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How To Use Shutting In A Sentence

  • Gwen flashed an angry look at her and went around her to the door, shutting it tightly behind her.
  • He falls into a stupor, into utter oblivion of the world about him, becomes in turn excited and confused, his senses begin to functionate in a fallacious manner, and he thus succeeds in shutting out from consciousness, for the time being at least, the entire unbearable situation. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • In fact the survey question made no mention of shutting out vehicles, nor denying access to a major section of the Desert Park and to the gullies.
  • And then, I will consider shutting down discussions, by deleting, that I consider to be drawing the discussion offtrack, especially if I think this is being done intentionally. No more Feminism 101 here
  • Give 'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Give \'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: Give-\'Em-Hell Harry Reid today did a great service to America today by standing up, shutting down the Senate and demanding answers about how and why the Bush administration lied to America about the Iraq "threat" in the lead up to the war. Give 'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions
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  • And he who were pleasantly disposed could not well avoid to liken it to the exploit of that gallant man who thought to pound up the crows by shutting his park gate.
  • Other forms of attack include shutting companies' systems down and demanding a ransom to get them working again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shutting down and egressing from the aircraft while on the catapult would have been the most conservative course of action.
  • He gave me a lopsided grin, and walked into his room, shutting the door after him.
  • It was blowing a gale and he was shutting up early. The Sun
  • They climb out of their dark, slick Mercedes silently, slamming the doors rather than shutting them.
  • The door closed behind them with a small ching of tiny bells, shutting out the roar of the crowd.
  • The door closed firmly, shutting me out from the warmth inside.
  • In early July, Murdoch unexpectedly announced he was shutting down the 168-year-old, Sunday-only, James Murdoch, Rupert's son and News International chairman, said the paper had lost the trust of readers due to allegations about controversial reporting practices by its staff, some of which he characterized as "inhuman. News -
  • And because my house is not designed for shutting slinky feline creatures out of things.
  • They seem intent on shutting their eyes to the problems of pollution.
  • I wonder what short-term and long-term economic benefits would accrue from shutting down Rome on the Potomac for an extended period: say, 30 days.
  • Its headlights dimmed down, shutting off, and the driver guided the vehicle ahead.
  • Two police officers and a civilian have been killed so far, with the unrest effectively shutting down down the capital's central business district. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physically shutting down the site would be very difficult given that it is hosted overseas.
  • Talk about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. The Sun
  • The trees seem to be worst hit - I've heard experts describe the trees as being ‘in distress’ - and are now in process of shutting down, shedding leaves well before they are frosted.
  • Pacifism is absolutely not about shutting your eyes and hoping all the bad things will go away.
  • When it looks up at the stars, then closes its eyes, shutting itself off from its surroundings, it evokes in the viewer a longing for the infinite.
  • It is all well meant but it also means there is no shutting off. The Sun
  • We're in the process of shutting down our long term compost utilization project and we need to dismantle the lysimeters that are installed below the plow layer throughout the field.
  • I dragged him outside and started shutting all the doors and windows - He just looked at me horrified and made a mad dash back inside.
  • The BMC calendar is legal -- even without Ford's blessing -- and when you protect yourself from legal liability by shutting it down, you incur PR liability by seeming like a bunch of candy-asses who can be bullied into submission by a memo from some white-shoe legal goon from a Fortune 100. Boing Boing
  • During our pantomimical conference, an old man often laid his head down upon the stones, and shutting his eyes for about half A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 12 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • The politics of the next few years will feature a bunch of wealthy men shutting down SureStart centres, ending Child Trust Funds, sandpapering down tax credits, and increasing unemployment. Johann Hari: This Is Not What the British People Voted for
  • Virginia (5-4, 3-2) had its four-game winning streak end, and in heartbreaking fashion, too, after shutting down the ACC's best scoring offense until the very end.
  • The 14 full-time teachers and other staff were told on Tuesday last week that the school would be shutting permanently in July.
  • It was his wont to paste up long altar-pieces of Liana's charms, charms which her father had sought to enhance by means of delicate and almost meagre fare, by shutting up his orangery, whose window he seldom lifted off from this flower of a milder clime -- until she had become a tender creature of pastil-dust, which the gusts of fate and monsoons of climate could almost blow to pieces. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 07 — Fiction
  • Shutting my eyes, I stretched my hands above me, reaching for the rusty metal rings.
  • I was shutting down the 'pooter' and suddenly it felt like the chair was being shaken very rapidly, but I was also swaying, slowly, and I think it upset my equilibrium big word! Snell-Pym » Earthquake
  • An expectation can act as an inertial fulcrum in the morphogenic field, shutting out possibilities for emergent learning, rather than encouraging spontaneity and creativity. Willow Dea: Habit #5 Intention and Expectation: The Impact on the Class
  • In the early 1970 s, Japan was shutting down its electricity - guzzling aluminum industry.
  • The ground fault circuit interrupter protects the user by shutting off the power when water splashes up onto the outlet.
  • Captain Ross and his brother officer secured the swords of both men -- shutting the stable door, indeed, after the steed was stolen; in hot haste doctors were sent for; and 'mid the bustle and "strow" Eliott stumbled from the room and down the stair, "wanting his wig," as the landlady, whom he passed on the way, deponed. Stories of the Border Marches
  • The door closed firmly, shutting me out from the warmth inside.
  • The Government argued today that shutting down Australia's profitable tuna fishery and export industry would be reckless.
  • Their success was built upon a resolute defensive display, shutting out 12-goal Dean Saunders.
  • A double-semi had jackknifed, neatly shutting down four lanes.
  • Brett said brusquely, shutting the passenger side door and hurrying around to open his own.
  • While the government seeks to impose an information blockade by shutting down outlets perceived as supporting the opposition, overseas hackers are busy sabotaging government networks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The white Tim tells us he got an email from Twitter Tuesday informing him they were shutting down his account because they believed he was trying to "impersonate" the Black, much taller Tim Duncan. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • As she leaves, I hear the door shutting behind her, and I am left once more with a silence haunted by my own failure.
  • At these times he would double up his efficiency by shutting off his propane and heating the bus with its own internal heating system while the battery charged.
  • The click he'd heard was the camera running out of film, and shutting it's self off.
  • Kant beeleeb Ai saw taht just as Ai wuz shutting teh pooter daon. Well looky there - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He then left the room, shutting the door behind him, and locking it securely.
  • Shutting off the air conditioner, I walk across the alley to the parsonage to enjoy the meal.
  • By staying indoors you are shutting out the elements that can help you lose weight.
  • He heard the hiss of a door shutting and air rushing into the room.
  • And as for this, its simple math, as you guys said: toyota = automatic transmition+ "safety" guard to prevent it from going into neutral while the engine is under load+push-button start (on some models) with "safety" guard preventing one from merely pressing the button and shutting the engine off while in motion+ (engine kill switch * 0) +drive-by-wire accelerator+human error in programming+driver error+ sheer stupidity = death. Fast Lane Daily - Auto News. Fast Cars. Fast and Fresh. Every day.
  • Venues are shutting down, while pubs and bars are more interested in staging karaoke nights.
  • Here is the information you need to contact the officials responsible for shutting down this event.
  • Other forms of attack include shutting companies' systems down and demanding a ransom to get them working again. Times, Sunday Times
  • In terms of R&D or innovation, I think the Kyocera technology was good, in terms of features such as antonymous GPS and cost-optimization for CDMA (which is a major issue for CDMA modules competitively against GSM / GPRS), but I don't think that Kyocera shutting down shuts off a major avenue of innovation in the M2M market. Undefined
  • The drawings, too, on the "fusuma" (solid thick paper sliding doors separating adjacent rooms or shutting off the closet) are simple and neat, as is all Japanese pictorial art. Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic
  • The girl behind the counter in the shop was shutting up for the long afternoon lull.
  • Og course that may mean we're shutting the door after the horse has shot it s bolt.
  • Indeed, everyone can cite cases of knavish behaviour – the bloody-minded GP receptionist, a sullen council jobsworth or disobliging clock-watchers shutting down switchboards at 4. 55pm, regardless. Loyal, public service merits more than this cold trashing
  • Two police officers and a civilian have been killed so far, with the unrest effectively shutting down down the capital's central business district. Times, Sunday Times
  • On final, I'd consider shutting down and feathering the second engine, toggling the prop horizontal again.
  • No true artist can allow himself to be narrowed and provincialized by deliberately shutting out any class of facts or subjects through prejudice against externals. A Voice From the South
  • Talk about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. The Sun
  • She pushed her ahead then shoved her into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind them.
  • I stomped around the house shutting doors, slamming drawers, and picking items up off the floor. Christianity Today
  • He offered her a small wave, then left, shutting the door so quickly that it blew a draught across the room.
  • But he announced he is shutting down most of his business ventures and will hand over the bulk of their financial reserves to his charitable work. The Sun
  • Each requires of the practitioner a certain shutting of the eyes, a certain dapperness and compliance, an acceptance of customs, a sequestration from the sentiments of generosity and love, a compromise of private opinion and lofty integrity .... Emerson and Other Essays
  • A short time before his death he dressed himself in that funebrial habit, and shutting his eyes like a departed person, was drawn in that attitude by a skilful painter.
  • Shutting down the generators would mean we wouldn't secure the engines via the T-handles or fight any engine fire with the extinguishers.
  • The IG's finding means that the EPA is "finally shutting down an experiment that was based on shoddy science," said Jim Hecker, a lawyer at Public Justice, a public-interest law firm whose criticism dissuaded the EPA from using the shortcut at an abandoned motel in Fort Worth, Texas, in 2004. The Center for Public Integrity: EPA allowed unsafe handling of asbestos, IG says
  • And, finally, as the clock ticks past five-thirty in the evening and you know the agent is shutting up shop for the day, realizing that you've wasted a perfectly good day.
  • Flynn hesitated for a moment before slowly straightening her back and shutting the fridge door.
  • If transcription through such DNA regions is impeded by means of a transcription terminator or by shutting off the promoter, hyperrecombination is abolished.
  • After shutting off the cross-feed, No.4 engine resumed its steady operation while the other three dead engine propellers were windmilling.
  • Christopher clenched his jaw and reached out, shutting his eyes tight as he twisted the handle and jerked the door open.
  • A large delivery van was almost blocking the narrow street, its high sides nearly shutting off the daylight from her windows.
  • To a scrimpy and screwy man, of the type most abundant, such a position would have done a deal of harm, shutting him up into his own shell harder, and flinting its muricated horns against the world. Springhaven
  • He tried to shake off the malaise, but already his body was shutting down nonvital functions. The Deed
  • Last year, the board announced it would be shutting the Scottish Churches Open College, which offers a range of diploma and degree courses.
  • Suddenly the room was plunged into darkness - his computer had finished shutting down.
  • Wind winked back at the little girl mouthing ‘Be good, angel,’ and then shutting down the communication.
  • I may post a little pic of myself yodelling into the toilet bowl on Christmas morning, but otherwise I'm shutting up about it for a couple of days.
  • Some poorer mothers are giving up work because nurseries or after-school clubs are shutting and generous childcare allowances are being cut back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would not these storms coat solar collectors and solar-cell panels with a thick layer of dust, shutting them down?
  • We slam the door, shutting the room off from the rest of the house. Times, Sunday Times
  • What about the intimidation companies use against employes who want a union, such as threats, layoffs, and shutting down plants. — Republicans Criticize Solis’s Support for Union Bill - The Caucus Blog -
  • The noise of it shutting echoed eerily through the seemingly empty hallway.
  • Later, the robot field geologist then took about a dozen images of the Sun to catch the eclipse by the Martian moon, Phobos before shutting down again for a little nap.
  • So you're getting about a bit again? Not shutting yourself away?
  • Yet he will only think about shutting up shop in the final ten minutes tonight. The Sun
  • While the government seeks to impose an information blockade by shutting down outlets perceived as supporting the opposition, overseas hackers are busy sabotaging government networks. Times, Sunday Times
  • A: "I think the economy has stopped shutting down, but you are seeing people getting by with less on what are 'postponable' purchases. Free Internet Press
  • So you're getting about a bit again? Not shutting yourself away?
  • He found the restaurant just shutting, and Daddy apparently on the wing for the 'White Horse' parlour, to judge from the relief which showed in Dora's worn look as she saw her father lay down his hat and stick again and fall 'chaffing' with David. The History of David Grieve
  • Thank you Republican Party for shutting that boney bag of hot air DOWN! Giuliani backs Rubio, rips into Obama
  • Instead of engaging with them, we take pleasure in shutting them down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perry's cheeks flushed slightly pink, and he followed Jake onto the bus, shutting the door.
  • When I hear what students, purporting to study for English degrees, know and do not know nowadays, I seem to sense huge doors shutting quietly behind us.
  • While the government seeks to impose an information blockade by shutting down outlets perceived as supporting the opposition, overseas hackers are busy sabotaging government networks. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was cold and remote, shutting himself off from her completely.
  • This condition would have been intolerable, requiring the execution of the boldface procedures and shutting down all bleed air in the aircraft.
  • Action that is shutting factory production could see individual farmers, identified to the High Court, penalised by fines, if they refuse to move.
  • Captain Ross and his brother officer secured the swords of both men -- shutting the stable door, indeed, after the steed was stolen; in hot haste doctors were sent for; and 'mid the bustle and "strow" Eliott stumbled from the room and down the stair, "wanting his wig," as the landlady, whom he passed on the way, deponed. Stories of the Border Marches
  • Then I heard the twist of the doorknob and the door shutting slowly.
  • Analysts say the president's tactics of power consolidation and political thuggery have been successful in shutting out challengers.
  • Is it a question of the minoritarian finding a voice or the majoritarian shutting up and listening?
  • There's so much balderdash associated with shutting down my office for a trip that I rarely manage to get much sleep on the night before.
  • Don't worry about shutting off the fuel and mags on the inoperative engine at these low altitudes.
  • A local hero in his heyday, he ended his life alone, shutting himself away after being diagnosed with cancer.
  • We slam the door, shutting the room off from the rest of the house. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too, a tyranny can rise more easily by shutting up a thousand people than a million, and that's a reason to stand up and speak out.
  • Former Sen. Bob Kerrey said Tuesday he will not run for the Nebraska Senate seat he gave up more than a decade ago, shutting down hopes for a bid both parties called Democrats' best chance to hold the seat but that Kerrey himself described as a longshot. The Seattle Times
  • Yet he will only think about shutting up shop in the final ten minutes tonight. The Sun
  • And the two best ways to keep people stupid and nodding is by shutting down the information flow and by stiffing the press.
  • The shoot was marred by protesters shutting down production at one point.
  • Cynics will say that it will go underground, but I choose to believe that the US Congress has succeeded in shutting down the ultra-panoptic Total Information Awareness program — the scheme to protect Americans from tyranny through total dataveillance of our every move. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Congress Nixes Total Information Awareness
  • I mentioned this to Marie, but she paid no attention. She was carrying an oilcloth bag in which she had stowed our bathing kit and a towel. Presently we heard Raymond shutting his door.
  • Thousands of anti-Wall Street protesters took to Oakland's streets as part of a day-long series of events, called a citywide strike, aimed at asserting the movement's strength and shutting down commerce. Front Page
  • I stomped around the house shutting doors, slamming drawers, and picking items up off the floor. Christianity Today
  • They seem intent on shutting their eyes to the problems of pollution.
  • An almost unbroken wall of split-face concrete block wraps around the two street facades, shutting out traffic noise.
  • I woke to hear my alarm clock shrilling at me and after shutting it off I went to have a shower and put some make up on.
  • I heard her footsteps fade, then the clang of the metal door shutting behind her. PREY
  • Shutting herself away in her huge, plush inner sanctum, Keshari sat at her desk and stared pensively out her thirtieth-story window at the expanse of Century City and the surrounding West Los Angeles area. Larger Than Lyfe
  • Yet all year my central nervous system was slowly shutting down. Times, Sunday Times
  • He checked the flow of water by shutting off the main valve
  • The engine only fired for a few seconds before shutting off again, and the missile fell.
  • Shutting her eyes, she then snapped them open again in panic as his mouth touched gently against hers.
  • My table rocked, my lamp fell and went out, and my window closed as if some thief had been surprised and had fled out into the night, shutting it behind him.
  • The wrongs carried out by members of the Church's hierarchy must be righted, but Mr Ahern warned against shutting the Church out of the community.
  • She just stared, her mouth opening and shutting like a dumb fish's.
  • However, there is talk of also shutting down the ferry route due to the fires, and flights in and out of Bella Coola run on a scheduled service by Pacific Coastal out of Vancouver, and seats cost about $350 each way. Blogging Batholiths Part 2 - The Panda's Thumb
  • Shutting his eyes slightly, he listened to the to the duo make sweet music.
  • Jordan had looked up, suddenly, while instinctively shutting her sketch book.
  • Even so, the airlift had defeated General Winter—and more and more industries in East Berlin and East Germany were shutting down because of a lack of supplies and materials kept out by the Allied counterblockade. Daring Young Men
  • The phosphorescence screen is usually a plate covered with some platino-cyanide and mounted in the end of a box of convenient size, the opposite end of which is so shaped that it fits the contour of the face, shutting out the light and allowing the eyes of the observer to focalize on the screen at the end. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
  • Livia retreated from the outside world more and more, even shutting out the company of Sarah Buckner.
  • Williams wants to frame the girl's abusive boyfriend for his crime in exchange for shutting his yap about the shooting in the fog.
  • The high street chain faced shutting stores over claims rents were too high. The Sun
  • He had done his duty to the community by shutting up a wandering and probably dangerous maniac.
  • If you need absolutely secure disconnects from the Internet without shutting down your computer, try this application.
  • Shutting off the oil from the well represents a significant success, Tad Patzek, chair of petroleum and geosystems engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, said in an interview. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • This uncertainty has led the International Air Transport Association to plead on behalf of its members for Europe's government to rethink policy on shutting airspace.
  • This mode is attained by shutting down the eyelids.
  • Instead of engaging with them, we take pleasure in shutting them down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Harrell got into the rear of the car, at once shutting out the heat, his face slippery with perspiration. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Would you mind shutting up for a minute?
  • Tom and the rest rushed into bed and finished their unrobing there, and the old verger, as punctual as the clock, had put out the candle in another minute, and toddled on to the next room, shutting their door with his usual "Good-night, gen'lm'n. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • It's the story of the sysadmin charged with shutting down the first and only functional AI, which no one can figure out a reason ... Peter & Max: the Fables comics jump to novel - Boing Boing
  • Jewel called brightly shutting the door with her hip as her arms were loaded down with bags.
  • The shutting odnw down of our international offices is again going to expose WA to having a greater tag of 'dullsville'. WA Business News - Latest News
  • He got up again, furious, showed me his ear and his swollen cheek, and I caught the word "periostitis" in the explanation he gave me on shutting the window again and threatening me. My Double Life The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt
  • I rested my forehead on my knees, shutting my eyes tight.
  • Talk about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. The Sun
  • But he announced he is shutting down most of his business ventures and will hand over the bulk of their financial reserves to his charitable work. The Sun
  • Shutting the operation down has left ISP Channel affiliates scrambling.
  • (A ligand is a molecule that binds to the receptor to form a biologically active complex.) "In bad times, the ligand is not made and the nuclear receptor (DAF-12) causes the animals to go into the long lived dauer stage, shutting down the microRNAs and the developmental clock," he said. Baylor College of Medicine News
  • The bloggiversary giveaway extravaganza is shutting down the day after Christmas, so be sure to get your entries in to paperfruitcontest at gmail dot com before midnight Mountain Time on Dec. 26th! Last reminder « paper fruit
  • It is all well meant but it also means there is no shutting off. The Sun
  • She took one last look at the people still inside and then turned, stifling the tears and walked out, the door shutting behind her with a hollow click.
  • A few moments later someone drew the curtains, shutting the light down to a soft dim.
  • To a scrimpy and screwy man, of the type most abundant, such a position would have done a deal of harm, shutting him up into his own shell harder, and flinting its muricated horns against the world. Springhaven
  • The second the resounding echo of Bryant's door shutting faded, a small, rather mousy looking man poked his head out of an adjacent office.
  • Uncle Rob noisily looked through the room before breezing out the door, shutting it behind him.
  • Many of those collective agreements were not agreements at all: most were forced down the throats of defenceless factory proprietors who had a choice of paying unsustainable rates of pay or shutting down.
  • But critics said the ban will exacerbate rather than relieve inflation by shutting down valuable market-pricing mechanisms and encouraging traders to move to the country's untaxed and unregulated black market of so-called dabba traders. India Suspends Some Futures Trading
  • Neglect can take the form of ignoring or not seeing another's humanness, withholding care, nurturing and attention or a shutting down of the relational behaviors that reflect attunement and connection. Dr. Tian Dayton: Relationship Dynamics Within the Addicted/Traumatized Family System
  • It appears that when inexperienced administration officials faced BP's steely-eyed negotiators on this issue, they were buffaloed into shutting in the well without measuring the flow. Robert L. Cavnar: BP Wins: EPA Will Agree to Cut Oil Spill Estimate
  • There are recorded instances of engines shutting down because of volcanic ash and the volcano in Iceland was documented. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, my toaster is plugged in to an outlet with reversed polarity, so theswitch on my toaster isshutting off the neutral wire instead of the hot. Reuben's Home Inspection Blog - Part 2
  • To get the same effect with a car using an engine - slipping the transmission into neutral and shutting down the engine - is hazardous.
  • I sighed and took one final look at the sky and then went inside my bedroom, shutting my window and my curtain so that I couldn't look outside anymore.
  • Tommy stopped crying and the only thing that broke the unbearable silence of the place was the front door shutting loudly behind me.
  • We've been told repeatedly that shutting down the viaduct is a public safety emergency. Tunnel Construction Could Be Delayed One Year « PubliCola
  • I wiped me fingers gently down the rabbit's flank, then, shutting my eyes, I slid my hand beneath its limp head like a kitchen slice scooping up a burst pasty.
  • Greifeld: Yeah, the steps we've taken are what I call blunt instruments, so they definitely will work in that we're shutting the market down if we get nervous about where it's going. Transcript: Robert Greifeld
  • Glass, his normally impassive face creased by the faintest of smiles, was shutting the doors again. THE WHITE DOVE
  • A rise in intracellular calcium at the onset of anaphase could regulate the polar ejection force by shutting down the centriolar turbines, but defective regulation could result in an excessive force that contributes to the chromosomal instability characteristic of most cancer cells. Revisiting Rivista - The Panda's Thumb
  • Mexico's much-vaunted maquiladoras are shutting their doors, as companies flee for China and other still cheaper labor markets.
  • My own chiefest memories of his three and a half years in the top job were of power, postal worker and miners strikes, the three day week and television shutting down at 9.30 every night.
  • The wife was shutting the garage door tonight and I didn't get out of the way quick enough, so I got a bang on the head.
  • Instead of engaging with them, we take pleasure in shutting them down. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the United Nations, the decidedly nondiplomatic epithets “blasphemy” and “defamation of Islam” have become part of normal discourse, serving as convenient instruments for shutting off discussion of such unpleasant matters as slavery in Sudan or Muslim anti-Semitism. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1002
  • Eli suspects that Rabett Run was the first to introduce the Overton window to the climate policy fray, back in 2007, pointing out that too many were shutting out what might be called the Romm/Hansen/Gore position while trying to "engage" on a pretty-pretty basis with the denialists. Slamming the Overton window shut
  • HONG KONG – The right-wing US advocacy group Freedom’s Watch is reportedly shutting down, as its main funder, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, becomes one of the high-profile casualties of the global economic downturn. 27 « November « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Many companies are considering shutting up shop in this country and transferring production to low wage economies.
  • In order to solve the local damages of the reduction cell, the article introduces the process and experience of the cell shutting, planing, repairing, roasting and startup in detail.
  • Los Angeles had Utah scrambling from the beginning, going 15-for-20 in the first quarter and shutting down every mini-run the Jazz made until it was too late.
  • She fingered the thin cloth covering her brother, opening her mouth to speak, and then quickly shutting it as if thinking better of it.
  • While the government seeks to impose an information blockade by shutting down outlets perceived as supporting the opposition, overseas hackers are busy sabotaging government networks. Times, Sunday Times
  • No matter how draconian the laws become, Europe is not capable of shutting its borders.
  • With a slight curtsey, the girl left, shutting the door behind her.
  • And what about the endless fulminating about how those arch-conservative suits in the music business are shutting down anti-war thought?
  • In order to solve the local damages of the reduction cell, the article introduces the process and experience of the cell shutting, planing, repairing, roasting and startup in detail.
  • Mum, Ben keeps shutting me out of the bedroom!

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