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shop steward

  1. a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management

How To Use shop steward In A Sentence

  • Stan Walley, our shop steward, reckoned it was a Trojan horse got up by management, looking for ways to lay people off. MR STARLIGHT
  • She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
  • She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
  • We are trying to bring the union shop stewards from both workplaces together and launch a campaign to save jobs.
  • She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
  • In bigger unionised plants there may be a shop steward superstructure, headed by a convenor who might spend most or all of his time on union business.
  • As a shop steward, he developed a reputation for militancy, although he denies affiliation with the ultra-Left, and objects to being caricatured as one of those swivel-eyed Trots of myth.
  • (Soundbite of laughter) SAGAL: And only the shop steward can bogart it. Panel Round Two
  • Although shop stewards held a meeting yesterday, union organisers had not been informed officially of the authority's move.
  • Yesterday, the joint shop stewards committee of Corporate Jets said a loss of production would be a mortal blow.
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