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How To Use Shouldered In A Sentence

  • Two workboats, ancient battered things with rusting plates, shouldered into it from either side like a couple of drunks supporting a comatose companion.
  • As Locke and Jean stumbled to their feet, the door on the wall opposite the window slammed open, and in stepped a broad-shouldered man with the slablike muscles of a stevedore or a smith. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Despite the challenges that prevail, our women have 'shouldered' the burdens with great resilience and dignity; and many of the successes that we claim toady, must be credited to our mothers, grandmothers, wives, aunts and sisters. Jamaica Information Service
  • He said he was stocky, not too tall, very broad shouldered and middle-aged.
  • She arched an eyebrow, then shouldered past him to smile at Red.
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  • The door opened, and there stood a woman, thirtyish, narrow shouldered. Ann Packer's 'Molten': Narrative Magazine's Friday Feature
  • I know women who are still wearing his broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped black satin trouser suits from 12 years ago or his magical little black dresses, with an inner bodicing that narrowed the waist and emphasized the breasts. The Wrong Sort of Black?
  • That big task is being enthusiastically shouldered by Nader-Camejo campaigners across the country.
  • When their feeling for the river's lore drew them, by a spiritual gravitation, to a common centre -- to learn, for instance, that Council Bend and Council Island were named for one of those historic "confabs" between the white man and the red which shouldered the red brother once and forever away from the sunrise and across the great river -- that centre of gravity was the captain's chair, their tutor the first mate. Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • A uniformed officer - a tall, broad-shouldered woman with dirty-blond hair - stood guard at the emergency exit access door.
  • Some studies have shown that a consistently round-shouldered posture may cause a shortening in one of the shoulder ligaments (the band of tissue that connects the bones).
  • A broad shouldered man wearing a dinner jacket swaggered confidently up to the bar.
  • There must be routs and balls beneath sparkling chandeliers, where young gallants whirl sloe-eyed, bare-shouldered girls in the schottische and the carmagnole.
  • He reached down to pick up his son, but Hoss shouldered him aside.
  • he was big-chested, big-shouldered and heavy-armed
  • Sharman, a broad-shouldered young man perhaps six feet tall, joined the newly formed regiment in September 1862.
  • It probably does feel safer to Harris, a tall, broad-shouldered white man, than to someone in a wheelchair, or someone carrying an easily grabbable purse, or a single woman walking alone. There Are Reasons to Support Burgess’ Panhandling Crackdown « PubliCola
  • Responsibility must be shouldered; you cannot carry it under your arms. 
  • Onlookers used to the swagger of pre-Red Millbrook days hardly recognised the dimmed round-shouldered slinker as the wolf of the tracks, the sexual predator that had set alarmed mothers scurrying protectively after their chicks. The Elvis Latte
  • shouldered arches," as they are commonly called, though each merely consists of a flat lintel resting on corbels, which is not strictly an arch at all. Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less
  • It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of _the fair sex_; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • A broad shouldered man wearing a dinner jacket swaggered confidently up to the bar.
  • He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal.
  • Redgauntlet led them through one or two passages (for the house, as we have before said, was very irregular, and built at different times) until they entered an apartment, where a man with shouldered carabine kept watch at the door, but readily turned the key for their reception. Redgauntlet
  • The strong, the broad-shouldered -- Aka, Mahmoud, Raschid, Selim, they with the bodies of Seti and the faces of Rameses, in their blue yeleks and unsandalled feet -- would go into the desert as their forefathers did for the Shepherd The Weavers: a tale of England and Egypt of fifty years ago - Complete
  • stoop-shouldered
  • The leader of the group shouldered a much larger gun than the others and fired it into the trees hoping for a lucky shot.
  • They shouldered past him and began searching through the inn, looking everywhere that a person could possibly hide.
  • She shouldered a full waterskin, and a bundle of wrapped dried meat and flour.
  • Although he no longer played football, he was still muscular and wide-shouldered.
  • I shouldered past a junior officer and swung my lower body out the window.
  • I looked up at the fountain with its carving of heavy-shouldered wind gods straining to propel ships and bearded sea gods looking to spear them.
  • He got a sack out of the buggy , shouldered it, and staggered with it through the cottage yard, and knocked at the door.
  • The telepath was a stoop-shouldered balding gent with large feet. Tinker's Dam
  • Remembering these things the idle young "flatty" turned and looked at the green-coated and sunken-shouldered figure, touched into some rough pity by the wordless pathos of an existence which seemed without aim or reason. Never-Fail Blake
  • In his denims, however, he looked tall and broad-shouldered.
  • An opulent jewel in the dusty, cracked landscape, it became a haven for birds, being visited by pied kingfishers, mountain chats, spoonbills, bokmakieries, a pair of black-shouldered kites.
  • The 2009 Dodge Ram Heavy Duty features signature broad-shouldered front fenders flanking a fully chromed, "crosshair" grille. Autoblog
  • He shouldered the rifle, took two steps and leaned in.
  • They paled and backed away quickly, and he shouldered past them.
  • At the mouth of the Slave River the outfit was transferred to twelve large freight canoes, each carrying three tons, and manned by six lean-shouldered canoemen, in charge of one Louis LeFroy, Lapierre's boss canoeman. The Gun-Brand
  • All I could make out was the figure of a broad-shouldered man.
  • There must be routs and balls beneath sparkling chandeliers, where young gallants whirl doe-eyed, bare-shouldered girls in the schottische and the carmagnole.
  • Responsibility must be shouldered; you cannot carry it under your arms. 
  • His weapons, having previously been shouldered, were now outstretched to point at Lazarus.
  • And giving the vehicle a confident, broad-shouldered attitude are its wheels that had been aligned on the same place as the outer edges of its fenders.
  • The Good Wife — despite now airing on Sundays in an earlier timeslot on the not-so-edgy CBS — gets viewers all hot and bothered with a scene between a bare-shouldered Alicia and a fully clothed Will in not-so-flagrante delicto. Top Moments: Flash-Dancing with Nancy Grace and The Good Wife's Sexy Tease
  • A lone black-shouldered kite watches from a telephone wire.
  • Given their importance as an instrument of social regulation, it's odd that the law and law enforcement were so long cold-shouldered by historians.
  • Once again Brecht's eyes surveyed the grounds before they settled on a broad shouldered brute of a man who was already striding confidently toward him.
  • At about 1.30 p.m. he elbowed the door handle and shouldered the door, coffee and sandwich in hand and papers in oxter. Well, Ken MacLeod agrees with me rather than with Jonathan Swift
  • he was big-chested, big-shouldered and heavy-armed
  • When your middle and upper body are weak compared to your leg and hip muscles, you're more prone to low back pain which poor, round-shouldered runners are so famous for.
  • The only visible change between the gun envisioned last year and the one produced this year is in the shape of the handle; there's more of a rearward sweep to it, making it a little easier to reach from the shouldered position.
  • Slim, round-shouldered, with a feint moustache, he looked careworn and world-weary from the moment he graduated to international cricket.
  • They shouldered baskets of vegetables and dried fruits which they had brought to change for salt and candies.
  • When thuggee and suttee were abolished in India the British authorities shouldered the responsibility for eliminating those horrors and for administering the lands in question. Archive 2007-01-01
  • He was a broad-shouldered, bluff man, his hair cropped short and curly above his weathered face. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The cost is 5 per night per person but the school has shouldered the bulk of the costs.
  • Today's broad-shouldered, thick-armed hitters make those players look, well, ordinary-sized.
  • Who most smartly twigged the resonance of the party invitation was probably the square-shouldered flat‑nosed puncher Quarry, a competent but inconsistent operator, and one who could usually be relied upon to succumb when it mattered most. The night Muhammad Ali's legend was reborn – and the party that followed
  • In any case, except for Alf, the round-shouldered old toolsetter who waved to him, different people worked there. THE OPEN DOOR
  •   Just a few stalks will have a round-shouldered, introverted schlump like me oozing androsterone out of every pore! Celery: Viva Veggie Viagra!
  • Responsibility must be shouldered; you cannot carry it under your arms. 
  • He shouldered her aside and let the door slam on her angry face.
  • He is eight stone nothing, stoop-shouldered, pigeon-toed, thirty-three.
  • Fraser physically embodies his role to perfection, as the quintessential square-shouldered, square chinned, honest American.
  • The Reds nudged and shouldered at the lead, putting their first batter aboard in the third, fourth, and fifth innings but never quite bringing him around.
  • The seventh member of the chorus, a wide shouldered, mannish, strong woman with steel gray eyes, took her place.
  • The person addressed first looked extremely astonished; then shouldered his peavy and started for camp, leaving the diminished rear a prey to curiosity. Blazed Trail Stories and Stories of the Wild Life
  • For my own part, I welcome the change which puts women in seagoing postings: it's about time they shouldered their share of seagoing duties… instead of sitting around in comfortable shore billets at home.
  • There is some explanation for the belief that Schubert did not dare to love or declare his love, and some reason to believe that his reticence was wise and may have saved him worse pangs, in the fact that he was only one inch more than five feet high, and yet fat and awkward; stoop-shouldered, wild-haired, small-nosed, big-spectacled, thick-lipped, and of a complexion which has been called pasty to the point of tallowness. The Love Affairs of Great Musicians, Volume 2
  • There must be routs and balls beneath sparkling chandeliers, where young gallants whirl sloe-eyed, bare-shouldered girls in the schottische and the carmagnole.
  • Somehow Josh would remember that string-puller Dr. Stokes as having been there, too, as if she were part of the group that shouldered into his house and asked, "Mr. Goldin, where's your son? Excerpt from Darin Strauss's "More Than It Hurts You"
  • The opening is of the form sometimes called the shouldered arch, a square lintel (which, curiously enough, is not one stone) resting on corbels; and the semicircular arch over this is of four orders, the uppermost of which projects considerably from the wall. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • As we shouldered our daypacks, the sun broke through a thin haze of clouds, and melting snow soon revealed a patchwork of meadow and forest lying in gentle folds before us.
  • She gave me a most unfriendly stare, shouldered past me and stomped off to inspect the works.
  • ‘Oh well,’ I thought to myself as I shouldered my bag and stepped off the tube at my stop.
  • She shouldered a full waterskin, and a bundle of wrapped dried meat and flour, and stepped into the footsteps of the men who had violated her and murdered her lover.
  • I shouldered my bag wearily, eager to get to bed.
  • The instant the broad-shouldered man had gone, Captain Joy turned to Jupiter. THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • All were armed with wooden bows strung with silver strands and all shouldered a quiver full of golden arrows.
  • Are we less than the men who left safe harbors and shouldered through cold oceans?
  • Try a very narrow-shouldered coat and ideally something that doesn't fall below the knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Silverbridge; at which place, between six and seven in the morning, it was shouldered by the Framley footpost messenger, and in due course delivered at the Framley Parsonage exactly as Mrs Robarts had finished reading prayers to the four servants. Framley Parsonage
  • The others laughed, one pulled hard on the reins, making his broad-shouldered mount snort and curvet. The Lioness
  • The work of protection cannot be shouldered by individuals or local governments alone.
  • The report will heighten concerns about the burdens to be shouldered by future generations of taxpayers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A big, hearty, round-shouldered guy full of bonhomie, Lechelt is never more bearish than when he talks about seafood.
  • Nevertheless, on his way to escort them out of the club, one of the security personnel shouldered me aside and trod heavily on my foot.
  • Imagine a person, tall, lean and feline, high-shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan, a close-shaven skull, and long, magnetic eyes of the true cat-green. The devil doctor!
  • With her black hair in an upsweep, her Valentine-face in full makeup, her wide-shouldered rayon dress, and her high-heeled shoes, my mother looked as glamorous as the women in the ads of the department stores she'd be visiting.
  • The willowy and immaculate members of this class are physically contrasted to the squat and round-shouldered working class.
  • There are long shots of a round-shouldered, perpetually scowling artist trudging along a street.
  • I heard a whinny, then the squeak of leather as a big, square-shouldered man dismounted.
  • big-shouldered and heavy-armed
  • Sharp-shinned and cooper's hawks, as well as merlins, are rare, but not unheard of, and this time of year, the south-bound migration brings red-shouldered, broad-winged, and rough-legged hawks passing overhead. Knowing a hawk from a handsaw, pt 1
  • Canute gazed after him, as he sat there so broad-shouldered in the wagon, while the horse, impatient for home, hurried on unurged by Lars, who only gave loose rein. Stories by Foreign Authors: Scandinavian
  • Restricted range and globally threatened birds present in Cape York Peninsula include the buff-breasted buttonquail (Turnix olivii EN), golden-shouldered parrot (Psephotus chrysopterygius EN), lovely fairywren (Malurus amabilis), white-streaked honeyeater (Trichodere cockerelli), and yellow-spotted honeyeater (Meliphaga notata). Cape York tropical savanna
  • But throughout history fighting men have shouldered this impossible burden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sonia quickly shouldered the enormous trunk and climbed up to the deck, hiking her skirts and petticoats out of the way.
  • Of course, we can't just dump the blame for the fact we live in filth on tightwad councillors; some responsibility has to be shouldered by the litterbugs who think nothing of dropping their junk where they stand.
  • If those other shades, the troubles of life, have become too dense and shouldered out the light, so that the sick imagination sees them as crouching beasts of prey, a pilgrimage to such a tranquil place in lilac time may help to set things right again. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Bend at the hips, not the waist or back - this will help prevent you from getting too round-shouldered.
  • Who most smartly twigged the resonance of the party invitation was probably the square-shouldered flat‑nosed puncher Quarry, a competent but inconsistent operator, and one who could usually be relied upon to succumb when it mattered most. The night Muhammad Ali's legend was reborn – and the party that followed
  • He pushed his chair back in and shouldered his bag once more as he placed his dirty dishes in the sink.
  • After each repulse, when the old wolf sheered abruptly away from the sharp-toothed object of his desire, he shouldered against a young three-year-old that ran on his blind right side. The Battle of the Fangs
  • The faubourg shouldered the redoubt, the redoubt took its stand under cover of the faubourg. Les Miserables
  • She gave a description of the robber which described him as being broad shouldered and stocky, which the appellant was not.
  • 'The Master of Ballantrae' shouldered 'The Queen's Regulations,' one would fancy with a swaggering hint of scorn; a battered copy of the The Great Amulet
  • Shortly after dawn, a group of massive, white-shouldered birds glides over the lake in search of breakfast.
  • He shouldered his bag and left.
  • To get away from them, he shouldered past Clark into the bedroom.
  • They rootled in the tall grass or shouldered in long, snaky lines through the canes, their trunks waggling. The Trail Book
  • Tall, loose-limbed and square-shouldered, Taylor still has all the vestiges of the matinee-idol good looks that labelled him one of the most handsome men on the dance scene in the second half of the last century.
  • She was round, round-bellied, round-shouldered, round-hipped, and always smiling, always jolly.
  • And Mr. Junkin shouldered the blame, his otherwise sterling 19-year career marred by that one play. One Jet's Upside-Down Dream
  • The boy shouldered a basket of fruits.
  • Nine-tenths of the bill for compensating victims of the institutionalised abuse will be shouldered by Irish taxpayers rather than the church.
  • The women—bare shouldered, their hair à la bacchante, with long curls at the back entwined with vine leaves and bunches of grapes—waltzed around the staid little queen. THE DIAMOND
  • Donny and Trevor shouldered their way past me with manic grins on their faces.
  • He soon caught sight of Vince Grant, towering walnuthrown and square-shouldered over a small gathering of civilians and military personnel bottlenecked at the arrival hold's security gate.
  • Susan wore a high-shouldered gold tube of a dress with a tall collar which restricted the movement of her neck.
  • Polly, a principle that can't bear being laughed at, frowned on, and cold-shouldered, is n't worthy of the name. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • The houses, when they did not stand apart like our own farmhouses, gathered into gray-brown villages around some high-shouldered church with a bell-tower in front or at one corner of the fagade. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • The woodpecker sat on his perch with wings held tightly against his sides, "humped" up as though he were high-shouldered. In Nesting Time
  • I hurried back to my room, shouldered my knapsack, and hesitated over my suitcase before deciding to leave it.
  • The risk of error is unacceptably high, and disproportionately shouldered by certain groups.
  • One of the latest designs to emerge from his upstart firm, the brashly named BIG Bjarke Ingels Group, this vision of a New York apartment complex has a startling profile totally at odds with the grids of crew-cut, square-shouldered towers dotting the Manhattan skyline. Building a Better Future
  • They sat round-shouldered on two hard bar-stools, facing the mirror which ran along the wall. LOST CHILDREN
  • It's like extolling the noble sacrifice of Nicaragua's Samoza when he and 3,000 of his friends took in 90% of the country's wealth and earnings and munificently "shouldered" 60% of the taxes that the 4 million Nicaraguans had to caught up. <a href="" title="Obama's message is just too depressing
  • As it has turned out, the more appropriate implement to have been shouldered that day would have been shovels.
  • Long-limbed, deep-chested, broad-shouldered, his every motion betokened his iron strength and cat-like litheness. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Sword Woman - Robert E. Howard
  • The one-shouldered version, on the other hand, not only provides more stability (should the lady not, for some reason, desire to whip off her top), but also has a bit of a goddess thing going for it, thereby imbuing the woman with a rather snotty-faced imperial look and thus negating her bra-less state or, at least, making it look a little less desperate and easy. Life and style |
  • His height was six feet three inches, and he was correspondingly broad - shouldered and deep-chested. The King of the Greeks
  • He was thick-shouldered, square-headed, and handsome like a movie star.
  • Still, the popular image of "The Gipper" – resolute, square-shouldered, unfailingly optimistic – overlooks a more complicated presidency – and person. Sarah Palin To Address Ronald Reagan Centennial In Santa Barbara
  • Olivo shouldered his first fishing rod at age 4.
  • I still intend to get that film before the group as a tour de force of big-shouldered broads gloriously over-acting.
  • He was tall and square-shouldered, and his face glowed. The Three Furies
  • She cold-shouldered her ex-fiance
  • She's made a career of refusing to be seduced by the big-shouldered speculators selling California sensuality.
  • having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home
  • For the betterment of all, they shouldered the burden of being the huntsmen and butchers, the judges and jailers, the hangmen and executioners, the grave-diggers and cere-clothiers. The Codex Continual » “Nine are the Candles”-An Excerpt
  • The report will heighten concerns about the burdens to be shouldered by future generations of taxpayers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Raptors amongst the stabilised sands include 15 breeding pairs (about a tenth of the world's population) of the Spanish imperial eagle Aquila heliaca adalberti (VU), black vulture Aegypius monachus, short-toed eagle Circaetus gallicus, booted eagle Hieraaetus pennatus, buzzard Buteo buteo, black kite Milvus migrans, black-shouldered kite Elanus caeruleus, red kite M. milvus, and hobby Falco subbuteo. Doñana National Park, Spain
  • A bulky, square-shouldered woman with severe eyebrows and deep furrows of discontent bracketing her mouth, heaved herself out of an armchair. Day of Honey
  • The scout shouldered his Necrorifle, ducked behind a bush and handed his field ocular to his commanding officer.
  • In case the cook was worsted, the messman sturdily upheld his opinions, and in case the weight of public opinion was too much for the storeman, he slipped on his felt mitts, shouldered a Venesta box and made for the tunnel which led to the store. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • They shouldered responsibility, faith and idealism along with muskets, carbines and courage.
  •   Just a few stalks will have a round-shouldered, introverted schlump like me oozing androsterone out of every pore! Celery: Viva Veggie Viagra!
  • Shaddy shouldered his gun, and went off after the man who was loaded with strips of flesh to make what is called biltong, and the two left worked on very diligently, with the boys wandering here and there in search of objects of interest and finding plenty -- brilliant metallic-cased beetles, strange flowers which they wanted named, birds which it was a delight to watch as they busied themselves about the fruit and flowers of the trees at the forest edge. Rob Harlow's Adventures A Story of the Grand Chaco
  • broad-shouldered
  • At the primary school I taught colours and body parts by getting the kids to draw three red-headed and two green-shouldered monsters.
  • Like most failures to master our culture's pitfalls, this one is shouldered by the individual.
  • Tammie's debosh and my own, besides the trifle of threepence to the round - shouldered old horse-couper with the slouched japan beaver hat. The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
  • He is short, bespectacled, narrow-shouldered, a big talent in a Woody Allen-esque package.
  • In the center of the armsmen was a squarebearded and broad-shouldered man wearing what Anna would have called glittering half armor. Darksong Rising
  • He is still bitter that he was once cold-shouldered.
  • He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal.
  • He was a big man of about forty, wide-shouldered and heavily built.
  • With great tact and patience he shouldered the detailed practical business of planning the film. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mark is a square-shouldered former Marine, an eye-catching body builder who takes the best care of himself. Zebratown
  • They were average specimens of the steatopygous Abyssinian breed, broad-shouldered, thin-flanked, fine-limbed, and with haunches of a prodigious size. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Fifty years after the Bloody Shouldered Arabian's importation, the Arabian still offered the loftiest, most exalted image in the English horse painter's repertoire.
  • Still, the popular image of "The Gipper"– resolute, square-shouldered, unfailingly optimistic – overlooks a more complicated presidency – and person. Sarah Palin To Address Ronald Reagan Centennial In Santa Barbara
  • The whole smoking, stoop-shouldered, ill-scented throng were descendants of that Tennessee and Carolina element which more enterprising Hoosiers deplore, because in every generation it repeats the ignorance and unthrift branded so many years ago into the "poor white" of the South. Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 26, August, 1880 of Popular Literature and Science
  • We both, she and I, took after our mother, were broad shouldered, strongly built, and capable of endurance, but her pallor was a sign of ill-health; she often had a cough, and I sometimes caught in her face that look one sees in people who are seriously ill, but for some reason conceal the fact. The Chorus Girl and Other Stories
  • Hospital, and a heavy-shouldered, black-haired man in shabby white drills stepped out of the throng and seized the flying bridoon-rein, and wrenched the brute down. The Dop Doctor
  • He shouldered his way to the front, shouldering others aside.
  • Their friend shouldered past the entering woman, earning him a huffed comment he completely ignored.
  • He was toying with the cigar now, marching into Ye Jesters as the antique cuckoo clock above the reception desk cuckooed three, a commanding general trailed after by his army of one, which happened to be the white-haired, stoop-shouldered Mugsy Charleson. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • He shouldered past the young men who never had a chance to claim the greatest prize.
  • Shane shouldered his bulky gym-bag and turned to his friends.
  • As a result, working women often shouldered double burdens as they juggled work and home responsibilities.
  • : transients attempt to succumb to pathos, and triumph as sad clowns in velvet. there's an oxymoron or two in there, i think. and unseen in the infinite depths of black velvet is the weight of indelible viciousness shouldered by the garish penitents. or maybe Xtreme Hobo Stick. Hobo Stick
  • Numerous eyewitness accounts provided to Gambling911. com confirmed Corfman's son, Steven, was unnecessarily "kneed" and "shouldered" by the guards for no apparent reason. RSS News Feed
  • He was a powerfully built man, thick-necked, broad-shouldered, with sinewy wrists and toil-distorted hands. THE HOBO AND THE FAIRY
  • Commonplace stuff, but the details of life are always shifting on you, and the child who dances without care in the middle of Southdale turns into the stoop-shouldered teen who rolls her eyes when you bring up her terpsichorean abandon.
  • A bare-shouldered woman lolls insouciantly on the cover of the magazine.
  • Michael it was, less travelled in the world than Jerry, by nature not so self-controlled, who threw the play-acting of dignity to the wind, and, with shrill whinings of emotion, with body-wrigglings of delight, flashed out his tongue of love and shouldered his brother roughly in eagerness to get near to him. CHAPTER XXIV
  • In terms of the money we pay to AIDS victims, we taxpayers must understand that this is a cost to be shouldered by the whole of society.
  • Tall of stature, broad "shouldered," an open contenance, and steady eye, he is just the man to draw forth from passers-by the interrogatory, Who is he? An Apology for African Methodism
  • With great tact and patience he shouldered the detailed practical business of planning the film. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a pragmatic, strong-shouldered individual who excels in the art of compromise and is resourceful and dedicated to the pursuit of resources.
  • Without asking, he shouldered Alex's soaking wet pack and led the way out of the graveyard, through a short corridor of the office complex, then out a side exit to a dark alley.
  • He adds: When one sees an ill- formed man, with great big feet and long shapeless shanks, built like a trestle.... hump- shouldered and skew- backed, and one wants to mock him, one says, 'Look, what an austringer!' Archive 2006-08-01
  • He shouldered a pick and shovel, took a hammer and a pipe-wrench from the tool-house, and returned to Chapter XXVII
  • It shows cannons protruding from either side of the paddle wheel, a military band playing on deck, pipe-smoking officers in an open deckhouse, and soldiers striding about with shouldered rifles.
  • He was picking crumbs from the plate when a diminutive, slope-shouldered man with a fixed, wan smile entered the room.
  • When their preparations were complete, they shouldered their back-bags, slung their rifles and set out.
  • He's a calm man, broad-shouldered, a little heavy in the gut, a well-loved husband and father, a loyal friend, a deeply spiritual man.
  • He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal.
  • Under the new bill, those costs would be defrayed through a mix of federal funds and hefty discounts shouldered by the pharmaceutical industry. For Drug Makers, Closing Doughnut Hole Promises Silver Lining
  • Look at this broad-shouldered man with the bare muscular arms, and the thick, firm, black hair tossed about like trodden meadow-grass whenever he takes off his paper cap, and with the strong barytone voice bursting every now and then into loud and solemn psalm-tunes, as if seeking an outlet for superfluous strength, yet presently checking himself, apparently crossed by some thought which jars with the singing. Adam Bede
  • He shouldered his way into the crowd
  • Of that amount, $43 million will be shouldered by the United Nations and the remaining $13.3 million by Cambodia.
  • We were shouldered roughly out of the way.
  • I did my thousand words a day, travelling or stopping over, suffered my last faint fever shock, saw my silvery skin vanish and my sun-torn tissues healthily knit again, and drank as a broad-shouldered chesty man may drink. Chapter 33
  • He was a houghal (no idea what that means) to look at - most unlike a runner. he had a limping way of walking, was dull and monotonous in his look, round shoulhered (you'll know this means shouldered) long backet and short legged, with an earnest, stubborn expression. IcAyrshire

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