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How To Use Shroud In A Sentence

  • [18] But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The city is the first thing I see from my bedroom window when I roll up the blinds of a morning, except on those days when it is shrouded in a thick blanket of damp mist.
  • The body was washed and prepared for burial by the women of the family (or by the monastic infirmarer, in the case of a monk or nun), and either shrouded or placed in a coffin.
  • Anguish has driven her from the inglenook of home to the white-shrouded and icy hills. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Haze Blankets Singapore Vivek Prakash/Reuters A combination photo showed Singapore's financial district on a clear day on Sept. 11, top, and shrouded in haze on Thursday, bottom. Indonesia Seeks to Stem Haze
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  • In 2002 the Holy See had the shroud restored.
  • Reaching the shrouds hanging from Kaliakra's starboard side, he began his ascent.
  • She turned the knob and was enveloped in a shroud of fetid air as the door swung open.
  • But I suppose it was too much to expect for him to have a black, twirly moustache and for her to cackle mysteriously from beneath an impenetrable black shroud.
  • At Hemp Knoll the bone toggle had been broken and subsequently decorated, suggesting a long history of use before being sewn onto the clothing or shroud of the deceased.
  • Are these textiles Baroque draperies, shrouds or the curtains of a luxurious four-poster bed defiled and destroyed?
  • An imbalance between these two often causes the quest for gender equality to be shrouded in confusion.
  • The romantic backdrop of mist-shrouded mountains and ancient temples in the southeast town of Kyongju only highlighted the strain between the two.
  • The mist shrouding the valley had lifted by eight o'clock.
  • The exact death toll remained shrouded in mystery. The Sun
  • If cable-laid, the tails lie aft on the larboard side and forward on the starboard side; shroud-laid the opposite.
  • It is said to depict a chrisom child, i.e., a chrisom is a child's white robe worn at baptism, used as a shroud if the infant dies within a month.
  • “My brother continues to use the word codex to describe the Shroud,” Anne said. The Shroud Codex
  • Her eyes were extraordinarily blue and her face seemed shrouded in mist. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • Steam rose slowly from cooling streets mingling with viscous fog, enshrouding lubricious night. Torn Among These Lovers
  • But images of the period are shrouded in myth and clouded by partisan rhetoric.
  • Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," the leading Republican journal of the North, contented himself with referring to Brown and his followers as "mistaken men," but added that he would "not by one reproachful word disturb the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and his compatriots are sleeping. The end of an era,
  • At sea, the sailors are continually engaged in "parcelling," "serving," and in a thousand ways ornamenting and repairing the numberless shrouds and stays; mending sails, or turning one side of the deck into a rope-walk, where they manufacture a clumsy sort of twine, called spun-yarn. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • When his third went in, the Press box was already shrouded in smoke. The Sun
  • That the woman has been forced to forgo her rights and the fact that the relationship is shrouded in secreecy render misyar marriage totally illegitimate. Arabnews - frontpage
  • The shrouds and back-stays are first cast off, and the mast-head got as far forward as nearly to touch the fore-part of the partners, by the runners and tackles or burtons of the mizenmast.
  • That's not to say he sings in a heavily accented style, far from it; indeed many of the characteristics of the Faroese language carry well into Teitur's anglophonic melodies but the shroud of mystery is one which a lot of artists benefit greatly from. Drowned In Sound // Feed
  • Such matters are shrouded in secrecy and the cloak of confidentiality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before the treaty the American West consisted of the old Louisiana Purchase lands that rose in ladderlike fashion from the mouth of the Mississippi, climbed the courses of the Missouri, and touched the rocky, fog-shrouded shores of the Northwest. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • Bell shrouds in haze the art within the story so the reader interprets, based on their own predispositions, if anyone involved is meant to have real talent. What Are You Reading? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Aye, aye, sir," the boy answered readily, for he enjoyed being aloft, and he clambered up the shrouds to the fore-topgallant yard and furled the sail, taking a pride in having it lie smooth and round on the top of the yard. The Boy With the U. S. Fisheries
  • The village of Kakariko, a lazy and sleepy town at the foothills of Death Mountain, was shrouded in a tired and laid back theme.
  • The screw holds in the shroud line up easily with those in the heatsink base, and the four small screws supplied attach the cover firmly.
  • But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The burial shroud was lying where the body had been placed and the headpiece was folded neatly and put in a different part of the tomb.
  • Turnbuckles and chainplates must be angled so that loads are in a direct line with stays and shrouds.
  • Flags are bits of coloured cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people's brains and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead.
  • Shrouded by early morning mists, cloaked in oak and beech woods that echo with the sound of matin bells and Gregorian chant, these venerable ruins bring the most distant history to life.
  • Nor do we view the tiny flame of our own kindling (guarded in lasting purity as its light ever is) with greater awe than the celestial fires though they are often shrouded in darkness; nor do we deem it a greater marvel than the craters of Etna, whose eruptions throw up stones from its depths and great masses of rock, and at times pour forth rivers of that pure and unmixed subterranean fire. On the Sublime
  • I unfortunately lost the pictures of his very slick bridles, but he has created two aerotow bridles from Spectra and Vectran lines in thicknesses used for shroud lines on parachutes.
  • She was accidentally rammed by HMS Warrior in thick weather in the winter of 1867, losing boats, chains, shrouds and back stays.
  • The shroud base is very wide, restricts sheeting angles and will contribute to reduced performance to windward.
  • For instance, in the Odyssey, while Odysseus is away, Penelope keeps weaving and undoing and reweaving a funeral shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes; she is doing this to postpone a task she does not want, that of giving up on Odysseus and choosing from among her pesky suitors. Ingrid Hill - An interview with author
  • On the few occasions when the wind was not blowing a gale, the fog descended like a shroud.
  • Still, a pricing system shrouded in mystery is also ripe for abuse. Medical pricing a mystery even to the experts
  • Each mountain, as if its firm and immutable form were flexible and varying, altered in appearance, like that of a shadowy apparition, as the position of the strangers relative to them changed with their motions, and as the mist, which continued slowly though constantly to descend, influenced the rugged as pect of the hilts and valleys which it shrouded with its vapory mantle. Anne of Geierstein
  • I said I was embarrassed not to know; someone had assured me that a theremin was a kind of "Eastern" religion, and the "cracking into a thousand pieces" was the consequence of being peered at by a waiflike holy man enveloped in a white shroud. Archive 2007-06-01
  • The body is washed and wrapped in a shroud, then cloth, and then sometimes a felt rug.
  • We see that 'Shroud science' - like 'creation science' and other pseudosciences in the service of dogma - begins with the desired answer and works backward to the evidence.
  • Rats run freely over the shrouded corpses which lie abandoned in the corridors.
  • Instead of grounding its characters in a convincing world, the film shrouds them in a vague, New Age, woo-woo spirituality.
  • They are nearsighted, and do not see past the aura of bright lies that he has shrouded himself in.
  • Planet X is rarely visible at all, being behind a dense dust cloud that shrouds it.
  • The hill was shrouded in a grey mist of drizzle. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • The thin, shrouded tongawallah whipped his horse, veins snaking down his wrists, riverlike. An Atlas of Impossible Longing
  • We stopped off for a quick look, but it was shrouded in mist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shroud is imprinted with the image of a naked man who bears the marks of whipping and crucifixion.
  • It was thought," says Nashe, in his Quaternio, "a kind of solecism, and to savour of effeminacy, for a young gentleman in the flourishing time of his age to creep into a coach, and to shroud himself from wind and weather: our great delight was to out-brave the blustering boreas upon a great horse; to arm and prepare ourselves to go with Mars and Bellona into the field was our sport and pastime; coaches and caroches we left unto them for whom they were first invented, for ladies and gentlemen, and decrepit age and impotent people. Bracebridge Hall
  • The front housing portion comprises upper and lower grooved shrouds extending forwardly from the front wall.
  • A shroud of thick clouds obscured its furthest side, giving the illusion of infinitude.
  • In conjunction with some hard foam strips, the chrome shrouds raise the fans away from the radiator surface to give a plenum area for each fan.
  • She ducked beneath the foreboom to discover Apollo and Gerard standing at the port rail and Kevin lounging against the foremast shrouds as if they were a hammock. Thief Of Hearts
  • He shrouded their work in mystery, insisting that no outsider be told what they were up to.
  • A few seconds later I emerge from an arroyo, and with the road now traveling due north, the Santa Lucias loom directly ahead, a great shrouded wall plunging down to meet the Pacific.
  • The dead would seem to have gone to their pyres dressed rather than in shrouds.
  • The coast is enshrouded with fog - out of the fog there is this lobster boat, and we paddled up to it.
  • And there won't be much change this afternoon, with the full blanket of cloud still shrouding the country.
  • Everything was covered in a thick shroud of dust.
  • From what sounds like an amalgamation of hardcore and thrash metal, any promising musical ability is then shrouded by the raspy rap-rattled-off vocals, which are then accompanied by a dominating rhythm.
  • The cloud swept onward, like a mass of cirrhi, in those shadows shrouded. Under Two Flags
  • Baggy, shapeless, colorless, they were as unprepossessing as a shroud. Raziel
  • The exact fate of the 45 people on board is shrouded in mystery.
  • Then there is light, and a discarded shroud, and a risen Christ bearing the stigmata leaves the tomb.
  • Instead, the Moon Beings became like wraiths, cloudy figures always shrouded by a misty covering-willing to do anything their master asked.
  • The chrome shroud has the mounting holes for the fans on both sides, allowing you to orientate the inlet and outlet ports as needed as well as of course being able to use 4 fans in a push-pull configuration.
  • There is an anchor locker forward and rigging shrouds are well inboard for easy passage fore and aft.
  • A human form lay there, wrapped in a shroud.
  • After six seasons, Lost ended as it began, shrouded in an aura of pronounced mysterioso, its insistence on being elusive and allusive with regard to its central mythology either endlessly beguiling or endlessly irritating. William Bradley: Time Slips Away for 24 and Lost in Very Different Finales
  • Its recent past is shrouded in secrecy. Times, Sunday Times
  • So soon therefore as they saw my face they ran again into the mouth of their dam, whom I killed, and then found each of them shrouded in a distinct cell or pannicle in her belly, much like unto a soft white jelly, which maketh me to be of the opinion that our adder is the viper indeed. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • The selection process was also shrouded in mystery. Times, Sunday Times
  • On two of three sets of stairs, shrouded women stood like statues. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole scene was densely shrouded in thick plumes of sulphur.
  • After completing their rendezvous, Stafford and Cernan discovered that the ATDA’s shroud had not jettisoned. First Man
  • What child now dares lose themselves among these rasping ghouls, whose shrouds come peeling off in leprous strips? Wine Poetry
  • Basically, all these guys do is throw a shrouding mist over the issue, and try to pretend that they have a rational answer when really they only have fideism. Chris Hitchens meets the Christians | RELIGION Blog |
  • shroud the corpses
  • The Ihram, the two unstitched pieces of white cloth that replace dress for men, reminds us of the burial shroud.
  • NGC 2818 is a beautiful planetary nebula, the gaseous shroud of a dying sun - like star.
  • We ate the fish with soy and wasabi and admired the beautiful scenery of Obama bay, the lush forested mountains shrouded in dawn mist giving a mysterious calm to the place.
  • Few Frenchmen would recognize their beloved hanger steak enshrouded and enlivened by jalapeño mojo.
  • In the surrounding countryside, at least a dozen cows and sheep lay dead, covered by the silty grey material that began spewing on August 4 from the crater, obscured from view by a shroud of dark clouds.
  • From within the shroud of smoke a vehicle emerged, popping a large wheelie before falling back onto its front wheel and zooming away.
  • Breechings for all guns are to be made of the best hemp, of three-stranded rope, shroud-laid, and soft; and for smooth-bore guns not to measure less than seven and a half nor more than eight inches in the coil, excepting those for IX-inch guns, which are to measure nine and a half inches, and for XI-inch ten and a half inches. Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
  • Shrouded in a sheet of transparent plastic to keep off the wind and trap the warmth of his breath, he sat on his wooden tackle box wrapped in furs and sheepskin as the temperature hovered around minus 15C.
  • He cut the shroud lines and tied them to a couple of trees to mark a spot that could be seen from the air.
  • The visit of the barques, brigantines and schooners also seemed to drive off some of the tourism malaise created by a July shrouded in fog, damp and rain.
  • The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery
  • Prominent in the raceway surface and rolling direction parallel to the narrow shroud.
  • It was well after 3:00am and the coastal fog was enshrouding the vineyards next to the highway.
  • The visit of the barques, brigantines and schooners also seemed to drive off some of the tourism malaise created by a July shrouded in fog, damp and rain.
  • Colonel Lewis put a tapered extension at the muzzle end so that blast overpressure will cause a vacuum and draw cooling air from the receiver end through the shroud as the gun is being fired.
  • It would seem the patina of "classiness" that still shrouds "Underpants-Losing-Drunk Island" goes a long way.
  • It is non-conspirational, structuralist and yet shrouded in secrecy at the same time as declaring its protocols are Kantian in their actuality. 18 « August « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • She turned the knob and was enveloped in a shroud of fetid air as the door swung open.
  • The planet Venus is enshrouded in thick clouds.
  • I also changed into a kittel (white robe used as a shroud) during the ceremony because I wanted to acknowledge that I was on the journey to the end of my life. Savina Teubal, 1926–2005: Statement
  • The island was enshrouded in mist.
  • What lively pity she feels for those whom she recognizes still shrouded in the darkness! Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Miles motioned towards the gentlemen of the room, shrouded in a cloud of smoke and the smell of brandy.
  • January's garden is one huddled below ground; its plants submerged beneath a thick layer of frozen earth, itself shrouded beneath a thick carpet of snow.
  • Thus, when one side was bathed in light and warmth, the other would be a cold, dismal place shrouded in darkness.
  • The side decks are uncluttered except for the necessary genoa track and the mast shrouds are well inboard for easy passage and improved sheeting angles.
  • We have been blessed with everything from deserts and rolling hills to cloud-shrouded mountain peaks.
  • Sometimes the quilts are eventually used as a shroud for burial.
  • One plant had wreathed itself round a statue of Vertumnus, which was thus quite veiled and shrouded in a drapery of hanging foliage, so happily arranged that it might have served a sculptor for a study.
  • He is still shrouded in mystique - but he is no longer quite such a mystery.
  • “Despardieux, milor,” said the Chevalier, “if he had stayed one moment, he should have had a torchon — what you call a dishclout, pinned to him for a piece of shroud, to show he be de ghost of one grand fanfaron.” The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Howling wind blew fiercely from all directions as thick clouds covered the sky, shrouding the graveyard in an almost complete darkness.
  • This gave me hope, for I thought that if she were attracted to shrouding herself in a jilbab she would not ask for such clothes. Nomad
  • The morning sunshine gave way to a sombre shroud of grey clouds, which threatened rain but failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the boisterous crowd.
  • So soon therefore as they saw my face they ran again into the mouth of their dam, whom I killed, and then found each of them shrouded in a distinct cell or pannicle in her belly, much like unto a soft white jelly, which maketh me to be of the opinion that our adder is the viper indeed. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • The morning was raw and fog had formed an ethereal shroud over Wolverhampton. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tears did not fall from her father’s eyes — not then, as her mother gasped her last; not later, when she herself wailed lustily at the indignity of being thrust out of the womb; and not after, when both mother and child were each bundled as appropriate, in shroud and blanket respectively. Archive 2003-01-01
  • Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Robbie Gennet: On Role Models and their Bongs
  • Legends of King Arthur abound in Glastonbury, and the Tor is said to be the mystical Isle of Avalon because when shrouded in fog, this mound seems to float in the air. An Interview With Ellen Mcdonough
  • The British were still seven to one; their carronades, loaded with marline-spikes, swept the gun-deck, of which we had possession, and decimated our little force; when a rifle-ball from the shrouds of the Novels by Eminent Hands
  • Cemeteries are shrouded in mist and beset by locusts.
  • Near the top, the bear- and bull-baiting rings lie shrouded in darkness. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • After the baptism a piece of white linen cloth was placed on the head of the child, and remained there until the mother had been "churched" or purified; it was called the "chrisom cloth" and, if the infant died within a month, was used as a shroud. Excerpt: Shakespeare by Peter Ackroyd
  • Perched on a tiny, tear-shaped island in the middle of the lake sat a small, white church shrouded in trees.
  • Our afternoons together were shrouded in secrecy. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has been high interest in the site but its future remains shrouded in controversy as numerous competing plans exist for the last site along the old docks.
  • Approaching the island, the images of huge mist-shrouded crags say it all but Parris feels the need to extemporise and effuse, piling adverb upon adverb into a tower of babbling.
  • The island was sighted by the ship at 0700 on the following morning, and the town itself was hardly discernible through a thick pall of smoke which hung like a shroud over the quiet streets.
  • That same ability to sustain the smallest thread of pianissimo cast a chilling spell when, in "Die liebe Farbe", he shrouded his voice to sing of death while the superb Helmut Deutsch kept the millwheel turning in his beautifully sensitive, many-coloured accompaniment. Nigel Kennedy/ Orchestra of Life; Sir Charles Mackerras Memorial Concert; Jonas Kaufmann
  • If the child died within a month of baptism, the chrisom-cloth was used as a burial shroud.
  • The exact death toll remained shrouded in mystery. The Sun
  • Once in the water, the hoist promptly snarled in the parachute's shroud lines.
  • We must rid ourself of this psychological cloak of darkness before it becomes our shroud.
  • They have become almost shrouded in myth but their dedication and unshakeable mindset is no mystery when you consider their starting point on this journey.
  • The wingtip snagged a shroud line and deflated the canopy.
  • Soliman, the sultan, is in cahoots with sinister aliens who slink across the stage, shrouded like mummies, with black faceplates and, in one case, clawlike appendages used as an extra set of legs. Anne Midgette revisits Wolf Trap's staging of Mozart's 'Zaide'
  • Economic recovery has begun, albeit inevitably shrouded with uncertainty about quite how strong and durable it is going to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are shrouded in dark magic and strange fantasy world.
  • Using the back edge of the mast shoe as your guide check to see the string between the shrouds and aft edge of the mast shoe are parallel.
  • None other shroud is worthy of thy virtues!" cried he. The Scottish Chiefs
  • About him, the house lay slumberous, the cloak of night, temporarily disturbed, settling back, a muffling shroud. A RAKE'S VOW
  • Dark morning sleet whitecrusts the world once more, shrouds remains of January thaw: butts, bits of Styrofoam cups, the black-hoofed leg bone of a deer, dragged home again and again and again by our dog; the same bone I heave into the hemlocks each time I go for wood. February
  • Hazy, hot, and hidden: dust-laden clouds at the centers of some galaxies may enshroud titanic starburst or baby quasars.
  • When the black shroud was removed from the white jersey, the crowd exploded with cheers in a standing ovation as fans began to chant Robinson's name.
  • Betty laughed while she crocheted the funeral shroud.
  • For the man for whom these lavish arrangements had been made had spent his life behind an almost impenetrable shroud of secrecy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until now the ship had either been shown shrouded in mist or swathed in tubes to preserve her. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its final throes the decaying rock is whittled down into curious rounded shapes standing in a line, like a queue of shrouded figures.
  • To our right Ben Nevis guarded the loch, but we never saw the mountain, shrouded in low rain clouds and mist.
  • As we left, the strath was shrouded in a harr, a type of sea mist, but by the time we have driven east from Inverness conditions were ideal. Country diary: Nairn Dunes
  • At the same time the sun's vital rays would be unable to penetrate this shroud. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • But she showed me, too, her shroud -- her _shroud_! The Brass Bound Box
  • We raked the water's mirrored edge and poled in willow-shrouded brakes, plumbed the deep and darked ledge, traced dimensions of despair and waked in light to fete your coming home – Archive 2008-06-01
  • This done, I caused Simpson to unstep the gig's single mast and lay it fore and aft in the boat, with the heel resting upon and firmly lashed to the small grating which covered the after end of the boat between the backboard of the stern-sheets and the stern-post, while the head was supported by a crutch formed of two stretchers lashed together and placed upright upon the bow thwart, the whole being firmly secured in place by the two shrouds attached to the mast-head. A Middy in Command A Tale of the Slave Squadron
  • Shrouded in bracken and blackberry brambles is a bush dangling dozens of berries like Christmas tree ornaments.
  • They were supposed to be taking notes but Charlotte was sketching some abstract designs in the margin, her short dull hair falling about her eyes, shrouding her from the view of the classroom.
  • The next day the body is washed, placed in shrouds (burial cloths), and laid on a bed for a final viewing.
  • Her eyes were extraordinarily blue and her face seemed shrouded in mist. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • London was shrouded in darkness. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • The land was shrouded in a grey haze. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joseph was shrouded beneath a grey, black-striped blanket, and rested his rifle across his saddle pommel.
  • She struggled through holly thickets, forced through dense stands of winter blackthorn, still shrouded in dead leaf.
  • The shrouds used to cover the faces of the dead were often decayed by bacteria in the mouth, revealing the corpse's teeth, and vampires became known as shroud-eaters. The Financial Express
  • His career remains shrouded by polemicists' disparaging depictions of him.
  • Economic recovery has begun, albeit inevitably shrouded with uncertainty about quite how strong and durable it is going to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was the creamy bowl of a skull, rags bundling nobbled sticks together, shrouding the clawed fingers of a ribcage in a grey shirt and sweater. Acceptance
  • Occasionally, one edge of the condensation funnel would become visible; but most of the time, it was enshrouded in a furiously rotating veil of rain curtains.
  • A human form lay there, wrapped in a shroud.
  • So while the origins of the artery-clogging goodness we call cheeseburgers is shrouded in mystery, the fact remains that people, pretty much everywhere, love them (this reporter ... burp ... included). Victoria Advocate stories: Latest News
  • Such matters are shrouded in secrecy and the cloak of confidentiality. Times, Sunday Times
  • You see the students here at Brother Martin high school, a mostly white school, but you're seeing these kids doing the skit here portraying players from the rival school, St. Augustine, which is predominantly black, and they're wearing these outfits with black shrouds over their faces. CNN Transcript Oct 31, 2009
  • His family background is shrouded in mystery.
  • The case of the Turin shroud is here symptomal: its authenticity would be awful for every true believer (the first thing to do then would be to analyze the DNA of the blood stains and thus solve empirically the question of who Jesus 'father was ...), while a true fundamentalist would rejoice in this opportunity. Odometer
  • A team of scientists has discovered a lost world of rare plants, giant flowers and bizarre animals -- including a new species of honeyeater bird, a tree kangaroo and an egg-laying mammal -- on a mist-shrouded mountaintop in a remote province of Indonesia on New Guinea island. Science Project
  • Rigging shrouds are set well inboard to allow effective sheeting angles and easy passage on either side.
  • Countless pyramids, obelisks and urns, rising far and wide above the cedars and cypresses, showed the extent of the splendid necropolis, which is inhabited by pale, shrouded emigrants from its living sister below. Views a-foot
  • When his eyes readjusted to the darkness, he looked around the room, everything covered in a heavy shroud of dust.
  • When Pascoe woke, the room was a cave; the shrouded lamp cast a dull glow.
  • There is a protective shroud on top between the heatsink and the fan, which has a round opening to allow the air to get to the fins of the cooler from the fan.
  • Troopers of the Light Horse were riding with gunners from the artillery; cacolet camels, whose native drivers had their heads shrouded in blankets, trudged beside ambulance carts; here and there a man who had lost his horse stumbled wearily along, first in one column then in another; guns and ammunition-limbers were mingled with cable-waggons; and all followed blindly man or waggon in front of them. With Our Army in Palestine
  • Shrouded in etiological puzzles, the place continues to pique the minds of scholars and travel show hosts. Richard Bangs: Skullduggery on Easter Island (Part I of II)
  • Stars began to speckle the light sky, clouds shrouding the mountains in the east.
  • We'd boarded the five-masted square-rigger Royal Clipper about 12 hours earlier, but my first evening afloat was shrouded in a somewhat hazy glow.
  • Mark Bechard was no secret to mental-health workers in his home state of Maine, though patient confidentiality shrouds his troubled past.
  • Nylan walked over to the sole armaglass window and looked up at the dark clouds boiling out of the northwest, cloaking Freyja in blackness, with snow thickening and dropping to shroud the lower parts of the western peaks and the heights behind the tower. Fall of Angels
  • I am quite an emotional person but I am shrouded in a fairly straight exterior.
  • The exact death toll remained shrouded in mystery. The Sun
  • Just outside that a water-slicked tiled roof sloped away, and below that darkness and rain shrouded a small central courtyard.
  • A few days to go and it is shrouded in choking smoke. The Sun
  • Comprised of a long sinewy pull followed by a spry frog kick, the pulldown is a holy moment of shrouded watery silence.
  • It was thought," says Nashe, in his Quaternio, "a kind of solecism, and to savour of effeminacy, for a young gentleman in the flourishing time of his age to creep into a coach, and to shroud himself from wind and weather: our great delight was to outbrave the blustering Boreas upon a great horse; to arm and prepare ourselves to go with Mars and Bellona into the field, was our sport and pastime; coaches and caroches we left unto them for whom they were first invented, for ladies and gentlemen, and decrepit age and impotent people. Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists
  • There is something Jurassic about the place, with layers of rainforest lining the mainland and shrouds of limestone precipices piercing low lying clouds, you can't help but feel as though time has been rewound by thousands of years. Maria Russo: The Seductive Serenity of Krabi, Thailand
  • Like Ignatieff, McEwan explores the abyss between middle-class lives shrouded in material comfort and the demands of sudden human suffering.

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