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shut down

  1. cease to operate or cause to cease operating
    My business closes every night at 8 P.M.
    The owners decided to move and to close the factory
    close up the shop

How To Use shut down In A Sentence

  • The embassy had been shut down due to Mongolia's support for South Korea's "sunshine policy" of conciliation toward the North.
  • The reason, it turns out, is that American airspace was shut down, and no airplanes means no contrails.
  • Me and two more fellows put something over five hundred looms on what they call dollies, they just shut down about eight a day and move eight a day and move them down in the new part and put them to running. Oral History Interview with Jefferson M. Robinette, July 1977. Interview H-0041. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Indeed, this is where the center of Jewish rabbinic authority came to rest after the Byzantine Empire shut down the Sanhedrin in 363 CE.
  • CompuServe recently shut down direct access to certain newsgroups containing indecent photographs and material.
  • Authorities have shut down the unaccredited schools that prey on immigrants.
  • Peace campaigners today chained themselves to gates at Menwith Hill in an effort to shut down the North Yorkshire spy base.
  • Researchers at Purdue University recently discovered that an antioxidant in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate can shut down an enzyme that cancer cells need to grow and divide. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • The factory was shut down for two months as a result of the strike.
  • GM recently warned that it would shut down Hummer unless it could find a buyer.
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