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  1. having a short handle

How To Use short-handled In A Sentence

  • The form of the headdress also almost completely replicates the form of the short-handled agricultural hoe.
  • Try instead a neat little clutch or short-handled bag and don't ever overstuff them. Ask Teri
  • Planting tools vary: hoedads, foot-long flat blades mounted on handles for scraping down to bare mineral soil around each planting site; long or short-handled shovels; pointed dibbles and augers for digging the hole.
  • Ezra had a cot for Emaline in a room where he kept a gathering of old saddles, blankets, bridles, lariats, spurs, halters and harnesses, hackamores and martingales, short-handled quirts, a pair of the long black bullwhips they had used when he and Eli were freighting with ox teams in South Dakota with their father, Eb Paint. Come Again No More
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