How To Use Shuffling In A Sentence

  • The man played idly with a deck of cards, shuffling and re-shuffling with a bit of a smirk on his face.
  • I instantly grew a floppy fringe, bought a combat jacket and started shuffling.
  • A shuffling street drinker with a string of convictions over eight lost years, she is now notorious as the woman who exposes herself in public.
  • Claire looked at her feet, shuffling uncomfortably in place.
  • The backs have overcome their attacking troubles, and shuffling players around in positions seems to have paid off.
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  • Reshuffling the department by transferring teachers to other position will not be of great help to our learners.
  • She could hear her sister shuffling along the hard floor.
  • Shuffling to her classroom, she was quickly joined by her best friend Sara, who was also over bundled to help dull the harsh bite of the December wind.
  • The recalls for Barrow and Beveridge are just reshuffling.
  • At a desk to the very side of the room, a very overweight, red-faced man was shuffling through some files and stuffing them into Manila folders.
  • Perhaps in their heyday around 2006-2007, they were overwhelmed with the explosive rowth, however it was reported that prior to the recent management shuffling, they had a 1000 employees? Why MySpace Is Really GeoCities 2.0
  • At last she heard the cautious, stuffless tread of his rubber-soled shoes shuffling along the hall. The Lodger
  • You can go to your local theater on Christmas Day and watch "" Stepmom, '' in which Susan Sarandon, instead of shuffling off her mortal coil, smiles beamingly at the camera in a happy family portrait in the last frame. Death Takes A Hike
  • Genes recombine by fusing in whole or in part, by a process known as exon shuffling exons are the separate stretches of code that are used to make one protein in split genes. Don't Look for the Soul in the Language of DNA
  • He sat at his seat behind the desk shuffling his papers around angrily.
  • One could almost believe that at any moment Scott and his men would come shuffling in, hang up their deerskin coats and start boiling a brew.
  • A conga line of people were shuffling about in white paint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following the collision he became moody and headstrong, his speech delivery was very slow and he walked with a slow shuffling gait.
  • It is time to get back to basics: to self-discipline and respect for the law, to consideration for others, to accepting responsibility for yourself and your family, and not shuffling it off on the state.
  • In truth, the music didn't really take off - the church was stifling, people were shuffling on their feet and the music ebbed and flowed, promising climaxes that it didn't deliver, and tip-toeing around solemnity.
  • After shuffling though many books and cooking websites I decided to make salmon pasty, a salad of greens, frumenty, and fruit pudding.
  • The benefits from shuffling the chairs are at best unproven. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malls are fluid constructs, shifting and reshuffling to meet the whims of fashion and the market, but you assume that a few places will stay around forever.
  • You may recall that Season Four's ending experienced a bit of schedule reshuffling.
  • Adding to the incompetence is ministerial reshuffling - a move that seeks to resolve non-performance and curtail corruption.
  • I've had less bradykinesia, which is the shuffling and the kind of halting movement. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2009
  • With the lie of Scottish theatreland already shifting, we are seeing a nascent, semiconscious shuffling for position for next year's awards.
  • Some one was shuffling by on the sidewalk.
  • It remains to be seen whether these changes are more successful than previous attempts at shuffling around of departmental boundaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Metropolis, Fritz Lang had the office as an urban dystopia with workers shuffling about in smocks with bowed heads, sedated by repetition.
  • The traffic came to a screeching halt and the faceless multitudes shuffling along the pavements actually paused to turn and look at the cause of it all.
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  • A prolonged har-r-r-rouche from Kaluna brought out a man with a female horde behind him, all shuffling into clothes as we approached, and we stiffly dismounted from the wet saddles in which we had sat for ten hours, and stiffly hobbled up into the littered verandah, the water dripping from our clothes, and squeezing out of our boots at every step. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Norman scoots behind the desk and glances down at the blotter, shuffling a few papers in his fingers.
  • People would run from across the street to try and grab a dry space among the crowd, who were muttering to themselves and shuffling from foot to foot while they waited for the storm to abate.
  • From the mists, a shuffling figure could be discerned moving towards the field of battle.
  • This again is so discourteous to your fellow patrons, and the performers, who are all quite distracted by your shuffling and stumbling in the dark.
  • It was almost four in the afternoon when two oldsters faced off in the dusty tinku plaza, shuffling their feet almost shyly.
  • He looked down at the floor and began shuffling a paper clip that was lying on the floor around with his foot.
  • Once or twice he even called Mr. Archer mysteriously forth into the dark courtyard, took him by the button, and laid a demonstrative finger on his chest; but there his ideas or his courage failed him; he would shufflingly excuse himself and return to his position by the fire without a word of explanation. Lay Morals
  • Managers should not be shuffling patients off waiting lists to meet a manifesto target.
  • And, as B&S went into old favorites such as "I'm a Cuckoo," the catchiest of the many Smiths-meets - "A Mighty Wind" gems in the band's canon, the fans couldn't stop their feet from shuffling, either. Belle and Sebastian's light, Scottish songs lift the audience at DAR
  • Weary, listening to the whistling and the shuffling of feet, felt a queer, qualmy feeling in the region of his diaphragm, and he yielded to The Lonesome Trail and Other Stories
  • Lobo started shuffling uphill, on crooked empty streets past blind-shuttered windows.
  • The sound of desks clunking and the shuffling of feet against the linoleum, filled her ears, as she got her materials organized and finally went to the front of the class.
  • As they got nearer, one of the doors swung open and a bent, hooded figure swathed in rags came shuffling out.
  • The losers in this reshuffling are the long-term debtholders who get stuck in the bad bank. Banks Need Fewer Carrots and More Sticks
  • Just because they're slowly shufflingly on their way out death's door doesn't mean Grandma and Grandpa are worthless - they probably have loads of cash stuffed in a mattress somewhere! Jilly Gagnon: A Modest Proposal, or How to Use Wasted Resources...Like the Elderly!
  • I averted my gaze to the tarred road between us, beneath us, and restrained my feet from shuffling ashamedly.
  • The start of the second term occasioned shuffling in the White House. TEAR DOWN THIS WALL
  • A recent variation on the latter assumes disulfide reshuffling as the mechanism of polymerization.
  • With one legendary rock star after another shuffling off this mortal coil, it has been a terrible year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Greg began shuffling through his desk in search of something.
  • As he began shuffling his papers so they were neat and organized, whispers began to fly around the class.
  • For example, the playlist gives you intros interspersed with clips in the appropriate order, but if your player is shuffling tunes it won't preserve that order.
  • Something that smelled like rotting flesh on burned toast was shuffling toward them, fungoid arms extended, eyeballs dangling from the ends of raw, frayed strings. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • I'd also have no problem shuffling the mix I presented to reduce the robotics and put considerably more weight on fundable and achievable human spaceflight items on the list like more space station use, COTS-D, robotic lunar demos specifically designed to prepare for astronauts, space infrastructure, manned commercial suborbital flights and NASA X planes, etc. Bill Nelson Continues To Block NASA Administrator Nominees - NASA Watch
  • Internet radio is different: it may mean shuffling tracks, personalisation, downloading.
  • You stated, "What continuous shuffling machines and noncontinuous shufflers alike will do is to cause the average player to lose more, simply because more hands are dealt per hour. Gas Drilling
  • Anyway, Los Siete Castigos is filled with tracks like this, that take their sweet time unfolding - much like Villalobos 'most recent work (see his Perlon 12 Chromosul) - with highly developed shuffling rhythms, many of which take on a Latin tinge with slices of congas and other elements reminiscent of his South American roots. Music (For Robots): October 2005 Archives
  • With one legendary rock star after another shuffling off this mortal coil, it has been a terrible year. Times, Sunday Times
  • It took a far more computer literate friend to help out before I could finally find the right socket, but after that I was away and it has been worth it for the pure joy of shuffling my tunes, as I believe the expression goes.
  • They go shuffling along, precisely as if their shoes were down at the heel -- "slipshod" -- and they could not lift up their feet in consequence. How To Behave: A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette, And Guide To Correct Personal Habits Embracing An Exposition Of The Principles Of Good Manners; Useful Hints On The Care Of The Person, Eating, Drinking, Exercise, Habits, Dress, Self-Culture, And Be
  • Now free gospel music ringtones royale stakes rundown free polyphonic ringtones for siemens martingale tilt pot pairs parlay equity sonneries et images airfares jolly shuffling diamonds. card credit debt reduction services Says: Matthew Yglesias » Enforcement
  • She again burst forth, for nature having given her considerable abilities, had lent her at the same time an energy of passion, far superior in power to the cold ambition of Irene, or the wily, ambidexter, shuffling policy of the Emperor. Count Robert of Paris
  • She was already shuffling back when he continued. The Sun
  • And then all the life and lilt went out of them, and they were again maundering and futile things, getting in one another's way, stumbling and shuffling through the darkness, hesitating to grasp ropes, and, when they did take hold, invariably taking hold of the wrong rope first. CHAPTER VIII
  • He is daily enraged by the hectoring of his parents and the dullness of his paper-shuffling job.
  • Emily heard a sharp gasp, then the sound of shuffling feet, then several thuds and slaps as the purists complied with the request, their paws meeting the cabinets.
  • Katerina sat in the middle of her room, on the bed to be exact, shuffling through old photographs of Mitzy and Renee, who had taken the day off to go shopping.
  • The revived sick man of Europe looks like shuffling off to bed once more, feeling none too chipper. Times, Sunday Times
  • Julian Bennett the latest to succumb, which isn't ideal as we only have shuffling or reserve options to cover him. Through the seasons before us..
  • All supply people dreamed of a way to balance the books once and for all-without all that trading and shuffling.
  • One by one they moved, shuffling closer to the reassuring glow and pulling their thick cloaks tightly about their heads. The Gods of Asgard
  • It is accessible but it suffers from too many personalities shuffling through on a page by page basis.
  • In the Rector's study the labourer was speaking, standing shufflingly on the margin of the Turkey carpet. The Incomplete Amorist
  • Woolf was one of those authors whose "paper rivers" formed the origin of Laing's watery obsessions, and there's an intriguing correspondence between "sources": rooting in "a copse of hazel and stunted oak" to find the indefinite "clammy runnel" of the Ouse, and shuffling among original manuscripts in a bone-dry archive. To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface by Olivia Laing – review
  • ‘Dark Hills’ is especially inventive in its percussion, shuffling snares, ticking woodblocks, cowbells, and claps all underneath a simple, dreamy piano pattern and melody.
  • Some babies can cruise around, shuffling while holding onto something.
  • For example, the playlist gives you intros interspersed with clips in the appropriate order, but if your player is shuffling tunes it won't preserve that order.
  • The benefits from shuffling the chairs are at best unproven. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a distinct sound of thump followed by shuffling noise.
  • Cracking our eyes open to the alarm clock, we pull on whatever is lying at the head of the bed or on the floor, schlepping out the door with layer upon layers and shuffling to class with our heads down, the icy wind bruising our necks.
  • Paralysis agitans (shaking palsy), with its coarse tremor, peculiar facies, immobility, shuffling gait, the ` bread-crumbling 'attitude of the fingers, and deliberate speech, would be readily eliminated even by a novice. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pack of cards, shuffling them hopefully.
  • He's continually picking one up and putting another down, shuffling between indices, tables of contents and bibliographies.
  • Slowly and shufflingly, the dainty child rose to her feet.
  • One by one they moved, shuffling closer to the reassuring glow and pulling their thick cloaks tightly about their heads. The Gods of Asgard
  • One by one they moved, shuffling closer to the reassuring glow and pulling their thick cloaks tightly about their heads. The Gods of Asgard
  • Agreed, Dan, there is a difference between a continuous shuffling machine and a noncontinuous automatic shuffler. Gas Drilling
  • On the other side of the table, Katelyn finished shuffling through her disorganized folders, and she removed one creased paper from the bunch.
  • After fifteen or twenty seconds, Lily and Scheherazade (with Keith somehow bracketed in the middle of it) were swiftly and surreally engulfed by a swarm of young men, not boys or youths, but young men in sharp shirts and pressed slacks, whooping, pleading, cackling and all aflicker, like a telekinetic card trick of kings and knaves, shuffling and riffling and fanning out under the streetlamps ... 'The Pregnant Widow'
  • Not only does this keep you focused on answering the question, it also keeps the reader focused on the proposal, without switching back and forth while shuffling through papers.
  • A lot of what a manager does all day, clearly, is sit behind a desk shuffling paper.
  • Lesser rearrangements, involving the reshuffling of tRNA genes, have been documented in honey bees, other hymenopterans, mosquitoes, collembolans, and an anostracan crustacean.
  • He smiled and winked, then checked his watch and began shuffling papers around on his desk.
  • There was a pause between Acts 1 and 2, and a rather high number of latecomers were admitted, resulting in much shuffling, and a general hum of conversation.
  • This will speed up the process of reshuffling the survival of the fittest.
  • He was shuffling papers around in a large file but stopped when he saw me look up.
  • He appears to be shuffling the decks in an elliptical power move.
  • The benefits from shuffling the chairs are at best unproven. Times, Sunday Times
  • That shuffling has radically affected native creatures evolved to live within a particular ecosystem with particular neighbors. Christianity Today
  • Shuffling around bars with garbage sound systems to music that my parents frugged to is not my idea of a good time.
  • She was already shuffling back when he continued. The Sun
  • We stood there in awkward silence, shuffling our feet gawkily like ducks do when they are hungry.
  • Shuffling past security in our scuzzy T-shirts and jeans, the officious receptionist tuts at us.
  • And when we walked back down the corridor I noticed he was shuffling along, really like a defeated soldier on retreat.
  • He face reddens and he fidgets, shuffling from one foot to the other and rubbing the back of his neck.
  • What comes out clearly is that the Indian team lacks consistency in performance, due to the needless shuffling.
  • Instead, the children sit listlessly in the shade of the only tree in the yard, shuffling their feet, drawing lines in the sand, and dozing.
  • It takes him an age to get up the garden and back down with his short, shuffling steps. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have vague memories of shuffling up the street to the corner shop in them, only to discover that it was closed.
  • If you ask me about my favorite movie star, reality show or sports car, you will get feet shuffling and sidewards glances. Archive 2010-06-01
  • In fact, watching a deflated Van Damme shuffling around in the snow, his mullet lank and unwashed, his face ravaged by time is a genuinely unpleasant experience. The Hard Sell: Coors Light
  • He could hear Brian's niece shuffling about, the soft heels of her shoes padding against the carpet.
  • He walks with a shuffling gait, almost as if he is refusing to lift his feet and take real steps for fear that the ground will disappear once he lifts his feet from it.
  • 'You OK getting back?' Tina asked, shuffling the songs on the iPod to start the dancing.
  • Why was he shuffling through glossy brochures on his lap at the same time?
  • The first symptoms are often stiffness, slow movement and tremors, and sometimes a shuffling walk. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's shuffling towards the dying of the light at his own leisurely pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • So now we have a sensitive, limpid-eyed guy shuffling down the sidewalk of a trendy shopping district on his way to open-mic poetry night, Chairman Mao handbag slung over his frail Vegan shoulders. Woolrich Chic
  • All these were blotted out by a grotesque and terrible nightmare brood — frowsy, shuffling creatures from the pavements of Whitechapel, gin-bloated hags of the stews, and all the vast hell's following of harpies, vile-mouthed and filthy, that under the guise of monstrous female form prey upon sailors, the scrapings of the ports, the scum and slime of the human pit. Chapter 1
  • There is no firm footstep heard amongst them as they shufflingly take their places. London's Underworld
  • She was already shuffling back when he continued. The Sun
  • Morris reveals how this card trick works and explains the mathematics of perfect shuffles in his new book Magic Tricks, Card Shuffling, and Dynamic Computer Memories.
  • At intervals the washer pinged, I hit Save and toddled along to move the loads along, picking up the next heap as I went and shuffling it along the floor in front of me.
  • The crisis exploded after a series of kidnappings and violent demonstrations last week, followed by the chairman's reshuffling of top security posts.
  • But the figure was hunched, and wizened, and coming with slow, shuffling steps. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Selectorial shuffling is a bit like conversational waffling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Disruptions will probably be limited to pre-emptions in the first prime-time hour, but some later reshuffling of the schedule is also possible. Critic's Corner Wednesday
  • It's worth the trouble, just to be able to dream a little over a third cup of coffee, shuffling through your newspaper and doing a bit of desultory people-watching.
  • The constant shuffling around of players from their favoured positions has also caused consternation at the club. Times, Sunday Times
  • As to those who see Hepburn, Hope and Peck's shuffling off into the hereafter as the absolute end of old Tinseltown, I felt that way when Robert Mitchum and Jimmy Stewart hung up their spurs within 24 hours of each other.
  • Kwangchow does the shuffling, anthemic thing that I Walk The Earth, but it manages to be even better. Creased or Folded? hecklerspray Tells You the Way it is
  • The badly drawn one has stuck to a signature script of music-box melodies, shuffling instrumentals and rambling lyrical tangents.
  • Says: same problem and i just bought it to replace my old mp3 player put 130 song stairgt on to it and it won't load past please wait crystal glass Says: my dad got me one of those and IT SUX, the music transferer thingy is crap, and i cant load songs without the thing shuffling them!
  • This shuffling around of genes greatly complicates the analysis of evolution.
  • It remains to be seen whether these changes are more successful than previous attempts at shuffling around of departmental boundaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gyrating, shuffling, mimicking birds and humans, pounding bamboo drums and stomping in rhythm, the men and boys play out a series of dances.
  • The priest has passed down the aisle and sprinkled the Holy Water over us with the aspergil, the boys bearing the censers, preceding him have passed from sight with him behind the dark curtain at the Chancel door; there is a shuffling noise of the departing worshipers and I am alone. A Napa Christchild; and Benicia's Letters
  • It might have lasted for ever if the Major had not been made what is called a brevet-colonel during the shuffling of troops that went on just before the South African War. The Good Soldier
  • It all seems very dull: shuffling bits of paper in endless files.
  • Yet that evidence has broken down, due in part to the shuffling of legislative priorities — but also, perhaps, a symptom of the arduousness of long-term thinking required to craft the future of America's energy landscape, and the earth. After Banking Reform, Energy Still Sits on Ice
  • The first symptoms are often stiffness, slow movement and tremors, and sometimes a shuffling walk. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Oh yeah, it's fine,’ she said absently, shuffling through the mail to make sure there were no emergencies.
  • The software's shuffle-play capability juxtaposes them in intriguing ways, even shuffling through only the tracks played in the past 90 days.
  • There was the sound of a rasp, then paper shuffling.
  • Cheesy operatics are the order of the day, as a shuffling 125 bpm beat almost makes you want to start wiggling your hips.
  • Two beggar cronies," muttered Felipe, in Spanish, as he closed the door after they had vanished shufflingly into old Spooner's room. Frank Merriwell's Pursuit How to Win
  • Unlike other stargazers, my friend does not resort to performing calculations with birthdays and positions of planets or shuffling and reading tarot cards.
  • With one legendary rock star after another shuffling off this mortal coil, it has been a terrible year. Times, Sunday Times
  • She awoke to the sound of shuffling feet and many muffled voices whispering in tones too quiet to be heard clearly.
  • Dennis is busy organizing his desk, shuffling through all sorts of papers.
  • Often, the greatest savings that you'll make will come from reshuffling and filleting the products that you already have.
  • The tax evader skimming unreported income into an offshore account; the briber shuffling funds to the bribee; the violator of the securities laws squirreling away illegal profits; the insecure politician or government official building a retirement fund abroad; the businessman fleeing his creditors; the husband fleeing his wife; the law-abiding citizen fleeing exposure to political or economic risk. Economic Principals
  • He's shuffling towards the dying of the light at his own leisurely pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • His baffling recruitment and shuffling of mediocre foreign players has done no one any favours. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took short shuffling steps and shook his considerable bulk with each one.
  • His feet were shuffling along with the rest of him, tapping out the beat on the cement floor.
  • And the sonorous souls of Russian verbs, lend a meaning to the wild gesticulation of trees or to some discarded newspaper sliding and pausing, and shuffling again, with abortive flaps and apterous jerks along an endless windswept embankment. Anecdotal Evidence
  • I think I detected a visible blush, though she found at that time a great deal to do in spreading bread and butter for James, and shuffling his plate; and, indeed, it was rather a vehement attack on her humility, since it gave her at least "angelic perfection," if not "Adamic" (to use Methodist technics). Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe Compiled From Her Letters and Journals by Her Son Charles Edward Stowe
  • Except that this time, the gentleman of the couple was walking with a frame and was shuffling along very slowly indeed.
  • To hear a lecture on proper accounting from Congress - whose favorite financial tool is shuffling liabilities off its balance sheet, in the form of either unfunded mandates or unfunded promises such as Social Security - is a joke.
  • We heard his feet shuffling down the hall
  • Along with the voices come some shuffling sounds, likes shoes scraping against concrete.
  • I couldn't see from under my pillow, but I knew he was probably near the door shuffling from foot to foot in a nervous fashion.
  • With his peroxide head bowed, eyes closed, the old man feels his way forward, bandy legs shuffling, shoulders stooped, senses bat sharp, as keen as razor wire.
  • She thought herself a fond mother because she insisted on having her children with her, under her thumb, marking their devotion as a prisoner marks time with his feet, stupidly, shufflingly, advancing not Half Portions
  • From the top it looked like an elaborate dance, four arms entwined, four legs shuffling around and between each other.
  • Shuffling the deck of cards expertly, he sighed and leaned back in his chair.
  • Begin by shuffling your feet on the floor as if building up static electricity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shuffling enigma, head occasionally cocked in bird-like inquisitiveness, befriends his fellow patients to mesmerising and medically undefinable effect.
  • As night fell, still the backmarkers persisted - ordinary people of all ages and backgrounds went on and on, some running, others shuffling and others walking, the body resisting, the mind rebelling, the inner battle unrelenting.
  • Imagine yer average punter shuffling into the local garage and asking if ‘that’ model has ‘launch’ capabilities, runs better on this tyre or that, and does it have a Formula 1 recommendation?
  • The beast of prey skulking back to his lair, the stag quenching his thirst ere retiring to the depths of the forest, the wedge of wild fowl flying with trumpet notes to some distant lake, the vulture hastening in heavy flight to the carrion that night has provided, the crane flapping to the shallows, and the jackal shuffling along to his shelter in the nullah, have each and all their portent to the initiated eye. Twenty-One Days in India; and, the Teapot Series
  • Shuffling across thousands of songs suddenly becomes an utterly compelling experience.
  • The reshuffling of the bridge watchbill to ensure that the most hungover junior officer would be on watch for the longest after sailing, the early morning durry that was really an excuse to check up on the Mid's astro.
  • Shuffling the order of tracks doesn't prop up any emotions or themes or kill any "album" concepts.
  • + belomancy, by the shuffling of arrows (Ezechiel, xxi, 21); The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • We all sat in close quarters, awkwardly shuffling our coats and bags.
  • Knowledge and theory move forward together in a kind of uneasy, shuffling collaboration. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Fifty or more counters sit at trestle tables shuffling the ballot papers into piles of 50.
  • I picked up a deck of cards from his desk, shuffling to keep myself occupied.
  • He then got to his feet and started shuffling along doing an impression of the way I walked.
  • ‘You might be waiting a while,’ she muttered miserably, shuffling to her feet.
  • The constant shuffling around of players from their favoured positions has also caused consternation at the club. Times, Sunday Times
  • Devon retorted, shuffling through his bag and pulling out a red apple, ‘Here, you should eat.’
  • Into that silence that was fraught with the shuffling of feet, bare and slippered both, the faint hiss of the stove and the sub-aural racket of neurons firing in brains that were no longer in touch with souls, no longer calm and meditative, neurons nudged from the path and straining to find their way back, there came a deep harsh ratcheting cry from the figure on the bed, from Karuna. The Silence
  • A soft noise came from inside, a quiet shuffling and a low muttering.
  • For three days Kieran left the bed only to hobble down the hallway to the garderobe, leaning heavily on Michael's arm, shuffling in the remnants of his torn leather shoes.
  • During their shuffling, colliding ascent they build up heaps of electrons - electric charges. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • I don't think the old guy got it, and pretty soon he was shuffling back up the mountain.
  • We listened to the sound of the snow; a soft, shuffling sound that like slippered footsteps on the roof of the car.
  • The constant shuffling around of players from their favoured positions has also caused consternation at the club. Times, Sunday Times
  • Phenomena such as exon shuffling imply that genomes are constantly being rearranged, and are not mere static repositories of information.
  • Shuffling penitentially on your knees, bending and scraping with dustpan and brush while vicious pine needles perforate your's almost enough to make you feel like Christmas might, in a twisted way, be the descendent of some sort of primitive religious festival. After the Binge Must Come the Purge
  • The soldiers had only just dismounted and stopped the runaway horse by the time he arrived on the scene, and the animal was still shuffling nervously.
  • The sight of him soft-shoe-shuffling is one that will long stay with me. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A couple of blocks away from the muzak and smooth elevators of the mall, I arrived at a grim neighbourhood of porn cinemas and shuffling vagrants.
  • The pin-drop silence at the start gradually melted into a gentle background murmur, full of the sound of papers rustling, friends whispering and restless feet shuffling.

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