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How To Use Shyness In A Sentence

  • Shyness, performance anxiety seemed never to have dwelled in him.
  • The reason why girls consider flowers as the most valuable gift among other gifts is that men have to overcome the shyness of holding the flowers in streets before sending them to girls.
  • It is often linked to excessive shyness or a social phobia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doc Franklin observed that it was a point of great importance and wished that the gentlemen would deliver their sentiments on it before the question was put and Mr. Rutledge animadverted on the shyness of gentlemen .... Interrogations and Presidential Prerogative
  • The king's persistency in begging her not to veil so austerely a face which the gods had made for the admiration of men, his evident vexation upon her refusal to appear in Greek costume at the sacrifices and public solemnities, his unsparing raillery at what he termed her barbarian shyness, all tended to convince her that the young King Candaules
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  • Although tradition suggests that young Chinese women be modest, no signs of embarrassment or shyness can be read on the waitresses' faces.
  • Beth has already met Arleen Starr, who spoke with her prior to sending her off for another set of tests, but the doctor is still a stranger who makes Beth shrink into herself with shyness.
  • It's generally thought that shyness goes hand in hand with introversion, but many introverts simply prefer solitary to social activities.
  • Extreme shyness can be very incapacitating.
  • Lan shut his eyes tight, sinking his head down a little in embarrassment and shyness.
  • Inhalation of mercury vapor over a long period may cause mercurialism which is characterized by fine tremors and erethism" "" Erethism may be manifested by abnormal shyness, blushing, self-consciousness, depression or despondency, resentment of criticism, irritability or excitability, headache, fatigue and insomnia. THE MERCURY MISCHIEF: As Obama Warns of Hazards, the FDA Approves Mercury Dental Fillings
  • Being basically a shy person, I think some players mistook my shyness for aloofness.
  • For some, the use of an avatar frees them from shyness and allows them to interact more openly and honestly.
  • Spontaneous self-expression shatters shyness and habits rooted in your need to remain in control. Midnight Moon Cafe
  • It was true they were very quiet which the Girls thought was a combination of shyness and the language barrier.
  • As she got to know people better her shyness wore off.
  • This shyness is hereditary-and, indeed, had not my parents been so shy as they were, I should be standing before you several years older than I am at the moment! The Impact of the Jet in World Aviation
  • Hawthorne as a soft-marrowed dweller in the dusk, fostering his own shyness and fearing to take the rubs of common men, pray look well at all this. A Study of Hawthorne
  • Shyness - the human equivalent of neophobia - can be detected in infants as young as 14 months.
  • 'Liza' -- he couldn't go on, and stuttered in his shyness -- 'Liza, Liza of Lambeth
  • As she got to know people better her shyness wore off.
  • His comments prompt questions about whether raising awareness of social anxiety disorder may in fact be medicalising shyness.
  • The most noticeable rhetorical development in this sequence is the profound infantilization of Stephen's represented speech and the repeated ascription of shyness, timidity, and silence to Stephen and his soul.
  • After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.
  • We had to overcome our shyness or fear of people and social situations. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • After initial shyness and plenty of cajoling by the visitors who plunged into the crowd, a few volunteered to go on stage and learnt to swing like the natives of the island.
  • Tell me, because I'd like to know, are there any anti-shyness devices that don't need a corkscrew?
  • These range from lack of concentration, shyness and disobedience to nose picking and whining.
  • That repose of manner which is commonly believed to be the heirloom of noble birth is seen quite as often in the low-born adventurer, who regards it as part of his stock-in-trade; and there are many women, and men too, whose position might be expected to place them beyond the reach of what we call shyness, but who nevertheless suffer daily agonies of social timidity and would rather face alone a charge of cavalry than make a new acquaintance. Sant' Ilario
  • A prominent streak of misanthropy and shyness in his nature resulted in his concert career being sporadic.
  • She had thought it was his shyness, his unaccustomedness to women that had made him such a failure as a lover -- and all the while it had been simply that she was not the right woman. Dust
  • Yes | No | Report from Dave DiBenedetto wrote 12 weeks 6 days ago rampageingapes -- Preventing gun shyness is one thing ... curing a dog who has it is a whole different ball of wax. Pro Clinic: What to do When Your Dog Will Not Retrieve
  • Some people experience shyness as a barrier to communication, but this can be broken down gradually.
  • Above all it is the seriousness, the consistent refusal to engage in light banter or jollity, the unflinching Puritanism (as of Elders of the Kirk), indeed the crippling shyness that strike one most forcefully nearly fifty years on. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It is often presumed that the speech impediment is caused by shyness, a neglected childhood or social awkwardness. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is often presumed that the speech impediment is caused by shyness, a neglected childhood or social awkwardness. Times, Sunday Times
  • I sank deeper into my pit of shyness as I forced myself not to dwell upon her true intentions.
  • His face went red with shyness when he walked into the crowded room.
  • The very opposite of the girl who is misunderstood and undervalued because of her shyness, is the girl who, because of her boldness and independence, her carelessness of speech, hilarity and adventuresomeness is misunderstood. The Girl and Her Religion
  • The reason why girls consider flowers as the most valuable gift among other gifts is that men have to overcome the shyness of holding the flowers in streets before sending them to girls.
  • There was too much shyness in her glance, too much babyishness about her mouth. Marcia Schuyler
  • But speaking out regularly in a structured environment will take the sting out of shyness on the social scene.
  • Other children sometimes mis-interpret your little Virgo's shyness as diffidence or stand-offishness.
  • But she was under the impression that there was a magic in her name and station which would overcome what she described as shyness, but which was in point of fact the frank dislike of her neighbours. Jack O' Judgment
  • He exudes an air of shyness, mystery and slight menace - not to be confused, say colleagues, with sophistication.
  • The tone of the article tends to suggest that these new findings make shyness a psychological problem rather than a social one.
  • This is the thing which some fools call fickleness; but which is not the death of feeling, but rather its dreadful perpetuation; this shyness is the final seal of strong sentiment; this coldness is an eternal constancy. Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens
  • I never became intimate with any of my fellow-workers, for I had a certain shyness which I could not overcome, and I spoke a different language which made those around me declare that I was "stuck-up, an 'tryin' to talk stylish. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • The book ends with a moving scene between Birkin and the vicar's wife, both of them in love and both unable to confess it, he because of paralysing shyness and she out of a sense of duty to her charmless husband.
  • I will not say as to that all that I think; but I am very glad to be able to speak of it to you in order that you may put your shyness more to one side, if you are still a victim to it – I can use that expression, for shyness is a real affliction. The Ruin of a Princess
  • Her feelings of shyness rapidly vanished.
  • We had to overcome our shyness or fear of people and social situations. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • As Dilys had said, there was a standoffish air about her which might possibly mask shyness. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • Those moments I remember from the Ireland squad when Duff's shyness got the better of him are virtually gone.
  • I’m not sure introvert is the right word for shyness. Kristine Kathryn Rusch » Freelancer’s Survival Guide: 2 Personality Types (Networking Part 6)
  • His talent was submerged by his shyness.
  • After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.
  • She looked at each pupil without showing any hint of embarrassment or shyness.
  • He tried to overcome his shyness.
  • His shyness made public speaking a torment to him.
  • You who have conceived of Hawthorne as a soft-marrowed dweller in the dusk, fostering his own shyness and fearing to take the rubs of common men, pray look well at all this. A Study Of Hawthorne
  • He called it biopsychology and explained that by doing specific postures (while following a yoga diet and meditating) a person could help bring into balance agitated states of mind such as anger, shyness, fear, jealousy etc.
  • Shyness is not the same as self-absorption,’ she says.
  • Not that he had many fans here while he was alive, thanks to his shyness, unsociability and general all-round grumpiness.
  • There's a certain shyness of subway riders that I'm reminded of when I look at this shot. Picture Envy #18 - Light and Fog
  • And there I had been, stammering and stuttering until I found my voice, until I finally showed her that I had a little bit of something in me - words that could be angry, something other than timidity or shyness.
  • Camille smiled at the small boy shyness that had replaced the confident facade.
  • Drawing his cimeter, and pressing forward, he was about to deal a left-handed blow that might have been fatal to, at least, one of the gazers, when the princesses crowded round him, and implored mercy for the prisoners; even the timid Zorahayda forgot her shyness, and became eloquent in their behalf. The Alhambra
  • Yet, taught by the grillroom, he assumed this livery, wore off its shyness, and grew to like it for the best it signified. The Henchman
  • Social events were excruciating, although ironically it was her shyness that attracted the man who became her fiancé.
  • Those who mistake the inborn shyness of English people for an impenetrable reserve should visit it.
  • Crook was feeling decidedly shabby by this time, but luckily Bobby mistook his discomfiture for shyness. STAGE FRIGHT
  • You have a melancholy disposition resulting in a shyness, or a formal and stiff manner of presenting yourself.
  • Traits with the opposite implications are assessed as the most undesirable (e.g., conceitedness, selfishness, insecurity, aggressiveness, shyness).
  • Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.
  • I had become the aggressor, if only I had known how to "aggress"; but in her presence I was seized by an accursed shyness that paralyzed my tongue, and the things I had planned to say were left unuttered. A Far Country — Complete
  • It is not difficult to see how, even in technique, the method of the revivalist is a quasi-sexual method, and resembles the attempt of the male to overcome the sexual shyness of the female. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • But when Harry let her in, she found Davey shrunk in shyness. THE LEGEND OF CAPTAIN SPACE
  • For some, the use of an avatar frees them from shyness and allows them to interact more openly and honestly.
  • After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.
  • We had to overcome our shyness or fear of people and social situations. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • What barrister, young or old, cannot recall mirthful eyes that, with quick shyness, have turned away from his momentary notice, as in answer to the rustling of silk, or stirred by sympathetic consciousness of women's noiseless presence, he has raised his face from a volume of reports, and seen two or three timorous girls peering through the golden haze of a A Book About Lawyers
  • My complacency had vanished; suddenly I had become the aggressor, if only I had known how to "aggress"; but in her presence I was seized by an accursed shyness that paralyzed my tongue, and the things I had planned to say were left unuttered. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • We had to overcome our shyness or fear of people and social situations. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • During setting forth the concept of obscene article, this paper holds the view that obscenity is the harm to the sexual morality and sexual sense of shyness of social normal general people.
  • The reason why girls consider flowers as the most valuable gift among other gifts is that men have to overcome the shyness of holding the flowers in streets before sending them to girls.
  • As a bright but unremarkable working-class child, she was crippled by shyness and self-doubt.
  • He struggled to overcome his shyness.
  • Those close to him say his pompousness may be a means to combat shyness.
  • Your feelings of shyness may never fade entirely, but your shy behavior will.
  • A desire to have the faith that was in her supported by this man's own word overrode her shyness. The Unspeakable Perk
  • The wild driving he had undergone from the field to the stable-yard, with the treacherous capture at the end, still rankled in his mind, and the cruel outrage to his young heart's nervous shyness, when hands of violent men overcame him, and the fatal noose was slipped over his head, was not to be forgotten. Parables From Nature
  • During his presidential years, perhaps due to shyness, he was at times criticized for being aloof, cold, and unsympathetic under the stress of public duty.
  • she was refreshingly free from shyness
  • Gradually he overcame his natural shyness and established a rapport with his audience.
  • Some people experience shyness as a barrier to communication, but this can be broken down gradually.
  • I say, then, that the real, the enduring shyness is that inveteration of reserve to which a few men in a few countries are miserably condemned. Apologia Diffidentis
  • It's what mainly life is about - humiliation, embarrassment, shame and shyness, all the other things.
  • It is a natural reserve, a tardiness of disposition, "which often leaves the history unspoke which it intends to do;" a subdued quietness of deportment and expression, a veiled shyness thrown over all her emotions, her language and her manner; making the outward demonstration invariably fall short of what we know to be the feeling within. Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.
  • (His shyness is apparently reserved for me and his older sister but not his nanny or his papa. Moon
  • Often these protagonists seem gruff and unapproachable, even privileged and elitist, at least at first, perhaps concealing a painful shyness and a need for privacy.
  • There are now a number of internet sites claiming that shyness is a positive, life-affirming experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the teacher said - the English teacher said she would flunk me if I didn't take drama, because she thought I had to overcome my shyness.
  • As Dilys had said, there was a standoffish air about her which might possibly mask shyness. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • He feels the nomadic lifestyle contributed to a shyness which has made it difficult for him to establish close friendships ever since.
  • Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.
  • We had to overcome our shyness or fear of people and social situations. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • Both have demonstrated an appealing shyness, a self-effacing modesty, and a stated preference for getting on with the work.
  • A written record is a cheap, effective therapist, " says psychotherapist Christopher McCullough, author of Always at Ease: Overcoming Anxiety and Shyness in Every Situation.
  • It is not difficult to see this practice being expanded to include advice on marital problems and shyness. Times, Sunday Times
  • John was a tall, gaunt man with sunken eyes and a smile that spoke of shyness.
  • Hootan's shyness in handling the figurative elements has, intuitively, resulted in a delicate shade between images and architectonics.
  • The reason why girls consider flowers as the most valuable gift among other gifts is that men have to overcome the shyness of holding the flowers in streets before sending them to girls.
  • The problem is compounded by his shyness, his fear of being spotted by a colleague or superior from the shipyard, his total lack of experience, and the fact that he really doesn't like cheese.
  • He overcame his shyness
  • These open meetings are for people who are suicidal or suffering from depression, panic attacks, shyness, etc and it is anonymous.
  • For some, the use of an avatar frees them from shyness and allows them to interact more openly and honestly.
  • Intelligent, keen and biddable , with a strong will to please. Kindly nature, with no trace of aggression or undue shyness.
  • The reason why girls consider flowers as the most valuable gift among other gifts is that men have to overcome the shyness of holding the flowers in streets before sending them to girls.
  • Many people suffer from situational shyness - the thought of public speaking is enough to induce stomach butterflies in even the most socially confident.
  • He overcame his shyness
  • The reason why girls consider flowers as the most valuable gift among other gifts is that men have to overcome the shyness of holding the flowers in streets before sending them to girls.
  • She was scrupulously kind to her, and the governess was scrupulously exact in all courtesy and attention; still that impassible, self-contained demeanor, that great reticence – it might be shyness, it might be pride, – sometimes, Ursula privately admitted, "fidgeted" her. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • It is often presumed that the speech impediment is caused by shyness, a neglected childhood or social awkwardness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shock, surprise, fright, nervousness, anxiety, shyness, then finally pleasure as she beams a terrific smile at me.
  • In that case, could shyness become not a deviancy but the norm? Times, Sunday Times
  • A healthy supply of arak, the strong local spirit, soon banishes any lingering shyness.
  • Shyness hitherto had been no infirmity of this young Canadian; but Bertie somehow had mesmerized her into a state of consciousness -- it was a cobwebby kind of fetter, but the first she had worn. Bluebell A Novel
  • How well I remember my son's first day at school: the stomach ache the night before, the paralysing shyness at the gate, the skirting round the edge of the playground not making eye contact.
  • I answered, blushing slightly, my shyness obvious in my soft yet high voice.
  • He feels that he is treated differently because of his shyness and social phobia - that there is a stigma in this society if one is not caught up in a social whirl.
  • A niminy - piminy shyness makes frankness impossible.
  • It is often presumed that the speech impediment is caused by shyness, a neglected childhood or social awkwardness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, they were critical of Mr. Vekselberg's public shyness and his embroilment in a criminal investigation. Renova Nears Sulzer Takeover
  • If you get to know about these things at an early age you lose your shame and shyness.
  • One memorable tapestry from the show is of a young woman with straight blonde hair who faces the viewer with some apparent shyness. John Seed: John Nava: The Timelessness of Now
  • Good looking, polo-playing and sporty, he appeared to have an eye for a pretty face and an engaging shyness that endeared him to many and helped him become one of the most sought after bachelors in the world.
  • My flushed cheeks illustrated my shyness, when in fact it was sheer frustration.
  • The first symptom of love in a young man is shyness; the first symptom in a woman, it's boldness. Victor Hugo 
  • Inhalation of mercury vapor over a long period may cause mercurialism which is characterized by fine tremors and erethism" "" Erethism may be manifested by abnormal shyness, blushing, self-consciousness, depression or despondency, resentment of criticism, irritability or excitability, headache, fatigue and insomnia. THE MERCURY MISCHIEF: As Obama Warns of Hazards, the FDA Approves Mercury Dental Fillings
  • Kurt has always been one of the nicest people I know, but for a long time he had some problems overcoming his shyness.
  • It is quite a hard thing to force myself out of the reticence and sometime shyness that has shadowed me all this time.
  • Some people experience shyness as a barrier to communication, but this can be broken down gradually.
  • I have the type of shyness which means I'm hopeless at introducing myself to strangers.
  • kept apart from the group out of shyness
  • Her aggressive behaviour is just a front for her shyness.
  • So he tries to make up for his shyness by being as open-minded as possible and accepting people for who they are.
  • First Impression: The name Trenton calls to mind a quiet loner who overcompensates for his shyness by acting like a bully and a punk. 5-Star Baby Name Advisor
  • Perhaps, if those children received help at this early stage, they might not fall permanently into the vicious snare of shyness which can leave adults, like Lynne Crawford, reflecting sadly on a life of missed opportunities.
  • He was suddenly overcome with shyness.
  • He was suddenly overcome with shyness.
  • He was always considered an outcast, because of his shyness and nerdy behavior.
  • He perceived that the rosiness and rustlingness were the tokens of her extreme and infantile shyness.
  • How little indeed is permitted to part friends -- often nothing more than a tone of voice, a word misinterpreted, or something equally slight, the product very possibly of shyness, or inability for right expression on a sudden call. The Empire of Love
  • Julia Haworth took acting lessons to combat shyness… and went on to land a plum role in the nation's favourite TV soap.
  • Now, had Traverse foreseen from the first the success of his love, there might possibly have been the usual shyness and hesitation in declaring himself to the object of his affection. The Hidden Hand
  • But this was enough to wear off the shyness on her side, and any symptoms of mortified pride and vanity on his. North and South
  • Their recollections also emphasize his aloofness, shyness, sudden love of fun, and self-contained nature.
  • Even a broad category such as introversion is like Silly Putty once life gets hold of it: a "genetically shy" child whose parents gently encourage her to get herself into the sandbox and mix it up with other kids is more likely to outgrow her shyness by age 12 than a shy child whose parents take her trait as a given. When DNA is Not Destiny
  • His period of shyness now over, he wolfs down squid sashimi, mackerel rolls and tuna nigiri while ordering me to keep mixing wasabi and soy.
  • She overcompensated for her shyness by talking too much and laughing too loud.
  • We had to overcome our shyness or fear of people and social situations. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • She'd made herself face her shyness in the scariest way and she'd managed it. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Nearly half 47% of UK single men attribute their long-term singledom to lack of confidence, 41% to shyness, 34% to fussiness and 31% to not being attractive enough. Archive 2008-01-01
  • She completely forgot her shyness in her fascination with what he was saying.
  • Obviously she had again mistaken Maya desperate fleeing for bridal shyness.
  • It was true they were very quiet which the Girls thought was a combination of shyness and the language barrier.
  • She had to work very hard to overcome her paralysing shyness.
  • The reason why girls consider flowers as the most valuable gift among other gifts is that men have to overcome the shyness of holding the flowers in streets before sending them to girls.
  • By helpful kindness the teacher broke down the new boy's shyness.

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