How To Use Shrewdness In A Sentence
However exciting it may be for a time, parties soon tire of carrying on a losing game for the mere sake of abusing each other, and Æneas M'Quirter not being behind the generality of his countrymen in 'canniness' and shrewdness of intellect, came to the conclusion that it was no use doing so in this case, especially as the few remaining friends who still applauded would be very sorry to subscribe anything towards his losses.
Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
He questioned me about the fate of the Captain Mironoff, whom he called his chum, and often interrupted me by sententious remarks, which, if they did not prove him to be a man well versed in war, showed his natural intelligence and shrewdness.
Marie; a story of Russian love
a Soviet leader of proven shrewdness
Shrewd beyond most men, his shrewdness was the clear, piercing vision of a clean, single heart, that knew not how to
An Address in Commemoration of Abraham Lincoln
This covers up also a good deal of business acumen, shrewdness, and secretiveness which is not so childlike and bland.
The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
The coach showed considerable tactical shrewdness.
Mrs. Poyser has something almost of Yankee shrewdness and angularity; but the figure of a New England rural housewife would lack a whole range of Mrs. Poyser's feelings, which, whatever may be its effect in real life, gives its subject in a novel at least a very picturesque richness of color; the constant sense, namely, of a superincumbent layer of "gentlefolks," whom she and her companions can never raise their heads unduly without hitting.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
What others called shrewdness she, remembering his Grandfather Barclay, knew might grow into blind, cruel greed, and when she thought of his voice and his curly hair, and recalled Uncle Leander, the curly-headed, singing ne'er-do-well of her family, and then in the boy's hardening mouth and his canine jaw saw
A Certain Rich Man
His is a tale of jealousy, envy and treachery, but also of motherly love, shrewdness and adventure.
I'd still be tempted to run if we encountered a number of huge hairy apes, but it's nice to know that we're escaping from a shrewdness of apes.
Some examples: A shrewdness of apes, cete of badgers, army of caterpillars, knot of toads, unkindness of ravens, or a clowder of cats. link
Boing Boing: March 28, 2004 - April 3, 2004 Archives
There are some natural touches of character about him, such as his mixture of irascibility and placability, and his curious affection for Sancho together with his impatience of the squire's loquacity and impertinence; but in the main, apart from his craze, he is little more than a thoughtful, cultured gentleman, with instinctive good taste and a great deal of shrewdness and originality of mind.
Don Quixote
The shrewdness and sharpness of his proverbs and his forceful epigrams serve, in an exceptional degree, to make ethical ideas a popular possession.
Although, wouldn’t that be an ironic twist if Ben did end up being the most trustworthy because the reasons for his manipulation involve a greater good, and his manipulating, conniving shrewdness is the only way for that greater good to be achieved?
The Tail Section » LOST - Who Can Ya Trust?
Henry VII's councillors were all selected for their ability, assiduity, shrewdness, and loyalty.
Prussia had improved its standing in Germany not only by its economic miracle but also by its diplomatic shrewdness.
Of gigantic stature, broad-shouldered, with blond hair, ruddy complexion, and deep voice, he owed to his crafty shrewdness the soubriquet of "Guiscard" (Wiseacre).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
While the fight may not be as visually arresting as, say, a shrewdness of apes stampeding across San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, it will certainly do.
What he lacked in money and sporting prowess, he made up in shrewdness.
He looked me in the eye with what he obviously believed to be a look that blended shrewdness and menace.
His tenacity, patience, humanity, shrewdness in personal dealings, and unblinking focus on essentials more than offset his inefficient, unbusinesslike ways.
My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness.
Some examples: A shrewdness of apes, cete of badgers, army of caterpillars, knot of toads, unkindness of ravens, or a clowder of cats. link
Boing Boing: March 28, 2004 - April 3, 2004 Archives
He is constantly reminding them that "it's a business" and the charmed life they have led in the media is mainly due to his shrewdness and accessibility.
He is fiendishly bright, well-spoken in a very clipped, Scottish kind of way, but streetwise too; a bit like a smartly dressed bookie who views the world through a veil of tobacco smoke and shrewdness.
Certainly he surprised observers by the scope of the shrewdness and intelligence which he brought to bear on his self-justifications.
Offering critics a helping hand by planting for their use a ready-made descriptive vocabulary reflects his shrewdness of strategy.
Nevertheless the philosopher [* Andronicus; Cf.Q. 48, Obj. 1] who calls shrewdness a part of prudence, takes it for _eustochia_, in general, hence he says: "Shrewdness is a habit whereby congruities are discovered rapidly.
Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
He was uneducated, but he possessed that exact knowledge of mankind that makes leaders; and his shrewdness was the result of caution and suspicion.
Half a Rogue
His countenance was the droll medley of fun, shrewdness, and blundering, that is so often found in the Irish peasant, and which appears to be characteristic of entire races in the island.
Miles Wallingford Sequel to "Afloat and Ashore"
The air of contented shrewdness was all the more of a merit.
Commanding his Galatian troopers with valor and shrewdness, Quintus Poppaedius Silo penned Labienus in halfway through the pass across Mount Amanus called the Syrian Gates, and waited for Ventidius to bring up the legions.
Antony and Cleopatra
Edward displayed shrewdness and ruthlessness in the way he turned on nobles who had usurped his power during his minority.
If a shrewdness of apes is so clever, why do they live where they do?
The coach showed considerable tactical shrewdness.
Like Smith, he recognized that quality in her they each called "gameness," and even more than Smith he appreciated the commingling of Scotch shrewdness and Indian craft.
As the Devil is ordinarily by no means wanting in shrewdness, the omission might perhaps be set down to his credit on the score of charity, but for his abominable taste in matters of diabolical vertûe, as shown by his penchant for sanguinary signatures to all compacts and bonds for bad behavior made with or exacted by him, in the course of his "regular dealings" with mankind, and hence it must be considered a clear case of ignorance or oversight, that this test, compared to which there is toleration for boils even, was not applied.
Life in the Rocky Mountains
I am rousing a decidedly unshrewd shrewdness of apes.
Farmers were renowned in this country for being shrewd, hard-headed business man and they had not lost any of this shrewdness.
The accumulation of fortunes through foresight, unusual capacity, energy, thrift, and native honorable shrewdness is in itself no crime.
This colorless face expressed patience, commercial shrewdness, and the sort of wily cupidity which is needful in business.
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
While his shrewdness commands respect, it also inspires fear.
Mephistophelian shrewdness on his fellow-men and the society they form.
She sees him as idiosyncratic, traditionalist, and with a gift for combining political shrewdness with a sense of self-promotion and opportunism.
They have a simple shrewdness, which, under a better system, had made them enterprising; but this quality has degenerated into cunning and cheatery, -- the weapons which the hopelessly oppressed always use.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
The new series must chart the story of how Caesar grows from faithful pet-cum-laboratory subject of a San Francisco scientist to become the leader of the shrewdness of apes.
Such shrewdness is based on a full knowledge and estimation of any situation.
WILLIAM" TENN U6131 OF MEN AND MONSTERS'the first full-length science fiction novel to appear by this author-a clear-eyed tribute to the audacity, shrewdness, stupidity, courage, and ultimate ineradicability of the human pest U6132 THE SQUARE ROOT OF MAN-containing some of the earliest Term.
Expedition to Earth
They showed great shrewdness in selecting the small, the light-woolled, the easy-to-be-shorn.
Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
She's not entirely lacking in shrewdness, though, since she knows that to some extent her best shot at revising our perceptions of her is to accede to them.
Calamity Jane
At the end of his life he had become, on his own ground, as mellow as he was rich; he combined consummate shrewdness with the disposition superficially to fraternise, and his “social position,” on which he had never wasted a care, had the firm perfection of an unthumbed fruit.
The Portrait of a Lady
The criticisms towards the close of his letter on certain of our failings are worthy to be seriously perpended; for he is not, as I think, without a spice of vulgar shrewdness.
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
He came to dominate it by shrewdness, audacity and the huge force and charm of his personality.
The shrewdness and sharpness of his proverbs and his forceful epigrams serve, in an exceptional degree, to make ethical ideas a popular possession.