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  1. in a shrill voice
    she sang rather shrilly

How To Use shrilly In A Sentence

  • In a flurry of bright patterns, flashy materials, and skimpy outfits, several girls flurried into the room, all clicking away on high heels and giggling shrilly.
  • Hagrid sent him a bunch of earwiggy flowers that looked like yellow cabbages, and Ginny Weasley, blushing furiously, turned up with a get-well card she had made herself, which sang shrilly unless Harry kept it shut under his bowl of fruit. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • We can only fool ourselves so long and then only by shrilly outshouting that voice inside.
  • The parrots chatter shrilly in their aviaries, screeching invective and snatches of poetry. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • The electric starter motor whined shrilly.
  • This week it was High A, the vibrating shrilly ring that was sudden and shocking.
  • By ones and twos we collected them, half drowned yet shrilly remonstrant, and dropped them into the dry shed where they belonged. More Jonathan Papers
  • While we contemplate the magnificence of the universe, and mensurate the fitness and adaptation of one part to another, the small philosopher hangs upon a hair or creeps within a wrinkle, and cries out shrilly from his elevation that we are blind and superficial. Imaginary Conversations and Poems A Selection
  • The golden horse tossed his head, long cream colored mane whipping, and whinnied shrilly.
  • The horse whinnied shrilly and tried to bolt, but Willy reined him in.
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