How To Use Shop girl In A Sentence
They play urban refugees - an unhappily married man and a coffee-shop girl burdened by her ill father - on the threshold of potential love.
Shop girls tend just to look pained and bemused when you ask if there are any trousers in stock that rise a bit higher, since they're oblivious to the exigencies of approaching middle age and the effects of gravity on untoned flesh.
A word of praise from the shop girl sends a flare of ecstasy over her face.
I don't doubt they are from what you tell me -- you could look about meanwhile for a temporary appointment, say as '-- he checked himself from uttering the word' shop girl, 'and substituted for it,' draper's assistant. '
They play urban refugees - an unhappily married man and a coffee-shop girl burdened by her ill father - on the threshold of potential love.