How To Use Shower stall In A Sentence
She took a quick shower in one of the moldy shower stalls, and put on her other clothes.
I went to the shower stall and turned the knob to hot, and pulled it out, waiting for the water to come flowing through it.
The bathroom are in Italian marble, has double sinks and bath tub and separate shower stall.
For optimum household cleanliness and health, clean and disinfect your shower stalls and glass shower doors at least once a week.
Place a nonslip bathmat immediately in front of the shower stall or bathtub.
Weekend project: Childproofing the bathroom, part 2

A shower stall was rotten.
The Sun
Wrapping a towel around herself, she stepped out of the shower stall and walked into the warm room, searching for the shirt Kyle had given her.
You go into a soundproof and lightproof chamber about the size of a shower stall and float in water that's so full of salts that it's almost thick and you float like a cork.
Sensory deprivation, unauthorized videotaping
The bathroom consists of a Western toilet, a cold-water sink with a water heater and shower head attached to the wall that is often not separated from the rest of the bathroom inside a shower stall.
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For optimum household cleanliness and health, clean and disinfect your shower stalls and glass shower doors at least once a week.
Off to one side stood a sunlamp, in the corner a small bath and shower stall, and beyond the benches, several stools and an easy chair.
A shower stall was rotten.
The Sun
Make it a house rule for everyone to squeegee the shower stall after each shower.
And always wear a pair of plastic flip-flops to prevent picking up common bacteria found in the shower stalls.
Tillman worked her hard all day made her change sheets, scour shower stalls.
Carol and Marty go into separate shower stalls in the girls' locker room in order to disrobe.
And at one end of the family room is an outdoor shower stall set in a breezeway.
There was one bathroom with a shower stall in the corner.
The entire school shared this lavatory and it had a dozen shower stalls for use.
Off to one side stood a sunlamp, in the corner a small bath and shower stall, and beyond the benches, several stools and an easy chair.
You see, our apartment only has a shower stall with no tub.
A shower stall was rotten.
The Sun
For example, you test the water temperature with your hand before stepping into the shower stall.
Dry towels hung from a plastic rack on the linoleum wall across from the shower stalls.
Another door revealed a bathroom with only a shower stall, sink and a toilet.
Taking off her clothes and stepping into the shower stall, she pulled the curtain across and turned on the hot water.
There were visible layers of filth, grime, dirt, mildew on the sides of the shower stalls and on the floor.
There was even an attached bathroom with sinks, toilets and shower stalls.
There was one bathroom with a shower stall in the corner.
Remember bathtubs and shower stalls may require support framing.
There was one bathroom with a shower stall in the corner.
After brushing my teeth, I stepped into the shower stall and ran the tap.
Outer walls and shower stalls leaked into unventilated cul-de-sac wall spaces.