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How To Use Shod In A Sentence

  • Vibrations from instruments such as the talking drum or the didgeridoo, or even from foot-stomping dances, may have spoken volumes to distant, unshod listeners.
  • They have to put up with some shoddy sequels to groundbreaking originals.
  • There are the chronically shod who would only dream of stepping out of their shoes in the shower or in bed.
  • The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • With inebriated puppets and an eerie soundtrack, consider it a shoddier predecessor to Thunderbirds. 2009 June :
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  • Unfortunately the problem of shoddy workmanship continues even today.
  • ‘There is a rule stipulating that water tanks should be cleaned twice a year, but some managers are failing to do this and others are only doing it in a slipshod way,’ Xu said.
  • Or they asserted that all those landlubberly creatures had walked dry-shod across a natural bridge or had swum short distances between stepping-stones, and that one such formation or another had since disappeared beneath the waves. Galapagos
  • I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
  • Replacing cotton shoddy with this new fiber may help auto makers avoid the issue.
  • A pair of slipshod feet shuffled, hastily, across the bare floor of the room, as this interrogatory was put; and there issued, from a door on the right hand; first, a feeble candle: and next, the form of the same individual who has been heretofore described as labouring under the infirmity of speaking through his nose, and officiating as waiter at the public – house on Saffron Hill. Oliver Twist
  • The former were drabby-looking creatures, stained in face with oil and dust, clad in thin, shapeless, cotton dresses and shod with more or less worn shoes. Sister Carrie
  • All this accounts for the nervousness of MPs, even those in ultra-safe seats, who may miss their chance in government because of one slipshod campaign or a knucklehead candidate.
  • In two of the cases, Justice Stevens lashed out at the court's failure to condemn what he called shoddy work by defense lawyers in death penalty cases. NYT > Home Page
  • In most of them, however, there have been periods of stalemate and vacillation followed by periods when the party in power rode roughshod over the protests of many minorities, disregarding the fact that such action was not legitimatized by traditional morality. Energy and Society~ Chapter 13~ The Enlargement and Concentration of Political Power
  • At a minimum, they're guilty of extremely shoddy scholarship and overcredulity," says Boston Globe -- Ideas section
  • ironshod hooves
  • Her heart beat quick and her face changed, yet she hastened, and was shod and stood up in knightly array by then he stayed his steps some five paces from her, and gave her the sele of the day in courteous wise; and she strove to think that he had not seen her, or at least noted her otherwise dight; yet her heart misgave her. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Hedda is always in a pink slip, sometimes covered with a loose black robe, and generally unshod.
  • Greenock's attack was far from hostile and slipshod strokeplay accounted for the demise of the home side.
  • However, Murphy proving to be the master tactician took a gamble that the roads would dry under the windy conditions and had the car shod with completely slick tyres.
  • Selling assets does not solve the problem, except in a very short-term slipshod accounting sense. Japan's Debt Conundrum
  • Among these colts was a three-year-old that had never been shod and was scarcely bridle-wise. The valley campaigns : being the reminiscences of a non-combatant while between the lines in the Shenandoah Valley during the war of the states,
  • Most of these newer buildings were made of wood, and many showed signs of uncharacteristically hasty construc - tion and shoddy workmanship. Flint, the King
  • She claimed that the police investigation had been slow and shoddy and named three of the alleged attackers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Headlines are filled with companies accused of using shoddy practices for personal gain, so PlayMakers Repertory Company's production of Arthur Miller's "All My ... games is on the roster for the San Francisco Symphony's Summer & the Symphony series, which runs from June 1 to An academic, hired by the Defense Department to" conceptualize "the War. - Articles related to Annette Bening likes getting theatrical
  • His efforts also saved countless lives by rooting out contractors using inferior materials and producing shoddy equipment.
  • There was a shoddy wooden control tower, with a moth-eaten windsock and several obsolete instruments on it.
  • There are also massive continuity errors and shoddy production values that aid a lazy script by writers with no interest in doing research.
  • The worst category was found to be two-bedroom properties, mostly flats, in which the average number of faults, such as draughty windows, leaky showers and shoddy electrics, was double that in England and Wales.
  • I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
  • A more likely scenario is that male rape victims would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts.
  • It is enough that “my lud” has a handle to his name, and Murray Hill shoddyocracy will wine and dine and toady him, and perhaps for his title marry him to some sweet, pure and good American girl, whose life hereafter will be a purgatory to herself and a mutual misery to both. Black and White
  • But here we are forbidden to walk shodden over sacred ground and details of the cruise must be confined to generalities; otherwise the travels of the celebrated Gulliver would be eclipsed, Baron Munchausen lose his claim to veracity, and the shade of the venerable Miller slink back to its original punishment. Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
  • Moreover, because everything was so public, the authorities began to look pretty shoddy.
  • It is a fairly shoddy way to treat an employee.
  • Six men opened the suite with the McKenzie of Seaforth strathspey, requiring the alternate beating of the calves by feet shod in ghillies and the arms en haut.
  • He thought it over as he wimbled his bonds, and the piece of news acted as a reviviscent breath to that old view of his -- of Donald Farfrae as his triumphant rival who rode rough-shod over him. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • There are cotton shoddy mats and foams and absorbers.
  • There is also - and here the 22 reissued CDs provide a powerful reminder - a pervasive sense of shoddiness clinging to their early output.
  • So you feel "Look at how wonderful the eye is, surely it proclaims God's handwork" is reasonable, but "Look at how shoddy the panda's thumb is, surely it denies God's handwork" is objectionable. Assessing Causality
  • You will suffer long-term harm if you remain with a leader who runs roughshod over people and destroys lives. Christianity Today
  • A This is a shocking tale of shoddy treatment by a massive firm causing you misery. The Sun
  • Given the roll call of great chablis vintages recently, there is no excuse for shoddy wines but in they roll from producers who should know better. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is averred that he is loyal and efficient, but with his calfless legs bared to the knee and feet shod in sandals, he looks a queer cousin of Fifth Avenue's "Finest" and of the East of Suez Ceylon, India, China and Japan
  • He scratched the back of his calf with an unshod foot -- it would have needed a shipyard to build it a shoe. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • In front of the modest doors of the chambers inhabited by almsmen and almswomen runs a tiny cloister with oak pillars, so that the inmates may visit one another dryshod in any weather. Vanishing England
  • The front wheels are shod with 265/650 tyres and the rear, 285 / 680.
  • I was often obliged to run my head against my old acquaintances, the Swedish feathers, whilk your honour must conceive to be double-pointed stakes, shod with iron at each end, and planted before the squad of pikes to prevent an onfall of the cavalry. A Legend of Montrose
  • In some states, statutes specifically give farriers, horse shoers, or blacksmiths liens on horses they have shod.
  • Doesn't it make you angry that the banks have been allowed to ride roughshod over our economy, and are still handing out bonuses by the bucket-load? Bankers' bonuses: Blind eye to blind rage | Editorial
  • Give It allows friends and relatives to donate a sum of money to a good cause instead of buying a shoddy piece of tat that's destined for the charity shop.
  • We won't be happy until we've got 400 cable or satellite or digital stations and we can watch the most ridiculous, amateurish, shoddy bits of nonsense.
  • The door opened by a push of Carolina's unshod foot. Carolina Grüber: I
  • The seemingly slipshod construction and use of everyday materials belies the structural sleight-of-hand employed, and it is a startling, playful introduction to the exhibition.
  • Yet for all his roughshod opinions, Orwell was a gentle man who could be as fustily English as tea and crumpets. George Orwell
  • Colonel Cathcart was a slick, successful , slipshod, unhappy man of thirty - six .
  • As he goes through the daily grind of meetings he has the horror of botched operations or shoddy care still in his mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Normal market mechanisms were disrupted, agricultural production fell behind, and China's people exhausted themselves producing what turned out to be shoddy, unsalable goods.
  • Place, a new and greater kingdom, anarchy held down by an ironshod heel, peace and the fruits thereof, until out of very prosperity the people grew fat and content. Long Live the King!
  • Unfortunately his programming is a shoddy and he ends up destroying the planet instead. REVIEW: Recursion by Tony Ballantyne
  • Watson notes the importance for Kutjungka people of being unshod, walking bare-footed on the land, and most especially dancing bare-footed, and of spending a lot of time sitting or lying on the ground.
  • It is because of this slipshod attitude of the concerned agencies that the antiquities and the relics of distant past are easily accessible to not only all pervasive primates but to anyone who is interested to fritter or wipe out them.
  • If consumer knows only, be fleeciness cotton at this moment, the person that be sold possibly again is shoddy.
  • Contractors in connivance with corrupt officials do shoddy work deliberately, so that they get a fresh contract soon for the job.
  • But this is enough to sustain the heaviest man upon the softest snow, and an Indian thus "shod" will skim over the surface like a skater. Popular Adventure Tales
  • It is illustrative of Deacon's strength in the close analysis and exposure of shoddy arguments.
  • They are well-suited and well-shod; well-shaven and manicured. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • The modifications to the body design are tasteful, particularly the 16 spoke aluminium alloy wheels, shod with 225 / 40R18 tyres.
  • He says earlier reports from the U.S. had been based on what he called shoddy intelligence. CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2007
  • As we noted yesterday, an effort to prove the "all-around crazy" part employed one of the shoddiest, most tendentious opinion polls we've ever seen. Hot, or Not?
  • She also believed that a lot of speech, even on the radio, is too casual and slipshod.
  • Construction is slipshod, somehow temporary in appearance.
  • It is because elected political sycophants are bought and sold like saltfish that leaders in government and opposition alike ride roughshod over the people's wishes.
  • Her standards were high and there was no room for shoddy work produced in haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • He compares his subject to shoddy construction, and that's an analogy we can work with, because in software we're working at the thrilling edge of language and craftsmanship.
  • The CEA report may be the shoddiest piece to come out of CEA in 60 years. Free Lunch!, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Passengers are being put at risk by shoddy airline safety regimes that allow fatigued pilots to take control of planes, according to research. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other than that, his feet were shod in sturdy dark grey boots, and he had nothing else.
  • Your shoddy workmanship will soon be exposed if your bridges aren't strong enough and the monkeys remain trapped. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your shoddy workmanship will soon be exposed if your bridges aren't strong enough and the monkeys remain trapped. Times, Sunday Times
  • a shoddily built house
  • I was angry at his slipshod work.
  • It is a fairly shoddy way to treat an employee.
  • I always complain about bad service or shoddy goods.
  • You can blame it on Star Wars (and the pernicious influence of “Fantasy”) if you want, but it goes back to every crappy drive-in B movie, every half-arsed rip-off of The Twilight Zone, every shitty piece of symbolically formulated kipple that came off the production-line broken and useless to all but the true believers, the geeks who loved it all for the lurid glory of its strangeness, however slipshod. Hey, Janet! Have You Got Syfy?
  • What makes her work worthy of coverage when work of equivalent shoddiness and offensiveness is regarded as absolutely off-limits? The Volokh Conspiracy » BROADCASTING REVISIONISM:
  • Do you not think they should take into account all the research, even the bits that disagree with their desired outcomes, rather than cherry pick and misquote the shoddiest produced "evidence" that by a statistical quirk or anomaly confirms their prejudices as evidenced by the "plethora"? The BCA's Reply
  • They were accused of defeatism by some of their enemies; of shoddy metaphysics by others. EVERVILLE
  • But getting older people out of shoddy temporary accommodation is just the beginning. Times, Sunday Times
  • She winced at the sound of many heavily shod feet running towards her.
  • The sets were shoddy, the costumes gaudy and sometimes absurd, and the music inappropriate.
  • The people, as I have said, are very polished and intelligent, and go always clad and shod; they eat maize both cooked and raw, and drink much chicha, which is a beverage made from maize after the fashion of beer. Relación de la conquista del Perú. English
  • That she did not reciprocate Alain's depth of feeling was further proof of her own shoddiness. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Her small, white-shod feet continued to bear her onward, away from him, while his own dimmed shoes peregrinated in the opposite direction -- William necessarily, yet with excruciating reluctance, accompanying them. Seventeen
  • Most traditional buildings have vanished, to be replaced by gimcrack shoddiness in white tile and blue glass.
  • Holtz-Eakin relies on a shoddy study that he put together for the American Family Business Foundation that falsely claims that an estate tax repeal would create 1.5 million jobs (which he upped to 2 million in the interview). Wonk Room » Bloomberg News Finds Holtz-Eakin’s Shoddy Research ‘Very Impressive’
  • The shoddier the shoes, the more shoes people had to buy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps unsurprisingly, it seems older people are less tolerant of shoddy service than younger people.
  • Most of Whole Foods produce is not local, they have a shoddy environmental record, and even the term organic means much less than it used to, partly due to Whole Foods 'influence. Zachary Adam Cohen: Whole Foods CEO John Mackey: Marketing Genius or Out-of-Touch Schmuck?
  • We're not going to have the Government use shoddy, tawdry little tricks to drum up the notion of fear and then fail on competence.
  • Enter," he said wryly as the clumping and stomping of ironshod feet halted just outside the tent flap. War of the Twins
  • Thai motorists have a new ally in the fight against poor vehicle quality and shoddy after-sales service.
  • He called for checks to discover whether corrupt officials are being bribed to connive in shoddy construction.
  • Death showed in van and horse-hoof was shodden with skull of man; nor did they cease from sore smiting till waned the day and the night came on in black array, when they drew apart and, returning to their tents, passed the night there. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • There was a shoddy wooden control tower, with a moth-eaten windsock and several obsolete instruments on it.
  • Contractors in connivance with corrupt officials do shoddy work deliberately, so that they get a fresh contract soon for the job.
  • Fortunately, given the slipshod nature of his ‘scholarship,’ the only scholarly reputation upon which this book inflicts any lasting damage is that of its author.
  • Sandal-shod farmers stand quietly in the golden evening light or crane their necks for a look at the speakers.
  • Headdresses were extravagantly plumed helmets or crowns fusing baroque and classical styles, and the masquers were shod in tightly fitting short boots, or buskins.
  • Through the sparkling breadth of white, which seemed to glance my eyes away, and outside the humps of laden trees, bowing their backs like a woodman, I contrived to get along, half-sliding and half-walking, in places where a plain-shodden man must have sunk, and waited freezing till the thaw should come to him. Lorna Doone
  • They go shuffling along, precisely as if their shoes were down at the heel -- "slipshod" -- and they could not lift up their feet in consequence. How To Behave: A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette, And Guide To Correct Personal Habits Embracing An Exposition Of The Principles Of Good Manners; Useful Hints On The Care Of The Person, Eating, Drinking, Exercise, Habits, Dress, Self-Culture, And Be
  • The IG's finding means that the EPA is "finally shutting down an experiment that was based on shoddy science," said Jim Hecker, a lawyer at Public Justice, a public-interest law firm whose criticism dissuaded the EPA from using the shortcut at an abandoned motel in Fort Worth, Texas, in 2004. The Center for Public Integrity: EPA allowed unsafe handling of asbestos, IG says
  • Managers may groan at the prospect of yet another administrative process being foisted on them, but today's procedures for separating organizations and employees are just too slipshod.
  • Saw also the slippers which the worshippers of Mars put upon their martial feet when they enter into his temple -- slippers without a suspicion of shod, hob nail or sparable, with which the heels of the worshippers of Ceres in this country are armed. The Letters of "Norah" on Her Tour Through Ireland
  • shoddy business practices
  • I guess this gives me a shoddy excuse to embark on a weeklong bender of hard drinking, dire self-examination and monstrous self-pity.
  • Wheels are 15-inch diameter and shod with super sticky Toyo R888 tyres, sized 195/50 front and 205/50 rear.
  • The only giveaways, apart from the badges, were slightly flared wheel arches, wide alloy wheels shod with special high-grip radial tyres and a single large-bore exhaust pipe.
  • If you see anybody fitting this description riding a bicycle shod "shod" is bicycle review speak for "palping" with regard to wheels with white tires, call the authorities immediately. Blows to the Hed: The Price is Blah
  • Her right hind hoof had a bit of blood on her fresh shod shoes.
  • In May, market traders were incensed to be accused of selling shoddy goods.
  • Therefore, without more hesitation, I plunged into the middle way, holding a long ash staff before me, shodden at the end with iron. Lorna Doone
  • With sharpened scythes and pitchforks, with pointed staves and heavy truncheons and ironshod clubs, they killed the miserable Germans all day long, and the line of escape was marked along the Beauvoisine road by corpses almost to The Story of Rouen
  • This is useful when there is a need to comment on a shoddy or incomplete job or task.
  • On either side, in purple distance, sprang sky-piercing obelisks and vapor-mantled glaciers, spangled with bright snow, and shodden with eternal forest. Erema
  • So she bought as she was going home, and saw the colliers trailing from the pits, grey-black, distorted, one shoulder higher than the other, slurring their heavy ironshod boots. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • We urge people to switch - do not let the suppliers get away with shoddy service. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there are concerns that rushing the scheme will result in shoddy workmanship and badly designed schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • The PC industry has kind of run roughshod over its users, and the excuse has always been tied to the inexorable march of technology.
  • What Drever hated was some of the slipshod work and poor craftsmanship he saw among his fellow students.
  • The cobbler's wife is the worst shod
  • I took over a good-sized firearm retail store three months ago and have run into a lot of shoddy products.
  • Before him loomed two guards, tall and proud, clad in plumed helms and clutching spears shod in bronze and steel.
  • Because of their shoddy defense, the Colts have had to rely on outscoring opponents to win games, especially indoors.
  • Or ministers who lie about uncontrolled mass immigration, or shoddy hospitals who let patients die? The Sun
  • No Minister in any Irish Government was going to ride rough-shod over the aspirations and cherished values and traditions of people who had enough of landlordism and foreign dictatorship in the long history of this land.
  • Her heart beat quick and her face changed, yet she hastened, and was shod and stood up in knightly array by then he stayed his steps some five paces from her, and gave her the sele of the day in courteous wise; and she strove to think that he had not seen her, or at least noted her otherwise dight; yet her heart misgave her. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • She would have run off, if I had let her - I caught her one day heading for the thistled horse paddocks; after that I kept her tender feet unshod and let the bindi-eyes do the policing with their peculiarly masculine and wordless perseverance.
  • Worst Destination: The Detroit Lions have been one of the NFL's shoddier outfits in recent years, and yet in three straight trips over three straight seasons, the Redskins have flirted with disaster. Redskins-Lions, Best and Worst
  • The software giant went on to warn that the danger from shoddy backup procedures will be compounded by what it predicts will be sharp increases in the number of laptops being damaged or stolen.
  • She said it went to 'shoddy yards' - that's where the phrase shoddy clothing comes from - which were in Dewsbury. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Peter trained and shod his own horses and never suffered fools gladly.
  • Historically, it has a shoddy pedigree of corruption and death.
  • Up close, though, the shiny black paintwork was revealed to be slightly uneven, with small bubbles under the surface - indicating a shoddy respray.
  • But she was also formidable; forthrightly and doggedly challenging what she regarded as slipshod thinking or careless expression. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unemployed single mother of two, Carol Hendricks, said her son Christopher was told by Van Eck yesterday to go home because his feet were unshod.
  • But in the field of dendroclimatology, where there has been such egregious violation of the normal scientific practices, I am absolutely blown away that you would not be extra careful not to be associated in any way with the kind of shabby, slip-shod data practices that have been decried by everyone from the blogs to the mainstream media to the journals to a variety of scientific committees. Wilson et al 2007 « Climate Audit
  • They say the proof of the pudding is in its eating and after comparison, driving as fast as possible, in every car shod with different tyres.
  • The couple's lawyer said that the carrier had ridden roughshod over their right to protect their image. Times, Sunday Times
  • If another weekend was ruined for the Fifers' manager by a slipshod performance, his counterpart will hardly be able to wipe the smile off his face.
  • For them, he is the classic example of a Nimby and, to boot, a ‘white settler’, who thinks he can ride roughshod over local sensibilities.
  • He had shod his horse backwards so that the prints of the horseshoes led the Martya to look for seven years in the wrong direction.
  • The planning authorities should not ride roughshod over the wishes of local people.
  • Sixteen inch alloy wheels shod with very generous 195/45 tyres are another bonus.
  • a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition
  • That is what I call whistling," said he, after he had repeated the signal thrice; "and now to cover, to cover, or Whitefoot will not be shod this day. Kenilworth
  • There was a sound of crashing through underbrush, the ringing of steel-shod hoofs on stone, and an occasional and mossy descent of a dislodged boulder that bounded from the hill and fetched up with a final splash in the torrent that rushed over a wild chaos of rocks beneath him. Jack London's Story - Moon Face: Planchette pg 3 of 3
  • A pair of slipshod feet shuffled, hastily, accross the bare floor of the room, as this interrogatory was put; and there issued, from a door on the right hand: first, a feeble candle: and next, the form of the same individual who has been heretofore described as labouring under the infirmity of speaking through his nose, and officiating as waiter at the public-house on Saffron Hill. Oliver Twist
  • It has refunded your money and also apologises for shoddy service. The Sun
  • In the years thereafter Barr kept up an unrelenting criticism on what he considered slipshod thought among biblical theologians and scholars.
  • The problem is that the Government is rarely at the forefront of technological advances and therefore is liable to be sold shoddy goods. Times, Sunday Times
  • He got this tree up, shortened the stem, shaped the root, shod the point with some of his late old iron; and with this primitive tool, and a thick stake baked at the point, he opened the ground to receive twelve stout uprights, and he drove them with a tremendous mallet made upon what might be called the compendious or Hazelian method; it was a section of a hard tree with a thick shoot growing out of it, which shoot, being shortened, served for the handle. Foul Play
  • The worst category was found to be two-bedroom properties, mostly flats, in which the average number of faults, such as draughty windows, leaky showers and shoddy electrics, was double that in England and Wales.
  • It is worth remembering that the people who fought for liberation in the decades after the Second World War wanted what the developed world had, not shoddy cast-offs.
  • It is the place of honour and has a peculiar sanctity among the Arabs, it being a breach of good manners to tread upon it (or indeed upon any part of the carpet) with shodden feet. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
  • When the weather's right and the streets are safe, though, I just can't help but to spread my toes and go unshod.
  • This is an example of the shoddiest of all writing, exemplified by blogs. Questions We Thought, But Didn’t Ask, in 2007 - Bits Blog -
  • Of course, looked at one way, this is escapism of the shoddiest kind. A Conversation with Kazuo Ishiguro about Never Let Me Go
  • Disclose according to Mr Li, chromatism of color of bedroom floor tile is bigger, pattern is messy, shoddy.
  • His employees run roughshod over him because he's scared of turning down their demands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people don't like centralization, believing it results in bloat, bureaucracy, declining services to the citizenry, and worst of all, the risk of an unchecked power running roughshod. ~synthesis~
  • He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas.
  • Shoddy standards in Soviet vaccine plants meant that decontamination of the so-called simian virus 40 was only 95 percent effective, it says.
  • There it sat, right in the middle of a table of documentation examples, staring out at me:Exam: tonsils enlarged with exudative material, shoddy emphasis mine cervical nodes. Archive 2007-01-01
  • And get chummy with your local building inspector, whose job it is to spot shoddy workmanship.
  • Writing in the second century AD, the biographer Suetonius employed the word luxuria to characterize the degenerate behavior of Emperor Nero, whose habits he said included traveling with a thousand carriages pulled by mules shod with silver, and entertaining in his wildly extravagant palace, which he had overlaid with gold and fitted with pipes to spray perfume on his guests. The English Is Coming!
  • This is a shoddy book written in disjointed flashback and it simply isn't worth your time. Reader reviews of The Ash Garden by Dennis Bock.
  • They're not the rather shoddy efforts that are made today.
  • After being taken aback by the shoddy reception the superstar gets when he returns to his hometown after being on the receiving end of all sorts of hosannas on the road, his disciples get a little miffed.
  • The footprints were remarkably similar to the kind that would have been left by a small, unshod human being, but they were dated at 3.5 million years.
  • Rather an abuse of parliamentary privilege to achieve a cheap and shoddy pay back for his mates.
  • A mean window with a dingy cretonne curtain, a single bed still made-up with sheets and blankets but with the counterpane pulled taut over the single lumpy pillow; books lining two walls; a small bedside table with a shoddy lamp; a Bible; a cumber - some and gaudily decorated china ashtray bearing an advertisement for beer. She Closed Her Eyes
  • Complaints about delivery failures and shoddy or incorrect goods are on the rise. Times, Sunday Times
  • A more likely scenario is that male rape victims would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts.
  • The appeal of ultra-violet tanning seems to echo an inter-war builder's attachment to pebbledash: a cost-effective way to conceal shoddy exterior work, especially in weather-beaten places. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Washcloth draped over the neck, basinful of toiletry items in hand, perhaps shod in wooden clogs, many Japanese ritually visit a public bathhouse, at whose entrance hangs a curtain decorated with a design of steam vapor.
  • The set is a jungle gym, representative of all that is good on the recess playground; yet it is built in a shoddy fashion, with screws protruding dangerously and with two-by-fours not lined up properly.
  • Earlier in the war we read stories of British soldiers being forced to buy their own items such as boots in order to replace the shoddy ones they had been issued with.
  • No longer would we have to put up with being overcharged by plumbers for shoddy work. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm halfway through my screenwriting MA course, I'm two months into a mentoring project working with an established writer-director and I've also working hard to get my winkle-picker shod toes in several other, interesting doors. Archive 2006-09-01
  • But in a perfect environment on a perfect surface, then an unshod foot is probably the best way to go.
  • The commission that investigated the crisis casts a wide net of blame, faulting two administrations, the Federal Reserve and other regulators for permitting a calamitous concoction: shoddy mortgage lending, the excessive packaging and sale of loans to investors and risky bets on securities backed by the loans... Wonkbook: So much State of the Union
  • I am tempted to lower my standards and do shoddy work.
  • Pagan influences on Christmas have been totally assimilated and defanged, and likewise the Christian spiritual essence of the season has been all but gobbled up by something called commercialism, which, as far as I can tell, means the mindless production and proliferation of spiritually devastating, aesthetically offensive, shoddily-manufactured junk. A State of the Season Address
  • No, I said "shod" I meant, people should be properly shod. "There is a certain artistry to writing a post for a blog, and I had carefully woven in (self-effacing) references to calcified hippies"..."
  • Slipshod work will never pass muster.
  • His feet are shod in rough sandals, and his pink dress is more like a simple caftan than a kingly religious vestment.
  • Alesso, dressed in a flowing white tunic belted at the waist with gold, and shod with golden sandals, leant out to catch the fleeing Daphne around the waist.
  • Rather an abuse of parliamentary privilege to achieve a cheap and shoddy pay back for his mates.

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