How To Use Shrimpy In A Sentence

  • Standing beside him was a shrimpy photographer hunched in a suede car coat. PROSPECT HILL
  • I called on Cwasey, a shrimpy bespectacled boy with squinty eyes and a freshly shaved head. Dan Brown: The First Day of "The Great Expectations School" (Exclusive Book Excerpt)
  • I would first boil shrimpy, and then grill him and baste him with a butter and garlic sauce. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Looking back on his life, Len now saw that more often than not what he actually “had to” do was restrain himself He’d always told himself that his feistiness was his strength, that he needed spunk to survive as a shrimpy kid, to drive himself, to prove himself. The Welkening
  • The bonefish are right over there, a silvery school materializing out of the greener water to graze the shrimpy mud of the flat.
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  • It tastes amazingly shrimpy from shrimp stock, the shrimp aren't overcooked, the creamy Anson Mills are oh-so-buttery, and the bacon is crisp and not stiff in the slightest. Ed Levine: The Best Biscuits in Brooklyn
  • I do like the perspective on the baby-to-be, and it beats the heck out of the little shrimpy images from my high-school health class. gwappa | Development
  • After him came a man in a neat Western suit, with big spectacles, and after him a shrimpy one, a male secretary with a small beard. KARA KUSH
  • When he was 11, not yet into puberty enough to have major strength but definitely not a shrimpy boy any more, we were visiting my grandparents in Oklahoma at Christmas. Who Feasts and Who Famishes
  • He's amazingly short and shrimpy and I think that even I, in my tininess, am probably bigger than he is.
  • Crisp breadcrumbs also good on shrimpy and other fish pastas, I think, where cheese on top is a bit strange. Salty Goodness
  • “Now come on, Sarah Bear, and get your shrimpy ass in gear.” The Unwritten Rule
  • But when the humpbacks are rounding up krill - small, shrimpy crustaceans - the net may be as small as five feet across.
  • If you had a blimpy with your shrimpy, would that qualify as surf and turf? Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • MacNeill: If you had a blimpy with your shrimpy, would that qualify as surf and turf? Ancient Predator Revealed!

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