How To Use Shrew In A Sentence

  • He chased the unmigratory tropi-ducks from their shrewd-hidden nests, walked circumspectly among the crocodiles hauled out of water for slumber, and crept under the jungle-roof and spied upon the snow-white saucy cockatoos, the fierce ospreys, the heavy-flighted buzzards, the lories and kingfishers, and the absurdly garrulous little pygmy parrots. CHAPTER XV
  • These malignant Las Vegas showgirl lookalikes are holding Earth hostage, controlling the monsters with shrewdly hidden remote devices.
  • For them there was no shelter from the cold, no shrewd crawling to leeward in snug nooks. THE SCORN OF WOMEN
  • They were wed by special dispensation at St Mary's Church in Shrewton on Monday afternoon in a ceremony performed by Royal Yeomanry padre Simon Bloxam-Rose.
  • General manager Danny Ferry made a shrewd move in signing the 32-year-old power forward.
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  • He also looks a shrewd investment. The Sun
  • It is not merely that she is eloquent and articulate; she is also unusually shrewd and intelligent.
  • Don't bet against it as this Donegal team have the basis upon which a shrewd operator like Brian can build.
  • But he appears to have made another shrewd move. Times, Sunday Times
  • The changes will be benefit for the study on the character mitochondrial proton leak thermogenesis of diaphragm and cardiac muscle in tree shrews during the cold expose.
  • Malcolm is a shrewd and realistic businessman.
  • A shrewmouse broke cover in front of him, followed by its mate. "Wee Tim'rous Beasties" Studies of Animal life and Character
  • Do you think we will be awed by the number of nubile, dim-witted, improbably large-breasted young ladies your middle-aged "narrator" sleeps with in the throes of his midlife crisis, after leaving his wrinkled shrew of a wife? Archive 2009-09-01
  • While his shrewdness commands respect, it also inspires fear.
  • This is how the deceivers are deceived, for he who can cozen me is shrewd indeed.
  • The good news for Kings fans is that Petrie is a shrewd dealmaker.
  • He calls her "shrewish", "looking (and failing, evidently) to find someone or something in ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • There are many possibilities, especially for comparative research in mole rats, agouti, gerbils and elephant shrews.
  • An ambiguous face -- strong and vulnerable, naïve and shrewd. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • It was to a large extent a self-education with the characteristic vices and virtues; when he came to power in 1949 he was still the brilliant autodidact, mixing shrewd unorthodox insights with astonishing ignorance.
  • He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud.
  • Four endemic species of shrew are found only in these forests; the mountain shrew (Sylvisorex oriundus, VU), African foggy shrew (Crocidura caliginea, CR), Congo shrew (C. congobelgica, VU), and the fuscous shrew (C. polia, CR). Northeastern Congolian lowland forests
  • Since British Energy, the nuclear-power generator, was restructured and its shares were relisted at the start of the year, it has attracted a shrewd following.
  • But in reality he seems to have had a fairly shrewd sense of the potential scale and scope of this enterprise and to have laid the foundations of widespread recruitment with some assiduity. 'The Crusades'
  • There is no nod to our more politically-correct culture for women still come in for classic stereotyping: his wife is a nagging shrew.
  • He claims he met John's courier in a Shrewsbury alehouse, that the man paid him to deliver John's message. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Elephant shrews (no relation), pikas, and Tupaia treeshrews share both absentee-like maternal care and diurnality - that is, they are active during the day, when prey is more easily spotted by predators.
  • I have a shrewd idea who the mystery caller was.
  • She was a shrewd judge of character; so was her acquisitive self-interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • William Gambon, especially, could scarcely have done so since he held corrodies at Salop, (Shrewsbury), Chaucer's Official Life
  • He was uneducated, but he possessed that exact knowledge of mankind that makes leaders; and his shrewdness was the result of caution and suspicion. Half a Rogue
  • Up until the final ten minutes this has been an intelligent, witty and unusually shrewd look at the social acceptance of mixed race relationships.
  • She was shrewd enough to guess who was responsible.
  • his vocabulary alone is worth the cover price - gantries, quinquireme, discalced, carrack, loxodrome, godown, scutch, so shrewd in his deployment of detail, so blessed with good luck and goodwill that we forget the conceit and just enjoy the ride. The Seattle Times
  • In experiment, the effect of YGAPM in treating rat's liver injury as well as HBV-infected tree shrew and duck HBV-infected ducks was observed.
  • And then we were amazed to hear the sound of singing -- amazed, for it was not the uncouth singing of negroes (who in happy circumstances delight to uplift their voices in psalms) nor yet the boisterous untuneable roaring of rough seamen, like Vetch's buccaneers, but a most melodious and pleasing sound, which put me in mind (and Cludde also) of the madrigal singers of our good town of Shrewsbury. Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • She went to Stratford-upon-Avon to see Anthony Quayle in The Taming of the Shrew, and to see Sir Laurence Olivier in Richard III. A KNIFE BETWEEN THE RIBS
  • He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud.
  • Threatened or now rare species also include blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanii, yellow-backed duiker Cephalophus sylvicultor, sitatunga Tragelophus spekei, giant hog, hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bushpig potomochoerus porcus, the Rwenzori hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus ruwenzorii and Ruwenzori otter-shrew Micropotamogale ruwenzorii (EN). Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda
  • The mother of all women had to be a cat, a little, wizened, sad-faced, shrewd ring-tailed cat. CHAPTER X
  • She shrewdly predicted the stock market crash.
  • The great Democratic presidents were not merely shrewd enough to balance their domestic programmes with a proficiency at fighting wars.
  • The hungry part of him very much wanted to devour the shrew, bitter bit included, while the rest of him rebelled. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • We are not goddesses, divas or supermoms any more than we're bitches, shrews, sluts or nursemaids, and the damage of getting it wrong has been accumulative, making the picture of a woman's role seem quite grim and hopeless when it's really far from it. Chauncey Zalkin: A Better Way To Represent Women
  • Threatened or now rare species also include blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanii, yellow-backed duiker Cephalophus sylvicultor, sitatunga Tragelophus spekei, giant hog, hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bushpig potomochoerus porcus, the Rwenzori hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus ruwenzorii and Ruwenzori otter-shrew Micropotamogale ruwenzorii (EN). Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda
  • He read long and attentively, various tedious and embarrassed letters, in which the writers, placing before him the glory of God, and the freedom and liberties of England, as their supreme ends, could not, by all the ambagitory expressions they made use of, prevent the shrewd eye of Markham Woodstock
  • He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails.
  • Siegemaster was fourth in the 3m novices 'hurdle at last season's Festival and is trained by a shrewdie, Dessie Hughes, who boasts a fine record at the meeting. Undefined
  • The fortunate owner of this derived quite a little income of meal by shrewdly loaning it to his knifeless comrades. Andersonville
  • His countenance was the droll medley of fun, shrewdness, and blundering, that is so often found in the Irish peasant, and which appears to be characteristic of entire races in the island. Miles Wallingford Sequel to "Afloat and Ashore"
  • Her graceful neck rises higher than the trees, like a giraffe in slow motion, her liquid eyes staring curiously, then dismissively, at the gaping humans; she returns to her grazing as if these late-model mammals were no more worthy of note than their scruffy shrewlike ancestors, with whom she shared the Earth 130 million years ago. Here Come The Dnasaurs
  • Despite his kindly, sometimes whimsical air, he was a shrewd observer of people.
  • Her voice sounded shrewish to her own ears.
  • On this evidence, it is a shrewd move. The Sun
  • His painting rose to a fresh expressiveness and revealed a shrewder insight.
  • Visitors to the Aquarium of the Lakes will be able to discover all about the secret world of otters, bats, water voles and shrews as part of Wildlife Activity Week which runs until Sunday, February 22.
  • On March 6, we listed the Buena Vista Lake shrew, a tiny insect-eating mammal native to California's southern San Joaquin Valley, as endangered.
  • She is such a shrewd judge. The Sun
  • Sheringham left Old Trafford in the summer and the evidence now suggests it was a shrewd move.
  • False coin is pass most easily upon the shrewd banker.
  • Fleming was regarded in railroad and banking circles as a shrewd operator.
  • He's an artist, a scientist and a shrewd businessman rolled into one.
  • From this standpoint, the city's monstrous caricature of futurism is simply shrewd marketing.
  • Recovering, he knocked his opponent down with a shrewd uppercut to the jaw, and fell upon him. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • Insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, and butterflies are a major part of their summer diet which also includes mammals such as mice, voles, young squirrels and rabbits, and shrews.
  • How could some of Australia's biggest and shrewdest media outlets get done so badly.
  • Hillary also won over my skeptical staff at the US embassy, many of whom had read the negative US press about her and expected that she would be a kind of shrewish Dragon Lady. Derek Shearer: Hillary As An Agent of Change
  • The bite of the shrewmouse is dangerous to horses and other draught animals as well; it is followed by boils. The History of Animals
  • The air of contented shrewdness was all the more of a merit.
  • Mr Newell was educated at Shrewsbury College and Magdalen College, Oxford, where he was an exhibitioner and honorary Demy.
  • “I envious? — beshrew thy heart for the word!” replied the handicraft. Kenilworth
  • Commanding his Galatian troopers with valor and shrewdness, Quintus Poppaedius Silo penned Labienus in halfway through the pass across Mount Amanus called the Syrian Gates, and waited for Ventidius to bring up the legions. Antony and Cleopatra
  • It is pretty to see the footprints of these small shrewmice, on the surface of the fresh fallen snow in the deep forest-glades. Lady Mary and her Nurse
  • The Vice Dean reminded us of a significance of a comments of Enobarbus as a shrewd as good as mostly sarcastic spectator of this adore affair: an researcher both detered by his master's debility in agreeable to Cleopatra's charming energy as good as fascinated himself by a Egyptian queen's witchery. Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • Sublime the cataract might be to the casual visitor, but shrewder eyes were taking its measure.
  • There was a great night's entertainment had by all with several shrewd punters making money on the tote and others leaving the premises with quite a hole in their pockets.
  • Edward displayed shrewdness and ruthlessness in the way he turned on nobles who had usurped his power during his minority.
  • The role of domestic shrew is played, to some extent, by Summerset. Home is where the hero isn’t at SF Novelists
  • Her novels were a vehicle for shrewd social comment.
  • If, as I am positing, Clare assumes the Byronic form to dramatize the limits of his own poetic persona, this maneuver indicates a shrewd perception of how, in the phenomenon of Byronism, the extremes of aristocratic and popular traditions meet; above the law, the poetic "free-booter" is redeemed by "the notice and affections of the lower orders" (Clare qtd. in Martin 85; Byron qtd. in Strickland 61). Like
  • She answered pomposity with irony and dominated conversations by her personality and shrewd psychology.
  • The man who would coolly appropriate some discoveries of others under cloak of a mere prefatorial reference was perhaps an expounder rather than an innovator, and had, it is shrewdly suspected, not much of his own to offer. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume I: The Beginnings of Science
  • The Pantelleria shrew is controversial, with various studies indicating that it is a subspecies of the Greater white-toothed shrew (C. russula). The first new European mammal in 100 years? You must be joking
  • Making objectives explicit is a hostage to fortune and the failure to do so may reflect a shrewd awareness. 2.
  • The onetime gas pipeline company had shrewdly used its rights of way to diversify into telecommunications.
  • And the time and money spent on them is proving a shrewd investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neil MuirShrewsbury• I wonder whether our political leaders have studied the words of Petronius in 200BCE Editorial, 21 February: "Reorganisation is a wonderful method for creating the illusion of progress, while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation. Letters: More Danish yarns
  • But the firefly and hedge-shrew and lobworm, I pray, 5 Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning
  • Pamela Harris, director of Georgetown University's Supreme Court Institute, added, He is an extremely shrewd and analytically precise lawyer. Justice Stevens to retire from Supreme Court
  • He was also a shrewd judge of character. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • In Norway, for example, when Gro Harlem Brundtland became prime minister in 1981, she had to endure some of the same sexist scrutnisation which Hillary is currently facing (i.e. the woman is a "witch or a bitch", and has a "bad temper" and tends to sound "shrewish" when "agitated"). Video: Tensions Finally Boil Over Between Hillary And Obama
  • Socrates'conversations as reported by Plato were full of a shrewd humor.
  • A shrewd and learned editor, a patient mentor, and a courteous friend, his Boswell is a lasting memorial.
  • Trained by Festival shrewdie Edward O'Grady, he's son of Montjeu who ran on the Flat in France after fetching a staggering 230,000 euros as a yearling. Undefined
  • Media pundits and think tanks hailed this popular participation as a breakthrough for democracy - a triumphalism, as Fraser shrewdly notes, that mirrored American exaltation at winning the cold war.
  • They respected his shrewd brain, and also knew him as a genial host when he entertained journalists and government press officers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's an artist, a scientist and a shrewd businessman rolled into one.
  • In command, he proved a skilled tactician with a clear appreciation of intelligence and its uses, a shrewd negotiator and an able administrator. Times, Sunday Times
  • The waterfall area had forktails (upstream from the falls), Malayan water shrews (in the waterfall lake after sunset), and Malayan whistling-thrush (in the forest about 300 m downstream).
  • If a shrewdness of apes is so clever, why do they live where they do?
  • Inclined toward Communism to meet the social and political demands of his teeming peoples, he does not openly break with the West in shrewd calculation that only thence can flow the capital and technical know-how to ensure his country's economic survival and its development. Muslim and Hindu
  • I've learned that to get new ideas accepted, one needs to be as "shrewd as a snake and harmless as a dove. Christianity Today
  • He may be a hippie at heart but he's also a shrewd operator with an MBA and management know-how gleaned from stints at Andersen Consulting and from running his own consultancy.
  • The old fisherman was cursed by his shrewish wife.
  • He intends to woo her perfectly, by telling her how lovely she is, when she looks shrewish, how beautifully she plays, when she makes horrid noises, and more.
  • What he has proved to be is a shrewd tactician and an astute responder to the public mood whose easy-going manner disguises some ruthless populism.
  • The coach showed considerable tactical shrewdness.
  • He ran well for shrewd connections on his British debut. The Sun
  • However the exaltedness of some minds (or rather as I shrewdly suspect their insipidity and want of feeling or observation) may make them insensible to these light things, (I mean such as characterise and paint nature) yet surely they are as weighty and much more useful than your grave discourses upon the mind, the passions, and what not.” Fielding
  • It has been a shrewd investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The douc langur and the murid Maxomys moi are near endemics, whereas the northern smooth-tailed tree shrew (Dendrogale murina) is endemic (Table 1). Southeastern Indochina dry evergreen forests
  • Like Smith, he recognized that quality in her they each called "gameness," and even more than Smith he appreciated the commingling of Scotch shrewdness and Indian craft. 'Me--Smith'
  • Most drumming mammals are rodents, but drumming has also been described in carnivores, deer, rabbits, elephant shrews and marsupials.
  • Even comprehensive analyses have not clarified phylogenetic relationships among aardvarks, tenrecs, golden moles, and elephant shrews.
  • The two Virginians were shrewd men with an imperviously close bond and an impressive degree of patience and self-control.
  • A shrewd diplomat must be a master of finesse.
  • A shrewd, hard-headed businessman typical of his age, he speedily restored abbey finances after years of mismanagement.
  • This promising filly gets a feather weight as she only cost 800 and she has proved a shrewd buy. The Sun
  • Yesterday, a spokesman for the Shrewsbury-based agents acting for Hafodunos Estates said discussions were continuing.
  • Ah, but the President was shrewd, his police were everywhere: would he be caught napping ? COUP D'ETAT
  • Outwardly it has the general soricine form, though much larger than the largest shrew. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • I shall not dwell upon the career of Sophia -- who has pursued her life in Paris very wisely, shrewdly, circumspectly, not to say commercially, thus showing how honest bourgeois ancestry can triumph over the flightiest of modern temperaments. Personality in Literature
  • Scrimgeour stopped too, leaned on his stick and stared at Harry, his expression shrewd now. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  • Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
  • The study found that while some species, including hedgehogs, voles, shrews, dormice and hares, are generally declining in rural areas, their populations are rising in towns, cities and suburbs.
  • But while the Jackass guys may play knuckleheads on TV, they actually appear to be quite shrewd.
  • By profession a hotelkeeper, the elder Parer on all accounts had the shrewd joviality of his calling.
  • Both suitors seem confident that marriage to a shrew would prove even more humiliating than submitting to the pillory or a public whipping.
  • Her observations of people quickly gave her a shrewd idea of people's personalities and hence she could, for example, give friends advice on what to expect when associate with certain others.
  • But beshrew me, he cried, clapping hand to his forehead, tomorrow will be a new day and, thousand thunders, I know of a MARCHAND DE CAPOTES, Ulysses
  • _I must needs say, that my wife is a shrewe, but such a huswife as I know but a fewe. The Arte of English Poesie
  • But he was shrewd, for he limited the number of wives by a property qualification, and becausei of which he, above all men, was favored by his wealth. A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • From last year's Avandia warnings to the withdrawal of Vioxx, Bextra, Baycol, Meridia, Trovan and Fen Phen, "Pill Buyer Beware" seems to be a shrewd stance, especially when a drug is new. Martha Rosenberg: Moms-To-Be: Are You Taking This Dangerous Drug?
  • Shrewd, methodical, and determined, Banks combined business acumen with political trimming.
  • Very shrewd observations are to be found in his reviews, for instance his indication, in reviewing La Touche's _Fragoletta_, of that common fault of ambitious novels, a sort of woolly and "ungraspable" looseness of construction and story, which constantly bewilders the reader as to what is going on. The Human Comedy: Introductions and Appendix
  • ASpiritedLife. com: The Eva Mendes Spirit Interview: Kicking Ass And Revealing Some Too TeenDirectory. net: Erotic sleuthing laced with backwards babes, and Paulson on female doormat duty while Scarlett's shrewdie hangs with a murderous gang of homicidal fattie clones, like an underworld Madonna bossing an obedient crew of paunchy boy toys. Undefined
  • There are multiple action movies in the pipeline and his interventions in politics are shrewd and well judged. The Sun
  • The study found that while some species, including hedgehogs, voles, shrews, dormice and hares, are generally declining in rural areas, their populations are rising in towns, cities and suburbs.
  • Wolsey is near his master; his face is that of a man "exceeding wise, fair-spoken, and persuading"; he has a large, full brow, narrow and shrewd eyes, a delicate nose, and somewhat heavy and sensual cheeks. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 01, November, 1857 A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics
  • American sloth W 1883 OW mephitine skunk W soricine shrew 1781 - moschine musk deer c1878 OW OW talpine mole 1860 OW musteline weasel, mink tapirine tapir VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • In 1102 Henry I broke the sons of Roger of Montgomery, earl of Shrewsbury, and dismembered their father's marcher ‘empire’.
  • This superorder comprises primates, colugos, bats, and tree shrews.
  • The haulier will seek to exclude his contractual liability for certain acts or omissions, just like any other shrewd businessman.
  • Besides the northern water shrew and the pika, Brown found the ermine, the Uinta chipmunk, the yellowbelly marmot, the bushytail woodrat, and nine other species of small mammals on mountaintops within the Great Basin. The Song of The Dodo
  • Unlike the common shrew, it has a fat, bulbous head and a short, narrow snout.
  • As the old woman had shrewdly guessed, it was a Grey Friar who stole Candide
  • The defence barrister, on the other hand, was shrewd and devastatingly persuasive. Times, Sunday Times
  • And she beshrewed herself for so unkindly judging of his unkindness. Tales from Shakespeare
  • But he appears to have made another shrewd move. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boys tended to make the men peevish and sarcastic, the girls made Emma brittle and shrewish.
  • You claimed she was a shrew ," Jenga said, stopping his pacing for a moment to glance at the gems. TREASON KEEP
  • The quiet of Shrewsbury Abbey is shattered when Brother Oswin, sent on an errand to deliver medicines, is discovered in a nearby forest, beaten within an inch of his life.
  • Do your research : arsenal recently played in their first round of the carling cup against shrewsbury in front of almost 60,000 despite being in the CL so how comes they didnt have 33,000 ? Evening Standard - Home
  • But the Shrews are still winless in the league. The Sun
  • From Oswestry he went to Donnington near Shrewsbury, where under a certain Scotchman named Douglas, who was an absentee, and who died Bishop of Salisbury, he officiated as curate and master of a grammar school for a stipend — always grudgingly and contumeliously paid — of three-and-twenty pounds a year. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • On this evidence, it is a shrewd move. The Sun
  • Some mammal teeth from the Paleocene of France show characters of both bats and insectivores (the group including the hedgehogs, shrews and moles of today).
  • Notable among these are primates, tree shrews, dermopterans, and bats.
  • Despite his kindly, sometimes whimsical air, he was a shrewd observer of people.
  • Mr. Edwards appeared to be some type of shrew, but a wizened, shrunken shell of one.
  • The sensitive Druid launched deep into thought, shrewdly observing the the hazel-eyed man making overtures to the daughter of Cobham.
  • It is just a shrewd understanding of what matters in their lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • A petite woman dressed in pearls and a well-tailored suit, she comes across as shrewd and hardheaded but not unsympathetic to her subjects.
  • Businessmen will hire shrewd youngsters, who will help boost business.
  • I did but refresh myself after the fatigue of the action, with the unbeliever, with one humming cup of sack, and was proceeding to lead forth my captive, when, crash after crash, as with wild thunder-dint and levin-fire, down toppled the masonry of an outer tower, (marry beshrew their hands that built it not the firmer!) and blocked up the passage. Ivanhoe
  • - 'Why, it is my daily pleasure now to look out for the little cottage bonnet and the silk scarf glancing through the trees in the lane, and to know that my quiet, shrewd, thoughtful companion and monitress is coming back to me: that I shall have her sitting in the room to look at, to talk to, or to let alone, as she and I please. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Enjoying stardom while shrewdly aware of its unreality, she was accessible, loyal, generous, with a pungent sense of humour.
  • It is just a shrewd understanding of what matters in their lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a shrewd move to buy your house just before property prices started to rise.
  • However, he worked hard and his shrewd diplomatic judgement enabled him to help forge an alliance with France in 1717-18.
  • The Irishman has been one of the leading jockeys of recent seasons and is one of the shrewdest horsemen around.
  • The pika and the bushytail woodrat and the northern water shrew found themselves stranded—just as the brown bandicoot and the wombat had been stranded, at about the same time, on those land-bridge islands between mainland Australia and Tasmania. The Song of The Dodo
  • The first alternative is hard, but the second too grievous for impaired powers of endurance; I must therefore find what expression I may, and tell you how my life has been beshrewed ever since, a boy of twelve, I first incurred the obloquy of being shy. Apologia Diffidentis
  • However, he realized the air of empty - headed heartiness might also mask a shrewd mind.
  • As the Devil is ordinarily by no means wanting in shrewdness, the omission might perhaps be set down to his credit on the score of charity, but for his abominable taste in matters of diabolical vertûe, as shown by his penchant for sanguinary signatures to all compacts and bonds for bad behavior made with or exacted by him, in the course of his "regular dealings" with mankind, and hence it must be considered a clear case of ignorance or oversight, that this test, compared to which there is toleration for boils even, was not applied. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • The purification of UCP - l ( Uncoupling protein - 1 ) from BAT ( brown adipose tissue ) of the tree shrew.
  • In June 1646 Parliament appointed Mackworth governor of Shrewsbury, an office he held until his death.
  • But it's probably not the shrewdest color choice if you have dogs and small children and friends who are prone to overindulge and spill red wine—no matter that they apologize profusely or rush to pour club soda over the stain. Why the Carpet Is White
  • But Obama is acceding to Bush's brinksmanship, which is truly disappointing, Unless he is shrewdly trying to engage the Bushies while running the clock out. News Dissector Blog
  • The shrewmice however and the hawks they carry away to the city of Buto, and the ibises to Hermopolis; the bears (which are not commonly seen) and the wolves, not much larger in size than foxes, they bury on the spot where they are found lying. An Account of Egypt
  • When the blowoff comes, the mark finds that he has no defence for not being a shrewd man. Monday Five « Gerry Canavan
  • I sensed he must have been able to assume a far harsher expression when, in 1311, the Council of Vienne, with the decretal Exivi de paradiso, had deposed Franciscan superiors hostile to the Spirituals, but had charged the latter to live in peace within the order; and this champion of renunciation had not accepted that shrewd compromise and had fought for the institution of a separate order, based on principles of maximum strictness. The Name of the Rose
  • Four books later, Lethem has settled down a lot -- this book is only a detective story, a shrewd portrait of Brooklyn, a retold "Oliver Twist" and a story so baroquely voiced (the hero has Tourette's syndrome) that Philip Marlowe would blush. Books, 'Tis / Frank Mccourt
  • I am rousing a decidedly unshrewd shrewdness of apes.
  • I've learned that to get new ideas accepted, one needs to be as "shrewd as a snake and harmless as a dove. Christianity Today
  • Five endemic mammal species are considered vulnerable, including Acerodon leucotis, the Palawan treeshrew (Tupaia palawanensis), the Palawan stink badger (Mydaus marchei), the Palawan binturong (Arctictis binturong whitei), and a Sunda tree squirrel (Sundasciurus rabori). Palawan rain forests
  • So it apparently represents what he enjoys, but it may also reflect a very shrewd choice of career path in the future.
  • The shrewmouse eyes me shudderingly, then flees; and, worse than that, Fly Leaves
  • It is just a shrewd understanding of what matters in their lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's a smooth/slick/shrewd/clever operator.
  • We subcutaneously injected 0.5 mg/kg veratrine into the musk shrew.
  • On Cuba, three species of rodent and two species of nesophont primitive shrewlike insectivores unique to the Caribbean have disappeared. The Song of The Dodo
  • Though still in his teens, Tom is shrewd at a bargain.
  • A defendant can combat an obstinate refusal even to consider compromise by a shrewd payment into court, or a Calderbank offer.
  • He also made shrewd investments in property. Times, Sunday Times
  • Casting a shrewd glance around, he perceived just below him, well within reach, one of his parishioners who was wearing a large pair of what in rustic circles are termed "barnacles" tied behind his head. The Parish Clerk
  • Of Tydeus next the lofty praise I will express in brief; no brilliant spokesman he, but a clever craftsman in the art of war, with many a shrewd device; inferior in judgment to his brother Meleager, yet through his warrior skill lending his name to equal praise, for he had found in arms a perfect science; his was an ambitious nature, a spirit rich in store of deeds, with words less fully dowered. The Suppliants
  • So I got a shrewd, close-mouthed, tight-fisted money-lender to get the mortgage transferred to him. MOON-FACE
  • The Appenine shrew is endemic to Italy, and while formerly regarded by some as conspecific with the Common shrew, it is quite different, having a much shorter tail for example. The first new European mammal in 100 years? You must be joking
  • Canadian hunter knows the track made by any bird or beast, from the deep broad print of the bear, to the tiny one of the little shrewmouse, which is the smallest four-footed beast in this or any other country. Lady Mary and her Nurse

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