How To Use Shouter In A Sentence
Singers and non-singers alike, including shouters, groaners, moaners and squealers, can all join in.
Next, send them out on to the ice floes of the frozen Baltic and get them to shout - in choral unison - at a stranded 10,000-ton ice breaking vessel, and you have got something called Mieskuoro Huutaja (Men's Choir Shouters) ... a new art form, and it is taking parts of the world by arctic storm.
Boing Boing: February 1, 2004 - February 7, 2004 Archives
The sulker needs to learn not to take the fiery outbursts personally and optimally allow the shouter a few minutes of venting before taking leave of the scene.
Pega Ren: What's Your Anger Style?
The latest incident regards a Christian sect known as the ‘Shouters.’
But I remember something about the cold weather and shouter days compelling deciduous trees to begin their winter preparation.
Much as Lauper idolises the original generation of blues shouters, she now enjoys the status of an elder stateswoman herself.
Cyndi Lauper: rhapsody in blues
As to how a sulker lives with a shouter, they view the other side of the coin.
Pega Ren: What's Your Anger Style?
Dad’s been surprisingly silent on the whole issue, which, for a Class-A shouter, blamer, and disapprover like him, is pretty much an ideal result.
Confetti Confidential
Rosenthal is a shouter, a curser, a whiner; he keeps a "shitlist" in his head and can hold grudges for years.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Provide secure shouter ( shelter ) for potry [ poultry ] , rabbits and other animals that could be attacked.
He's quietly confident, not a shouter or a ranter and raver, he just does it.
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Anyway, the shouters and screamers lose their impact after a while.
It's true that when the sulker returns, calm and prepared to deal with the argument, the shouter has often moved on to other things and must be brought back to the topic.
Pega Ren: What's Your Anger Style?
This caravan, the rude shouters at the town halls, and the whole anti-intellectual culture permeating the remnant base of the [R] party is an anathema to true dialog in a democratic society and is an EMBARRASSMENT to true conservatives.
No love for Harry Reid on the Tea Party Express
For instance, the sulker should reassure the shouter that they will return to tackle the matter after a cooling-off period.
Pega Ren: What's Your Anger Style?
How, then, can a shouter live harmoniously with a sulker?
Pega Ren: What's Your Anger Style?