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shoulder girdle

  1. the bony arch formed by the collarbones and shoulder blades in humans

How To Use shoulder girdle In A Sentence

  • In the shoulder girdle, the serratus anterior, upper and lower trapezius, levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles are involved.
  • The clavicle and scapula together form the shoulder girdle.
  • By doing so, your shoulder girdle will move back, allowing you to stretch your chest muscles farther during the exercise without placing as much stress on your front delts.
  • Key to skeletal balance, a sense of orientation and muscular coordination, the balanced pelvis forms a rim-like base for the spinal vertebrae, rib cage, shoulder girdle and head.
  • Caecilians, urodeles and some anurans, snakes, amphisbaenians and some lizards have a stapes, which may be attached to the shoulder girdle or skin, and are well suited to detecting low frequency vibrations from the substrate.
  • Cut away xiphisternum, and then cut through clavicles and coracoids on either side, and remove ventral part of shoulder girdle, to expose the heart. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • It usually presents with pain and muscle weakness with atrophy in the shoulder girdle.
  • The main key points are the patient's head, shoulder girdle, spine and pelvis.
  • Bones of the forelimb and shoulder girdle in Alamosaurus, except the ulna, differ substantially from those of Titanosaurus colberti.
  • These animals also have relatively large shoulder girdles, possibly to provide muscle attachment to support the weight of the huge head.
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