How To Use Shocked In A Sentence
The acrimony of the dispute has shocked a lot of people.
Labour is naturally a bit shell-shocked finding itself out of office for the first time in 13 years.
Times, Sunday Times
The microwave dinged and Leon seemed to get a little shocked from the noise.
The passengers were badly shocked but unharmed.
Painter and decorator Geoffrey Jenks was so shocked when he failed a roadside breath test, he felt his Cokes must have been spiked, Kennet magistrates in Devizes heard on Tuesday.

This World War II romance film makes Amanda feel all warm and cozy, as only stories of convicts and shell-shocked veterans can.
I'm not easily shocked, but that book really is obscene.
I was shocked by her appearance, her weak condition and the fact that the trolley was vibrating with her trembling.
Dahl came to admire him, although he described him as “quite an erk,”** and was shocked to discover that he could barely draw.
Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote.
Solicitors who handle claimant personal injury claims are shocked.
Times, Sunday Times
I don't really know him so I was shocked to see how much he favors our grandfather and great-grandfather.
The shell-shocked stowaway was discovered running around the immigration detention centre at Manchester Airport after a flight from Jamaica.
Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4.
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She was shocked and horrified but she is sticking by me and says she will help me as best she can.
The Sun
He was shocked by the vitriol in Washington and by his own poor judgment.
As he was walking past a ship chandler's shop, he was shocked to see handcuffs, leg shackles, and thumbscrews in the window.
He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened.
Those few women who shocked public feeling with a display of sexual desire were branded either as prostitutes, nymphomaniacs or lunatics.
When Kwan shocked Hong Kong by coming out, he was already established as one of the city's best filmmakers, esteemed for his finely tuned aesthetics and perfectly realized tragic heroines.
In front of him sat some rather shellshocked journalists.
Times, Sunday Times
The boy is shocked at the old man's death and loses his mental balance.
What shocked me was the parents' apparent lack of interest in their child.
Bank bosses should remember all this when they stand shocked by the outcry over bumper pay.
The Sun
DeLay is starting to resemble the Madam of a Whorehouse claiming that she had no idea what was going on upstairs, and she’s just shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover that the girls were involved in hanky panky.
Think Progress » DeLay: ‘I Cannot Run For Office’ In Texas, ‘I’m Ineligible’
Although she was lucky not to have been separated from her son, Noreen was shocked by the situation they found themselves in.
I was shocked by her radical views.
Fans of David Slade, the acclaimed director of cult hits including the psycho-sexual thriller “Hard Candy” and the graphic novel noirish vampire flick “30 Days of Night,” might be shocked to discover that the man has a sweeter side.
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Shocked The Government is planning to abandon huge swathes of land it says cannot be saved.
The Sun
He flaps as one might, when shocked from deep sleep.
Times, Sunday Times
Tonks's patients are joined by amputees, the shellshocked, the blinded, the wheelchairbound.
The Times Literary Supplement
This is one of the most shocking and appalling media smears we have seen - and we have been shocked and appalled many times in the past.
Then they either look shocked or disgusted!
The Sun
Even by the standards of the time, Picton's behaviour shocked: he was recalled to England in 1806 to stand trial for ordering the illegal torture of a slave.
This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.
Jane was momentarily shocked the first time she heard the voice, which seemed to come from a person much larger and wilder than Georgie: a banshee, perhaps, or a bushwoman.
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This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked.
I was shocked and petrified at what I saw.
They were interested, sympathetic, but certainly not shocked or horrified.
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He is shocked by the lack of co-ordination.
Times, Sunday Times
If the wars of terror against some states continue, then we will continue to be shocked by another suicide bombing, another execution of a hostage.
Other northern employers were shocked that ex-slaves refused to work in conditions that would not daunt a farmer in the North.
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Shocked by the weird question I hang up, but I immediately regret my automatic response.
there was a shocked silence
The thief then grabbed her purse as the shocked pensioner raised the alarm by shouting to her husband.
You would be so shocked and so disgusted that whatever faint chance of your return is left would disappear forever.
But just to witness the shocked disbelief on their anal retentive little faces when I do it will be worth every syllable.
I was shocked, stunned and upset that she had to go through all of that.
Watchkeepers were shocked to find lifebelts knotted and thrown into the water, cables ripped out of scanners and damage to their roof when they arrived at their base yesterday morning.
I was shocked that so many people were so outraged by the decision.
So might a concert pianist, accustomed to performing on a Steinway grand, have been shocked when they wheeled in an old joanna from a neighbourhood pub.
I'm shocked that it has come to this but I suppose the evidence has been there for a long time that this day would come.
He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened.
I remember that at another festivity given by the city to the Emperor a few years later, since all inscription had been exhausted, there were placed above the throne on which he was to sit, these words from Scripture, in gold letters: _Ego sum qui sum_, -- and no one was shocked.
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Her comment evoked protests from the shocked listeners.
Viviana has been shocked by her country's bankruptcy, devaluation, rocketing inflation and unemployment, all combined with a bout of rioting, looting and street violence.
In another car, Helen, who now had a diamond ring on her finger, told a shocked Howard that she had kissed his mother.
It was spotted by Graham Rhodes a photographer who lives in Scarborough, who was left shocked.
This particular murder case was so horrific that it shocked even the most hard-bitten of New York police officers.
A homeless man accused of trying to steal a hat at a convenience store battled three deputies in a brawl, grabbed at a deputy's handgun and had to be shocked with a stun gun twice before he was arrested, according to a Marion sheriff's report.
When I went back to university as an adult student, (though far from ‘old’), I was shocked by the conformism and lack of social consciousness of young people.
A shocked woman, who recognised him from the media coverage of his case, described how she saw him at a garage in Queensway about a fortnight ago.
I was a little shocked at the fact that he was attempting to defend me.
But it shocked the sport in December when it announced it was pulling out due to the worldwide economic crisis hitting sales.
The Sun
As a vegetarian she had been shocked to see a dense forest of cured hams hanging upside down from the ceiling.
Times, Sunday Times
They are shocked at any ideas to use compulsory powers on big groups.
* anticipating 3 nerds this week alone begging to perpose to starbuck, george lucas and koji kondo* they should do like i did and fake a shooting and have the doctors tell her in a waiting room that they couldnt save me then hand her "the bullet" which took her a whopping 30 seconds to figure out was a ring ... i am shocked she didnt notice me through the doctors mask and scrubs
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Well, actually I'm extremely shocked and surprised because it is coming at the wrong time.
Visitors to the site where a humpback whale beached itself at the weekend were shocked to discover the mammal had already been put down yesterday.
He's just dazed and shocked.
The Sun
I found myself rooting for Tamara to reconnect in the deepest way with handsome Andy, her childhood friend — Luke Evans makes him a son of the soil who would have had Hardy's vote — and I was shocked by her home-wrecking exploits with a fatuous scrivener, though her heedlessness is exactly the point.
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Middlesbrough woman Gwen Lamb was shocked to discover that anyone can offer residential accommodation to the most vulnerable in society.
She caught his shocked look and tried to hide a squirm.
It was a revelation that shocked a public that had thought itself inured to stories of criminal excess.
Slightly shell-shocked, we are led to our hotel nursing sweet memories of swaying palms and grass skirts.
Its shocked expression looks more like a simper as it sits on Brewer's shoulder, perfectly arranged to look like it's creeping up from behind.
Neighbours say the tight-knit village has been shocked to hear of the death of the self-employed stonemason and walling contractor.
The entire area is deeply shocked and saddened by this untimely and tragic death.
I stand stock-still, too shocked to defend myself.
It shocked a country still reeling from the arrest of a TV crime show host for allegedly arranging killings to boost ratings.
The Sun
The noise shocked Sharina into an unmeant scream, but the touch of Nonnus 'hand prevented her from lurching out of the circle and perhaps off the platform itself.
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Hilary was neither shocked nor surprised by the news.
But Lachlan himself was the miracle, always standing stupefied and shocked, having escaped with only a few cuts and bruises.
As a vegetarian she had been shocked to see a dense forest of cured hams hanging upside down from the ceiling.
Times, Sunday Times
Gardai said the victim was very shocked and traumatised by the ordeal but didn't require hospitalisation.
Middlesbrough woman Gwen Lamb was shocked to discover that anyone can offer residential accommodation to the most vulnerable in society.
The sharp sensation in her midriff shocked her by its intensity.
Even Winston Churchill, then the minister responsible, was shocked by the action of some trigger-happy pilots and vengeful ground troops.
In Manhattan former police officer and now highly regarded lawyer Stone Barrington is in Elaine’s restaurant with Dina Bochetti; they both are shocked to see Lance Cabot, CIA Deputy Director for Operations looking disheveled and foreworn.
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They were very private but I was still shocked and upset when I heard the news.
I was shocked to see the number of listeners who had switched off their radios in just 12 months.
But when she came up to me after that third seminar I was so shocked and embarrassed that I could barely speak.
He was shocked to discover the alleged activities at the university.
Mr. Sampson is shocked by Mary's reaction, but undaunted.
The display would likely be greeted by pandemonium, emphatic shushing, or shocked silence.
We were shocked at the size of his debts.
I would have been shocked if we had because he was using an air gun with an enormous piece of slug instead of birdshot.
I'm sure your hubby was shocked, but when, really, is she going to see another 'peen'?
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You will be shocked when you calculate how much money you will need to get your business up and going.
The collapse of European communism in the late 1980s shocked the Chinese leadership.
The female examiner had a querulous voice, which broke off in the middle of sentences, as if she were too shocked to continue.
Even lifestyle choices like driving a small car, carpooling and living in the vicinity of where we work are largely anathema, which is why I'm not the least bit shocked by the Lexus LS 600h L.
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We must also remember that the party is still shellshocked by three election defeats and its own internal warfare.
Times, Sunday Times
He had seen Frank's mutilated back when they had both been down for screening, and had been deeply shocked.
If a patient is deeply shocked, measurement of peripheral blood pressure may be very low or difficult to record.
Ri shrieked in alarm and jumped, shocked to find Kasna standing in the far corner.
Even now, as I write, so many hours after the unspeakable incident, my mind still reels in shell-shocked horror and uncertainty.
Looked shell-shocked and completely out of his depth.
The Sun
Not for the easily shocked, his four-letter tirades - which prompted one walk-out - were interspersed by a spate of ingenious gags.
I was shocked by the sheer scale of the destruction.
Martinez apparently had shocked the students into reading the textbook before exams.
She confesses to having been shocked to learn that Makiki created rooms filled with erotica.
I'm shocked, SHOCKED … dgardner @TonyClement_MP: There are options between "genuflect" and "dismiss with extreme prejudice.
I attended university as a mature student and was shocked at how ignorant and uneducated our student population actually is.
When the pan-blue camp grabbed a victory in the 2004 legislative elections, people were shocked.
It was not the re-edition of the novel that shocked.
She was shocked into action by the desperate situation in the orphanages.
Daisy leaned down to thump him on the back while she beamed at Kimberly 's shocked face.
Voss shouldn't have been shocked, but he was, at Weiss's apparent omniscience.
But I think an even better idea is to get rid of the save altogether, that way we can all be shocked and appalled, but nobody has to second-guess a decision or make Casey feel like crap that he's still there and that perhaps the best vocalist in the competition has gone home.
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Their discovery of shocked quartz grains in a sandy layer in a Georgia kaolin mine documents the scatter of ejecta from the Chesapeake impact site.
The guests shuffled to their feet, still shocked over what had almost occurred.
We need also to see all the signatures that are consistent with a high velocity impact, like glasses from melting and, of course, debris; and what are called shatter cones (shocked rocks)," he told BBC News.
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The older woman was shocked to see that the kurti the girl was wearing was almost fully unbuttoned.
The all seemed shocked by her destroying her property and doing it so very thoroughly, that they seemed positively oblivious to her nakedness.
The record defeat left Britain's players shell-shocked
The light that came from those papyri shocked the scholars and stunned the grammarians.
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The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.
The tragic death has shocked and saddened the local community and shattered his family.
Gill's last school report shocked his parents into action.
Everyone watching was shocked and people started reaching for mobile phones and cameras.
There are many who were shocked by Thatcher's use of the word golliwog, Adrian Chiles and Jo Brand among them, and many more who are equally outraged that she could be sacked for uttering it.
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It was possible - just possible - that my leaving had shocked him back to normalcy.
As he prepared his shell-shocked troops for life in the basement, his new broom approach was not to everyone's liking.
The US delegation was shocked by the amateurishness of it all.
He was very shocked to learn that no, NZ was not part of Australia, and no, we did not have dingoes or kangaroos or snakes or crocodiles.
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The troops are said to have been initially shocked by McChrystal's cashiering, but now are embracing change, and looking for changes to the rules of engagement -- which is great news in a place where the consensus is that a military solution is impossible.
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‘I sent it Special Delivery on Tuesday,’ said the slightly shocked and offended voice on the other end of the phone at the fashion boutique.
A win of any sort was welcome after the semi-final defeat but the pair looked shell-shocked at being consigned to the role of extras.
Times, Sunday Times
I am shocked by the bold approach of Congress to dodge this critical question of constitutionality.
Worse than ever -- for the elder -- for the little fellow, really shocked, now called to his sister, "Come awa ', Jeanie, here's a man swearin' awfu '.
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Our lives are too short now to spend our holidays being shocked and saddened by what people are doing to the sea.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a shocked and dazed atmosphere to conference.
Times, Sunday Times
I am shocked, deeply saddened and profoundly sorry for what has happened to these women.
Times, Sunday Times
I am shocked! by shanti on Monday, Oct 12, 2009 at 10: 22: 50 AM
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That is why I am so shocked by this appearance in Hansard from yesterday's debate.
Archive 2008-06-01
I returned to Lahore five weeks later, shell-shocked, hungry for company, but hardened, sunburned, and at least now aware of the scale of the problem.
Daniyal Mueenuddin talks about his life and his first collection of short stories In Other Rooms, Other Wonders.
On a recent visit to my friend's house, I was shocked and upset when her new husband made a pass at me.
What he found shocked him but also made him more determined than ever to alert others to the plight of those living without clean water and sanitation.
Upon seeing the beast magnified and lit up with his otoscope, he was so shocked that he jumped back, tripped on a chair, and ended up on the floor.
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His face looks shocked and pained but he soldiers on.
The Sun
The savage lunchtime attack shocked other staff and pupils at the school.
The Sun
The government's assertion that torture and summary executions might be carried out without recourse to the law clearly shocked the court.
Visitors to the slums were clearly shocked to see so many families living in want.
Current ginger-mog is frightened of his own shadow and dead leaves, he plummets bum first out of trees and he plunges his paw into the bath only to be shocked that it is wet.
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Today, we are shocked when young children are put to work for pennies a day in India, or China, in conditions of indenture that approximate slavery.
The new bills will save an average household £50 a year, but today's decision has shocked county officials.
We were shocked to read the recent headlines about the East Anglian retailer that was taken to court for selling unsafe stab vests.
The pleasantries were a far cry from the he-can't-be-seated rhetoric that came from the Senate Democratic caucus a week ago when the governor shocked the party and nominated Burris, who would be the Senate's only black member now that Obama has departed. Home RSS
I pretended to feel ill and went home feeling shocked and numb.
The Sun
Glancing up to look at the guest speaker, Elizabeth was shocked to see his eyes resting on her.
I was shocked and felt like I had leapt from a plane without a parachute.
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Jol looked shell-shocked, unsure whether to laugh or cry.
IT looks scarily like a man poised to jump from a building - and has shocked commuters around London.
The Sun
Even today, Gauguin's canvases strike viewers with their raw power, and not surprisingly they shocked Parisian audiences of his own time.
It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.
He was shocked at the sheer venom of her reply.
I was shocked by the sheer scale of the destruction.
Uncle Charlie had been in the trenches in the First World War and come back ‘shell shocked.’
The murder shocked the entire country because of the nature of the victim and the manner of his death.
They were deeply shocked at her behaviour.
When I turned to look at him, I was shocked to see his face was gray, covered in perspiration and his breathing was shallow.
You would be so shocked and so disgusted that whatever faint chance of your return is left would disappear forever.
The violence and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers.
One story accounts that Thomas refused to go to the fort until after his grain was shocked.
HANOVER - The unexpected death of state Representative Robert J. Nyman of Hanover, who was found unresponsive Friday night in his backyard pool, shocked colleagues and friends, who said the 49-year-old Democrat was a warm-hearted man who gave his time generously and quietly and was a strong advocate for his district. Most Popular
Nevertheless, there were times when he shocked me by his willingness to jump into dangerous situations.
It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.
Mr Adams was shocked by the scenes of devastation back on land, including at the beachfront Sheraton Krabi Beach Hotel where he was staying.
I pretended to feel ill and went home feeling shocked and numb.
The Sun
I was shocked to learn of the perception people have of me.
I was shocked, surprised, and still wondering how he had found me - he had just stepped out of the shadows, saving the day.
Perhaps it is a case of the British becoming more blasé, less easily shocked than the national stereotype and a mountain of British farces on stage and screen would have you believe.
I've tested a few of the others and have been shocked at how spicy some of the radish microgreens can get.
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Shocked to hear that such an ignorant and crude boy could be her relation, she started to cry.
His new apparel somewhat shocked M. and Madame de Meroul who even at home on their estate always remained serious and respectable, as the particle "de" before their name exacted a certain amount of ceremonial even with their intimate friends.
The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Volume VIII.
The man who rebuilt sagging fortunes at TCU and Alabama, among other stops, was shellshocked by last year's 4-8 disaster.
Having consistently shocked his countrymen in print, the enfant terrible of French letters is now amusing them as an unlikely film star.
Times, Sunday Times
The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.
Regarding the execrable pact between Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, which shocked many former communist sympathizers into lives of anticommunism, Mr. Hobsbawm dismisses the "zig-zags and turns of Comintern and Soviet policy," specifically the "about-turn of 1939-41," which "need not detain us here.
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He stormed in brandishing his weapon and bellowed at staff and customers, including a rather shocked police officer, that a stick-up was under way.
Singer Tim Wheeler admitted that he felt "shellshocked" by the jaunt, which covered 5,000 miles and coincided with the the release of 26 singles as part of the A-Z series.
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I saw a crowd of about 40 shocked and terrified people along the south side of the car park, trying to get away.
He was shocked to discover it was a corncockle - a rare plant all of which is poisonous if eaten.
The Sun
She said: 'I was shocked to hear how loud my snoring was at its peak.
The Sun
He was shocked to see what was becoming of a legitimate newsbeat, that it was becoming illegitimate through the deeds of these other publications.
CNN Transcript Jun 3, 2007
They still visit regularly, providing the inspiration for Kerr's next book, but on a recent trip to the farm they worked so hard to sustain they were shocked to find they hardly recognised it.
Yet again, while trying to appeal to the world's most sophisticated market, the impression is of Scots doing what we do best - squabbling and brawling with each other while shocked onlookers avert their gaze.
‘Yes we met at the Farquar ball a couple of months before,’ Bertie said shocked that he did not stammer one word in that sentence.
The stunning singer admits she is shocked that men lust after her now she has grown up because she was overweight and unattractive as a teenager..