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How To Use Shooting star In A Sentence

  • Everyone put their fingers in their ears when the shooting started.
  • Shooting starch goes a long way in erasing the barrier between spectator and spectacle.
  • Before dawn, the sky cleared and a shooting star streaked overhead.'see that ?
  • Altogether it is rather like skinny-dipping in a lake of shooting stars on the happiest day of your childhood.
  • I know it wasn't a plane, a satellite nor a bolide, meteor, fireball or a shooting star.
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  • Ulrika Jonsson has been papped and probed not because of a job she did 20 years ago, nor because of her later work presenting Gladiators, serving as team captain on Shooting Stars, or appearing on Celebrity Big Brother, but because of her love life. The Saturday interview: Ulrika Jonsson
  • Once this space material starts falling toward Earth, it's called a meteoroid, and when it penetrates the Earth's atmosphere, it becomes a meteor, which is the term used to describe the visible "shooting star" portion. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Without the meteorograph, rigid accuracy in the observation of shooting stars is unattainable, and rigid accuracy is the A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • As shooting stars flew earthwards in the upper right-hand corner of the monitor, I felt music in my ears as the web site came into focus and miraculously appeared.
  • A shooting star sped across the sky.
  • The night sky should be exploding with celestial activity as one of the most impressive shooting star showers of the year takes place this week.
  • Let's get the hell out of here, before any shooting starts.
  • The sparks shot up like thousands of shooting stars into the still night air.
  • Mundane objects become celestial heralds, instantly announcing the arrival of shooting stars.
  • But take a closer look and what you find is a fascinating contest between a shooting star and one of the game's fading greats.
  • I spotted a shooting star which, to my astonishment, was bright green in colour.
  • A shooting star was slowly creeping across the sky.
  • When the shooting started, they ducked behind a car.
  • Well, this here comes from those times which seem oh so very far away now and seemingly forever moving in the direction of awayness as we get yet another series of the embarssing unimaginative deadness that is Shooting Stars. Vic Reeves & The Roman Numerals - Born Free (12")
  • I spotted a shooting star which, to my astonishment, was bright green in colour.
  • Chladni on meteoric stones, etc., 118, 135; on the selenic origin of aerolites, 121; on the supposed phenomenon of ascending shooting stars, 122; on the obscuration of the Sun's disk, 133; sound-figures, 135; pulsations in the tails of comets, 143. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • A "shooting star" is the common name for the visible path of a meteoroid, which is a small particle of debris from the Solar system that enters the Earth's atmosphere. The Times of India
  • The term meteor for what is usually called a shooting star bears an unfortunate resemblance to the term meteorology, the science of weather and weather forecasting. Infoplease - Daily Almanac
  • True, he had beheld shooting stars (this in reply to Bassett's contention); but likewise had he beheld the phosphorescence of fungoid growths and rotten meat and fireflies on dark nights, and the flames of wood - fires and of blazing candle-nuts; yet what were flame and blaze and glow when they had flamed and blazed and glowed? THE RED ONE
  • Though personally brave, he was petulant and totally lacking in judgement - a mere shooting star.
  • Shooting starch goes a long way in erasing the barrier between spectator and spectacle.
  • Cosmical gelatinous vesicles, similar to the organic 'nostoc' (masses which have been supposed since the Middle Ages to be connected with shooting stars), and those pyrites of Sterlitamak, west of the Uralian Mountains, which are said to have constituted the interior of hailstones, * must both be classed among the mythical fables of meteorology. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • But the main attraction will be a spectacular shower of shooting stars, caused by the asteroid Phaethon passing close to the sun.
  • Back of Delton Bud saw another man -- and after a moment he recognized him as the cowboy with the saw-off shot-gun who had warned them away from the Shooting Star. The Boy Ranchers on Roaring River or Diamond X and the Chinese Smugglers
  • Everyone put their fingers in their ears when the shooting started.
  • I spotted a shooting star which, to my astonishment, was bright green in colour.
  • Depict the tail that gives a shooting star finally with the fingernail oil that contains big paillette , fu of bag of radian having a place is above fingernail can make the effect more apparent.
  • But then the flames drowned out the rest, and Raspa was engulfed in flames that stretched up and spluttered sparks like shooting stars into the velvety black, strangely beautiful night sky. Bubble in the Bathtub
  • Major De Salis returned for answer, that "Mrs. Duberly had not disembarked from the 'Shooting Star,' and he had not sufficient authority to order her to do so. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • They were all around us, and when shooting stars fell, you could have sworn that they were going to fall towards you and fall into your hair.
  • When the shooting started we hauled ass out of there.
  • A presence suddenly came to his mind and he looked up at the starlit sky to see a shooting star streak across the sky. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » The Chozen’s Review Forum
  • They dived for cover when they heard the shooting start.
  • In this case the word is a Latin preposition meaning “with” and is somewhat misused as a conjunction to convey the notion that “shooting star” might be as good a choice as “rising star”. Desperately Seeking Sarah
  • The king and the prince, followed by the cats, went down to the strand, and when the prince stepped into the boat all the cats "mewed" three times for good luck, and the prince waved his hat three times, and the little boat sped over the waters all through the night as brightly and as swiftly as a shooting star. The Golden Spears And Other Fairy Tales
  • Plus how about this for after you've died: have your cremated ashes blasted into space, from where after a few years your mortal remains will return to Earth as a shooting star.
  • These products of earth's exhalations included not only weather events like wind and rain, but also fireballs, shooting stars, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and Northern Lights.
  • When the shooting started, they ducked behind a car.
  • When the shooting started, they ducked behind a car.
  • He is like the showy orchis, or the lady's-slipper, or the shooting star among plants, -- a stranger to all but the few; and when an American poet says cuckoo, he must say it with such specifications as to leave no doubt what cuckoo he means, as Lowell does in his "Nightingale in the Study:" -- The Writings of John Burroughs — Volume 05: Pepacton
  • Everywhere on earth that day, in the ears of every one who breathed, there had been the same humming in the air, the same rush of green vapors, the crepitation, the streaming down of shooting stars. In the Days of the Comet
  • When the shooting started we hauled ass out of there.
  • It was a shooting star that propelled me into astronomy in the first place.
  • When the shooting started, they ducked behind a car.
  • When the shooting started, they ducked behind a car.
  • He is like the showy orchis, or the lady's-slipper, or the shooting star among plants, -- a stranger to all but the few; and when an American poet says cuckoo, he must say it with such specifications as to leave no doubt what cuckoo he means, as Lowell does in his "Nightingale in the Study:" -- The Writings of John Burroughs — Volume 05: Pepacton
  • Flowers sprawl over the ground: red columbine, pink shooting stars, magenta pentstemon, purple aster, pink monkey flower and orange tiger lilies. Into the Wilderness
  • The witness observed two objects that were moving so fast they appeared to be meteors or shooting stars, they moved so fast.
  • The Perseid meteor showers in August were the most stunning I ever saw, bushels of shooting stars, more than I could count. Bird Cloud
  • A shooting star flashed and was gone
  • The last vision you see is a white angel falling to the bottom of the scarp, with smile and tear, like a shooting star.
  • A shooting star sped across the sky.
  • Do you wish when you see a shooting star?

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