Field length from the previous sibling or delimiter.
  • They then meet a crossdresser and Hei pretends that Suou and July are his siblings. Darker than Black season 2 – ep 04 « Undercover
  • “Why does the word imply male siblings and not female as well?” Rihannsu: The Bloodwing Voyages
  • And the sporty model, with its bigger tires, felt better in highway twists and turns than its richer sibling.
  • She is left to fend for her siblings, including one babe in arms, on a long trek across country. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can tackle your parents, elder siblings or friends for possible placements.
  • All target connections within the grouping of If, Else if, and Else refinements must target sibling elements on the target data structure.
  • Goldwater and his siblings grew up with a nurse, chauffeur and live-in maid.
  • Numerous people wept for their friends, husbands, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings and in some distressing cases, young sons and daughters.
  • The U.S. took over Freddie, and its larger sibling Fannie Mae through a legal process known as conservatorship in September 2008. SEC Probe of Freddie Mac Deepens
  • However, when a pregnancy occurs before normal termination of breastfeeding, the older sibling also suffers a disadvantage.
  • Siblings' methods may be subtle, but they're no less cutting.
  • She is full of bitterness and resentment and is seemingly unaware of just how hurtful she is to my siblings and me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Me and my siblings thought it was made up - by our Dad who always threatened us with dire spiflication if we ever played up.
  • Get one or two of your older siblings who are sociable and good organisers to help. The Sun
  • By switching the sibling roles and darkening their relationship, Chéreau found echoes of the emotional distance he feels from his own brother.
  • Haye's feud with the dominant Klitschko siblings is ongoing, having lost his WBA heavyweight title ignominiously to IBF/WBO champion Wladimir in Hamburg last July before setting his sights on a shot at WBC champion Vitali. Evening Standard - Home
  • A drop-in centre will provide respite for youngsters caring for a sick parent or sibling.
  • Of course, Lasker had no precedents to invoke in the marketing of Kotex; but when it came time to introduce the next revolutionary cellucotton-based product for Kimberly-Clark, that new product - a disposable handkerchief called "Kleenex" - was purposefully positioned to draw on the halo effect of its older sibling. How they sell you what you don't understand
  • The only new kind of combinator introduced in CSS3 is the general sibling selector.
  • By the age of thirty, however, her siblings were unwilling to walk with her because she was so slow.
  • William had no siblings or friends to comfort him as he grew to manhood.

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