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How To Use Sian In A Sentence

  • For centuries, scholars have squabbled over the design of the ship, which was crucial to defeating the Persians in the Battle of Salamis in 480 B.C., part of a wider war that included the fight at Thermopylae dramatized in the film "300. Epic Struggle: Fans Fight to Revive an Oar-Powered Greek Warship
  • But yes, good of Prof. Adler, who I hope will be a little chary of Althousian pseudoreality in future. The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking the Washington Post to School
  • These include a nice Nigerian guy who sells the best roast chicken around (he did this in Paris as well), a couple of Egyptians and a Tunisian who make great chicken shawarma and a couple of Turkish guys who do the same with beef.
  • It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • Over Fate of Georgia, Provinces With Russian forces appearing to hunker down in Georgia, U.S. and European officials now face a pricklier challenge: Moscow's insistence that it has the right to help break up the country. U.S.-Russia Relations Turn Cold
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  • Yes, there were aberrations like the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War, but mostly it was a period of peace.
  • What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • This is the northernmost and wettest of the central Asian depressions, remnants of a Tertiary era inland sea, with relict glaciers, glacier lakes and a wide variety of rock types, the result of a long series of successive eras of deposition and orogeny. Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • If the Indonesian judiciary really can be influenced by political heavies, this is one occasion when I hope such influence is exerted.
  • Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds. Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
  • Clear information boards indicate the location of different types of trees which include Persian, Japanese and black walnut trees, coastal and dawn redwoods, cedar of Lebanon, atlas and deodar cedars, and swamp cypresses.
  • This is the main concern worrying the economic strategists of the Russian ruling elite.
  • Russian knapweed is a problem in ranges and pastures in the western United States, where it grows up to 4 feet tall and takes over otherwise productive land.
  • Drinking among the upper classes of Persian society, for example, took place at secret parties reminiscent of Greek symposia with their strictly ritualized etiquette and emphasis on poetry and discussion.
  • From Australia and New Zealand to Malaysia and India — in text and film and music and image — this booklet is a snapshot of the Asian commons. ACIA: Furthering the Commons in Asia
  • Thomas writes colorfully of blackguards and mistresses, salty sea dogs and young midshipmen, bloody quarterdecks and Parisian salons.
  • we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians
  • It was responsible for the mid-air collision last month between a cargo plane and a Russian airliner.
  • The Russian Revolution itself was but one episode in the transition from capitalism to socialism.
  • Thus the various ritual capacities of North Mekeo chiefs and sorcerers typify the sort of interpersonal agency implicit in Melanesian personal partibility.
  • “Hooray” can be dated back to 1686 and possibly comes from the German word “hurra,” thebattle-cry of Prussian soldiers during the War of Liberation (1812-13). Blog – syllable studio
  • Central Asian desert and grow cotton, which tsarist Russia lost access to when the American south, its supplier, began fighting the American north in the Civil A Conversation with Tom Bissell
  • Dian Agung Nugroho's photo "F*** You (What's on her mind?)" captures a Chinese Indonesian schoolgirl flipping off an old Chinese Indonesian beggar lady. Boing Boing
  • This is the main concern worrying the economic strategists of the Russian ruling elite.
  • Christie's had an auction offering a number of Asian collectibles, including an important bronze group of Shiva and Parvati from the Chola dynasty.
  • Inspired by the intrepid babushka, I overcame the inbred fear of Russian salesmen and requested that my order be warmed as well.
  • The Russians would take a small slice at a time via dubious but not too provocative measures until the whole salami is gone. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Born Princess Sophia of the minor German principality of Anhalt-Zerbst, reared by an ambitious and self-centered mother, she was plucked out of near obscurity by the Russian czarina, Elizabeth, in 1744 as a bride for the heir to the Russian throne, Peter III. The Rise Of an Empress
  • And in almost all of the lusterware there's the constant reminder of the debt owed to the 12th - and 13th-century Persian ceramic tradition. Upper Broadway's Buried Treasures
  • One of the chief reasons for removing old, oil and gas wells from south Louisiana's lakes and bayous is that those areas are vulnerable to storms and hurricanes, and any collapse in structures could threaten the public, Lopez said. Susan Buchanan: Louisiana Removes Defunct Oil Wells But Hazards Remain
  • Russian Hill is a nice neighborhood for a pross, " Conklin said. 7th Heaven
  • There has been terrorism in the world, more or less nonstop, since twelfth-century Syria, when a persecuted Persian religious sect called the Assassins knifed people to death in crowds. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated towards medicine, law and engineering.
  • Now St. Paul had seen the gift conferred at Ephesus and St. Luke does not distinguish Ephesian glossolaly from that of Jerusalem. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • I have also discovered a large collection of Asian male students wearing hairbands.
  • The book is a rare collector's edition as it includes an original drawing of Winnie the Pooh in traditional Russian costume playing a balalaika.
  • Only in 1920 after Moscow cleared Russian chauvinists out of leadership of the Ukrainian Communist Party did the new Soviet administration seriously address aspirations for self-determination.
  • For example, consider the disparity in flight rates between Saturn 1B and Saturn V during the Skylab program or between the Soyuz and Proton in the Russian Salyut & Mir programs. Ares V - Ares 1 = Ares IV - NASA Watch
  • Then follows a comparison of the performance of the main categories of skippers: Burghers, Chinese, Malays and the most important group of Sulawesians.
  • Thus, in the Western philosophical tradition, occasionalists in the proper sense of the term emerge in earnest in the wake of René Descartes (1596 “ 1650) in the form of “Cartesian occasionalists”. Occasionalism
  • Pan-Asian funds raised another $37.5 billion in the same period. India's Still No Haven for Private Equity
  • Don't forget Persian lamb, broadtail, goat and other furs that are light and casual, so you can "dress them up or down, with jeans," says Ms. Landau, adding, "It's an easy glamour that you can wear even in California. Restyling Full-Length Mink Coats
  • So Hegel carefully distinguishes between the underlying principles of the Persian and the Roman empires.
  • Do they both count as white, even though the Spaniard is part Arabic and the Russian was born in Asia? The Volokh Conspiracy » How to Turn Good News into Bad News
  • Could butterflies resolve to destroy the Russian Army?
  • For the treaty to win final approval, a two-thirds majority of the Senate must vote for ratification, and the treaty must also win approval in the Russian Duma.
  • The general thrust of these stories was that of some handsome, dashing and very young aviator who had a Parisian girlfriend, and between the two there is a torrid love interest.
  • The company formed in 1909 by the Russian impresario Serge Diaghilev to bring Russian dance to the West.
  • Similarly, a study of Tunisian women in Morocco showed that older women categorically use diphthongs /aw/and/aj /, while middle-aged women alternate between diphthongs and monophthongs.
  • In the south the French division mounted a diversionary amphibious raid at Kum Kale on the Asian side of the Dardanelles.
  • During both the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War, the B - 52's internal stowage of eighty-four 500-pound bombs made it a formidable offensive weapon.
  • Caucasian oils are mainly composed of defines or substances related to the olefine group. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power
  • Alex McLeish's side came off second best to the Russian champions in the first leg of their final qualifying round tie.
  • Apart from portraits, Kelly painted landscapes and also pictures of Asian dancing girls that were once much reproduced in the form of popular prints.
  • I am a Chinese New Zealander, I am Asian tauiwi, my parents are from Malaysia and my ancestors from China.
  • What the UN and the West are doing is the colonial thing of merely resorting to bully-boy tactics, Neither would attempt to pass judgement let alone threaten to intervene using military force, in any election held in the Russian Federation or attempt to invade China because it does not have democractic government. Ivory Coast's descent into madness
  • And the idea of the wind chimes, oiled, wrapped and protected in rolls of aromatic hessian sacking, lying up in the dark of the garage loft against some future need, is pleasing enough.
  • In the USSR, most anarchists turned into Communists after the Russian Revolution.
  • from the Russian original.
  • The heart of their study is a large sample of loan contracts drawn by Parisian notaries.
  • The folks behind nearby cow juice-friendly club night Milk debut their new monthly venture Laid this Wednesday and, in keeping with the bar's theme and their own dairy fetish, White Russians are on special offer, along with various other made-to-order milky concoctions. Clubs picks of the week
  • The primary significance of the words which refer to the bread seems to belong to the image of the messianic kingdom.
  • The book proved such a success that the authors followed it up with "The Messianic Legacy".
  • During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • Often post-Soviet Russian literature is called postmodernist when what is really meant is that it is post-Soviet. A Progressive on the Prairie
  • And about 5 o'clock in the eavning we could see the Yankees a marchen up on the other side of the river by regiments and most all went back from on this Side of the river and General Earley thought that they was all a going back and taken all of his men but a Louisiana Bregaid and started to reinforce General Lea And about the time we had gone 6 miles they come The diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone,
  • The three decades of Nicholas's rule came to be regarded as a particularly dark period of Russian history.
  • For the U.S., Okinawa is the pivot of its East Asian military presence.
  • We took our station at the top of a rich Persian's house, opposite a spacious esplanade and contiguous to a large pagoda; in the centre of the esplanade was fixed a capstern, with a pole about sixty feet long, which was fixed so as to be occasionally raised or lowered. Narrative of a Voyage to India; of a Shipwreck on board the Lady Castlereagh; and a Description of New South Wales
  • Also, just before the Russian submariner opens the torpedo tube, he is asked "What do you think is in there? Stargate SG-1 Watchathon - 'Small Victories' (S04E01)
  • The Czechs had been Nazified, then communized, their Prague Spring crushed by Russian tanks. The Return
  • The Russian air force scrambled a fighter jet to intercept a Manchester-bound airliner that had strayed into its air space
  • It's interesting that he lards the book with homespun stories of his upbringing in Louisiana, because his philosophy of politics and government is very much a community based approach writ large.
  • Russian conquests in Asia were certainly no less brutal than those of any other expanding imperial power.
  • Why is Hillary Clinton having the Russian FM press a red button that says 'overcharge'? Limbaugh deserves the bum's rush from conservatives
  • He wound up coining a phrase that is pithier in Russian, sums up so much of the national character and is a favorite saying here to this day. Viktor Chernomyrdin, Yeltsin's stolid prime minister, dies
  • the majority of Irani are Persian Shiite Muslims
  • On Navy Day July 27, 2008 the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky spoke of a revival of Russian naval power over the next decade and declared that the navy would add six carrier battle groups to its complement of warships. News on
  • Yet I feel pretty sure that recreating the messianic zeal about Early Intervention that I felt that day in Granton would do nothing but good.
  • In the hospitality at Chelsea last week, a Russian was serving kedgeree.
  • As Tunisians flooded Lampedusa earlier this month, Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, of the anti-immigrant Northern League, stoked fears that terrorists and al-Qaida supporters could have mingled among what he described as a "biblical exodus" of migrants. The Seattle Times
  • The Russian studies use sites that are perhaps the best temp proxies dendrology can offer — cold not moisture-limited sites, and whadayaknow, the correlation w/temps are much better than average. Juckes and the Indigirka River Alter Ego « Climate Audit
  • But the party hopes that the formation of the new National Integration Council with senior leaders from the state and also from the peninsular will be a more permanent solution to help improve ties with the two East Malaysian states. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • The Persian Empire didn't do it.
  • The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.
  • The Titan Arum was discovered in 1878 in its sole indigenous habitat, the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and grows in cultivation in only a handful of places around the world.
  • Petit de la Croix, a Paris, 1710, in 12mo.; a work of ten years’ labor, chiefly drawn from the Persian writers, among whom Nisavi, the secretary of Sultan Gelaleddin, has the merit and prejudices of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Just three months ago Asian airlines were basking in big turnarounds of their passenger and cargo traffic.
  • The ballet-loving Parisians were given a 20-minute suite of dances at the start of Act Three, which is a harem scene.
  • Did you know that sacking-like scratchy large-weave fabric with vaguely hairy fibres, the stuff they put on display screens and trendy flower arrangements, is called Hessian?
  • They were heading in a south-easterly direction from New Orleans, Louisiana, following the Mississippi river towards the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Shortly before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War he was charged by the political opponents of Pericles with impiety, that is, with denying the gods recognized by the State.
  • No belief flowered in the grim Elasian face, but the agonizer's threatening touch lifted. Firestorm
  • Essentially, the more than $1 trillion that we have spent on these two wars thus far is money that we have borrowed principally from the Chinese, the Japanese and countries out in the Persian Gulf. Op-Ed: Burdens Of War Unevenly Shared In U.S.
  • The status of many Eurasian species of Late Devonian cyrtospiriferid brachiopods require careful restudy to properly assess their generic status and assignment to morphologic/phylogenetic groups of Cyrtospirifer outlined below.
  • The Angles, Saxons, Danes, Frisians and other invaders intermarried with the existing Romano-British Celts, Romans, Jutes, Gauls, Greeks and Lombards.
  • These include the pitcher plants of the Asian tropics, known as Nepenthes, which resemble jugs brimming with nectar—or perhaps more accurately, mouths slavering with drool.
  • Oudin defeated Dementieva and three other Russians in a surprising run to the U.S. USA tops Russia, advances to Fed Cup final against Italy
  • Abraham Granish, Winehouse's great-great grandfather, was a Russian immigrant described as a "hawker", selling goods door-to-door, who lived in the Spitalfields area of the capital. News24
  • In order to make sure the white guy driving the minivan with Jesus and NRA bumperstickers on the back is not an illegal alien Caucasian Australian with a perfect American accent, it only makes sense that caucasians carry the same ID materials any other race is required to. Think Progress » Arizona legislature demands immigrants and President of the United States verify their status.
  • Perhaps because black, Hispanic and Asian households tend to be larger and often multigenerational, teens in these groups are significantly more likely than white teens to recognize someone other than their mother or stepmother.
  • The present situation, of periodical outbursts in the press, is an inadequate way of fostering good relationships with the Asian community and does not encourage change and communal harmony.
  • I'm sometimes told that questioning the use of EMS helicopters is on par with encouraging people to play Russian roulette. Christine Negroni: The Not-So-Hilarious World of Helicopter EMS
  • The traditional Korean calendar was based on the lunisolar calendar, like the Chinese and other East Asian calendars.
  • But with all the close horrors of the Venusian climate let's not lose sight of the view from earth, of the herald of the dawn and the evening star of lovers.
  • The reader will learn much about the administration of the Persian empire and the fascinating Zoroastrian religion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, both discernably more open to Russian influence than Yushchenko (who was poisoned by unidentified assailants on the occasion of his last run for President), will face each other in the runoff. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka: Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • At one end green plastic sheeting and hessian cloth provided shade from the desert sun.
  • Several Asian tech multinationals already use India as a product development base.
  • About 100 workers' representatives attended the hearing, but Sony was only represented by two Indonesian assistant managers.
  • The firebrand championing the indigenous Komi people was none other than Yury Spiridonov, an ethnically Russian oil miner and party worker, born in Omsk and educated in Sverdlovsk, who had once gotten into trouble for snapping at someone who tried to address him in Komi: “Speak in a way that can be understood.” The Return
  • Prices were up for all of the auction house's major art categories, including £ 766.6 million in Impressionist and modern art, up 53% from 2009; ₤ £ 602.6 million in post-war and contemporary art, up 148%; ₤ £ 569.6 million in Asian art, up 145%; and ₤ £ 334.2 million in jewelry, jadeite and watches, up 55%. Jump in Art Sales at Christie's Points to Market Rebound
  • Grant believed that along with the Asian country economy's development, Asia's status date is obviously important.
  • No mention of his name in the press; no suggestion of Russian involvement and no talk of hit men. Times, Sunday Times
  • Russian armies crushed the rebellions, with devastating effects for Polish nationhood.
  • It was comfortably furnished with a miscellany which he had accumulated from departing Rhodesians. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • The final programmes will engagingly escort us to the present day, via a coin defaced by Suffragettes, a plate from the Russian revolution, and a credit card, to the final object. A History of the World in 100 Objects is Radio 4 at its best
  • However, beginning in 1993 there was intense messianic fervour in the community.
  • The south-east Asian nation moved this week to secure regional approval for the first major hydropower plant on its stretch of the river in the face of protests from international conservation groups.
  • There is yet another fiber network, called a mouthful SEA-ME-WE-4, is being constructed to serve the booming Asian demand for bandwidth. Yet another fiber network
  • There were some figures in the West who needed little prompting from the Russians to conclude that all was not as it seemed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has interests in a Russian bookstore chain, publishers and mobile phone firm. The Sun
  • Some of them married Indonesian women, converted to Islam or other faiths and applied for Indonesian citizenship.
  • Moreover, Afghanistan is a landlocked nation bordering China, Iran and three Central Asian countries.
  • n. - kind of liliaceous plant; daffodil; Literature, flower of the Elysian fields. bog asphodel, British grass-like moorland plant. asportation Xml's
  • Such short-term monitoring is not uncommon, but both Louisiana and Pennsylvania have monitored other sites for significantly longer periods — often months — before reaching conclusions. States' tests for toxic air near schools called into doubt
  • But we'd like to raise our voice so that everyone can share and recognize the challenges we have in front of us so that all of the interested parties can talk," Kimihiro Ishikane, deputy director-general of the Foreign Ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs, said in an interview. Japan to Take Assertive Stance Toward China
  • Traditionally, the attitude toward the motherland among Russian speakers abroad has been complex.
  • A number of Jakarta street foods that carry the Betawi suffix, including gado-gado Betawi and sup Betawi, a spicy beef soup made with coconut and milk, came from this subset of Indonesian people. The Dish: Gado-Gado
  • The three visiting prime ministers also met with their Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, who blamed Ukraine for failure to honor a multilateral agreement to resume shipment of gas to Europe.
  • We wanted to show the Russians we had options, that they couldn't dictate prices to us.
  • My response to those accusations was to relocate to Madrid – the only city in Europe where I could unravel the Islamic Andalusian influences that pervade Spanish culture.
  • A throwback to the Polynesian craze that swept North America in the '50s and '60s, the restaurant is full of Eastern Island statuettes, wooden tikis and a Hawaiian ukulele soundtrack.
  • And the distillery, soon to be delisted for other reasons, produced strong results before falling into the maw of the Parisians.
  • The story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke.
  • After the Catholic rite, their 265 guests caravanned to the Four Seasons in Georgetown, where a Persian wedding ceremony, called an Aghd, was performed. 'I was hoping I didn't open the door and see Attila the Hun.'
  • Given their unusual appearance and extraordinary biology, it is not surprising that Asians have credited sea horses with magical powers.
  • better sanitation in Haiti, to "minimise the spread of the new south Asian strain, and the virulence genes it carries, beyond the shores of this Caribbean island".
  • He is the first in Northern California federal court system as judges of Asian ( Chinese ).
  • At a meeting on July 11 the Government analysed in detail the Russian position and reached the decision that it was ungrounded and with no legal or factual basis.
  • Or, reading autois, and referring the word to the Persians: 'who, looking to advantage, forwarded the course of the invader.' The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • I watched with dry, weary eyes as the pale light of dawn overwhelmed the amber glow of the Parisian night sky.
  • Transliteration from Russian is standardized, but transliteration from Kazakh offers several options Kazakh is written with Cyrillic letters, but at least two additional characters, so the possibilities in English multiply. FAJITAS AND FALAFEL.
  • Meanwhile, USDA reported that Asian soybean rust was found in Georiga's southwestern most county of Seminole , near the town of Donalsonville.
  • Sedov, a young Israeli of Russian extraction, has a characterful voice - not unlike Ramey's, come to think of it - and he negotiates Rossini's florid music with aplomb.
  • Often referred to as a Proustian painter because he painted from memory rather than from life, Bonnard is even more a Jamesian one. The Nation: Top Stories
  • He had intimated to the French and Russians his readiness to come to a settlement.
  • Both were excellent fund-raisers among the wealthy, and they kept up feminine appearances by favouring Parisian fashions.
  • She stumbles off the escalator and is swept along with the crowd of Asian businessmen and tourists towards the luggage carousel.
  • (A striking example of this hypocrisy was the solicitude displayed by the Russian landowners last year, their efforts to combat the famine which they had caused, and by which they profited, selling not only bread at the highest price, but even potato haulm at five rubles the dessiatine (about 2 and four - fifths acres) for fuel to the freezing peasants.) The Kingdom of God Is Within You
  • To blame their youth, however, is to question the gimmick: two dewy adolescent Russians adding a lesbian jolt to teen pop's fading schoolgirl fantasies.
  • The worker, employed by stevedoring company Perkins, was crushed by a container while unloading an Indonesian ship.
  • In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory.
  • An Asian plant (Vigna radiata ) in the pea family, widely cultivated for its edible seeds and pods. It is the chief source of bean sprouts.
  • A Newbold church is packing its pews with a new flock of Asian Christians thanks to the multi-lingual skills of the curate.
  • Tarkovsky sublimely prefigures space exploration with a five minute sequence of cars winding through the tunnels and overpasses of a modern Russian city.
  • Tatars and Russians also subscribe to the same school of hospitality, centring around the samovar and large arrays of buttery pastries.
  • Thirty percent of rough amber is waste, but some waste amber pieces were used to make pressed amber in the Russian factory.
  • The Prussian army invaded Baden, defeated the rebels, and forced the last remnants of the German revolution to capitulate in the fortress of Rastatt on 23 July.
  • The movement of part of the Russian humanitarian convoy provided a further glimmer of encouragement last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crowd cheered on the unknown Tunisian, hoping for a fairy-tale ending to the race.
  • PLC is planning a listing in an Asian manufact uring titan, one which has rapidly become the economic nucleus of the world. StanChart's Shanghai IPO: Japan Or India Redux?
  • Persian was the court language and the language of literature and of high culture.
  • Rome lay too far from the vulnerable frontiers; Constantinople occupied a position about equidistant from the Germans on the lower Danube and the Persians on the Euphrates. Early European History
  • Now the Russians have stepped in and offered to bung the tiny island some currency. The Sun
  • To protect shrubs, erect a windbreak by inserting stout canes round the plant and then fixing several layers of hessian or netting to them.
  • Whatever tensions that exist within Uzbek culture -- between Russians and Uzbeks, between Uzbeks and A Conversation with Tom Bissell
  • Groups of humans that remained in Africa might be expected to differ from those that migrated to the Russian steppes, the Asian archipelagos, or the Australian outback.
  • Tahitian Americans in the United States may also observe the French Polynesian celebration of Bastille Day on July 14.
  • I used to stay until Claudette Colbert was unrolled from the Persian carpet, then I left.
  • Drawing on Asian traditions that date back centuries, its spa retreats blend romance and serenity with exotic sensuality.
  • I also use Wakoopa, My fav is Active Timer [osiris.] because it tracks active windows!! centralasian Slife 3.0 Time Tracker Becomes A (Paid) Web Service | Lifehacker Australia
  • Some hostellers and I are sitting on the grass under the Eiffel Tower sharing stories about the Parisians we've come across.
  • In the individual female competition, the Russian school, with its trademark artistry and excellent choreography, again reigned supreme.
  • Shahzad, a recently naturalized U.S. citizen living in Connecticut, was taken off an airliner bound for the Persian Gulf sheikhdom of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates about 53 hours after the attempted bombing, authorities said. Times Square bomb suspect Shahzad said to implicate himself; probe expands to Pakistan
  • Built in Andalusian style, this boasts an institute of thalassotherapy equipped with saunas, swimming pools and massage rooms.
  • Styled on the popular Parisian boulevard cafes, this delightful family restaurant overlooks the exotic lagoon-style pool.
  • Gingrich, whose "Contract With America" was a brilliant piece of political phrasemaking, is well aware that the phrase "social engineering" originated with Lenin's attempts to radically rebuild Russian society in the years that immediately followed the Bolshevik Revolution. Richard (RJ) Eskow: America's Real Radicals: The 40 Extremist Senators Who Voted Against Medicare
  • There was a tiny old Asian lady sitting on the beach putting pebbles in a metal bowl.
  • They hoped to regulate the flow of water between the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and thereby warm the frozen Russian north.
  • Jason gives a detailed account of the creation of the boiserie for an early eighteenth-century Parisian mansion and its recent restoration and installation in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
  • Many Russian radicals were anarchists who sought the abolition of all formal government. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • The value assigned for each cell is the value of Gaussian curvature at the cell centroid.
  • The French had a good breech-loading rifle, the chassepot, also the mitrailleuse, a primitive machine gun, but their muzzle-loading artillery was outclassed by Prussian breech-loaders.
  • Paying it back with a gradual increase in progressivity and closing loopholes is well within the realm of Keynesian theory. Matthew Yglesias » Budgeting, Pence-Style
  • One is not superior to the other. no. every effort to portray 'caucasians' as more evolved / superior / etc have been solidly debunked time and again. even the notion of 'caucasian' and 'three races' has been steadily falling apart since the Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Hadn't the Russians decided that Siberia-the old barless prison state of the czars and early Communists-was a more practical frontier than the moon? If the Stars are Gods
  • The Indochinese tiger, Asian elephant and endemic species like the saola, Tonkin snub-nosed monkey and Siamese crocodile are on the verge of extinction in the country. Javan rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam, conservationists say
  • This passage introduces of population pressure - the greatest feature of modern malthusian theory, of economics of population.
  • Most research in this field has been carried out by the Russians.
  • Twelve years ago: A US frigate fired warning shots across the bow of an Iraqi oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman -- apparently the first shots fired by the United States in the Persian Gulf crisis.
  • Eurasian plant widely naturalized as a weed in North America; used as salad greens and to make wine.
  • It looks familiar, like our own Scottish flag, until you realise that it is a reverse image: the Russian naval ensign is a blue saltire on a white field.
  • This area requires maintenance costing over $200 million a day and the surreptitious cost of the car culture totals nearly $500 billion a year in the U.S. alone, much of that going to the sustentation of a military presence in the Persian Gulf. Driving Mister Barack
  • A Russian guide told the visitors of the events on that dark night of Jan 17, 1918, when the Bolshevik Guards called the tsar and his family to the cellar and shot them. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • In return the Central Powers agreed not to seize any more Russian territory, hardly much of a bargain. Deathride
  • DETAINING the next president of the United States for three hours in what an eyewitness called a "malodorous" small room at an airport in the provincial Russian city of Perm looks, in retrospect, to have been a pretty bad idea. Robert Amsterdam
  • Beng Hee is in the same half as top seed Ramy Ashour of Egypt and faces a tall order to end his title drought on tour having last won at the Malaysian Open in July 2008. Nst online
  • A dangerous schism in the Russian party developed with the emergence of the view known as Economism.

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