How To Use Shocking In A Sentence
THE figures for avoidable deaths look shocking, but is it telling the whole story?
The Sun
The media coverage was shocking.
This shocking series meets the law enforcement officers who are on the front line.
The Sun
It is shocking that humans can behave with such bestiality towards others.
Their quotes and epigrams take up a sometimes shocking amount of space in columns and essays.

The province takes a laissez faire approach in administering the hunting and trapping of wolves in BC, which is based simply on the reproductive potential of the species, and shockingly, without knowledge of wolf numbers.
Chris Genovali: The Death Cults Among Us
And then, with a shocking crack, the lightning bolt frozen in the sky crashed to the mountaintop, and the arena went entirely dark.
Based on blog and comment reactions I've seen, some readers find that element really shocking, and at that point either doff their hat in my direction for how I handled it, or get really angry, either at the story or directly at me.
An Interview with Mike Allen
They are shockingly gracile and incredibly long-bodied, with a shape that (when seen in dorsal view) has been likened to that of a champagne flute.
A 6 ton model, and a baby that puts on 90 kg a day: rorquals part I
Memes, data, information get filtered through multiple channels these days, instantly and so the ones that get through to most people are the ones that are shocking and "tweetable."
However, such a shocking thing as violence is hardly hinted at, and the Princess always succeeds, as the Creole lady in _Newton Forster_ said she did with the pirates, in "temporising," while her abductors confine themselves for the most part to the finest "Phébus.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
The drama has been heavily trailered on the main channels, focusing on the shocking behaviour of one of the younger detectives, but there is more to it than that.
This is one of the most shocking and appalling media smears we have seen - and we have been shocked and appalled many times in the past.
It is shocking in both its subject matter and its brilliance.
Times, Sunday Times
The city's most shocking statistic is its high infant mortality rate.
The wingtensity pentagraph yielded shocking, yet entirely accurate, results. > ZUG Live
Training for these performances often requires the use of whips, tight collars, electric prods and other shocking devices, ankuses, sticks, axe handles, baseball bats, metal pipes, and other tools.
And then there are other, more shocking examples of McDonald's food's weird indestructibility: like this poor burger that's been around for 12 years.
It's a shocking, audacious moment - one of the few times the film makes you sit up and take notice.
This book is scandalous not because of shocking exposés, but rather because of its very publication.
He takes in her dark brown hair, badly cut, and over pale face accentuated by a shocking slash of vibrant red mouth.
Incredibly, this shocking misdemeanour endeared him to thousands of hormonally charged schoolgirls, and made him a pin-up in offices around the country.
The campaign was directly initiated by a shocking and devastating increase in femicide since the beginning of the year.
In the first episode a shocking, random act of violence sees a young woman knocked to the ground in an unprovoked attack by a stranger.
The Sun
Her reflection was eerie and the skylight threw a shocking bright light down on top of her.
The young woman had acquired (right after receiving her fourth -- mandatory -- anthrax shot) a shockingly precipitous mystery disease, eventually diagnosed as a bizarrely speeded-up form of ametropic lateral sclerosis -- she lost in three months the amount of muscle function a middle aged ALS sufferer would lose in four years.
Sheila Weller: In This Case, A Soldier Was Treated Beautifully at Walter Reed
What came out at the trial by way of evidence was truly shocking at times.
Times, Sunday Times
Mother Clap's Molly House is a camp spectacle reminiscent of music hall and it has some shockingly funny one liners.
As news of the shocking rampage spread, heartbroken relatives arrived to inspect their loved one's graves.
The Newsnight programme was shocking both for its self-aggrandisement and its celebration of unfair bias.
Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
Among the inexplicable fashions and inspired dancing, I stood alone next to a banquette, and in a quiet, shocking moment realized the fogged-up atrium was filled with people I loved.
Welcome to My World
I found her behaviour brash, shocking and entirely irresistible.
Times, Sunday Times
The revelation in the mystery's denouement is so shocking and smart that the entire tale is turned upside down.
The Pale Blue Eye by Louis Bayard: Book summary
There is a scene in which he must pierce her ears to wear the borrowed earring, and it is shockingly erotic.
She began assembling a gray, plastic castlelike house that looked shockingly like her own.
Strangers at the Feast
As an oldies act, his nasal whine, shockingly similar to his father's distinctive voice, grates on the nerves in stereo.
Given that your persona is rough and tough (I gleaned this from your frequent mentions of having been "in the can"), it's not so shocking that you're an action movie fan; but it is surprising that you frequently go to bat for women, picking up on gender issues that many reviewers might miss, especially ones trying to gain a female audience while still impressing adolescent fanboys.
Caroline Hagood: On Yippee Ki-Yay Moviegoer!, Movies, and Manhood
The corruption scandal has been deeply shocking many ordinary party members.
Your arrogance, cockiness and incompetence in the accusations you hurl so carelessly is shocking.
Think Progress » 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
The virulence of the replies he received from some was shocking even to me.
What follows is John's story. Parts of it may seem distasteful, even shocking.
Shocking revelations about their private life appeared in the papers.
This is character-driven film noir, where the violence serves a higher purpose than shocking or titillating an audience.
She had a sickening feeling of true flying for a moment before the shocking cold and utterly claustrophobic feeling of submersion in water enveloped her.
"Disgraceful" and "shocking" were two of the repeatable words used as fans screamed abuse at the referee.
Anyway I've got a shocker of a cold and I need to get stuff done (like getting rid of the shocking cold!
We also reveal today a shocking incident which took place last week, when an eight-year-old boy at a Glasgow primary school assaulted his headmistress so severely she required hospitalisation.
It was pretty shocking to see Beyer straight up pwn offensive linemen like this.
Still, as a connoisseur, I think irritating an entire nation's Buddhist monks has to be the kickflip McTwist of shocking the bourgeoisie.
Archive 2009-01-01
We felt curious ( as to ) how she received the shocking news.
The virulence of the replies he received from some was shocking even to me.
Some cases of static electricity can truly be shocking.
Times, Sunday Times
The shocking rise in obesity has reached epidemic proportions.
The Sun
Have had a shocking UFO sighting or multiple sightings in your life.
More likely this is just some more short-sighted moral crusading leading into what is likely to be a shocking defeat for the current government at this year's election.
If you feel really strongly that my opinions are shocking or wrong-headed, you could perfectly well publish them with an appropriate editorial disclaimer.
But he's only just made the shocking revelation that he's gay.
There are few crimes more truly shocking than the murder or abuse of children.
As warm and witty as it is shocking, this beautifully written story is hard to forget.
Times, Sunday Times
Your belief to the contrary is also shockingly false.
Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable America
It's like he was slowly coming to the realization that the grand finale of the magnificent journey had come to this shockingly humbling ending.
The anger in his face was shocking.
It's shocking that hospitals can deny help to older people.
The fantasy is unfolding almost invisibly in Prakash Talkies, a decrepit theater with shocking pistachio green walls.
[N] o medicines produced any effect, and he sank into a state of nervelessness and emaciation shocking to witness.
The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
THE shocking new wage figures prove just how dismal the plight of struggling workers has been - and will remain for years.
The Sun
It's best known as electroshock therapy, electrically shocking the brain to produce a seizure, a procedure many only know from its portrayal by Jack Nicholson in the movie "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest.
CNN Transcript Feb 19, 2005
A A shocking tale of terrible service from one of the biggest mobile firms.
The Sun
Three Sunday tabloids today make separate and equally shocking claims.
A This is a shocking tale of shoddy treatment by a massive firm causing you misery.
The Sun
By watching these clips to see how they are achieved you probably no longer find them so shocking - you've become desensitized to them.
Such a shocking character he gave you, you can nott imagine!
But in Paris, where grumpiness is the socially approved mode, the smiles are shocking, as if someone had just put LSD in the wine supply.
Her posture is shocking and it betrays her negotiatory position immediately.
Times, Sunday Times
Stripping away the levity of certain scenes and shocking the audience with coarsely untheatrical moments may bring out subtle new nuances in unexpected areas, but it gives no impression of a full reading.
In a shockingly inaccurate critique of QuAM for focusing on "revelry" as opposed to "awareness", the Editorial Board not only passes judgment on an arbitrary conception of education, but participates in the stigmatization of LGBT sexuality.
Columbia Spectator - News, sports, and entertainment coverage for the Morningside Heights community in New York City.
It revealed a disgusting and shocking obsession with sexual perversion involving young female children.
I recall... the shocking distension and protrusion of the eyeballs of dead men and dead horses.
For his closest friends and family his demise was shockingly adventitious.
But any phenomenon in nature, however grand, great, shocking, dark, and terrifying, would have limits and borders.
What is surprising and shocking is that some religious people, who should be exemplars, are engaged in the business of keeping one or more wives.
And three years ago Elizabeth Taylor briefly abandoned her trademark black bouffant for shocking silver, and what an impact it made.
This shocking story uses evidence including diaries and letters.
The Sun
Peggy is keen to publish the sculptor's memoirs but Alice thinks the past holds no interest until some shocking revelations are disclosed.
That shocking statistic is the reason Todd's side are just on the fringe of the play-off race and not in the thick of it.
These people can't be allowed to get away with what are shocking acts of negligence.
The Sun
England shocker is no longer a surpriseEngland had another of their humbling moments at Wembley on Tuesday, shocking the nation with their inability to even look like beating a fledgling football country with a population of just 670,000.
Roberto Mancini is showing the bottle needed to be a success
Photographer Weegee shot to fame with his shocking pics of New York crime in the 30s.
It was unexpected, shocking, funny and perceptive.
Times, Sunday Times
Charles H. Baker Jr., in his indispensable treatise on dispensables, "The Gentleman's Companion," describes the effects of regular absinthe-bibbing: "It does nibble the keen edge off the brain until a man becomes a sorry sort of thing; aimless, listless, and generally -- shockingly -- lacking.
Sampling Absinthe's Dubious Charms
Shockingly, the medical establishment is responding.
There is another shocking moment in Juliet's bedroom when her mother and father are remonstrating with her about her refusal to accept Paris.
All evidence points to ecological technology being cost effective, if not shockingly profitable.
Somehow, in the aftermath of this shocking event, life has to go on for the couple.
After the muscle-shocking sessions we drank wine and beer and got drunk and carried on like the old-time weight lifters back in the 1800s or early 1900s.
In addition to risks related to surgery, complications can include pain at the implant sites, new pain, infection, lead (thin wire) movement/migration, device problems, interactions with certain other devices or diagnostic equipment, undesirable changes in urinary or bowel function, and uncomfortable stimulation (sometimes described as a jolting or shocking feeling).
I have been burgled four times before so it came as no surprise to me when I heard the news although it was still shocking.
Its always hilarious, uncompromised and so unjaded that its shocking to think I was once like that.
Little People Talk « Bored Mommy
The shocking brutality of this truth crushes me.
The ongoing investigation by police and other related agencies is unveiling, as expected, shocking facts about our insensibility to safety measures at the mass-transit system used by millions of commuters every day.
In a shocking reversal of the traditional "woman scorned" formula, it was Pugach who came unglued when Riss broke up with him -- and the subsequent fallout made headlines across the country.
Spring 2009 Film Series!!!
The shocking results from the county are that no breeding pairs of curlew, lapwing, redshank, snipe or oystercatcher were recorded on the sites surveyed.
The clank of our umbrellas as we hook them round the coat stand is shocking, like something clinking on a Church floor during prayer.
You'd probably look at it now and it'd be shocking.
O.J. outrage, tonight an unbelievable new twist, shocking allegations from Nicole Brown ` s sister that the families were offered what she calls hush money from the people who put together Simpson ` s offensive confession TV special and book.
CNN Transcript Nov 21, 2006
These shocking figures underline the need for the public to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Kate was warm and kind and funny in the shocking kind of way only a real lady can manage.
Every now and then some would-be curmudgeon rises up on his hind legs and yowls at the sky that the latest form of social networking is a blight on the cultural landscape and proves that people have nothing better to do than post pictures of their pets in various shocking forms of dishabille.
MIND MELD: How Does Blogging and Social Networking Affect the Publishing Industry?
In 1930, far from being a gravelly diseuse, she possessed a girlish soprano, that makes her dirty delivery all the more shocking.
Harrell's presence was like aversion therapy, shocking Hyde out of his numb, weary self-absorption.
Shocking half-page pictures in colour and black and white underline the story throughout.
Just nihilistic violence and a shocking casual misogyny.
Times, Sunday Times
As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
In both the cityscapes and the flower paintings, an almost shocking liberty with facts is apparent.
We all dream of shocking things, and if the endopsychic censor were really on duty he would never allow these disgusting dreams to get through.
A Dominie in Doubt
As was the case with this particular dog, some dogs deal on a regular basis with cattle prods or other shocking devices wielded by their masters or trainers.
It was a shocking sight, coming against a background of resentment, mistrust and anger.
The Sun
Shocking pictures showed the charred and mangled wreckage wrapped around a tree.
The Sun
It was particularly shocking that this dreadful language was directed at a group that included members of the Cubs, Brownies and Beavers.
If you look at how the distr cts and the circuits rule on FA and then how the Court rules, especially as the delicate right-left balance on the Court shifts, you see that his statements such as “no sensible” or “shockingly broad” are euphemisms for, “no sensible person would or should disagree with me-EV” or “this shocks me-EV”.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawsuit Alleging that AIG’s Use of Sharia-Compliant Financing Violates the Establishment Clause Survives a Motion To Dismiss:
It's shocking to hear someone arguing the contrary, and while I'm sure it wasn't your intention to defend those practises, that is the practical effect of your voicing the opinion without qualifying which practises should be tolerated.
Should the Burqa -- and other face coverings -- be banned?
Then there are the white flesh and the glutin, the best of all fattening foods; and having eaten to repletion for a couple of days, the diet palls, and they begin to speak in shockingly disrespectful terms of turtle.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
With this shocking admission, our news team realized that the problem of fraudulent grading ran deeper than we had feared.
Given that minority ethnic groups comprise around 10% of the population and are concentrated in urban areas, the statistic itself is not that shocking.
The 185 - pound Steller sea lion waddled ashore, shocking students and teachers.
The behaviour of the army is shocking; but it pales compared to the behaviour of the settlers.
A similar rhetorical device is used to make numbers of weapons appear shocking.
It's not quite shocking or sordid enough to fit in the hentai tradition, and its visual style is a far cry from traditional anime.
And according to material dug up by several lefty bloggers, the shocking fact seems to be that Domenech is a word stealer of epic proportions, someone who has lifted entire articles from other sources and claimed the words and ideas as his own….
Firedoglake » Look Out for That Bus, Ben…
stackup said It's shocking people even showed up to the tour in '03.
Dizzying Heights: Popping the Road Bike Bubble
The first cad we meet - a man who has conceived a fantastic hatred for a small physical flaw in his wife - is plausible and shocking.
Wow, either lawnmower/toe accidents are shockingly common somebody call OSHA, or an amazingly large number of people know the guy with the foot cake.
The Groom's Revenge
Less shocking but equally affecting was her quiet retreat after his death, returning home to London and a kitchen of dead flowers.
Times, Sunday Times
Meryl Streep is making some shocking culinary confessions-make that, shocking nonculinary confessions.
E! Online (US) - Top Stories
One day, she lost her temper, completely, suddenly and, even to herself, shockingly
Funny thing is, it was actually considered shocking to see someone wearing a t-shirt as an overshirt.
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Shockingly she used her umbrella as a shield and said snowball simply trampolined off the umbrella and broke on the ground.
That is not a joke, it is appalling and shocking.
Times, Sunday Times
Often using obscene, offensive and profane language she succeeds in shocking the reader out of the middle-class complacency that numbs the senses of the public.
Jests against religion, sneers at the piety of the godly, irreverent and shocking swearing, and a boastful parade of the immoralities they have committed make up the conversation, I fear, of some circles.
The violence and casual misogyny are shocking; the swearing is constant.
Times, Sunday Times
What makes this story truly shocking is that it comes as no surprise to the medical profession.
The team started off the season with a shocking upset over the University of Manitoba, a team that hadn't lost since 1999.
There's not a lot of shocking new physics here," he said, but the combination of techniques used to treat the indium antimonide made for interesting science. - latest science and technology news stories
The Newsnight programme was shocking both for its self-aggrandisement and its celebration of unfair bias.
Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
The report lays bare the shocking housing conditions in this city.
As a statement of fact, it is a shocking indictment of our society after a period of relative wealth by comparison with other nations.
I send my sympathies to the two families involved, it's a shocking tragedy.
Shocking though it is to hear of locals spitting into the gutter, the descent into howling barbarism is being quite successfully checked.
The anarchism of labor is more shocking, less dangerous.
It really is quite shocking that people can still use such cruel traps in a supposedly civilised society.
Times, Sunday Times
They were accused of torturing and starving five of their eight adopted children - pulling out toenails, shackling them with chains and shocking them with electrical cords.
Moreover, she looked ghastly, looked frail and thin and colourless, had aged shockingly in these months of widowhood.
Contemporaries visiting France and Italy in the 1820s did not know which was the more shocking: the popery of the revived Roman Catholic Church or the secularism of the remnants of the revolution.
The case was highlighted as a shocking report called Handle with Care was published, revealing increasing numbers of exotic pets being ill-treated.
Here's the seller's final update explaining the real reason for his shocking behaviour.
Another shocking DNQ was current points leader Darren McNamara whose Saturn Sky expired it's V8 engine during practice.
CarDomain Blog
Slowly gathering up all her baggage, Mercedes muttered incoherently a number of rather shocking French curses.
As theses go, this was shockingly boilerplate stuff - almost like he'd cribbed it off the internet, or a junior researcher.
Times, Sunday Times
While a camcorder, jewellery, money and CDs were among the hoard taken by thieves, most shocking of all was the theft of his dance bag containing his specially made orthotic dance shoes.
We just had to deal with such a shocking, disgusting situation.
If there was anything Isabelle loved more than shopping, it was shocking the polite society.
One day, they stayed till closing time and discovered some shocking facts!
Our shocking pictures show how reckless drivers around the country are endangering lives by phoning and texting with alarming regularity.
The Sun
What is most shocking is the utter contempt with which he treats the Italian public.
Times, Sunday Times
The gratuitous killing was the beginning of a shocking train of events that 13 years later has led her to Yorkshire in search of a new and better life.
Travis had made her initiation into the mystery of sensuality at once incredibly tender and shockingly passionate.
The book itself was shocking.
Times, Sunday Times
One chapter, darkly visioning Conrad's clinch with his dead ex-partner's mother, is remarkable and truly shocking.
There are few crimes more truly shocking than the murder or abuse of children.
Thou didst cheat her shockingly, Frank, time o 'the famine, on those nine sacks of maslin meal.
The Saint's Tragedy
Dumb though half the kids may be, they're just plodding meat fodder for a shockingly arrogant TV experiment, which exists for no apparent reason other than to demoralise any genuine teachers watching, potentially to the point of suicide, which really would cause a crisis in our educational system.
Charlie Brooker: Jamie's Dream School – a youth club with David Starkey instead of a pool table
He said that the soldier had been involved in a shocking and potentially traumatic incident but had carried out his role admirably.
Times, Sunday Times
Now is the time for homophobic legislation and talk to be seen for what it is: as shocking as racism, as unforgivable as antisemitism.
And this shocking revelation of white racism therefore justifies even more quotas, disparate impact lawsuits, and elite-sponsored multiculti events.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Support for Restricting the Speech of Students Who Wear American Flags to School on Cinco de Mayo
The leasers said they would discount the rent but shockingly enough it didn't happen.
I have a shocking sweet tooth (which the baby has apparently inherited) and now I'm absolutely lusting after lamingtons.
The statistics are shocking - and they demolish any arguments put forward by the cynical pro-smoking lobby.
The rich are almost obscenely wealthy, while the poor live in shocking conditions.
The shocking stills above are from the 1992 film and show the Ally McBeal star making herself sick after a binge.
Left unsaid is the possibility that shocking pictures of black-on-black violence reinforced a view of nonwhites that apartheid's upholders were eager to disseminate.
The Photographer's Dilemma
The epic mini-series bids farewell with a shocking conclusion.
The Sun
What's shocking to many people is that scientific research is beginning to reveal the utter lack of necessity for most of the one-sided surgery we call pruning.
Linda Buzzell: The Zen of Pruning
First off, what was immediately shocking to me was that I wasn't even aware of Luwian tawa- 'eye' when I supplied the value of 'to see, to behold' and also 'to make see; to show' to the apparent verb root *tau.
The Minoan word for 'eye'
One of the main problems is that payment for acting in provincial theatres is pretty shocking.
Times, Sunday Times
Jagger's conclusions are similar: ‘There is a shocking lack of evidence in this case,’ she says.
It is shocking how the rollout has been managed.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Umm… yah, it was pretty shocking,’ I started to say, then I paused.
All of his attention was there, on that sheet of paper, and it was shocking and sudden when a black brogan clomped down on it, pinning the sheet of paper to the ground.
Far Beyond the Stars
They were in fear for his safety after watching television news reports showing the shocking effects of the floods in Mozambique - the worst for 40 years.
He came to see the Soviets as ‘sincere enthusiasts trying to regenerate a people who had been shockingly misgoverned.’
While this sequence was probably inserted to appeal to the male audience of a sexploitation picture, it is much more than unfulfilled sexual fantasy or shocking stock footage.
Not long before the end of her life my mother told me something slightly shocking.
Times, Sunday Times
Now, as rival factions begin to appear, a shocking disaster throws into doubt the Sith's future on Kesh.
February 2010
Hearing each of you recount your experiences of this meeting is shocking and sad.
Christianity Today
Tournament officials conceded that the event could be cancelled entirely in the aftermath of the shocking atrocities that have sent shock waves across the world.
As a result of the grand jury's report on what it called "sordid, shocking acts," Monsignor William Lynn, former secretary of the clergy in the Archdiocese, faces charges of child endangerment.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The shocking reality is that he became a consequential president, an extremely important president, and one who might even be called a transformative president.
First we had the privilege of enjoying Baise-Moi, a tale of female empowerment through an orgiastic killing spree, that failed to disturb simply because it was so shockingly bad.
He is also a black man coming-of-age on the cusp of two shockingly different decades, the 1950s and the 1960s.