
How To Use Shrubbery In A Sentence

  • Here we walked through a large lawn of uncut grasses dotted with early-summer bulbs and flowers following a winding, mowed path leading into shrubbery and woodland.
  • The front garden slopes away from the house, with the incline packed with an interesting array of shrubbery and tall flowers - white flowering eucryphia and myrtle blend with statuesque hoheriay and elegant miscanthus grasses.
  • The next thing I knew stentorian voices were to be heard outside, accompanied by high-powered torch beams piercing the shrubbery.
  • With a little shrubbery or plants, such fences can provide very attractive barriers along property lines.
  • A blinding coat of white blanketed the thick shrubbery that defined my garden.
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  • The garden is split level with a paved area, a well manicured lawn and a shrubbery with water feature.
  • Dover, Delaware The house, overgrown with weeds and shrubbery, had no ostentation. MAMBO
  • So saying, the Robin trilled out a pleasant farewell, and returned to the shrubbery grounds, where, in an ivy covered wall, he had found for himself a snug little winter's home. Parables From Nature
  • Mother was a very keen gardener and under her supervision we grew all our own vegetables and looked after the flower garden and shrubbery.
  • If it is dense enough, shrubbery can provide a home to ground-nesting birds such as doves and thrushes as well as small mammals like rabbits.
  • He drove the party through the grounds, sometimes over clumps of bush and through shrubbery as he lost the way in his excitement.
  • To avoid being intercepted, she took a circuitous route along a path through the shrubbery. COMPULSION
  • The front garden has shrubbery and a tarmacadam driveway with parking for up to three cars.
  • Marshall Street, our local drinking hole, now has shrubbery, not just suds.
  • A peep of chickens, recently evicted from their nests along Highway 99 by road construction, has taken residence in parking lot shrubbery.
  • The shrubbery was symbolic, and one particular tree was planted in memory of the Keller's lost son.
  • Of course the shrubbery was to be the jungle, and the lawn under the cedar a forest glade, and then we began to collect the things. The Wouldbegoods
  • To protect themselves from predation they like rough land such as heathland, and coastal terrain with good cover, such as that provided by furze (gorse) and other dense shrubbery. Ducks, dragons, and dictionaries
  • On the Garden-side it is bordered by a shadowy, secluded grove, with winding paths among its boskiness, affording many a peep at the river's imperceptible lapse and tranquil gleam; and on the opposite shore stands the priory-church, with its churchyard full of shrubbery and tombstones. Our Old Home A Series of English Sketches A Series of English Sketches
  • Each had its gay little garden, its shrubbery of lilac, holly, or laurustinus, and its creeper-covered porch.
  • Thrushes sing in the green shrubbery; rooks caw in the elms.
  • The Tidy Towns committee have been working rain or shine to keep the flower borders, rockeries and shrubbery areas trim, free of weeds and litter.
  • Dover, Delaware The house, overgrown with weeds and shrubbery, had no ostentation. MAMBO
  • I geographically triassic what all the steinman is compulsorily on the bulge dissent norepinephrine so that i can canonization the shrubbery and tirolean. has to spear at its specifically fizzing, appropriately prophylactic haplotype, and stambul apogamy they jejunostomy to coot faker in mollification to do it. Rational Review
  • Continuing our route we crossed some park-like glades, with scattered forest trees, and fringed by the graceful shrubbery, the _macchia_, common to both the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • Hornets 'nests are usually found high above ground on branches of trees, in shrubbery, or on gables; one type nests in tree hollows. Stinging insect allergy
  • Oh, if anything, anything, _anything_ would happen!" she breathed, stretching out both arms toward the snowy shrubbery-broken expanse behind the house which in summer was her garden. Under the Country Sky
  • She'd gone as far as the shrubbery, to collect a sheaf of bright leaves for the music room. A RAKE'S VOW
  • Dense shrubbery can provide shelter, as can brush piles, thickets of rugosa roses, or tall evergreen trees such as coast live oak, deodar cedar, or redwood.
  • Shrubbery and tree branches are used as sawdust and fodder for fires that generate steam for energy and land has been set aside for ecotourism.
  • Rachel inched along the edge of the shrubbery towards the opposite side of the fountain.
  • With the Tishman Speyer-led team in control of the property's fate thanks to their superhigh bid, the East Side property was on course to be a luxurious Manhattan enclave, complete with shiny granite, a new movie theater, a thick forest of added trees and shrubbery and, eventually, a full stock of market-rate-paying renters. Stuy Town: What's Next?
  • These cottages are in themselves as ugly as possible, resembling a large kind of pigsty; but often, by dint of the verdure on their thatch and the shrubbery clustering about them, they look picturesque. Passages from the English Notebooks, Complete
  • We lurked in the shrubbery until the last light had been extinguished, then broke in using the side window that Raffles had jemmied the previous evening -- the butler had evidently not thought it worth bolting the stable door, so to speak -- opened the safe, and took the stones, which were, Raffles whispered, quite undisturbed. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • As we threaded the shrubbery, which is very thick about the place, she explained to me the cause of her abrupt departure. The Millionaire Baby
  • Our young piony at the foot of the fir-tree has just blown and looks very handsome, and the whole of the shrubbery border will soon be very gay with pinks and sweet-williams, in addition to the columbines already in bloom. Jane Austen's Letters To Her Sister Cassandra and Others
  • Sheltered by trees and shrubbery, with mature hedging on both sides, it has an extensive patio and is pleasantly secluded.
  • The ruins are now completely overgrown with shrubbery and valonia oaks.
  • The person Eleanor had seen in the shrubbery was the first one found, as Mr. Rhys had said. The Old Helmet
  • The Captain obeyed, and as he turned from the bookshelves Daisy took his hand again, and drew him, child-fashion, out of the house and through the shrubbery. Melbourne House
  • Low shrubbery, especially berry bushes that also provide a food source, makes an effective shelter.
  • Resisting a strong urge to groan, Vane, Patience's hand locked in his, led the way back through the shrubbery. A RAKE'S VOW
  • On one level, it's all very exciting - what if we find a potful of coins under the shrubbery? Times, Sunday Times
  • After a lengthy walk down the alley, and behind the back of the store, he noticed a lone car parked behind some bushes and shrubbery.
  • Agent Orange was the code name of a herbicide developed for the military to prohibit enemy concealment in dense terrain by defoliating trees and shrubbery where the enemy could hide. Agenge Orange Study R.A. West
  • Shrubbery around the find was badly scorched from the attempt to set the bodies on fire.
  • On top of the castle is a beautiful garden, full of rare plants and handsome trees and shrubbery. Six Months in Mexico
  • Dense shrubbery can provide shelter, as can brush piles, thickets of rugosa roses, or tall evergreen trees such as coast live oak, deodar cedar, or redwood.
  • The shrubbery replaced a hard area and was designed to prevent accidents at a blind corner where the city wall meets South Esplanade.
  • He started walking toward the light shrubbery surrounding the area.
  • Then she bounded through the shrubbery, fleeing, her trousers flapping round her, her shoes left behind. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • I geographically triassic what all the steinman is compulsorily on the bulge dissent norepinephrine so that i can canonization the shrubbery and tirolean. has to spear at its specifically fizzing, appropriately prophylactic haplotype, and stambul apogamy they jejunostomy to coot faker in mollification to do it. Rational Review
  • A combination of homely suburbs and hot sunshine; unblemished beaches and boundless bush; manicured parks and tropical shrubbery.
  • Jenny bent down to grind out her cigarette stub in the lank grass and then tossed it with a stone-skipping twist of her white wrist into the tangled shrubbery.
  • Mature lawns surround Lakefield House while the manageable garden also features a shrubbery and rockeries as well as the two patio areas.
  • Thrushes sing in the green shrubbery; rooks caw in the elms.
  • he took a header into the shrubbery
  • The bay window looked out onto the street, a wide stretch of paved road, pocked with grass and lined by a dozen more houses, spaced out by tens of feet of lush grass and shrubbery.
  • South Africa has limited its capacity to plant more vineyards because it wanted to preserve the unique Cape Floral Kingdom which consists of indigenous "fynbos" (shrubbery) as a critical ecosystem. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We went out to take some photographs in a marble courtyard replete with shrubbery and elephantine urns where uninterested figures dined al fresco.
  • They were at some little distance from the big flower-garden, and the path that led to them was heavily shaded by shrubbery on one side, and on the other by a hedge which, though "quickset" as a foundation, was now a mass of honeysuckle and everlasting peas. Six to Sixteen A Story for Girls
  • Students sketched ‘attractive lawns and backyards and [gave] suggestions of what native shrubbery to use and when to transplant it’ in this class.
  • The smooth shining laurels in the shrubbery were the only things in nature that seemed no worse for the perpetual downpour. Vixen, Volume I.
  • Quentin came down the stone steps from the front door and paused briefly in the shrubbery to remind Will Palmer that the incurved chrysanthemums they were nursing for Kingsmarkham flower show were due for a dose of liquid fertiliser. A Guilty Thing Surprised
  • A combination of homely suburbs and hot sunshine; unblemished beaches and boundless bush; manicured parks and tropical shrubbery.
  • To protect themselves from predation they like rough land such as heathland, and coastal terrain with good cover, such as that provided by furze (gorse) and other dense shrubbery. Ducks, dragons, and dictionaries
  • Specimens grown as trees in a shrubbery or semi-wild garden can be left to grow as they want, with branches removed only when access is required or they are dead or diseased.
  • And I betcha in that flick, somebody would have at least demanded a shrubbery.
  • Low shrubbery, especially berry bushes that also provide a food source, makes an effective shelter.
  • They were at some little distance from the big flower garden, and the path that led to them was heavily shaded by shrubbery on one side, and on the other by a hedge which, though "quickset" as a foundation, was now a mass of honeysuckle and everlasting peas. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • I did genuinely love the elmy quiet of the dear old Cambridge streets, though, and I had a real and instant pleasure in the yellow colonial houses, with their white corners and casements and their green blinds, that lurked behind the shrubbery of the avenue I passed through to Mount My First Visit to New England (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
  • It seems they're necking on the decking, whispering sweet nothings by the sweet peas and what they get up to behind the shrubbery is nobody's business.
  • The main reason of constitute of shrubbery and its distribution of Qilian Mountain is environmental change.
  • She'd gone as far as the shrubbery, to collect a sheaf of bright leaves for the music room. A RAKE'S VOW
  • While there is a shrubbery to the front, the main outdoor attractions of this house lie at the rear where a large patio area has been developed on two levels in a real suntrap.
  • Johannes, watching her, had a sense that he had willed her existence from the shadowy play of starlight on shrubbery. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Cat pointed toward the shrubbery, the secluded stand of laburnum, Leda and her god hidden away in eternal orgasm. Earl of Durkness
  • And before Anna could respond, he was off, vanishing into the shrubbery. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • In the midst of her studies, a light step bounded down through the shrubbery from the house, and Daisy had hardly raised her head when Nora was at her side. Melbourne House
  • Now instead of the dappled shade of an old oak outside their front door, the Beagles have a weathered brick patio on which 24 neatly trimmed boxwood globes seem to swirl in a beautifully choreographed shrubbery ballet.
  • Sometimes they strolled in the garden, where winter had peeled the leaves from the bare shrubbery, exposing the earth beneath, swollen with rain.
  • To protect themselves from predation they like rough land such as heathland, and coastal terrain with good cover, such as that provided by furze (gorse) and other dense shrubbery. March « 2009 « Sentence first
  • He told of places where under-gardeners had trembled at his looks, where there were meres and swanneries, labyrinths of walk and wildernesses of sad shrubbery in his control, till you could not help feeling that it was condescension on his part to dress your humbler garden plots. Memories and Portraits
  • Jenny bent down to grind out her cigarette stub in the lank grass and then tossed it with a stone-skipping twist of her white wrist into the tangled shrubbery.
  • At the end of the bridge leading into the shrubbery there was a stile, high indeed, but made commodiously with steps, almost like a double stair case, so that ladies could pass it without trouble. The American Senator
  • Michael collected sticks from the shrubbery and threw them on, making small flames leap up.
  • I caught sight of the familiar shrubbery and gardens, and even the shape of a monumental manor.
  • Until her shoulder bag was found in the shrubbery of a garden she would have passed on her route home. AFTERMATH
  • Hungry cats will raid trash cans, and playful kittens will destroy shrubbery and soil lawn furniture.
  • In a nook of the shrubbery was another rustic seat. Kent Knowles: Quahaug
  • Often, for shrubbery to thrive, it first had to be hacked to the ground.
  • Both shelter and cover can be easily provided by blending areas of shrubbery, trees, or rockeries into your landscape design.
  • Norman Pinder was creeping through the last few yards of shrubbery before he would reach the window of the small seminar room.
  • There is off-street parking for two cars in a front garden with a side lawn and mature shrubbery.
  • It is fronted by a cobblelock driveway which provides off-street parking for two cars, as well as a small landscaped shrubbery.
  • He'll happily party for five days, literally, but I know Jo will end up very content with a nice little home and if not a picket fence than perhaps some shrubbery.
  • The trunk of Oak at Field's Edge is broad, solid and tactile, but the lower branches are shadows, and the leaves and shrubbery dissolve into a green miasma.
  • Whatever your privacy needs, the density of your shrubbery is up to you. Diane Pham | Inhabitat
  • In this work, appropriately titled Across the Street, a window with soot-black mullions gives onto a view of geometric shrubbery in the near distance, beyond which the built landscape stacks in blocks and meets the sky.
  • Cleanliness and trash pickup are ongoing maintenance jobs, as is the upkeep of public gardens, shrubbery and flowers.
  • There is side access to the rear garden, which includes a decked patio area, border shrubbery and a lawn as well as a small shed.
  • The 97-foot rear garden is in lawn, with flowering plants and shrubbery.
  • Two grown adults ferreting among the shrubbery, shaking various boxes of favourite food and calling daft pet names into the darkness… to no avail.
  • For at the top of the shrubbery was a high stone wall and in that wall a door by which you could get out on to open moor. The Silver Chair
  • We went out to take some photographs in a marble courtyard replete with shrubbery and elephantine urns where uninterested figures dined al fresco.
  • The shrubbery prevented anyone being seen among the winding trails and the dense canopy kept the shade cool and moist.
  • This includes lawned rights-of-ways, parks, shrubbery, bike lanes and sculptures. Want One Port Mann Bridge, or a Light Rail Metropolis? « Stephen Rees’s blog

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