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How To Use Shriek In A Sentence

  • So it's a little more than passing strange that Mr. Brooks clucks about Mr. Obama's "über-partisan budget" when, given the last few weeks of shrieking and wailing from the Republicans about socialism and communism, he's been the voice of moderation in the room. Moderately Shocked
  • On the fives court, his nervous housemaster could relax, “rushing about,” as Roald described it, “shrieking what a little fool he is, and calling himself all sorts of names when he misses the ball.” Storyteller
  • So he will never be where the fathomless manhole awaits, where the safe falls from the high window shrieking like a bomb-he is a pilot through Earth's baddest minefields, if we only stay close to him, be where he is as much as we can-yet Maximilian's doom is never to go any further into danger than its dapperness, its skin-exciting first feel .... Gravity's Rainbow
  • In the end the keeners stalked the funeral processions screaming and shrieking all the more like vengeful banshees and had to be chased by the priests.
  • Aryan shrieks and runs out of my room, making such noise that her footfalls sound like an army trooping onto the battlefield.
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Master English with Ease
  • Instead of being crushed at once, as perhaps the writer expected, it darted forward, quite briskly and cheerfully, at six or seven miles an hour; requiring no spur or admonitive to haste, except the shrieking of the little Egyptian _gamin_, who ran along by asinus's side. "[ Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching. It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
  • They have no hope, merely a mindless shriek of hatred they believe might bring down destruction on all so they can scavage the corpses. Obama Discusses Wright Controversy In New Web Video
  • Here is a business that has shrieking fanatics lining up around the block in the middle of the night to buy its product.
  • Seingô shrieked in rage, and clawed out at him with spiny, thorny arms.
  • It takes in 20 wibbly-wobbly crossings, five metres above the ground, then a shriek-inducing zip-wire descent. The Sun
  • Cosmo writes, “Cosmo is absolutely correct, “Reaching for hyperbole and shrieking outrage at every turn doesn†™ t help your argument”.” Paranoia « BuzzMachine
  • As more and more woke up, a rising chorus of shrieks for help shook hoarfrost from the vaulted stones, and eventually called help.
  • With sound cutting out and shrieking feedback, the actors soldiered on, and it didn't ruin the performance, but it was a right scunner, cause that matinee show was kicking arse up till that moment. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Then she ran off, faster than any wildcat, and the men went on howling and shrieking, trying to untangle those knots.
  • The Captain shrieked, his face alight with fury.
  • He made a noise of what I took to be assent, muffled as it was by the furious flapping of his frilly pinny over the shrieking smoke alarm.
  • Eventually, it creaked to a juddering, shrieking stop and a huge door, rust-pitted, streaked with red and belled outwards with age ground slowly aside.
  • Labour MPs shrieked in mock horror. Times, Sunday Times
  • She gave a shriek as he came at her and stepped away from his outstretched hand. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • On Monday, Feb. 25, Lorraine Bracco — who around here is still better known as the shrieky wife in GoodFellas than for her role as the shrink with a smoky voice on The Sopranos — threw a launch party for her new line of wines at the Hard Rock Café on Broadway and 43rd Street. Bracco Gets Blotto! <i>Sopranos</i> Stars Sip 'n' Sass With Good Ol' Lorraine
  • Yet when I manage to find a wonderfully fragrant cowpat in the fields, you should hear the shrieks! Archive 2008-01-01
  • He shrieked and he wailed and he howled and he screeched, until all the air in his lungs left, and then he still yelled.
  • I do it to get shriekingly frightened because that makes me very excited and produces all sorts of fun chemicals.
  • The rod bent double, the reel shrieked and ratcheted.
  • This one friend has been shrieking about her exes, and in particular, how one of them just keeps bludging on her, and how she keeps him happy by giving him $500 a month.
  • She jumped, shrieking as she quickly swung around to face her addresser.
  • The only reason the word didn't escape her in a shriek was due to the fact that she didn't possess the energy to commit to such a sound.
  • The youngster shrieks with joy as he rushes in to shore. The Sun
  • Gavin seems happier than I've ever seen him in Bachelor world, where he lives the life of supermodel Sultan, wooing compliant, star-stuck ladies in deserted theme parks, providing them with burlesque ie stripping classes, going on excursions to clifftop picnics where shrieking fillies are made to hurtle across the cliffs by Tarzan slide, clinging round his powerful torso. The Bachelor: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Between shrieks were occasional bursts of words: "Omigod, omigod"!
  • A woman in a sheepskin coat suddenly shrieked: 'This is a setup. Times, Sunday Times
  • Syrens whooped, steam whistles shrieked hoarsely; the raucous voices of fog-horns proclaimed the whereabouts of scores of craft, passing up and down the river; but the trim-built barge slid noiselessly along, ghost-like, in the dun-colored "smother," giving no intimation of her proximity. Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
  • Only the children run and shriek and throw stones and wrestle like children everywhere, making balls out of rags.
  • There were more shrieks of laughter as they splashed about. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beauty and light glowed from classic mantel and carven cornice and walls grotesquely figured, while a sleek black cat rose yawning from hearthside sleep that his master's start and shriek had disturbed. The Best Endings in Science Fiction
  • He coughed, sneezed, and barked simultaneously -- bleated in one breath, and cackled in the next -- sputteringly shrieked, and chatteringly squealed, with a bass of suffocated roars. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • AND, they shrieked even louder that the district must not close down the local jr high (in order to aggregate more children into a single location so that broader education could be offered tailored to the needs and interests of each individual child). never under estimate the non-linear nature of the results of screaming bug-eyed single mothers with limited information and rationality (and more children than money) shrieking about 'the children'. Page One of My Next Book, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Weird shrieks were heard in the darkness.
  • ghastly shrieks
  • There were shrieks of em-barrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty.
  • Well, for one thing it's OK to shriek and run away from the ball if it comes near you.
  • Mass jubilant shrieks of delight. Times, Sunday Times
  • What becomes shriekingly clear after you publish a book is this: Nobody cares as much as you do. Holly Robinson: A Writer's First Year: "Do Not Snort on NPR" and Other Tips for Flogging Your Book
  • The youngster shrieks with joy as he rushes in to shore. The Sun
  • To one side is flowering vegetation and to the other an alert exotic bird shrieks from a ball finial beside a potted berried bush and a teapot, insects and butterflies whirl above.
  • Across the divide, La Dorada shrieked at him, her expression promising pain. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • It is a sweet and pretty countenance that can become contorted into a Munchian shriek, a child's importunate obstinacy, a beleaguered housewife's exasperation, a hectoring soldier's grimace, or anything else.
  • It was the most terrible war-shriek I had heard: a kind of wolfish baying that called up an image of all the dogs of war simultaneously tugging at their leashes. Fighting France
  • There were more shrieks of laughter as they splashed about. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consider the most famous image to come out of the Vietnam War: a child doused in napalm, naked, arms upraised, shrieking with pain, running down the road toward us.
  • They can talk quietly, knowing that they won't be drowned out by an army of shrieking teenyboppers.
  • Like shrieking teenage girls, they gathered around her and clicked away on their mobile phone cameras.
  • Now they heard the distant baying of house-dogs, now the doleful call of the chuck-will's-widow, and once Mary's blood turned, for an instant, almost to ice at the unearthly shriek of the hoot owl just above her head. Standard Selections A Collection and Adaptation of Superior Productions From Best Authors For Use in Class Room and on the Platform
  • You can hear the gags coming long before they appear, and when they do, they are greeted by shrieks of canned laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alexis screamed in fear and panic, the piercing shriek echoing throughout the empty library.
  • Back at the airport, there were screams and shrieks, cries and prayers as others witnessed the crash.
  • Ri shrieked in alarm and jumped, shocked to find Kasna standing in the far corner.
  • The interior, even on a Calais, still shrieks its distinctly working car roots; a general plasticky look and feel which ill behoves a $50,000 car.
  • They heard one last ear-piercing shriek and then the sound of the wolf whimpering as though it had been hurt.
  • Carla shrieked in fright, jumping sideways before realizing she was being confronted by two, more than likely, perfectly harmless fans.
  • When word processing software replaced typewriters, nobody shrieked about a socialist revolution in the steno pool. Martin Luz: Fealty to Folly: Oil Is Dead! Long Live Oil!
  • I opened my mind with the intention of seeing my past, when an eagle's shriek close by interrupted my concentration.
  • He finished amid a perfect shriek of laughter. Three Men in a Boat
  • A tall tech with spindly legs and oversized glasses shrieks as he starts to pick up the poor damaged piece of gadgetry like it's his own child.
  • Nick O shrieks like a man possessed before effortlessly melodising his voice into something quite beautiful - rocking the hell out of us all.
  • She shrieks at her sons, who berate her for not supporting the father, she weeps bitterly, tries to calm them.
  • Spectacular rock formations including the Dancing Bear and Druid's Writing Desk, will have your kids shrieking with delight and excitement.
  • Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching. It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
  • Her struggling and shrieking was met with deafening, stinging slaps to her cheeks, rendering her even more determined to be released from his death grip.
  • Catching sight of it, she shrieked and tripped over her own feet trying to get away from it.
  • I did, however, see them tittering, shrieking, guffawing and hooting with laughter at the madcap slapstick that has become the trademark of these two spiky-haired, South Yorkshire clowns.
  • Plucking up his sleeve, the beldame recognized the mole; and, staggering back in her chair, shrieked: Between the Acts
  • Today Di the drum dress a spirit and prepare to take a brigade and teach this indocile federal country in the middle of the green center, what be shrieked to obey.
  • CNN, I don't want to see you plumbing the depths of your counterintuition on your website, or lending credence to the notion that the gutless mopes in their cars, shrieking racial slurs at the images of children have an interesting point of view that we should "hear out" because of the need to be "balanced. Arizona Elementary School Will Whiten The Faces Of Its Own Students On A Mural Because Some Racists Yelled At It
  • Perhaps she falls (never in a way to injure herself) to the floor and apparently loses consciousness, closes her eyes, rolls her head from side to side, moans, clenches her fists, lifts her body from the floor so that it rests on head and heels (opisthotonic hysteria), shrieks now and then and altogether presents a terrifying spectacle. The Foundations of Personality
  • Shrieks of delight at this game which everyone joined in.
  • The shrieks and blasterfire prompted Pausert to go right ahead and shield Goth. The Wizard Of Karres
  • But scarcely had those few individuals effected their retreat in this manner, when a tremendous crash was heard, cries and shrieks of horror and dismay burst from those who had not as yet passed through the opening, and then the roof of the chamber of penitence and all the adjacent cells gave way with a din as of a thousand cannon, burying beneath their weight the sextoness, the five penitents, the inmates of Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
  • Instead of being crushed at once, as perhaps the rider expected, it darted forward, quite briskly and cheerfully, at six or seven miles an hour; requiring no spur or admonitive to haste, except the shrieking of the little Egyptian gamin, who ran along by asinus’s side. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • You can just hear, through the crash, the shriek of a third and fourth shell as they come tearing down the vault of heaven -- _crash -- crash_. Letters from France
  • The boy started to scream, not a yell of pain but a high-pitched shriek of panic that reminded me of a rabbit's death throes, which reminded me that I was hungry.
  • With every jar of the carriage, the children shrieked with excitement.
  • They were dragged from their homes, shrieking and weeping.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • Shrieking with excitement she hugged her father, clasping him tightly in her thrilled rush.
  • Shrieking out and wailing, all the lawless teeth are gnashing.
  • Shrieks of pain and anguish pierced the night and more yelling sounded as other survivors tried to put out the multiple fires before more were hurt.
  • She shrieked and wailed but professed ignorance. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Rise,’ the empress commanded imperiously, her voice, a high-pitched shriek.
  • At length poor Mrs. Camford uttered a faint cry, which called Thisbe's attention back to the spot from whence it never should have strayed, -- her mistress 'cushioned chair, -- and she rushed in a sort of frenzy for the nerve-reviver, and applied it to the trembling lady's nostrils; whereupon that delicately-constituted specimen of the genus feminine uttered a stentorian shriek and flounced about the room like an irate porcupine, greatly to the terror of Alice, who had never witnessed such a scene before. Eventide A Series of Tales and Poems
  • Her shriek was dulled by the loud crash of thunder.
  • People shrieked when the thunder crashed loudly and the rain began to pour.
  • My mind shrieked at me, demanding that I get out while I could, while my heart was intact.
  • She broke a string on her Les Paul right on the first song, then switched to a Firebird which kept shrieking due to some kind of microphonic problem with the pickups not liking the distortion effect or something.
  • There was a loud shriek and they ran off. The Sun
  • It is in fact one of those animal cries that is both scary and scared in equal parts, a shriek that would make an intruder really think twice about going any further into a burrow.
  • Growl angry, then shriek cursing (want to have wadding or something in his no don’t she cried), then all of a soft sudden wee little wee little pipy wind. Ulysses
  • She gave a shriek as he came at her and stepped away from his outstretched hand. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Her shriek was louder than the wind. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • Olivia can also sit up, roll over, giggle, shriek, hold her own bottle, and put her own pacifier in her mouth.
  • They ceased their hullabaloo, and the littler of the two, catching sight of the thing in the shadows, began to shriek. EVERVILLE
  • Suiting the action to the word, he thrust her rather suddenly and prematurely into a chair, and designing to reassure her by a little harmless jocularity, such as is adapted to please and fascinate the sex, converted his right forefinger into an ideal bradawl or gimlet, and made as though he would screw the same into her side — whereat Miss Miggs shrieked again, and evinced symptoms of faintness. Barnaby Rudge
  • I near shrieked as he fell to the floor, a perfect, coin shaped hole, dotted between his eyebrows.
  • They were all shrieking with laughter.
  • Australian "cooee," following it up with a shrill piercing note from a little silver whistle; but the only response was the cry of an _ara_, one of the great scarlet and blue long-tailed macaws, whose harsh shriek came softened from the distance. Rob Harlow's Adventures A Story of the Grand Chaco
  • The band room shook, causing many of the teen-aged girls in the flute section to shriek.
  • He's proven himself too shriekingly partisan to be trusted again.
  • There was a loud shriek and they ran off. The Sun
  • Ten thousand strengths seemed then to heave him from her heart; and struggling with a power that amazed even herself, she threw him from her; and holding him off with her shackled arms, her shrieks again pierced the heavens. The Scottish Chiefs
  • I tried to apologize, but he just shrieked abuse at me.
  • All of a sudden, a loud bang erupted from behind him followed by a shriek of pain.
  • She heard her make a noise that was like a cross between a shriek and a gargle.
  • Suddenly, he heard voices screaming in terror, horrible shrieks emitting from the front grounds.
  • The main source of his claim appears to be an article which is a fairly transparent, shriekingly anti-left, smear campaign.
  • So, along with chemical signals and higher range trumpeting and shrieks, elephants have an extensive range of communication.
  • I was shrieking with delight, screaming down to my parents and sharing the news with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along with some wild, hallucinatory sculptures e.g., a vulture feeding a shrieking calavera to its young, all atop a gaily mosaicked skull, this was probably the highlight. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • Then Santiago with a shriek leaped upon me -- shrieked again and, arms flung high, pitched headlong from the teocalli with his own dagger buried to the hilt in his breast. The Moon of Skulls
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Labyrinth of Life, enjoyed the perplexities and quarrels of the scene, and exacerbated the already furious combatants by their poignant infantile satire. Burlesques
  • It's just a maelstrom of shrieking children, crass commercialism, and ratcheting credit card debt.
  • She gave a little shriek of delight.
  • Lenz case so "sanctimonious" -- and dishonest -- as to suggest that he has never read the YouTube Terms of Service or discerned why a lawyer should not shriek that corporations "flout" their legal obligations by hiring third-parties who specialize in executing those legal obligations (p. 169-170). The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog
  • But we could also argue that the act of portraying the high priest of the Old Ones in such cutesy-kitschy form represents an attempt to tame, defang, and neuter the shrieking horror of our plight instead of gleefully accepting it. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Yell louder , wench , shriek , wail, but it will not dull the voice of truth.
  • Sue let out a terrific shriek and leapt out of the way.
  • And he could not help but contrast it with the weak pipings and shrill quaverings of factory girls, ill-nourished and untrained, and with the raucous shriekings from gin-cracked throats of the women of the seaport towns. Chapter 8
  • Screaming, shrieking, wailing, she worked herself into a frenzy.
  • With a sudden flash and the crack of a car backfiring, the machine surged to life again, its high-pitched shriek more earsplitting than ever.
  • Shrieking with simulated frustration, Clarkson flew into a bate, picked up a hammer and smashed his desktop to smithereens.
  • MZS again: "Gleefully sensationalistic and paced like an adults-only shoot-'em-up video game, [The Hills Have Eyes 2 is] ultimately less interested in subversion and subtext than in making viewers squirm, shriek and throw up into their popcorn bags. GreenCine Daily: Weekend shorts.
  • He throws his hands to the air and thanks the Lord, in between shrieks of joy and backslapping from his friends.
  • Matt pressed himself up against the wall, using the ridge in the side of the building for cover as the car shrieked past amidst the sound of squealing metal.
  • With a shriek of delight, Jean hugged Maggie.
  • I often hear them at night scampering about, shrieking and yowling.
  • It arose in a low moan and mounted steadily to a shriek, gradually dying away in the distance, followed by the slish-slishing of the fine snow across the rotted shingles of the roof. The Rover Boys out West Or, The Search for a Lost Mine
  • Her little hooter was shrieking, crying for help to others of her own kind. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • It builds to a shriekingly funny (and scary) revelation and a dénouement so brilliant it's almost demonic. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Eugene Levy and Christopher Guest.
  • For example, in Disneyland there are fake birds worked by electric motors which emit caws and shrieks as you pass by them.
  • The heavy bass of the music, combined with the shrieking laughs of drunk girls reminds me of why I like to avoid parties.
  • Her shrieking, wailing voice was the whisper of mortality piercing the ears like the banshee's own call, a twin to the driving terror that pierced the mind.
  • Seconds later, the night was made hideous by the shrieks of alarm from the man-apes in the cave above.
  • They shrieked, yelled, blared, shrilled, and boomed the scandals and horrors of the moment in multivocal, multigraphic clamor, tainting the peaceful air breathed by everyday people going about their everyday business, with incredible blatancies which would be forgotten on the morrow in the excitement of fresh percussions, though the cumulative effect upon the public mind and appetite might be ineradicable. Success A Novel
  • He idled his motors and screeched out an imitation of a macaw 's shriek. BLACK EAGLES
  • Let them view with him the piles of unsuccoured wounded on the breach of Badajoz, and hear the shrieks and groans of men dying in helpless agony, without a friendly hand to prop their head, or a drop of water to cool their fevered lips. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847
  • The constant noise of the battle gave way to a barrage of artillery shells shrieking through the canopy.
  • Or did you just pretend to miss it, because it feels SO DAMN GOOD to engage in petulant shrieking? Matthew Yglesias » Government for Sale
  • And if that threatened squall should burst its bonds and come shrieking and howling in fury across the surface of the sea, scourging it into a mad turmoil of foaming, leaping water and blinding spindrift, while the burnt-out crew of the schooner were making their passage across to the _Mercury_, it might be very bad for them; for even should they be fortunate enough to avoid capsizal, it might be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the ship, smitten and bowed down by the might of the tempest, to pause and pick them up. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • With a shriek he doubled over, clutching at his calf, and rolled off his horse into the road.
  • But they were silent in amazement and expectation when they saw the mighty white ape wriggle upon the back of their king, and, with steel muscles tensed beneath the armpits of his antagonist, bear down mightily with his open palms upon the back of the thick bullneck, so that the king ape could but shriek in agony and flounder helplessly about upon the thick mat of jungle grass. The Beasts of Tarzan
  • Burnell emitted a shriek of pain and anger. Somewhere East of Life
  • The horror stricken shrieks of the driver interrupted his thoughts.
  • I hit the brake, and it only resulted in a shrieking squeal of rubber on the gravel of the road.
  • But it is the locomotive, independent of the shriek, that is his abomination; whereas a man less sensitive to sights, and (if possible) more sensitive to sounds, might pardon the cutting up of the landscape were his ear-drum spared from splitting. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • ‘Let me go,’ I shrieked, feeling very much like a madwoman.
  • My shriek woke the children, who arrived, sleepily, below the hatch.
  • They were coming from the apartment next door and soon changed into shrieks. Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
  • Outside on the streets the water hydrants dribbled miserably after entertaining shrieking Hispanic kids all day long in exuberant gushes.
  • Some mornings crows divebomb them and the pigeons will start shrieking and from my bed it sounds like little airborne children shouting for help. Memory Wall
  • Other guests complained to staff about booming music and shrieks of laughter. The Sun
  • O'Neill's own photograph on the flyleaf of the book shrieks gravitas, but in real life he's a charmer.
  • Then a magpie began to pipe his arpeggios, which sounded sweet and clear in the morning air; and this seemed to be the signal to start a chorus of whistling and shrieking up in the thick boughs, where a flock of paroquets were hidden; and a glow in the east made the morning grey look so opalescently beautiful that it was hard to believe there could be any danger. First in the Field A Story of New South Wales
  • She jabbed at the button to turn the alarm off, and it stopped its absurd shrieking.
  • He stamped out, then, slammin" the door, and Joanie and I rushed up to Mam, both shriekin" our heids off, for we thought she was deid" but she got up onto her hands and knees and told us it was all right, it would be all right-and her swayin" to and fro, with her cap fallen off and strings of bloody snot dripping from her face onto the floor" I'd forgot that. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Her shriek was louder than the wind. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • She now realized that it was she who had shrieked in pain.
  • She had a wonderful sense of humor and would shriek with laughter when her daddy made funny faces and squeaky noises.
  • Many on the left have reacted to him and his fellow evolutionists like a troop of shrieking baboons.
  • There were not even any ogre howls or griffin shrieks, sounds she had heard many nights from the village. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • A sudden terrible shriek froze the passenger to the spot.
  • The shouts and shrieks and smart-alee comments of the first rush of embarrassed excitement had died down, and now only murmurs and whispers could be heard. Dead Famous
  • People sometimes shriek because of terror, anger, or pain.
  • With a queer kind of croaking shriek, the memory of which disturbs my sleep even now occasionally, but which I intended to be a yell of rejoicing, I staggered to my feet, stumbled aft to the cockpit, and half leaped, half tumbled into it. The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
  • Its sounds are the shriek of kittiwakes, guillemots and gulls, and the idle drone of sheep. Times, Sunday Times
  • As every outraged nerve in my body cried for alleviation, so my tortured mind shrieked for surcease from the accusing memory of the things I had said and done while under the influence of alcohol. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • A bolt of electricity surged through her body, and Kessah shrieked loudly.
  • At any moment, I was expecting an old cronk to appear from behind the hangars, trembling and hippety-hopping and leaving a trail of nuts and bolts behind it to the shriek of rusty gear wheels, smoking rockets and horn blasts with the music of La The Commander
  • To these I would add the frenetic monotony of motor racing commentary, and the nasal shrieking of the gee-gees callers.
  • Then I heard a loud shriek and it looks like how it does in the movies. The Sun
  • Shut your big bazoo," she shrieked, when I said it had nothing to do with her gender. #6 The Horse Shrink - A Beef
  • When Amanda's mother learns that her daughter's strange pal is rumored to be half ape, she shrieks -- wait for it -- "You can't have a monkey as your best friend. "Lucy," a half-ape/half-human thriller by Laurence Gonzales
  • Two nights ago, at the Nyabitaba hut, it was pouring so violently, the tin roof was shrieking.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • It starts off with three or four high-pitched peeps in rather quick succession; then the bird launches into a raspy, guttural shriek; and then the bird whistles a few warbling notes as a coda.
  • People shriek about the portrayal of Teabaggers in Captain America, but have no problem with the dim-witted idea of 100,000 Kryptonians immigrating to Earth or the Green Goblin being put in charge of National Security. What Price Super-Heroics?
  • Perhaps we are now subliminally doing cross training on our prefrontal cortexes while we shudder and shriek with things like "can you believe they just did that? Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D.: Twinkie Diet: Empty Calories, Full Wisdom
  • There was shriek of laughter from the direction of Sarah's room.
  • Indeed, a low whistle began to sound from the top of the kettle and within a minute it became a high-pitched, ear-splitting shriek.
  • In my book, I refer to my mother as General Patton in pedal pushers, and frequently paint her as a shrieking harridan for whom water in the kitchen sink or unraked shag carpeting could produce bouts of rage: earsplitting, fist-shaking, God-summoning rage that fortunately predated the presence of guns in the suburban household. Eric Poole: She has Every Right to Kill Me
  • A prisoner at the Kholodnaya Gora prison had to stuff his ears with bread before sleeping on account of the shrieks of women being interrogated.
  • The talk among the crowd was genial and friendly, and when the guests of honour came into sight the women would shriek and hug them, and the men would shake their hands in congratulation.
  • Simultaneously, there was the shrieking of a parrel, up the main; and I knew that someone, or something, had let go the main-topsail haul-yards. The Ghost Pirates
  • The monster shrieked an ear-splitting scream and stepped through the flames, reaching for Quen with its taloned paw.
  • It spans musical emotions from the jagged shrieking solos of the sorceress to the seductive siren songs of the maidens.
  • Shrieking yowls rang through the cold trees behind me, unearthly and terrifying, and that fear was all that dragged me to my feet again.
  • After a moment's hesitation, she nearly shrieked with excitement.
  • Yet it was not the wolf-cry, for long ago the malformation of a healing throat-wound had distorted the bell-like cry into a hideous scream like the shriek of a soul foredamned, which quavered loud and shrill upon the keen air and ended in a series of quick jerks, like stabs of horrible laughter. The Promise A Tale of the Great Northwest
  • A sudden terrible shriek froze the passenger to the spot.
  • The golden climax triggered shrieks of appreciation from swelling squadrons of corellas, cockatoos and quarrions, a welcome rise in temperature and the days first bushfly. | Top Stories
  • A celestial organ devolves into the shrill shrieks of swooping banshees, and deep rumbles sound like the dyspeptic gurgles in a huge beasts' stomach.

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