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How To Use Siberian In A Sentence

  • During changeable weather, the temperature can veer from sub-Mediterranean to Siberian.
  • Speaking from the Siberian city of Khanty-Mansiysk, where the ballot was held, CJ de Mooi, the president of the English Chess Federation, said: It was unbelievable. Chess world shocked as Karpov fails to capture top job
  • The Siberian northern boreal forests, called Taiga, where the fires were burning are mainly spruce and fir trees.
  • Also known as Siberian weasels, these little furbearers are found in Siberia, China and other parts of Asia.
  • Another important result of dendrochronological dating of large samples of subfossil wood is the ability to calculate the relative abundance of Siberian spruce in forest stands of the area, which is an index or proxy for the degree of continentality of the climate. Climate change and forest distribution in the Arctic
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  • Something attacks the remote Siberian Saint Samuil of Arkady monastery that contains in its scriptorium books written by the Users; every resident except Va the monk dies in the assault; the reference tomes are stolen. The Lost Art-Simon Morden « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • As the snowdrops and winter aconite begin to depart, glory-of-the-snow, Siberian squill, dwarf iris, and puschkinia might arrive. Suzy Bales: Looking For Compounding Interest? Plant Bulbs!
  • Tipperary man Henry Kellett was the first European to sight and chart the Siberian coast.
  • The most commonly used herbs are echinacea, St. John's wort, ginkgo biloba, garlic, saw palmetto, ginseng, goldenseal, aloe, Siberian ginseng and valerian.
  • No summary can do justice to this hilarious book—Kennan's wit never fails him, just as a companion from California never fails, no matter how catastrophic the Siberian winter turns, to claim that he has seen "worse storms in the Sierra Nevadas. Five Best: Larry McMurtry
  • Even when he was held prisoner in a Siberian gulag he managed to orchestrate his release.
  • But I'm trying to find the best path, and telling me that every path someone uses to attain happiness is equally valid is the same as telling me that the trans-Siberian mall route is just as good as the "take a right" method. Woo... Hoo?
  • Also called the ‘rock rabbit,’ ‘coney,’ and ‘little chief hare,’ the pika's name is derived from the Siberian word for this animal, puka.
  • Scientists have traveled to the most extreme environments on earth – from deep-sea vents to Siberian volcanoes – to bio-prospect for "extremophile" micro-organisms that can digest wood and plant wastes to be fermented into fuel. Climate Change Opportunity
  • The smallest swan in Britain feeds in f locks during the winter months and breeds on the Siberian tundra during the summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, in similar territory, a Siberian Husky howls to attract attention from its owner.
  • Nowhere was the process of imperial specialization more apparent than on the Trans-Siberian railway.
  • With his last exhibition being on Siberian cranes, feathered creatures equally move Ajay Singh.
  • Ginseng can interact with antihypertensives, and Siberian ‘ginseng’ can potentiate the effects of digoxin.
  • Nowhere was the process of imperial specialization more apparent than on the Trans-Siberian railway.
  • The Siberian weasel also known as the Siberian mink or kolinsky is the most common among Asian mustelids.
  • The latter was calculated from the seismograms of the same observatory, as well as from the barograms of Siberian and European meteorological stations, see Ref. 10.
  • Terraces near the shore in the north are dominated by Dahurian larch Larix gmelina with Rhododendron dahuricum, grading on the eastern and western shores into forests of Siberian cembra or stone pine Pinus sibirica with Siberian larch Larix sibirica. Lake Baikal Basin, Russian Federation
  • Even as his minions were, with his approval, flingingsuspected agitators into the Fortress of Peter and Paul, raiding the houses of liberal noblemen, and condemning writers andintellectuals to Siberian exile, a part of Alexander was still the sensitive Sasha, the boy with the mild, lamblike eyes. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • The North was to send 16 animals, including Asiatic black bears, lynx, coyotes, African ponies and Siberian weasels, zoo officials said.
  • Siberian volcanoes spent 900,000 years spewing enough carbon into the atmosphere to raise Earth's temparature six degrees.
  • He refused, preferring to meet an icy, lonely death in a field hospital or in some Siberian wasteland. SEA MUSIC
  • This view received added impetus from the proposal to construct the Trans-Siberian Railway.
  • Reserves were created to save critical habitat for endangered species such as the Siberian tiger, saiga antelope, Russian desman and black stork.
  • She said the West Siberian Lowland indeed falls within a hot spot but added that whether thawing peatlands will accelerate global warming remains an open question.
  • The trek from Pyongyang, across some 10,000 kilometers of Siberian desolation, took 10 days.
  • The third soldier lisped, with a slight Siberian accent, motioning them out with his rifle.
  • There are also three Siberian tiger cubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Siberians' survival as a nation, despite Communist rule and immigration, demonstrates ‘how hard it is to disinvent nationalities’.
  • German reconnaissance had missed the presence of a newly detrained Siberian division in the area, and an accompanying armoured brigade with a full roster of the relatively new and highly manoeuvrable T-34s. Sealing Their Fate
  • Four resplendent Siberian chipmunks with their pouched cheeks and striped fur are wanted dead or alive after fleeing from an enclosure in southern England, a newspaper reported yesterday.
  • A Siberian jail is the last place you would expect to find a beauty pageant. The Sun
  • Occasionally, waterlogged conditions can occur inside burial mounds-a temperate-climate version of the Siberian phenomenon.
  • So, anyway, something or other happened to put it in motion, the bureaucracy just kind of crunched, and the Siberian agents came and murdered my brother? Mother Of Storms
  • For example, the Mackenzie and Yukon are both erosional rivers, while the Siberian rivers are depositional, especially the Ob for which the drainage basin includes marsh lowlands [25]. Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
  • Now add bright blue Brunnera macrophyylla (Siberian bugloss), yellowish-green lady's mantle, and Geranium x magnificum.
  • The process was probably kicked off by greater vulcanism (the siberian traps) spewing CO2 into the atmosphere. 2009 December 17 | Serendipity
  • Members of other orders may, if they choose, gallop across the tundra to succour outcast Siberian lepers, or go white-water rafting in Katmandu, but a Benedictine takes vows of poverty, chastity, and stability.
  • Meanwhile, the thoroughly detestable Jordan - who's as warm as a Siberian winter and as human as the Megatron - has remained a lifelong twiglet with apparently effortless ease. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Siberian jays are sexually monomorphic with a substantial overlap in size between sexes.
  • Fifty-one species of mammals find refuge in the Katun Nature Preserve including brown bears, chipmunks, ermines, lynxes, minks, musk-deer, sables, Siberian mountain goats, Siberian weasels, and squirrels.
  • The jay is one of the most widespread members of the crow family, occupying woodland as diverse as the Siberian taiga and the rain-forests of Thailand.
  • Transsiberian, the Lookout, a History of Violence and most of the other movies I really liked from the last ten years are nowhere to be found on the list. Matthew Yglesias » Netflix Maps
  • Grumbling, Broker unloaded the bag: Vita-C, cider, vinegar, oranges, limes, lemons, echinacea, goldenseal, and Siberian ginseng. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • We also saw bear tracks and some lovely little Siberian deer.
  • The dread Phenokrike of the Siberian Shamans caught my eye in its gaudy leatherwork folio. Perquampi
  • They are the common shrew, the Altaic mole, the fox, the bear, the glutton, the sable, the weasel, the ermine, the Siberian weasel, the otter, the musk-deer, the maral, the roe, the elk, the squirrel, the chipmunk, the common dark and red field-vole, the Altaic, the Altaic pika.
  • There were some Siberian elms, lilacs and maples also.
  • Hinduism, Taoism, Chinese popular religion, Siberian shamanism, and other spiritual traditions speak of a polestar. The 7
  • Of predators, there are bears, wolverines, sables, Siberian weasels, ermines, and least weasels; of ungulates, marals, roe deer, musk deer, etc.
  • For months, China and Japan had been vying to determine the terminal of the proposed pipeline from Siberian oil fields.
  • She specialized in felines; from the alley cat to the Siberian Tiger.
  • Nine of the critically endangered species targeted by the grants are reptiles, including the Siamese crocodile, Antiguan racer, and river terrapin; seven are birds, including the Siberian crane, Polynesian ground-dove, and Madagascar pochard; and five are mammals, including the giant sable and the duiker, in addition to the Ethiopian wolf. Salazar Announces Nearly $650 Thousand in Grants to Conserve Critically Endangered Wildlife Around the Globe
  • His blue-grey eyes were as cold as a Siberian winter, and Polly felt as though she had been impaled by twin icicles.
  • The building is clad in red cedar and the track is made of strips of Siberian pine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fresh from the Siberian tundra, an 18,000-year-old frozen woolly mammoth is on display at the 2005 World Exposition in Aichi, Japan.
  • Asian, American and Siberian ginsengs are the most renowned herbal tonics in Chinese medicine.
  • Duranty claimed the Siberian labor camps were a means of giving individuals a chance to re-join soviet society but also said that for those who could not accept the system, "the final fate of such enemies is death.". Sound Politics: Case Study: Why Conservatives Distrust the MSM
  • German reconnaissance had missed the presence of a newly detrained Siberian division in the area, and an accompanying armoured brigade with a full roster of the relatively new and highly manoeuvrable T-34s. Sealing Their Fate
  • It boggled the Siberian imagination to think what modern business and technology might accomplish.
  • In the forests one can find moose (Alces alces), Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus), lynx (Lynx lynx), common hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), widely spread varying hare (Lepus timidus), badger (Meles meles), ermine (Mustela erminea), weasel (Mustela nivalis), common marten (Martes martes) racoon-like dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). Kazakh upland
  • Larger than Siberian tigers, cave lions once ranged throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Tiger demands diving Siberian tigers for one set. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the photos, the former KGB man looks truly one with nature as he closes his eyes and lowers his head to gently nuzzle the horse he had just been riding across the Siberian wilderness.
  • Inside, guests sat down to a five-course meal including Siberian pelmeni, a ravioli-like dish filled with venison, and green shchi soup, with chicken and sorrel. Dinner, with Questions
  • Occasionally, waterlogged conditions can occur inside burial mounds-a temperate-climate version of the Siberian phenomenon.
  • Members of other orders may, if they choose, gallop across the tundra to succour outcast Siberian lepers, or go white-water rafting in Katmandu, but a Benedictine takes vows of poverty, chastity, and stability.
  • And meanwhile the spot is drinking in the spirits, and maybe the spirits in the alcohol are releasing the spirit in the land--maybe the alcohol is a libation, maybe the alcohol is a medium, and now the spirit of the land is out and about, the spirit of the apples and crabapples and arrowwood and briars and siberian olive and staghorn sumac...and the drinkers maybe sense this now, and so they return and return. Libation Bearers
  • While it deals mainly with seals it has also rescued dolphins, porpoises, otters, deer, numerous birds and even a Siberian tiger.
  • ‘hussar’ is Hungarian; ‘caloyer’, Romaic; ‘mammoth’, of some Siberian language; {14} ‘tattoo’, Polynesian; ‘steppe’, Tartarian; ‘sago’, English Past and Present
  • He immediately cancelled his Siberian vacation upon hearing news of the hijack, and set to deal with the incident.
  • Occasionally, waterlogged conditions can occur inside burial mounds-a temperate-climate version of the Siberian phenomenon.
  • These two ships were from New Bedford, and they had put into the little harbour to wood and water, and give their sea-worn crews a fortnight's rest ere they sailed northward away from the bright isles of the Pacific to the cold, wintry seas of the Siberian coast and the Kurile Islands, where they would cruise for "bowhead" whales, before returning home to The Call Of The South 1908
  • During these months, its countless lakes freeze solid, providing perfect surfaces for skidoo driving, reindeer sleighing and Siberian husky safaris.
  • We also saw bear tracks and some lovely little Siberian deer.
  • There will be self-righteous demands for vegetarian vol-au-vents made from people wearing fur coats made from a Siberian Tiger.
  • Twice a year, Siberians ‘blow’ their undercoats, that is, they shed their undercoats completely.
  • The Altai is the major mountain range in Western Siberia biogeographic region and plays a central role in maintaining the hydrological regime of the Western Siberian Lowlands, by providing the source of the greatest rivers of Western Siberia - the Ob and the Irtysh Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
  • The list of the critically endangered include the black rhino and Siberian tiger and the Amur leopard of Asia.
  • Low, rugged mountains criss-cross the desert and are home to argali sheep and Siberian ibex.
  • Siberian ginseng is classified as an "adaptogen," which means that it improves general resistance to a wide variety of adverse health influences, especially stress. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • The Siberian Husky loves children and its reliable temperament makes it trustworthy.
  • I once petted a snow leopard kitten, a caracal kitten, and a Siberian lynx kitten, all in one hour. 8 Things
  • But for now these Siberian tiger cubs are still at the playful kitten stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Setting off from a Siberian London to balmy Long Beach California has been a process that matched the TED theme of "unveil" - off have come the snowjacket, hat, gloves, long johns Broadstuff
  • This valley is one of the last strongholds of the Siberian tiger.
  • Between 1891 and 1909, a million immigrants to Siberia came via the railroad, settled close to it, and cleared forests, burned fuelwood, and in general inaugurated an age of much more intensive exploitation of Siberian woodlands.
  • Plants such as Siberian irises can be lifted and potted as soon as the leaves have died down. The Sun
  • For all its charm, the garden was, and is, a teaching garden, a living museum of some 1,400 historic plants — most remarkably the Siberian corydalis, a hardy yellow wildflower that arrived in 1765 as a gift from the Finnish naturalist Erik Laxman and has survived continuously for three centuries, even through many decades when the garden was abandoned (it looked like a potato patch, one nineteenth-century pilgrim remarked in dismay). The Constant Gardener
  • We have Russia's practically unpeopled Siberian lands, stretching across seven time zones - or is it eight?
  • As a teenager, he picked up a lifelong hobby - hunting game in the Siberian taiga, or forest. Putin's Chief of Staff Becomes Mayor of Moscow
  • Examples are glossy black chokecherry, Siberian and ‘red splendor’ crabapple, snowberry, bittersweet, sumacs, American highbush cranberry, eastern and European wahoo, Virginia creeper and Chinaberry.
  • the Siberian tundra
  • Siberian Husky: No one wants to be called husky, but Sylvie won't mind. Westminster Dog Show 2012—Best in Show—as it happened
  • His asides on Brahui (the Dravidian language that may be a missing link between India and the Persian-empire tongue Elamite) and Ket (the Siberian language with plausible ties to Navajo) are as diverting as anything in his book. Back to Babel
  • But if you are an oilfield fitter in some godforsaken Siberian driller camp and your wages aren't being paid, owning a few hundred shares in the refinery is a bit of an abstract concept.
  • There are also Siberian ibex Capra ibex sibirica, and musk deer Moschus moschiferus (VU), Pallas's cat (manul) Otocolobus manul, Mongolian (bobak) marmot Marmota sibirica, Altai snow-cock Tetraogallus altaiacus, bearded and black vultures Gypaetus barbatus and Aegypius monarchus. Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • Many Poles or those of Polish descent born in the Forties, Fifties and Sixties could be descendants of Siberian deportees.
  • The explosion that lit up the Siberian sky in a fireball shortly after 7 a.m. on June 30, 1908, is known as the Tunguska event, after the river that flows through the damage zone, and is widely considered the modern-day warning about the dangers slinging through space. ‘Roid Rages Past Earth - The Lede Blog -
  • Grouped together in two or three cases, are the sable and other antelopes from the Cape of Good Hope; the algazelle, and the addax and its young from North Africa; the sing-sing, and the koba from Western Africa; the sassaybi; the chamois of the Alps -- the subject of many a stirring mountain song; the goats of North Africa; the strange Siberian ibex; the grue and gorgon from the Cape; varieties of the domestic goat, and the beautiful Cashmere goat. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • Global warming is, after all, global, so if what you assert is true, there ought to occasionally be a trip over, for example, the trans-Siberian railway from Vladivostok to Moscow. Brian Baird led junket to South Pole on taxpayers' dime (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • But Beijing still felt a long way off as our train – at that point somewhere between Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk – trundled through a spectacular red Siberian sunset on its long passage east.
  • Two big, beautiful dogs that look like Siberian blood-hounds, and which are owned by somebody who lives in lower Fifth-avenue, have been in the habit of taking an airing every afternoon this Summer in and around Washington-square.
  • Constant offshore Siberian breezes bring huge quantities of fresh powder snow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Siberian northern boreal forests, called Taiga, where the fires were burning are mainly spruce and fir trees.
  • Siberian "Cheka" I could have had this end so joyfully accorded me. Beasts, Men and Gods
  • Bayfield interpreted his specimens as belonging to the coral genus Cyathophyllum, while Meglitsky referred the Siberian specimens to Calamites, a Carboniferous genus of vascular plants.
  • But for now these Siberian tiger cubs are still at the playful kitten stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Semi’s iris is Japanese, it must be Siberian then, someone else thought so too. Iris Season « Fairegarden
  • There are also three Siberian tiger cubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for now these Siberian tiger cubs are still at the playful kitten stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Siberian flying squirrel is a nocturnal arboreal rodent, which nests in tree cavities, twig dreys, and nest-boxes.
  • The Siberian weasel makes its den in the hollows of trees, under rocks, and will often take over a rodent's burrow that has been deserted.
  • He traveled on the Trans-Siberian Railway and arrived in Irkutsk on 23 December 1915. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • Alternative landscape plants might include spiked speedwell, lilies, Siberian iris, spiked gayfeather and garden sage.
  • In recent broadcasts we were introduced to Monika, an operatic donkey from the Mariinsky Theater who is retiring at nineteen years; a Siberian tiger, who had his cavities filled by a team of dentists; now a moose farm in Kostroma where moose (not meese?) are being raised for their milk, which is rich in fat and mineral. Russia Today 2
  • On the other hand the upper reaches of the river that are covered by larch, dark coniferous and stone birch forests, provide refuge for capercaillie Tetrao parvirostris and Siberian spruce grouse Falcipennis falcipennis*. Central Sikhote-Alin, Russian Federation
  • McLure tells us that the Siberian oblast of Tyumen, with 2 percent of Russia's people, yields 65 percent of Russia's oil.
  • His tanned features looked more European Russian than Siberian. CHAMELEON
  • The Altai is the major mountain range in Western Siberia biogeographic region and plays a central role in maintaining the hydrological regime of the Western Siberian Lowlands, by providing the source of the greatest rivers of Western Siberia - the Ob and the Irtysh Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
  • Tiger demands diving Siberian tigers for one set. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thermometers moved from cold mountains to warm beaches; from Siberian Arctic to more southerly locations and from pristine rural locations to jet airport tarmacs. Warming and Rumours of Warming « Anglican Samizdat
  • There are also three Siberian tiger cubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five per year have been allocated to the Makah Native Americans who live on Washington's Olympic Peninsula and the rest to Siberian aboriginals.
  • But such was not to be, for an ironbound, teenage streak of rebellion set in like a Siberian winter, and he refused to be influenced by any reasoning not his own. In The Shadow of The Cypress
  • Mr. Pulikovsky wrote, recalling crestfallen faces on the Siberian hosts at the arrival of the Russian meat dumplings. Total WonKerr
  • There generally are two Trans-Siberian Orchestra ensembles touring simultaneously - known as TSO East and TSO West - making it possible for cities throughout the United States to catch the band's holiday show. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal:Today's Headlines
  • The central feature was a 2,200-km-long canal, linking Siberian rivers, swollen with snowmelt, to the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers in Central Asia.
  • The best, in my opinion at least, was the Siberian rubythroat, a ground-dwelling skulker with a jewel-like ruby throat.
  • The population of Siberian cranes in Poyang Lake will also be affected by the dam. Three Gorges Dam, China
  • Other mammals in the region include red foxes, Siberian weasels, red deer, and even reindeer (caribou).
  • The Russian network of modern New York is as thick and branchy as a Siberian fir-tree.
  • Thus the term connects us to the focus of this frequently incendiary debate: people, human beings just like us whether they arrived last month or, like my paleo-Siberian ancesters, hundreds of generations ago Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: See If You Can Figure Out What Malkin Is Saying
  • The building is clad in red cedar and the track is made of strips of Siberian pine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Siberian natural resources
  • Grumbling, Broker unloaded the bag: Vita-C, cider, vinegar, oranges, limes, lemons, echinacea, goldenseal, and Siberian ginseng. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • Low, rugged mountains criss-cross the desert and are home to argali sheep and Siberian ibex.
  • The Siberian flying squirrel is a nocturnal arboreal rodent, which nests in tree cavities, twig dreys, and nest-boxes.
  • The building is clad in red cedar and the track is made of strips of Siberian pine. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is ideal for growing in a mixed planting of hostas, siberian iris, and other good foliage plants.
  • Siberian coal miners
  • But for now these Siberian tiger cubs are still at the playful kitten stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trans - Siberian Railroad is a modernized passageway joining Europe - Russia and Far East.
  • Reserves were created to save critical habitat for endangered species such as the Siberian tiger, saiga antelope, Russian desman and black stork.
  • Annual development of the Great Siberian polynya influences spawning and growth rates of polar cod, the key prey species of the High Arctic ecosystem.
  • Formed along the Siberian continent, drift ice travels down to the northern coast of Kushiro in Japan's northern region of Hokkaido.
  • But for now these Siberian tiger cubs are still at the playful kitten stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alexandra blamed herself for her son's illness, and in seeking answers to alleviate her guilt, came under the baleful influence of Siberian monk and mystic Rasputin.
  • ` Hellish places, by all accounts, rations a Siberian moujik wouldn't touch, and less civilised behaviour than you'd meet in the Congo, but I'm told there's no education like it - a lifetime's trainin 'in knavery packed into six years. Watershed
  • Reuters Above, a machine engraves information on an ingot of 99.99% pure gold at the Krastsvetmet nonferrous metals plant in Russia's Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk. Upbeat Economic Data Curtails Gold Futures
  • According to Russian scientist I.I. Brekhman in 1958, adaptogenic herbs like Siberian Ginseng, work to normalize all bodily systems and functions.
  • The ultimate classic in Russian travel is the Trans-Siberian Express, a legendary 17-day luxe train journey from Moscow to Vladivostok that rumbles for nearly 6,000 miles.
  • Biologists estimated that there were no more than 250 Siberian tigers left in the wild; dozens were being killed each year by poachers who hunted on foot, by car, and by helicopter.
  • After this multiloquent festival, the Siberian merchants, naturally exasperated, seized upon Mr. Collins, and an unhappy countryman of his who was present, and tossed them after the fashion of Sancho Panza. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
  • Next week - Tara parachutes into a Siberian bear-trappers get-together, joining them all for a quick drink of three pints of neat vodka.
  • Siberian woolly mammoths made their way over the Bering land bridge to the New World long before mercantile ships made the journey.
  • This could be a fault that delineates the present-day eastern boundary of the West Siberian Basin.
  • At one point the car had plunged off a rickety bridge into a ravine and had to be winched out by a gang of Siberian railway workers. Great Sporting Failures
  • Small-leafed linden, mountain elm, ash, Siberian fir, spruce, blue spruce, larch, arolla pine and pine are also among the traditional trees.
  • I spot a variety of birds, from a large grouse called the capercaillie to tiny Siberian tits.
  • The family's two dogs, a cocker spaniel and a Siberian husky had the run of the house.
  • The other dogs were all Siberian huskeys - while our houseguest is a mear hunting dog. Where's the Ladygoat?
  • There were Slavonian hunters, fair-skinned and mighty-muscled; short, squat Finns, with flat noses and round faces; Siberian half-breeds, whose noses were more like eagle - beaks; and lean, slant-eyed men, who bore in their veins the Mongol and Tartar blood as well as the blood of the Slav. NEGORE, THE COWARD
  • Constant offshore Siberian breezes bring huge quantities of fresh powder snow. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Alley did not have the palynologic proxy evidence also abundantly available in Siberian proxies (Andreev, Schirmeister, Zazula) or Europe (Lucke and Brauer)that there was a shift in seasonal precipitation more than a shift in temperature. Some Ice Cores in NAS – Antarctic « Climate Audit
  • Ten steps from the Siberian lanceolated warbler in its tiny field of oats, a vagrant thrush nightingale hops on a garden wall looking like a robin without a red breast. A Year on the Wing
  • Here, in similar territory, a Siberian Husky howls to attract attention from its owner.
  • In the world of global wildlife conservation, Marwell is an important place, having played key roles in captive breeding and/or reintroduction schemes for Takhi Equus przewalskii (the equid formerly known as Przewalski's horse), Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica (the felid formerly known as the Siberian tiger) and Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx dammah. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Here, in similar territory, a Siberian Husky howls to attract attention from its owner.
  • The list of the critically endangered include the black rhino and Siberian tiger and the Amur leopard of Asia.
  • It feels as if I am the last man on earth as I mush my team of six race-trained Siberian huskies along the frozen lake Kuttijärvi.
  • You're standing beside a beer cooler on the bank of a frozen Siberian river, and your nose is numb with cold.
  • Arctic Archipelago to the marginal waters off the portion of the coast of Siberia lying east of the New Siberian Islands. The North Pole Its Discovery in 1909 under the auspices of the Peary Arctic Club
  • Apr. 593/2 Mr. Atkinson left Moscow early in March, accompanied by a post-office postillion, who had orders to escort him to the Siberian frontier. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1156
  • I myself gave it a whirl, but counting was never my strong point, so I failed to progress beyond impossibly wide and long scarves - pashminas for a Siberian climate, if you like.
  • There are also Siberian ibex Capra ibex sibirica, and musk deer Moschus moschiferus (VU), Pallas's cat (manul) Otocolobus manul, Mongolian (bobak) marmot Marmota sibirica, Altai snow-cock Tetraogallus altaiacus, bearded and black vultures Gypaetus barbatus and Aegypius monarchus. Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • By the Siberian winter cold air mass control, the prevalence of northerly winds, cold climate.
  • On January 22, the Russian Sergey Kuzmenko Irina Kaunov and his bride held a winter swimming wedding at a low temperature of –30 C in the Yenisei River in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
  • In the world of global wildlife conservation, Marwell is an important place, having played key roles in captive breeding and/or reintroduction schemes for Takhi Equus przewalskii (the equid formerly known as Przewalski's horse), Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica (the felid formerly known as the Siberian tiger) and Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx dammah. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Mongolian Taimen: They're the largest member of the salmonid family and to catch one, you need to be guided on camel back by a Sherpa or some such over Siberian peaks to rivers with names that sound like they're from the 1988 film "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" (gimme props for a severely off-the-wall movie reference!) One Out of Five Ain't Bad
  • Favorite Tuvinian dishes feature heavy-antlered Siberian elk and Siberian ibex, among the largest of mountain goats.
  • A study of wild populations in Japan showed that the average longevity of Siberian weasels was about 2.1 years.
  • He realizes now that he has missed a lot of the sleazier corners, and he is beginning to hope that they won't come any sleazier than Novokuznetsk, the capital of the Siberian Republic. Mother Of Storms
  • Many Nostraticists wrongly connect it to a seemingly identical first person pronoun ɣem in a Siberian language called Chukchi eg. The origin of Indo-European ego
  • A Fabergé brooch with a huge Siberian aquamarine sitting regally on top of a glittering rim of interwoven diamonds symbolizing eternity and union is breathtaking enough, but when Mr. Munn starts to tell the story of the piece it takes on an otherworldly quality. Crowning Jewelry
  • One year he placed a tiny train inside an egg to celebrate the opening of the famous Trans-Siberian railway.

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