
How To Use Shut out In A Sentence

  • Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.
  • Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.
  • Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.
  • SHAPIRO: You know, you mentioned that Kim Jong Il's older son was sort of shut out of the power structure and is now sometimes spotted in casinos in Macau, and I have to wonder whether that's a better fate than ruling North Korea. Little Known About North's Korea's Heir Apparent
  • Deep was the grief of the brethren of Three Fountains when they were summoned to attend the sacred office of demission which was to shut out A Child's Book of Saints
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  • A little brass bell tinkled a welcome, and the door, closing, shut out the clamour of the street.
  • At least 60, 000 people who fled levee breaks on the Feather River remained shut out of their homes.
  • I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.
  • The wind blew the door closed behind me and now I'm shut out .
  • I was shut out for being five minutes late.
  • Anna felt shut out of the conversation.
  • The subsidies have been a vexed issue between the two biggest trading blocs in the world and a source of anger among developing countries, who claim they are being shut out of western markets.
  • It seemed to me that I was being shut out of the dialogue and that's something I just don't cotton to.
  • They are considerations which can scarcely be shut out, and should be taken in determining the weight of our obligation, in shaping the selection of our duties, in stimulating the zeal and sedulousness with which we do what we know to be right. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • Indeed, it is the divine attribute of the imagination, that it is irrepressible, unconfinable; that when the real world is shut out, it can create a world for itself, and with a necromantic power, can conjure up glorious shapes and forms, and brilliant visions, to make solitude populous, and irradiate the gloom of the dungeon. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • Investors see potentially large profits in the businesses that help consumers shut out the online world. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had the walls of his room lined with cork to shut out light and sound and there he retreated to think and to write, sleeping during the day and venturing forth at night.
  • The shutters were closed to shut out the daylight.
  • Bucks skylarked with bucks or flirted with the maidens, while the older squaws, shut out from this by virtue of having fulfilled, by reproduction, the function of existence, gossiped as they braided rope from the green roots of trailing vines. The God Of His Fathers
  • She finds it impossible to shut out the memory of the accident.
  • She finds it impossible to shut out the memory of the accident.
  • Companies in sectors that typically move with the economic cycle, such as nonfood retailers, have been shut out of debt markets since the collapse of Lehman Brothers shook confidence. In Europe, a Credit Market Thaws a Bit
  • Close the door and shut out that draft!
  • People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of gunfire.
  • He closed his eyes and tried to shut out the world.
  • Pressing the heels of my palms against my eyes I tried to shut out the threatening tears and held my breath to keep from weeping.
  • I hated Father Stone's somber church with its high dark ceilings that shut out the world.
  • She finds it impossible to shut out the memory of the accident.
  • Investors see potentially large profits in the businesses that help consumers shut out the online world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hearing the term mental block, she had always envisioned her barriers as just that, blocks—brightly colored and piled up in a wall between her and whatever she wanted to shut out. Dark Mirror
  • The exclusionist in religion does not see that he shuts the door of heaven on himself in striving to shut out others.
  • It seemed to me that I was being shut out of the dialogue and that's something I just don't cotton to.
  • The door to the office shut out the noise in the hall outside; inside, it was quiet as a tomb.
  • Stiff-legged pier-tables of marble and alabaster face the windows or are placed between them; thick curtains that can be drawn quite back cover the doors; strips of hemp carpet lead straight from one door to another; the light is dim and cold, half shut out by the window curtains, and gets a peculiar quality of sadness and chilliness, which is essentially characteristic of every old Roman house, where the reception rooms are only intended to be used at night, and the sunny side is exclusively appropriated to the more intimate life of the owners. Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
  • I hated Father Stone's somber church with its high dark ceilings that shut out the world.
  • I felt I was being shut out from all the family's affairs.
  • I tried to shut out these abominations and concentrate on Marine One seat assignments.
  • The word moksha means the "liberation from the cycle of existence samsara often identified with a state of knowledge in which the phenomenal world and its concerns are shut out in favour of a mystical identification with the ultimate, changeless ground of all things. There's not always a word for the thing you want to say.
  • They have shut out media sources apart from partisan ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether it was senior championship or junior events, the trio had shut out the other nations to take the first three slots.
  • But sure, go have her as your next candidate in 2012, it'll be the first electorial college shut out ... CNN Poll: Palin's popularity on the rise
  • The glass shut out most of the noise and left my ears buzzing again.
  • But neither its strength nor her tightly closed eyes could shut out horror.
  • For no earthly reason - well, other than a little tiredness - I just want to go and hide under my duvet and shut out the world for a few hours.
  • She learned to shut out her angry feelings.
  • HETTY and Dinah both slept in the second story, in rooms adjoining each other, meagrely furnished rooms, with no blinds to shut out the light, which was now beginning to gather new strength from the rising of the moon — more than enough strength to enable Hetty to move about and undress with perfect comfort. Adam Bede
  • He has been at the club too long and had to shut out too many protests and boardroom wrangles to let it throw him now.
  • Such applications, especially on this continent, are so astounding -- they spread themselves so largely and umbrageously before the public eye -- that they often shut out from view those workers who are engaged in the quieter and profounder business of original investigation. Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873
  • She finds it impossible to shut out the memory of the accident.
  • First, thanks to quirks in their ticket distribution systems, I got shut out of Giants Division Series ducats but made it to all three games at the Coliseum.
  • Tam once more resumed his attempt to guddle a trout, trying to shut out the slurping and grunting sounds to the left of him, where it sounded like Spammy and a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig were attempting to drown each other. Country of the Blind
  • I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.
  • These are, almost universally, stories about what we try and fail to shut out. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Anna felt shut out of the conversation.
  • She shut out memories of James.
  • The defence and goalie shut out the Golden Hawk offence for the rest of the game to hold onto the win and remain triumphant.
  • Colorado shut out Kansas City 3-0.
  • I was shut out for being five minutes late.
  • Hall shut out from all society, was surprised, at the end of a fortnight to observe, that, instead of expressing discontent, or appearing low-spirited, she every day became more cheerful; and the pale and languid look she wore in The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • To be shut out at home in two of the last four games is very weird and totally unexpected.
  • TACOMA - Brandon Morrow tossed a four-hitter and Bryan LaHair hit a two-run home run as Tacoma shut out Iowa 4-0 in a Pacific Coast League game before 7,287 at Cheney Stadium Friday night. The Seattle Times
  • The introvert may shut out the extravert, perhaps while silently nodding, or stop trying to contribute," she says. When Innies Love Outies: How Odd Couples Cope
  • The man in the fur cap, and the potboy rush out; a scene of riot and confusion ensues; half the Irishmen get shut out, and the other half get shut in; the potboy is knocked among the tubs in no time; the landlord hits everybody, and everybody hits the landlord; the barmaids scream; the police come in; the rest is a confused mixture of arms, legs, staves, torn coats, shouting, and struggling. Sketches by Boz
  • Bucks skylarked with bucks or flirted with the maidens, while the older squaws, shut out from this by virtue of having fulfilled the end of their existence in reproduction, gossiped as they braided rope from the green roots of trailing vines. THE GOD OF HIS FATHERS
  • When the towers collapsed, my building was shrouded in a debris cloud that shut out the light of day and muffled the sounds of firemen shouting and sirens wailing.
  • But open justice is too precious to allow the risk of false accusations to shut out essential scrutiny. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have raincoats, hats, and umbrellas - to shut out every dampened feeling that is falling upon us.
  • The Red Sox are the only American League team not to be shut out this season and their 70-game run without being blanked is the longest in the major leagues.
  • But, oh, must I go out into that unillumed darkness, forever shut out from light and hope? Eveline Mandeville The Horse Thief Rival
  • All the hurrying, worrying bustle of the world would be shut out, and she could concentrate on her innermost thoughts.
  • The horrible loathsomeness, the contagiousness, the non-curableness, etc. So the man was shut out from camp and from sanctuary. Expositions of Holy Scripture
  • Ben slowly plodded over to his bed and slid in between the unwashed sheets, relieved to be able to close his eyes and shut out the world for a few hours.
  • Milling, shut out in his previous encounter with Cal, had four points.
  • Our shopping has gone from an activity that required some consideration and thought to an impulse run wild, a substitute for self-worth or a way to shut out the world and shut off our own thoughts. Judith Acosta: How To Defend Yourself Against The Media’s Fear Tactics
  • Investors see potentially large profits in the businesses that help consumers shut out the online world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stern utterance of the word dismayed him, and, like one shut out from hope, he rose, as if to leave her, but paused irresolutely, looked back, then sank down again, as if constrained against his will by a longing past control. Pauline's Passion and Punishment
  • She learned to shut out her angry feelings.
  • Indeed, since Muddy Waters, a research firm controlled by Carson Block, the short seller, first accused the company of fraud, international bond markets have shut out many Chinese issuers.
  • I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.
  • They are amblyopic, and this is due partially to a high degree of ametropia (caused by crushing of the eyeball in the endeavor to shut out light) and from retinal exhaustion and nystagmus. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Poor man, shut out, as they all were except her, from that glimpse of heaven's dazzling sweetness.
  • The door to the office shut out the noise in the hall outside; inside, it was quiet as a tomb.
  • She was shut out of society, for she was still frowned upon and disapproved of.
  • Close your eyes and look inside yourself, shut out the noise of your civilization and listen to the ageless stories of the Shona, buried deep inside the foundation stones of this once Great place, this Zimbabwe.
  • He has mastered the Doc's interview technique of using non-stop verbals to shut out any unsought queries and exhausting air time (as well as the patience of the viewer) with the hogging technique.
  • Their unabashed love affair may further contribute to the other parent feeling shut out. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • The roof of the protective shelter needs repairs to shut out the daylight streaming through.
  • She had shut out two of her first four Wimbledon opponents by identical 6-0, 6-0 scores.
  • But neither its strength nor her tightly closed eyes could shut out horror.
  • A nation whose ships are shut out from every port, and whose* envoys are exel uded from every Cabinet! — a StatQ which has lost all political influence, which has not a single ally, which is, in short, reduced to carry on a smuggling trade with great squa - drons, as the only means which remains for enabling its merchants to get rid of a part of their merchandizes! The Situation of Great Britain, in the Year 1811
  • Closing his eyes, Darien shut out the patter of the rain and listened instead for the sound of guards in the hallway beyond the window ledge.
  • The situation becomes worse when the representatives of a particular social interest — perhaps because of the very unrealistic and unrealizable nature of its demands — are shut out of the political process. Paranoia in american politics
  • It dawned upon me with a certain suddenness that I was different from the others; or like, mayhap, in heart and life and longing, but shut out from their world by a vast veil. American Girl
  • Laconian territory, he came so close to the gates that their officers actually shut out their own Boeotian cavalry on the point of entering, in terror lest the Lacedaemonians might pour into the town in company, and these Boeotian troopers were forced to cling, like bats to a wall, under each coign of vantage beneath the battlements. Hellenica
  • Bucks skylarked with bucks or flirted with the maidens, while the older squaws, shut out from this by virtue of having fulfilled the end of their existence in reproduction, gossiped as they braided rope from the green roots of trailing vines. THE GOD OF HIS FATHERS
  • Newt reminds me of Nixon who ran or office so many times until when he got there he was so full of himself he blew it. $500 a plate, that ought to shut out the tea partiers who can't afford a plane ticket let alone the costs, remember they only travel in RV's/cars and they bring their own dinners. Gingrich to help Iowa GOP raise money
  • Investors see potentially large profits in the businesses that help consumers shut out the online world. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tried to shut out these abominations and concentrate on Marine One seat assignments.
  • Dozens of enviro groups and public-interest organizations say they were shut out of the process entirely.
  • The situation becomes worse when the representatives of a particular social interest - perhaps because of the very unrealistic and unrealizable nature of its demands - are shut out of the political process.
  • NORTHAMPTON - East Stroudsburg South was shut out 4-0 by Northampton in a non-conference match Friday. Ottaway Online Editors
  • Close the door and shut out that draft!
  • I am going to close my window to shut out the noise of raucous laughter coming from across the channel.
  • At the same moment there was a "halloo" outside, and a woman burst open the door, turning quickly to shut out behind her the onrush of the shower and the biting cold of the wind. Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
  • She pulled the duvet over her head to try to shut out the light.
  • How different _this table_ from many others! where genteel sprightly conversations are shut out; _where_ such as cannot feast their senses on the genius of a _cook_, must rise unsatisfied. Barford Abbey
  • The cover or lid of the ark is termed in the LXX. hilasterion, that which covered or shut out the claims and demands of the law against the sins of God's people, whereby he became "propitious" to them. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Ms Elder said countries including the UK run the risk of generating a "lost generation" of people who are shut out from the labour market.
  • Travis openly wonders why, of all her sisters, she survived the seeming tragedy of being shut out of show business while still in the bloom of youth.
  • What they must do now is shut out the voices accusing them of choking in this tournament and realise that the past month has demonstrated strength, not weakness.
  • I was shut out for being five minutes late.
  • I was shut out for being five minutes late.
  • What strikes me about the Advance. net fora is the fact that the Mods are anonymous – and they are able to strike at any moment to keep certain cliques shut out. Community policing: a business somebody should start (hint, hint) « BuzzMachine
  • self-love that shut out everyone else
  • But it is this discordancy of measure and subject, together with the obviously laboured rhymes and the halting of the sense, which in general, we think, have shut out the Spenserian school from popular reading, and have caused a distinguished critic [J] to say, that the Early Reviews of English Poets
  • People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of gunfire.

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