How To Use Shortfall In A Sentence
But wrangling over a £1m cash shortfall has delayed the plans by at least four to five months.
Weare clear - eyed about the challenge of mobilizing collective action, and shortfalls of our international system.
They said another factor contributing to the patient pile-up is a staff shortfall.
We were truly, truly sorry that there was the shortfall in our initial funding of the foundation.
So my advice is this: Keep the eight-glasses-a-day rule--not as a do-or-die goal, but simply as a tool to remind you to drink enough water to make up for any shortfall from your food.

To help alleviate a shortfall of 1,900 captains, the U.S. Army will promote officers earlier to the rank of captain beginning in October.
The catalyst was the Roman procurator's demand for 100,000 denarii from the Temple treasury, probably to make up a shortfall in revenues caused by a tax strike.
Programmers, the technologically innovative subclass of the creative, theoretically have it better: information technology remains a seller's market, with companies reporting an ongoing recruiting shortfall for IT new hires.
Thanks to funding shortfalls, the film sat in post-production for almost four years before reaching completion.
Millions are facing shortfalls on their endowments, an investment product sold heavily in the 1980s.
Revenue shortfalls during the first two and a half years of his term approached $6 billion, forcing him to cut spending and scrap some campaign promises.
The Roanoke Times: Home page
Under Gordon Brown's own fiscal rules, he could carry on spending and borrowing the shortfall in the short-term.
The Met is doubtless reorganizing and retooling to deal with those budget shortfalls.
Walker blames the shortfall squarely on the failure of ministers to ensure that the new policies were properly costed.
Industry research firm Watson Wyatt estimates Australian companies face a combined shortfall of as much as A$25 billion in these defined-benefit pension plans, known as superannuation in Australia.
Australian Firms to Pay Scarce Cash for Pensions
I am not worried on a personal level but I do think that there will be a huge shortfall throughout the country.
While the Environmental Protection Agency has established maximum contamination levels for community water systems, an analysis by the American Society of Civil Engineers, or ASCE, states that there is currently an $11 billion-a-year shortfall in the funding necessary to "replace aging facilities that are near the end of their useful life and to comply with existing and future federal water regulations.
Scott Lilly: 'Nonsecurity' Spending Cuts Could Be Hazardous to Your Health
The pretax figures don't include intangible amortization costs and rent shortfalls on sublet properties.
Henderson Tries to Curb Gartmore Outflows
And even if the official bearish projections turn out to be true, the shortfall could be made up easily by subjecting investment income to Social Security taxes, and by eliminating the cap that exempts wage income above a certain maximum ($68,400 in 1998).
Defending Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Financially, colleges responded to revenue shortfalls by laying off workers and downsizing operations.
It is ten people shy of its target, although Mr Smith assured that the firm would not be pursuing any compulsory redundancies to make up the shortfall.
Any near-term funding shortfall will affect the overall schedule, and such schedule slips disrupt future funding.
Another shortfall is the way it has been gendered, something evident in all linguistic movements.
However you do have various options and the key aspect is to combat the shortfall so that you do not find yourself unable to repay the mortgage at the end of the term.
The Intel Corporation, the semiconductor maker, lowered its profit forecast for its first quarter, blaming a steep drop in prices for memory chips for the shortfall.
The government also advised that it expects a shortfall in tax revenues, because of the economic slump, and that it was stepping up its programme of building shelters for the unemployed and homeless.
It is difficult not to wax nostalgic when gold is counterpoised to inflation, currency depreciation, exchange-rate uncertainty and chronic balance-of-payments shortfalls.
Financial environmental appraisal is used to estimate the potential costs and benefits of responding to shortfalls highlighted in other audits.
This astrophysical shortfall came about because an entire window of the electromagnetic spectrum - microwaves - hadn't yet been opened.
The groups had initially considered paying increased rent to cover the shortfall.
The month after the startling triumph of a brainy presidential candidate, with the economy tanking and Texas staring at a $9 billion budget shortfall, our piffler-in-chief, Gov.
The Texas Observer: In the Current Issue
Just because you can afford to pay off the shortfall doesn't mean that the policy wasn't mis-sold in the first place.
Meantime, the tribe is looking for ways to cover the shortfall.
Parents have been asked to pay £30 each to cover the shortfall in the budget.
We keep hammering away at these shortfalls in our system.
This resulted in serious shortfalls in the projected revenue stream.
The deficit morass is due as much to a revenue shortfall as excessive spending.
The shortfall will be made up of local government allocations, town councils and the rates.
Officers' representatives have consistently complained about a shortfall among commandants and captains and there is usually a high drop out rate among recruits.
However, given the lengthy plan period ahead, in my opinion, it is too early to rule out the small shortfall being met by development on brownfield land within the urban area.
The need for additional staff should be identified at the earliest opportunity after consideration of alternative means of meeting the shortfall.
There will be a shortfall in wheat supplies this year.
Occasionally reform opponents will say there's no crisis now, but there was then -- but the shortfall is actually bigger now.
Sound Politics: Cantwell Follows the Democratic Playbook on Social Security
Oh absolutely, he does actually mean well, he's just hamstrung by a severe shortfall in the social skills department.
One way to make up for the loss in revenue from privatization as well as cover the existing revenue shortfall is dramatically but gradually to cut Social Security benefits.
Kotlikoff's Social Security Plan, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
To help alleviate a shortfall of 1,900 captains, the U.S. Army will promote officers earlier to the rank of captain beginning in October.
But a state budget shortfall of as much as $2 billion this year, a lingering hangover from the recession, has persuaded leaders in the Republican-dominated state Senate to seek new revenues, including a seventh-day boost from the so-called sin tax levied on liquor, wine and beer sales.
Last Call for Dry Sundays
For years she surmounted her weekly shortfall by pooling her income and expenses with Elsa.
Thanks to funding shortfalls, the film sat in post-production for almost four years before reaching completion.
If bus operators no longer receive this money they will be forced to find ways to make up the shortfall in income.
And there would still be a large shortfall arising from the years of undersupply.
Times, Sunday Times
The state is facing a the state's $1.2 billion shortfall in its 2010-2011 biennium, which is largely due to revenue shortfalls, according to state officials.
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Because direct taxes will not rise, any shortfall will be clawed back through cutbacks.
The town's education chiefs are contacting schools in an attempt to bring in supply teachers to cover the shortfall, but say some classes are likely to be disrupted.
Their experiences and observations underscore why changing the health care system has proved so hard for presidents and policymakers: the complexity of the system, the pressure from chronic diseases, the shortfall in preventive care, the high costs, the competing demands — and the life-or-death stakes.
'24 hours in the ER' shows challenges of health system
Between desire and reality, potential and realization, what could be and what is, lies the shortfall.
Based on the insurance premiums it expects to write, the group faces a capital shortfall of £700m.
You should be proud of this tradition and instead of pouring opprobrium upon those who wish to highlight the shortfall in the usually high standards of those constabularies, you should be welcoming this scrutiny for a sign of what it is, a reaction to the unusualness of the footage, a reaction of shock at the infrequency that violence towards the public is actually used.
Diversity In Action (or ‘inaction’ if you prefer) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Britain's growing ranks of pensioners, present and future, are facing a tough time unless action is taken to tackle a huge shortfall in the nation's pension pot.
But by the sixth year, the federation estimates there will be a funding shortfall for housebuilding of £1bn.
New homes bonus for councils will 'worsen England's north-south divide'
If you have a problem in making up the extra cash needed to cover the possible shortfall, don't just do nothing.
This insurance is designed to protect motorists from payout shortfalls that could arise between the original price paid for a car and the comprehensive insurance payout in the case of loss.
For many Western European countries, the shortfall of prospective taxes to benefits, the result of demographics, is greater in present value terms than the total value of government bonds outstanding in each country.
Aging Europe, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
He said people were the core of the defence capability today and in the future and if recruiting shortfalls and high loss rates were not addressed then Defence could decay to the point of irrelevance.
News of cutbacks, such as the shortfall in medical card allocations, does not enthuse voters.
It is rumoured that the audited figures will reveal a bigger shortfall.
Budget shortfalls and slipping numbers for the upcoming show in Atlanta have added to the organization's growing to-do list.
The medics warn of an acute shortage of anaesthetists and a shortfall of 500 GPs by 2012.
The shortfall is expected to be met by income generated from corporate supporters and by public donators, who have already donated nearly £25,000.
Their experiences and observations underscore why changing the health care system has proved so hard for presidents and policymakers: the complexity of the system, the pressure from chronic diseases, the shortfall in preventive care, the high costs, the competing demands — and the life-or-death stakes.
'24 hours in the ER' shows challenges of health system
The probability that these NNRs will experience permanent global supply shortfalls by the year 2030 is nearly certain, assuming near term recoveries to pre-recession NNR extraction levels and growth rates, and the continued inability of recycled NNRs to more than offset ever-tightening newly extracted supplies.
Energy Bulletin -
Some of that shortfall can be explained away by a booming economy, growing employment and a falling social security burden.
He'd invaded their market, though, taking advantage of a supply shortfall to establish an entry position.
Available data regarding sowing trends for the rabi season winter crop indicate a shortfall in the area sown under pulses and oilseeds, which may result in a further increase in price levels in coming weeks," said Aditi Nayar, an economist with ICRA.
India Food Prices Fall Again
There was a 40 per cent shortfall in nerve agent detector units, while the MoD's entire stock of 4,000 vapour detection kits, used by troops when they unmask after a suspected chemical attack, was discovered to be unserviceable.
Supply shortfalls could plague China for at least two more years, Liang believes.
Perhaps the answer to the budget shortfall may lie in reviewing the number of higher paid managers who need to be employed, rather than axing frontline staff?
After all, the current shortfalls stem in part from companies trying to get by with paying less.
We have now been told by our insurer that a shortfall is likely and we were not warned at the outset.
He warned that if these issues are not addressed, the shortfall in housing may need to be met by the development of other areas, and that could mean greenfield sites.
After payment to the preferred creditors and Anglo Irish Bank a total of £231,450 remains for unsecured creditors - a shortfall of over £2.3million.
This year it expects to pay up to £4m to policyholders facing shortfalls.
Dr. Jeff Masters on Gustav. jonquil discusses portential shortfalls in the evacuation protocol here.
Four hundred miles without a word until you smile
Also contributing to this busywork is the fact that the relative priority of the shortfalls changes as well.
Using this approach shows a large surplus of housing supply, in contrast with the Inspector's finding of a small shortfall.
In both cases the drawdown of fund balances came relatively early, as states reacted to the emerging revenue shortfalls.
Under the current funding structure, universities are paid per student from central government so unfilled places lead to budget shortfalls.
That uncertainty arose after a $ 10 million budget shortfall surfaced in July, days before the start of the school year.
The fee hikes will offset a $9.8 million budget shortfall resulting from a decrease in funding from the provincial government, and rising employee costs.
I anticipate that increased trading activity in mainland parcels will absorb any shortfall created by temporary vacancies, and conversion fees, but the implications for LIF in the short term revolve around cash flow.
World of SL
Some of the shortfall in these years was due to Scholastic's failure to turn around its "continuities" book-of-the-month sales unit, which it is exiting.
Putting Scholastic's Earnings to the Test
The probability that these NNRs will experience permanent global supply shortfalls by the year 2030 is very high, assuming near term recoveries to pre-recession NNR extraction levels and growth rates, and the continued inability of recycled NNRs to more than offset ever-tightening newly extracted supplies.
Energy Bulletin -
The other, plasma, is cyclical; sometimes there's a bad shortfall in plasma supply, and other times there's too much.
Ride The Takeover Wave
However, this view of overseas property agencies is the reason for many of the shortfalls in the industry.
Therefore, the acquirer should obtain a covenant that the seller will make up any shortfall.
Until the recent House action, however, every plan to address the shortfall had been a non-starter on Capitol Hill.
You could keep the policy going and look at other alternatives to repay the remaining shortfall.
This is an argument from what we know about the causal powers of intelligence and the shortfall of unintelligent causes.
In the interim, at least 150,000 tonnes of maize, about half of the anticipated shortfall of 300,000 tonnes will be imported as relief to affected families.
HAMPTON The city of Hampton will lose 78 permanent full-time positions to help meet a $19 million budget shortfall in 2010-11, City Manager Mary Bunting said Wednesday.
The Shad Plank
I have been warned to expect a significant shortfall on my mortgage endowment.
Specifically, depending on our benchmark and whether we look at unweighted or weighted alpha, the monthly shortfall ranges from 5.6 to 16.3 basis points.
The probability that these NNRs will experience permanent global supply shortfalls by the year 2030 is high, assuming near term recoveries to pre-recession NNR extraction levels and growth rates, and the continued inability of recycled NNRs to more than offset ever-tightening newly extracted supplies.
Energy Bulletin -
In 1988, 460,000 students were graduating nationwide, but there was a demand for 700,000 a shortfall, not a surplus.
Still, this huge increase in slugging has not made the Hispanic shortfall in walks disappear.
Matthew Yglesias » Race and the Whistle
The drought caused serious shortfalls in the food supply.
What leads to looting of taxpayers is: (1) not having to defend *any* reasonable story about future returns (2) politically enabled players taking a short term payday on a huge amount of unsustainable business (3) with the players knowing somebody else will pay for the ultimate massive shortfall, a shortfall much more massive that the monies actually looted.
William Isaac is Wrong on Market Value Accounting, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Scrapping the cap on earnings subject to the payroll tax, while not counting earnings above the cap toward benefits, would eliminate Social Security's entire long-term shortfall.
Daniel Marans: Five Progressive Tax Increases That Washington Won't Talk About
Maize shortfalls are also projected for Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.
Even switching the amount of the shortfall predicted by your insurer to a repayment mortgage will help.
In 1990, for example, pull-out of a bilateral donor caused a funding shortfall of an important multilateral programme.
Norway outlawed smoking in bars and restaurants last June to an outcry from publicans who predicted serious trade shortfalls.
Besides tablets, Computex will also feature corporate and home servers and other cloud-based computing equipment and services, a sector Taiwanese firms have recently entered to make up for shortfalls in PC sales.
IPad challengers on display at Taiwan trade show
That's because the state is facing a multibillion dollar budget shortfall.
Houston Chronicle
Specifically, when you have cases in which one cohort quite blatantly loots the local treasury and then another cohort is asked to make up for the shortfall, it is is natural for the second cohort to object.
Matthew Yglesias » The Looming Public Pension Disaster
The kinds of pension gap shortfalls that we are now witnessing in the UK are now being seen stateside.
The earnings shortfall is mostly owed to starry-eyed forecasting, but buyers should wait, writes Jack Hough.
Apple 'Disappoints'? Blame Wall Street
Hungary's deficit target of 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, approved by the EU and IMF, is "attainable" with changes in spending and revenue plans, said Varga, who a week earlier estimated the shortfall may exceed 7 percent.
The military says the shortfall is over and soldiers who do not yet have the armor soon will.
The police do a difficult job, and, generally, they do it well, despite their constant battles with top-heavy administration, resource shortfalls, and lack of staff.
It projected a shortfall of nearly 400,000 acre-feet.
Arkansas River Water Deals Could Dry Up One Third Of Farm Land: Report
Clearly the print space that you are alluding to was probably the singular largest area where there were some shortfalls in the supply chain, but they were not large enough, Matt, to make a - what I call a dent in our overall growth Q3 to Q4. Home Page
The state has a budgetary shortfall of $3 billion over the past two years Wisconsin budgets biennially.
Franklin Schargel: Scapegoating Educators
After the sale, and the recovery of the amount owing on the mortgage, including interest and costs, the guarantor will be liable for any shortfall.
However, as Councilmember Sally Clark has eloquently stated, budget shortfalls should be addressed by “… reviewing priorities and making decisions by programs and departments, rather than by targeting individuals or job titles … in a smart, systematic way that maintains basic services, matches our values as a community, and respects the good work of city employees.” cosmopolis
City Light Employees Plan to Unionize « PubliCola
The shortfalls came even after past reports had faulted the company for its responses to large-scale power outages, including those conducted after Hurricane Gloria in 1985, a March 2010 nor'easter and this year's Tropical Storm Irene.
Conn. Utility Misled Public After Storm
It all adds up to bigger and bigger revenue shortfalls and the need for more and more spending cuts.
There will soon be a shortfall in supply of qualified young people.
Unfortunately, this year state budgets face such shortfalls that tax credits are looked upon with disfavor.
This shortfall in compliance has been due mainly to dietary restrictions that are necessary with guaiac-based tests as well as for esthetic reasons associated with stool-specimen collection.
Then, if one market segment sags, others may make up the shortfall.
It used to be a popular sideline for miners working shifts, but the collapse of the coal industry has been accompanied by a huge shortfall in retained firefighters.
After he had paid the eight hundred thousand on Mon-day, he had telephoned Lapiere to explain about the shortfall.
The budget deficit is the shortfall between the government's income, such as tax revenues, and its level of spending.
You underproduced; a shortfall of at least 30%
The problems are rooted in a net overspend of £946,000, and a shortfall of £1,131,000 on income, with a surplus of £32,000 on interest receivable.
The tax increase would help fill an estimated $ 4 billion shortfall in transportation funding over the next two decades.
As a result of the consequent shortfall between supply and demand, a spokesman complained, some poor schools would have to recycle worn out copies, so that needy children would be learning from third- or even fourth-hand books.
For example, your analysis of the reasons for the shortfall in actual hard currency earnings last year: that was really first class.
It's only natural that in areas of breaking science, such as bioinformatics, we should see a shortfall in knowledge and skills among new chemistry graduates.
But so far, the average paid attendance has been only 66 percent, a projected $ 800, 000 shortfall.
He points out shortfalls in his opponents platforms and gets called 'negative' for it, while his opponents barf up crap and name call and backbite and are called geniuses.
Republicans Win Ohio Special Election
I have been notified of a shortfall in the endowment policy taken out by my mother and myself with your insurance company, and would appreciate your advice.
However, Basu and other economists suggest that the majority of the shortfall is because of the bad economy rather than the way Marylanders reacted to the tax increase.
In Md., sales tax debate is a definer
Pensions organisations have warned that many people could face shortfalls in their pensions.
The shortfalls in military recruiting have led to speculation that the government might be forced to reinstitute the draft.
And they have introduced a balance billing system whereby the insured patient must pay extra to make up the shortfall.
Following a few years of respectable earnings increases, the holiday firm admitted in April that it had experienced a shortfall in camping bookings.
The job losses are a combined result of school amalgamations, closures and budget shortfalls across both the primary and secondary sector.
With little spare output capacity around the globe, analysts worry that oil producers would have a difficult time making up for shortfalls at a time of robust demand.
As expected, however, opposition leaders lacerated the Minister for Finance over the myriad of petty fees, charges and levies he introduced to extract the shortfall from citizens' wallets.
A 5 percent premium shortfall is hardly a national emergency.
Equally, though no-one would begrudge mature students retraining as medics, it is fanciful to suppose that they alone can make up the shortfall.
From charity legacies to endowment shortfalls, John Husband answers your financial queries
But Reagan realized immediately that no amount of budget cutting could make up for the shortfall in revenues.
It comes on top of an expected 500m euro shortfall in tax returns and a dramatic downturn in the economy.
He went so far as to suggest that the smaller-than-expected shortfall means the population actually is rebounding.
We are addressing the readiness shortfalls that did exist.
There is an estimated shortfall of some five million dwellings across the country.
While many of us live beyond our means, for the most part our retirement shortfall isn't due to bad savings habits but the fact that we have one of the stingiest retirement systems in the advanced world.
Jane White: Sorry Suze, We Aren't to Blame for Our Retirement Shortfall
If you think you do have a case, you should act on any shortfall before you file a claim for compensation.
Sloppy accounting was culpable for the shortfall in revenue.
And so it begins, the town of Fishers is considering a property tax increase due to funding shortfalls from the state.
Archive 2005-08-01
He – the NCO, that is – complains about a continuing shortfall of equipment.
Archive 2007-04-01
He added that the grant does nothing to deal with the £12m hole in schools' balances, triggered by a shortfall in last year's grant.
Her diary was a manual of standards from which she would countenance no shortfall.
Due to a severe budget shortfall, she announced last Monday that the city is eliminating curbside recycling and leaf pickup.
The shortfall next year alone would be equivalent to 4p on the basic rate of income tax.
The chart shows income and outgo as a percentage of national income, and as you can see, the shortfall is just under five percentage points in 2050.
Seaman has said the county might have that amount in unspent funds to help cover the shortfall.
Pr. George's council awaits data to weigh pay raises for county employees
The agency already faces a historic $180 million shortfall and is attempting to balance its budget by reducing noncontract staff by 20 percent, freezing wage increases and other cost-saving measures.
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It was feared these endowments might not mature with enough money in the pot to pay off the mortgages, leaving people with a substantial shortfall.
Social Security's long-term shortfall grows about $1.2 trillion annually — a sign of an imbalance between the number of young workers and older beneficiaries, according to the Social Security trustees' annual reports.
Government's mountain of debt
Senator Joseph Lieberman, who heads the committee's airland subcommittee, said he was troubled by news that the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter was facing projected cost increases of more than 50 percent and worried that delays on the program could widen projected shortfalls for both service's fighter forces. Aktuelle Nachrichten
School superintendent Kevin Castner has asked that the board not drop below $0.74, because that would only exacerbate the existing $1. 2M funding shortfall for the schools.
County Considering Tax Rate Cut at
Furthermore, there were shortfalls with equipment supplies at naval clubs: There was a shortage of 154 motor boats and 155 yawls.
Until the recent House action, however, every plan to address the shortfall had been a non-starter on Capitol Hill.
Among the problems he correctly identifies is the shortfall in qualified staff in the NHS.
An appeal was made to every man who had a farm, garden or allotment to plant more spuds to make up the shortfall and help the county support itself.
The shortfall has limited refiners ' ability to build up US heating oil stocks, which at 50 million barrels are 10 per cent below last year, weekly government data showed last week.
But before we organise a whip-round to make up for his shortfall, spare a thought for those who are having to cope with below-inflation pay rises.
And there would still be a large shortfall arising from the years of undersupply.
Times, Sunday Times
This will mean that the buoyant region maintains full employment whereas the depressed region exhibits a local labour demand shortfall.
The debt concerns Moody's highlighted in its opinion stem from the state's $1.2 billion shortfall in its 2010-2011 biennium, which is largely due to revenue shortfalls.
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The council is facing a £11.5million shortfall if it charges the average amount of council tax for outer London.
But some lawmakers have argued that private schools should continue to earmark two percent of their income from tuition fees and let the government cover the shortfall.
It's been hard to miss the various headlines about shortfalls in endowment mortgages over the last few days.
The $150 billion shortfall in November was the 26th straight monthly deficit, the longest streak on record and the largest budget gap for any November.
Ms. Raw said "short-termism" is obscuring robust fundamentals for copper, which faces a shortfall in global production this year as a number of mines operate below capacity.
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By producing enough maize for instance, the economy would be saving money it would otherwise use to import food to meet the shortfall.
A lack of availability of recreational activities and certain infrastructural shortfalls put Lexington as the least liveable US city surveyed, in 56th place - although its rating of 13% is still low.
Vancouver number one
To meet the shortfall one alternative is to import liquefied natural gas from offshore.
His report is the first to measure the shortfall that some households face in heating their homes, which he calls the fuel poverty gap.
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Charitable homes will be faced with increasing pressure to fundraise from their supporters to cover the shortfall.
Times, Sunday Times
The $8 billion shortfall is one of the largest crises Ohio has ever faced.
CPAs smack back at Ted
Ironically, it is in some of these that the biggest shortfalls have been exposed.
House builders have warned that Bradford workers could abandon the district because of a huge shortfall in the number of homes built in the next decade.
Due to the shortfall in Nutcracker income, all non-unionized staff agreed to take a temporary salary cut through June.
Benefits for others who have not yet retired would then have to be reduced to match the shortfall in the level of funds available.
Doubts about government pension accounting have been voiced by analysts for years, but with shortfalls in state and local pension plans exacerbated by the recession, the push to refigure pension fund shortfalls has gained political momentum.
Economists: State, local pension funds understate shortfall by $1.5 trillion or more