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How To Use Shore up In A Sentence

  • The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
  • Now, something be done to shore up the financial system.
  • We had to shore up the damaged wall.
  • An awful lot of your money being used to shore up Bank of America.
  • But this attempt to blame the victim ignores the fact that the principle reason men womanize is to shore up their broken egos. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Where Have All The Gentleman Gone?
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  • The Government paid a higher price because it wanted to inject 12 billion of extra capital to shore up the stricken bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attempts to shore up the value of a derivative without shoring up the value of the assets from which they ultimately derive their value are likely to be in vain however cleverly we may try to finagle.
  • Instead of indulging in something horrendous like book-banning, it should be seen as an opportunity to shore up our level of scholarship as well as articulateness which is pathetically abysmal at present. The Lives of Sri Aurobindo by Peter Heehs, screenplay for a future Spielberg movie!
  • In 1994, the legislature allocated only $ 2 million statewide to shore up security at older facilities.
  • The Ducks must win tonight not just to shore up their record but also to help repair their flagging self-esteem.
  • As a result, south-east Asia's biggest oil producer is ransacking its foreign exchange reserves to pay for imported oil and to shore up its currency.
  • At that time, Klein acknowledged he's hoping the new show helps shore up ratings for the network's flagship "Larry King Live" -- its ratings had plunged by 40 percent in 2010. CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein out, HLN topper Ken Jautz in
  • His team used chain saws, disc cutters, picks, shovels and wood to shore up the tunnel before reaching the victim, who had been lying on a bed in a multi-storey building for five days.
  • amd fan boi: do something useful for once if that is all possible, given your penchant for dead-end technologies, shore up the blogs firewall and the one on fsj's IP also. and for f**k's sake shut up about 'caledonia,' or i'll have 'trey' back here insinuating 'c**kf*g' at you for your effeminate use of 'boi'! Sumner Redstone keeps firing people
  • The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
  • We had to shore up the damaged wall.
  • Investors also worry that Italy's fragile banks will struggle to raise the tens of billions of euros needed to shore up their balance sheets. Times, Sunday Times
  • But also it does not want to shore up companies which have been mismanaging their pensions or not contributing adequately.
  • Centuries ago in China, workers buried adobe blocks to shore up buildings.
  • The authorities are considering two broad approaches to shore up the financial system.
  • She used this evidence to shore up her argument.
  • In the last cycle, big listed companies were forced to launch rights issues and offload trophy assets at knock-down prices to shore up their balance sheets. Times, Sunday Times
  • That could help to shore up bank balance sheets and remove an obstacle to lending.
  • They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases.
  • Before the car could be moved, rescue workers had to shore up the building, which was in danger of collapse.
  • We have to shore up the damaged fence.
  • Willow will be planted to shore up the banks of the River Devon and wetland created to soak up water on neighbouring hilltops.
  • It has also stopped the authorities raising cash to shore up China's underfunded national pension scheme.
  • Finally, still other neoclassicists use the term utility as a formal attribute, a common denominator, according to which all specific quests for satisfaction can be ranked, a step needed to allow mathematization and to shore up the assumption of a mono-utility world but with no substantive attributes, the great X. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • Willow will be planted to shore up the banks of the River Devon and wetland created to soak up water on neighbouring hilltops.
  • Before the car could be moved, rescue workers had to shore up the building, which was in danger of collapse.
  • Give 'Em All Guns and Hope For the Best yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Give \'Em All Guns and Hope For the Best '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: We\'re packing arms and weapons into Pakistan to shore up General Musharraf as he trembles on the edge of defeat in his own country. Give 'Em All Guns and Hope For the Best
  • As a result, south-east Asia's biggest oil producer is ransacking its foreign exchange reserves to pay for imported oil and to shore up its currency.
  • The first strength is probably the most important; a defender can more quickly shift forces to resupply existing forces, shore up defense where it is needed, and counterattack.
  • Cardoso appeals to the spirit of the nation's soccer fans to shore up the confidence of the country.
  • As part of his budget cuts, the government is expected to remove a 150 million kina educational subsidy that lowered school fees, introduced by the Morauta government in a last-ditch effort to shore up its electoral chances.
  • Naturally, the advertising industry reckons the best way to shore up brand loyalty is to spend hugely on even more ads.
  • His team used chain saws, disc cutters, picks, shovels and wood to shore up the tunnel before reaching the victim, who had been lying on a bed in a multi-storey building for five days.
  • Inpart they were motivated by concern to shore up the influence of their class over provincial affairs.
  • As a result, Liberty is shifting $551 million in long-term exchangeable debt issued by media giant Viacom Inc., along with $380 million in cash, from Liberty Entertainment to Liberty Interactive to shore up its credit position. Liberty Media Rethinks Spinoff Plans
  • The motorcycle - maker is using the funds to shore up its loss making financing arm.
  • Technical or retail competence can be brought in to shore up a new head of online. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Government paid a higher price because it wanted to inject 12 billion of extra capital to shore up the stricken bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Analysts expect that bancassurers such as Abbey National and Lloyds TSB will have to shore up their life divisions should markets fall further.
  • Cable operators could also see the new airwaves as a way to shore up their business models.
  • But it was brazen in its attempt to shore up his own position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, we need to shore up our balance sheet and weaken that of our enemies, and the best way to do that in one move is with a much higher gasoline tax.
  • Barclays will use about half its new funds to shore up its balance sheet following write - downs.
  • They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases.
  • Only 2,500 will be built over a year, so rarity should help shore up its residual values. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the last cycle, big listed companies were forced to launch rights issues and offload trophy assets at knock-down prices to shore up their balance sheets. Times, Sunday Times
  • His loyalty to the British Government at a time when the National movement was raging and his efforts to shore up a tottering feudal institution were not pure personal predilections or momentary aberrations.
  • The briny wit and irreverence came much later, as a way to shore up the roof and the walls. Three Stages of Amazement
  • It has also stopped the authorities raising cash to shore up China's underfunded national pension scheme.
  • But the Conservatives accused him of pandering to the left to shore up his ailing premiership.
  • At this point, nine years into the show's run, the audience that's still hooked is probably loyal enough to follow it anywhere and make the suitable adjustments, and Miami will help shore up what has long been a problematic hour on Sunday for CBS. Ask Matt: CSI: Miami Move, a Bones Scoop-let, Lone Star, NCIS and More!
  • On Wednesday, Brown -- who stumbled badly on the campaign trail last week after he was caught calling a widowed retiree a bigot -- was trying to shore up his campaign. On eve of British election, shake-up in Parliament is forecast
  • Then again, how many superstars spend 13 seasons at any club these days without using outside interest to shore up their position? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Yangtze flood crest will roll on downriver toward Wuhan, a city of more than 7 million people already working frantically to shore up its defenses.
  • Britain must shore up her defenses.
  • Radicals wanted to abolish cantonal sovereignty, which served only to shore up the local oligarchies, and to move towards a democratic, unitary republic like the Helvetic Republic imposed by the French in 1798.
  • In an effort to shore up his position the chief is attempting to enlist the support of the NAACP and other middle class religious and community organizations to whitewash the killings.
  • She's also been experimenting with gabions, rectangular wire-mesh baskets filled with rocks that are used to shore up riverbanks in the West and beyond.
  • Some coaches will spend much of their budget on players to try to shore up their own short-term future. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until the empire became a French protectorate, known as Kampuchea, in 1863, Khmer kings alternately called on Bangkok or a Vietnamese power to shore up their position against challengers. - Comments
  • Any resources he must commit to shore up his position there are necessarily resources unavailable to him in swing states.
  • If there is a reason why she appears to be the last person in the world to accept the need for more efficient backstops to shore up the euro zone's weaker members, it is because she is quite naturally reluctant to go down in history as the chancellor who dumped the debts of Southern Europe on her own electorate's shoulders. Amid the Panic, Merkel Will Have Little Choice
  • Quentin used several sticks to shore up the tent.
  • This morning he arrived in Turkey to shore up White House relations with a key U. S. ally.
  • Ballack's former life as a libero has ensured that he shares with Matthaus a rare ability to shore up the midfield as well as punctuate it with important passes and well-timed surges into opponents' penalty boxes.
  • Naturally, the advertising industry reckons the best way to shore up brand loyalty is to spend hugely on even more ads.
  • Japan already said it will shore up banks and offer companies aid.
  • But who is the one guy you need most of all to shore up the one glaring weakness in your squad? The Sun
  • The Government paid a higher price because it wanted to inject 12 billion of extra capital to shore up the stricken bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government used subsidies to shore up farm prices.
  • Now both seem likely to return to the transfer market to shore up their resources in the position.
  • Timbers were used to shore up the tunnel.
  • The world financial system will not implode, thanks in part to vigorous government actions to shore up banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authorities are considering two broad approaches to shore up the financial system.
  • Years ago, the brothers promised their mother they would never fight one another—and a title divided between champions who won't compete can't help shore up the wobbly heavyweight division. The Last Title Never Won by a Klitschko
  • This is the last chance for the lame-duck president to shore up his legacy (his nonrenewable term ends in early 2003).
  • The London-based studio has been put on the market to help the label shore up its debt. NPR Topics: News
  • Timbers were used to shore up the tunnel.
  • The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, in an effort to shore up an endowment to buy contemporary art, sacrificed to the auction block (and almost inevitably to the private sector) great rarities in its holdings of Graeco-Roman and Asian art. The Man Who Remade the Met
  • Now we're working real hard to shore up back court.
  • In response to a recent article over at Business Week, "Snipping Credit lines for Small Businesses", which discusses how JPMorgan Chase and others are slashing small-business lending in an effort to shore up their balance sheets, I must, unfortunately, question the use of the word 'snipping'-which, to me, sounds like a tiny trim. Dispatches from TJICistan
  • Coasteering is about really exploring the shore up close - but it's not about taking risks.
  • The democracies of the West may find it hard to shore up their defences.
  • He flew to a military base to shore up his support in the face of unfavourable polls and growing unease in Washington about the conflict.
  • A sky of roiling colors, and a shore upon which the waters of the dream-sea threw themselves, dark and foamy. EVERVILLE
  • Miners recovered impressively from last year's commodities rout, boosted by a rally in metal prices and offloading of assets to shore up balance sheets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dookeran has been brought back for one reason: to shore up the image of a flagging party and a leader who is in his political death throes.
  • Sarkozy's stimulus plan aims to shore up the automobile sector.
  • The fatal fraud was the result of his action in buying quantities of shares in a distilling firm in an effort to shore up the share price.
  • But it was brazen in its attempt to shore up his own position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sarkozy's stimulus plan aims to shore up the automobile sector.
  • The world financial system will not implode, thanks in part to vigorous government actions to shore up banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • But who is the one guy you need most of all to shore up the one glaring weakness in your squad? The Sun
  • Mahathir has attempted to shore up his position by trying to distance the government from corruption allegations.
  • Always the opponent of sane social reforms which Socialists deride as "melioration" or as futile attempts to shore up an obsolete system, it has consistently disassociated itself from such men as Lord Shaftesbury, who did more to better the conditions of the working classes than anyone who has ever lived. Secret Societies And Subversive Movements
  • To admit that we do not know is a costly ascesis, not least because knowledge would give us power for good as well as evil, the power to comfort the grieving, to reassure the afflicted, and to shore up hope and fortify the weak against apathy.
  • Ms. Merkel said she didn ' t want to overdramatize the situation, but added that a year ago, no one would have anticipated the steps the European Union has been forced to take to shore up the euro. Merkel Sees Troubles for Euro
  • Officials hoped that the superior accommodation would tempt them away, allowing workers to shore up the banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the economic sphere, Cuba has promoted Internet development in areas that can generate hard currency and shore up the regime economically.
  • The demand, which Iran swiftly rejected, came during the U.N. February 15th, 2010 RIYADH - US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived in Riyadh Monday, where she will likely seek to shore up Saudi support for tougher sanctions on Iran and for renewed Mideast peace talks. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The English have made a host of changes, primarily to shore up their defence.
  • He flew to a military base to shore up his support in the face of unfavourable polls and growing unease in Washington about the conflict.
  • Four veteran starters were signed as free agents to shore up the middle of the league's most porous defense.
  • Flooding is an annual curse for the Chinese people, but there is a desperation surrounding attempts to shore up the crumbling banks of Dongting Lake.
  • And without--the frontier warfare; the yearning of a boy, cast ashore upon a desert of newness and ugliness and sordidness, for all that is chastened and old, and noble with traditions.
  • He used this evidence to shore up his opinion.
  • Building roads from the seashore up to five thousand feet on the slopes of Mauna Loa demanded back-breaking labor.
  • But it was brazen in its attempt to shore up his own position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Miners recovered impressively from last year's commodities rout, boosted by a rally in metal prices and offloading of assets to shore up balance sheets. Times, Sunday Times
  • They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases.
  • To shore up the decaying gazebo, they replaced the footings, added tongue-and-groove cedar on the ceiling, and reroofed with cedar shingles.
  • What that meas is that Parliament is essentially suspended from sitting until the new year, giving Prime Minister Harper time to shore up support for his Government and continue governing. Against an Elected Governor General; For Delegation of Power to the Chief Justice : Law is Cool
  • The Central Committee's plenum reiterated its determination to shore up the party's ability to govern the country.
  • They were able to gain access a second time only after additional work to shore up the badly damaged structure.
  • He had earlier instructed Cabinet officials to shore up their efforts in pushing for the passage of bills recommended by the Economic Development Advisory Conference.
  • Naturally, the advertising industry reckons the best way to shore up brand loyalty is to spend hugely on even more ads.
  • On to Egypt now, where a new integrated resort community could help shore up an ailing economy.
  • The first step is to recognise what is going on, and to take steps to shore up the machicolated and moth-eaten institution in which I now sit.
  • Hybrid securities count toward capital reserves, helping banks shore up their finances after writedowns.
  • Officials hoped that the superior accommodation would tempt them away, allowing workers to shore up the banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The democracies of the West may find it hard to shore up their defences.
  • That's leading commercial banks to cut back on lending and hoard cash in order to shore up their balance sheets and improve their financial picture going into the next fiscal year.
  • But it was brazen in its attempt to shore up his own position. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government wants all workers to take out a second, private, pension to shore up the declining state pension.
  • A plan to place rock-filled wire gabions to shore up the coastline was denied by the local town council because of the area's environmental sensitivity.
  • He expects Chirac will launch a fierce attack on Britain to shore up his domestic support.
  • Chalk has never been used to shore up a monument in this way before.
  • Quentin used several sticks to shore up the tent.
  • Teams are building concrete piles which will shore up the walls of the car park ramp and tunnel.
  • We shore up the damaged fence.
  • Nevertheless, there are reports Costa Rica will ask coffee producers to suspend exports temporarily to shore up prices.

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